Chad le Clos - Jeremy Daniel - E-Book

Chad le Clos E-Book

Jeremy Daniel

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'Chad took a deep breath. He pulled on his goggles, pushed them up onto his forehead and slipped on his swimming cap. It was time for the men's 200 meter butterfly final at the London Olympics of 2012. This was the moment he had been dreaming about for over a decade.' This is the story of Chad le Clos, Olympic gold medallist and record breaker, the swimmer with the never-say-die attitude. It all started on a beach in Durban: every Sunday, Bert and Geraldine le Clos would take their family to the seaside to spend a lazy afternoon at the beach. They soon realised that there was something special about their son: Chad, only eight years old, was a natural in the water. They couldn't take their eyes off him as he kicked his little legs and fought off the giant waves that came crashing down. Soon enough, Chad joined the swimming team and started breaking all the records in his age group. With his dedicated coach and supportive father, Chad spent hours honing his skills in the local swimming pool, which eventually led him to compete in the 2012 Olympics, where he broke a world record and beat his long-time rival, Michael Phelps. Unbelievable! Despite his strict training program and learning how to live a healthy, balanced life, there was still one more important lesson Chad needed to learn: how to trust his feelings, follow his heart, and stay true to himself. With the support of his family, coach, friends and fans all over the world, he knew he had what it takes to make it all the way to the top.

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Title page

Chapter 1 – Gold at the london olympics

Chapter 2 – The soccer team

Chapter 3 – Chad shows his talent

Chapter 4 – A champion in training

Chapter 5 – Racing

Chapter 5 – The big ‘C’

Chapter 7 – We’ll do it my way

Chapter 8 – This is the life

Chapter 9 – Stealing the crown

Chapter 10 – Unbelievable!

Chapter 11 – Fame and celebrity

Chapter 12 – Having the year of his life

Chapter 13 – The good life takes its toll

Chapter 14 – More gold

Chapter 15 – Finding a balance

Chapter 16 – All in the mind

Chapter 17 – Return of the dreaded disease

Chapter 18 – The rivalry flares up

Chapter 19 – Problems come in pairs

Chapter 20 – The Rio Olympics

Chapter 21 – Time for change

Chapter 22 – Looking ahead


Classroom activities

Written activities

Author’s note

Also available in the Road to Glory series

About the book

Imprint page



Chad took a deep breath. He pulled on his goggles, pushed them up onto his forehead and slipped on his swimming cap. He flipped through the music on his phone and found the song he was looking for. In the distance, he could hear the crowd cheering as the competitors made their way out into the arena as their names were announced. Then he heard his name … it was time for the men’s 200-metres butterfly final at the London Olympics of 2012.

The pool at the London Aquatics Centre was impressive. It was 50 metres long with a floor that could be adjusted up or down, depending on how deep the swimmers wanted it. Today it was three metres deep, perfect for achieving a maximum swimming speed. Stands on either side of the pool stretched all the way up to a massive, wave-shaped roof that covered the whole arena. Today, over 17 000 fans were packed into the arena, waiting to watch the race.

Chad came out of the changing room wearing an all-white tracksuit with a white towel across his shoulders. He looked up into the stands where his fans and family were sitting and smiled shyly. This was the moment he had been dreaming about since he was eight years old. It felt good that the waiting was over, but he had a tight knot in his stomach.

Suddenly, the crowd roared as the American champion, Michael Phelps, stepped into the spotlight, looking hungry for a win. Chad quickly popped his earphones back in and turned up the volume, keeping his eyes down and going through his pre-race ritual.

One by one, the swimmers stripped down to their swimwear and lined up in front of their lanes. This race would determine which one of the eight men from countries around the world would become the fastest butterfly swimmer of them all. Four laps of the Olympic pool would show who was the world champion.

Each swimmer was a winner in his own right, but with Phelps in the race they knew they were in the presence of greatness. Phelps had dominated the sport for decades, and most people agreed he was the best swimmer of all time. He had won 14 gold medals and held the Olympic record for the 200-metres butterfly of 1:52.03, as well as the world record of 1:51.51. Chad knew those numbers as well as he knew his own date of birth.

Breaking Phelps’ world record was what every swimmer dreamed of, and Chad was no exception. But Chad pushed those thoughts away. He told himself that all he had to do right now was to swim his best and that would be enough: he would make his country proud.

He knelt at the side of the pool, splashed some water on his face, and focused on his breathing. ‘This is just another race,’ he thought to himself. ‘The water’s the same, the rules are the same, just get in there and do what you do!’

At the sound of the whistle, the swimmers bounded up onto the starting blocks and got ready. Chad emptied his mind and focused. This was the moment.


Chad launched himself into the air, stretching his arms forward, and curved into the crystal-clear water, gliding and kicking hard underwater for as long as he could. Then he burst through the surface, into his first stroke and away. It was a great start and Chad was neck and neck with both Phelps in lane 6 and Japanese swimmer Takeshi Matsuda in lane 4.

Chad matched Phelps stroke for stroke for the first 50 metres, and they touched the other side at exactly the same moment, both turning at 24.76 seconds. During the second lap, Phelps began to pull ahead slightly, but Chad wasn’t worried. He knew how much power he was keeping in reserve, and that he could catch up now if he wanted to. But he also knew that the effort would tire him out, so he was happy to wait a little while longer before he pounced.

When they hit the halfway mark, Phelps was only 0.36 seconds ahead of Chad, with the Serbian swimmer Velimir Stjepanović just behind them in third place. There was almost nothing separating the three of them as they cut through the water on the third lap.

Then Matsuda also slipped ahead of Chad, putting him back down into third place. Chad knew the race was in danger of slipping away from him.

He dug in. He was in a perfect groove, and he could catch up with both of them. Chad gave the race everything – his muscles were on fire and his breathing was being stretched to the limit, but that didn’t slow him down at all.

Champions are born in milliseconds. Timing is everything at the end of a race. Getting the last stroke in at exactly the right moment, when the swimmer accelerates towards the wall at full speed, makes the difference between achieving gold or silver. With ten metres to go and the crowd roaring, the swimmers raced towards the finish line. Pull, kick, stretch, touch ... The race was over.

Chad turned instantly and looked up at the scoreboard. What had happened? It felt like a silver. But no, there his name was: Le Clos, in first place. Was he dreaming?

‘Yesss!’ Chad screamed, jumping high and slapping the water. Then he climbed up onto the lane rope, raised his arms to the sky and whooped, looking over to his family. They were roaring with relief and pleasure.

‘Yesss!’ Chad screamed, jumping high and slapping the water.

He had done it! He had beaten the great Michael Phelps and won Olympic gold in a time of 1:52.96. Phelps had made a tiny error in timing right at the end, letting Chad sneak in and steal the gold medal from him.

The entire crowd seemed stunned. Phelps came towards Chad, who stood frozen, not knowing what to say. But then Phelps looked right past him and moved on towards his teammate in the next lane. Chad could see Phelps was hurting, so he let it go and instead looked up at the stands towards his father, the man who had been there for him every single day of his life.

This medal also belonged to Bert le Clos.



‘Come on, Chad! Get in there, boy … kick it! Run!’

Bert le Clos was hopping up and down on the touchline of the soccer field as he watched his son make his debut for the Durban under-8 regional side. It was a big game for the team. They were playing their arch rivals from Pietermaritzburg.

Chad was on the left wing, his favourite position. He was a fast runner and usually he could get in behind the defenders and score. But this game had been frustrating for him. The players were always bunching up and he hadn’t been able to get into the penalty area.

He could hear his dad shouting from the other side of the field, urging him to get more involved. Chad drifted back a little as his team was defending. One of the backs followed him up to the halfway line, then they both stopped and stood there, watching the action. Chad moved slowly towards the space in the middle of the pitch, hoping that the other team wouldn’t notice.

Back in their own penalty box, his team’s defenders scrambled the ball away from their attackers and pushed it out to the right. Chad watched as their captain controlled the ball and looked around. There was a gap in the middle of the defence, so Chad jogged forward and pointed; the captain understood Chad’s plan and kicked the ball into the gap.

Chad flew down the pitch towards the ball, at least five metres in front of the defenders, whose coach was screaming from the sidelines. Chad’s first touch was good as he controlled the ball, then ran on towards the penalty area. The goalie came out slowly, spreading his arms wide.

Chad pretended that he was going to shoot to the left of the goalposts and the goalie dived that way, but then Chad changed direction, ran with the ball around the goalie’s outstretched hands and slotted it safely into the net. Everything had gone exactly to plan, as if he were playing soccer on a video game.

His teammates ran over and hugged him and there were high-fives all round. Durban was leading 1–0.

Suddenly, from behind, two giant hands lifted Chad up and wrapped him in a bear hug. He twisted his head to see who it was, and of course it was his dad, who had run all the way across the field and hoisted him into the air.

‘Dad, you can’t come onto the field during a game. It’s embarrassing!’ said Chad.

‘I know, I know, but that was just so … so … amazing, my boy! I couldn’t help myself,’ replied his dad, who had tears welling up in his eyes.

Please don’t let him cry, not in front of the team, thought Chad. ‘Thanks, Dad,’ he said quickly, but I’m going to get a yellow card if I don’t go back now.’