Chakra Guidebook: Heart Chakra - Rohit Sahu - E-Book

Chakra Guidebook: Heart Chakra E-Book

Rohit Sahu

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Are you shy and self-conscious? Do you feel lonely and push others away, although you don't want to? Are you hesitant to commit and lack trust? Do you face problems letting go of the past? Is love lacking in your life? Do you wish to cultivate unconditional love and ascend spiritually towards divine unity? If so, you should strive to balance your Heart Chakra...

Our bodies, minds, emotions, thoughts, actions, and everything around us are all formed of energy, as ‘multi-disciplinary genius’ and inventor Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to comprehend the cosmos, consider it in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

The chakras are basically energy centers scattered throughout the subtle body (‘subtle’ refers to something we can’t see but can clearly feel energetically). Consider the chakras to be spinning energy wheels that rotate simultaneously to generate a combination of energy and life force. There are seven chakras, each positioned in different parts of the body and representing a different aspect of our energy body.

When the chakras are balanced and spinning effortlessly, life is beautiful. We experience a sense of fullness in all aspects—emotional, mental, and physical; mind, body, and soul. Our relationships, conversations, actions, goals, and interests just flow.

Chakra balancing is a diverse and interesting practice. It doesn’t have to take hours, and there are several therapies and do-it-yourself techniques to choose from. This topic, however, has a wealth of knowledge and depth—depth that cannot be mastered at once. What can be done is to deal with each chakra individually, learning what it symbolizes, how it affects the body, mind, and soul, and how to heal it. That’s the reason behind this “Chakra Guidebook” series.

Each book in this series focuses on a specific chakra and provides different strategies for balancing and healing it. Each book is a stand-alone guide to a particular chakra. You will discover all there is to know about that specific chakra. This part is solely dedicated to the Heart Chakra.

People with a balanced Heart Chakra may see beyond a person’s flaws to appreciate the beauty in their soul. As a result, they find it simpler to accept and forgive others and don’t hold grudges.

It is unique because it is the fourth of the seven chakras, making it the system’s exact midway point and the unifier of the physical and spiritual chakras. The Heart Chakra works as a bridge between worldly matters and spiritual aspirations by linking the lower three chakras—the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus—with the top three chakras—the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. This deepens your affinities for love, tenderness, and endearment. This chakra represents your ability to love without discrimination.

In This Book, You’ll Discover:
✔️A Basic Introduction to Chakras
✔️Common Chakras Myths
✔️Importance of Heart Chakra in Your Body
✔️Significance of Heart Chakra Balancing
✔️Blocked Heart Chakra Symptoms
✔️What Causes Heart Chakra Blockage?
✔️Heart Chakra Balancing Techniques (Visualization, Pranayamas/Breathwork, Affirmations, Mantras, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Yoga, Reiki, Food, Herbs, Sound Therapy, Meditation, and more)
✔️Symptoms Your Heart Chakra is Opening
✔️And Much More

This book is packed with all the information, tips, and techniques that will make sure that you can effectively heal, balance, and open your Heart Chakra.

Now don’t bother, claim your copy right away!!

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Chakra Guidebook: Heart Chakra

Healing and Balancing One Chakra at a Time for Health, Happiness, and Peace

Rohit Sahu

Copyright © 2022 by Rohit Sahu. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the email below.

Published by: Rohit Sahu

Contact: [email protected]

Published Worldwide



Chakra Introduction

Common Chakras Myths

Heart Chakra at a Glance

Significance of Heart Chakra Balancing

Blocked Heart Chakra Symptoms

What Causes Heart Chakra Blockage?

Heart Chakra Balancing

Symptoms Your Heart Chakra is Opening

In a Nutshell

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Author Note

Dear Reader,

With great excitement and appreciation, I offer to you this book, the culmination of my spiritual studies. It’s been a labor of love, knitted together to impart timeless knowledge and practical insights to improve your knowledge on the subject of Chakras and spiritual growth. I urge you to go on a transforming journey as you read through the pages of this book. Explore simple tactics, powerful rituals, and deep knowledge that you may incorporate into your everyday life.

Your thoughts and opinions are really valuable to me. I would be grateful if you could take a few seconds to leave a review and share your ideas and experiences. Your review will not only help other readers make an informed decision, but it will also give vital insight into how this book has touched your life.

I sincerely ask you to share your thoughts, observations, and any recommendations you may have. Your thoughts will not only encourage me but will also help to evolve and refine the information and wisdom contained inside these pages.

May this book serve as a beacon of light for you in your spiritual journey.

With the deepest gratitude,

Rohit Sahu

Chakra Introduction

There’s been a lot of talks lately about chakras, chakra healing, and chakra balancing. But, before we get into how to balance the chakras, we need to first understand what they are, what they symbolize, and how they affect our mind, body, and life. This introduction covers it all!

The chakras are a component of the subtle body, also known as the energy body. It is the portion of the body that we cannot see or touch yet can always feel. It is the part of us that beats our hearts, the part of us that has gut instincts, and the energy inside us that connects, moves, and defines our being.

The seven chakras are the body’s primary energy centers. Unblocking or healing our chakras refers to the idea that when all of our chakras are open, energy can flow freely through them and there is harmony between the body, mind, and soul.

Each chakra is associated with a particular part of ourselves, and as a result, each one influences various aspects of our well-being on the bodily, emotional, and energy levels.

What Exactly are Chakras?

Our bodies, minds, emotions, thoughts, actions, and everything around us are all formed of energy, as ‘multi-disciplinary genius’ and inventor Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to comprehend the cosmos, consider it in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

The chakras are basically energy centers scattered throughout the subtle body (‘subtle’ refers to something we can’t see but can clearly feel energetically). The term “Chakra” translates as ‘wheel,’ and in this context, we are talking about wheels of energy. Consider the chakras to be spinning energy wheels—wheels that rotate simultaneously to generate a combination of energy and life force.

There are 7 primary chakras and although most people only talk about these, there are actually 114 chakras in the body. The seven chakra points go from the tailbone to the top of the head and are associated with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This energy and life force flows from the body’s root base (the Root Chakra) to the top of the head (the Crown Chakra), and beyond.

They are found in the astral body, running down the spine from the base to the top of the skull. The astral body is the energy body that exists inside our physical body. Each physical bodily portion corresponds to an astral body part. The astral body is neither visible nor touchable. This is also why we can’t see the chakras.

Each chakra emits a distinct color and energy, and each corresponds to a gland in the physical body. Because each chakra is associated with unique spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical parts of our being, their blocking or dysfunction might cause physical, psychological, and emotional problems. Conscious awareness and balance of these energy centers, on the other hand, are said to result in happiness and good health.

The chakra system is as ancient as yoga itself, and yogis have used it for thousands of years prior to the official invention of physical medicine. The chakras are inextricably linked to the endocrine and nervous systems, and this important relationship highlights the critical nature of integrated and holistic health; we are much more than a physical body. We are a whole being, and we benefit enormously from observing well-being from a holistic perspective.

The Chakras’ Origin

The concept of chakras was initially conceived thousands of years ago in ancient India, and the oldest evidence of chakras may be found in the Vedas. They are the earliest known texts of Hinduism and the oldest known written Sanskrit, dating back to 1500–500 BCE. The Upanishads (part of the Vedas) include evidence of chakra theories, which influenced the spirituality of Hinduism, Buddhism, and other ancient eastern faiths.

The Upanishads are organized around two major spiritual forces—Brahman (ultimate reality) and Atman (consciousness). Brahman lives beyond time and space and is the creator of all universes. Atman is the vital energy inside all living beings, the essence of a being.

Atman energy (also known as Prana) passes through the human body through unique energy pathways known as Nadis. These energy lines intersect at certain spots in the body, generating energy wheels known as chakras.

The Seven Chakra System

Each chakra has its own color, shape, name, and location in the body. There are seven chakras, each of which is positioned in different parts of the body and represents a different aspect of our energy body.

1. Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra)

The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara Chakra, is the 1st wheel of energy and is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is connected to the Earth element and is directly related to the roots we’ve established—how deep, powerful, and supporting they are. The Muladhara Chakra represents essential problems such as shelter, safety, security, water, food, and family.

We feel anchored, secure, and safe when this chakra is balanced. Our lives flow elegantly, with a constant and consistent vitality. Life is tough when it is out of harmony. We become anxious and afraid, and our survival mode kicks in. Weight gain, constipation, tiredness, melancholy, anxiety, and stress may all result from this.

Location: At the base of the spine

Color: Red

Element: Earth

2. Svadhishthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)

The 2nd wheel of energy, the Svadhishthana or Sacral Chakra, reflects our creative and sexual vitality throughout the body. The element of water is related to the Svadhishthana Chakra. When we think of water, we think of fluidity, adaptability, and freedom. The second chakra represents our sexual, creative, emotional, and in-tune with ourselves and others.

Life is full of wealth, creativity, movement, procreation, pleasure, and good relationships when this chakra is balanced. If it is out of alignment, you may feel mental instability, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression, a lack of creative energy, persistent low back pain, reproductive disorders, and other pelvic-lower concerns.

Location: Above the pubic bone and below the navel

Color: Orange

Element: Water

3. Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus/Navel Chakra)

The Manipura Chakra, also known as the Navel Chakra, is the 3rd energy wheel and is related to the element of fire. This chakra influences our self-esteem, personal identity, digestion, and metabolism and reflects our own strength.

When this chakra is balanced, you will experience self-confidence, a feeling of purpose, and self-motivation. When confronted with a problem, you can let it go and not get attached to the outward conditions at hand. But when it is out of alignment, you may have digestive troubles, poor self-esteem, and difficulty making choices.

Location: The navel area, from the solar plexus up to the breastbone

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

4. Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)

The Heart Chakra is the 4th energy wheel that connects the three physical chakras to the three spiritual chakras. It may integrate and open by balancing and harmonizing the first three chakras. To maintain equilibrium, each wheel must spin at the same pace. It represents everything associated with love, compassion, and joy. It is one of the most beautiful but emotional chakras that humans may access.

When this chakra is balanced, you may feel love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance of others (and oneself). When out of sync, you may have poor circulation, high or low blood pressure, co-dependence, manipulative actions, and emotions of unworthiness.

Location: Center of the chest (including the heart, lungs, and entire surrounding area)

Color: Green

Element: Air

5. Vishuddhi Chakra (Throat Chakra)

The Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra is the 5th energy wheel and the first of three spiritual chakras. The Throat Chakra is related to ether, which represents an open speech from which sincerity and truthfulness may flow.

It is associated with your capacity to speak the truth, convey your thoughts eloquently, and be in sync with both your inner and outer objectives. Because it is the first of the spiritual chakras, the bottom four chakras must be in harmony as well.

When this chakra is balanced, you speak, listen, and express yourself with more clarity and honesty. When out of sync, you may have the inability to speak your truth, to ask for what you need, want, or want, as well as a scratchy throat, thyroid issues, and neck/shoulder discomfort.

Location: The throat

Color: Blue

Element: Ether/Space

6. Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra)

The Third Eye Chakra reflects our intuition or sixth sense and is the 6th wheel of energy. Its position between the brows is crucial to our lives and how we see the outside world as well as our own internal dialogue.

When this chakra is balanced, you trust your intuition to handle life’s problems and choices. The ego fades into the background and you may discover what your true worth in life is. But when it is out of harmony, you might become skeptical, too committed to reasoning, untrusting, and have vision, headaches, and migraines.

Location: The space between the eyebrows

Color: Indigo

Element: All

7. Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra)

The 7th and final chakra is the Sahasrara or Crown Chakra. It symbolizes our spiritual essence, tuning us to the highest form of the entire consciousness. This chakra symbolizes the fact that you are a divine being enjoying a human experience on Earth. When your awareness reaches this chakra, you are telling yourself and the world that you are ready to dissolve separation, merge with everything, and transcend the physical realm for a spiritual experience.

In Crown Chakra, one attains enlightenment/Nirvana, spiritual connectedness, and union with his/her True Self.

Location: Outside the body and hovering above the crown of the head

Color: Violet or white

Element: Cosmic energy

What Do Chakras Do?

The chakras are located at strategic points in the body that correlate to our major organs, such as the heart or brain, and co-operate with the lymphatic and endocrine systems to help flush our bodies with ‘good’ energy and remove the ‘bad’ energy. This energy exchange is considered very important to our well-being and the prevention of disease.

Chakras also work in conjunction with the bandhas to regulate the flow of prana by allowing it to move in a controlled manner from the lower part of the body up towards the crown and open our energy channels.

When the chakras are balanced and spinning effortlessly, life is beautiful. We experience a sense of fullness in all aspects—emotional, mental, and physical; mind, body, and soul. Our relationships, conversations, actions, goals, and interests just flow.

A balanced chakra system can be thought of as refreshing water running down a stream, gently caressing everything it meets, and continuing down its journey with ease, grace, and fluidity.

When the chakras are misaligned—one being overactive and the other being underactive—life can be challenging. This misalignment might not be apparent on the surface, but delve down a layer or two and you’ll quickly notice where your work lies.

How Can You Deal with Chakras?

Chakras may become depleted or too energized at times. It’s natural to have chakra imbalances at various phases of our lives, and knowing which ones are out of balance and how to rectify them may have a significant impact on our health and well-being.

Chakra balancing is a diverse and interesting practice. It doesn’t have to take hours, and there are several therapies and do-it-yourself techniques to choose from, such as Visualization, Pranayamas/Breathwork, Affirmations, Mantras, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Yoga, Reiki, Food, Herbs, Sound Therapy, Self-Inquiry, Meditation, and more.

What is the Importance of Chakra Balancing?

When your chakras are blocked, it is believed that you will experience an imbalance in your body, mind, and/or soul. An imbalance of chakras may also cause emotional weakness and a collapse of your physical health.

If you feel aches and stiffness in your body, or reoccurring emotions and worries, your chakra(s) may be blocked, resulting in an imbalance. By balancing them, you live a life full of health, contentment, and well-being.

And Where Should One Start?

This topic, chakras, has a wealth of knowledge and depth—depth that cannot be mastered at once. What can be done is to deal with each chakra individually, learning what it symbolizes, how it affects the body, mind, and soul, and how to heal it. That’s the reason behind this “Chakra Guidebook” series.

Each book in this series focuses on a specific chakra and provides different strategies for balancing and healing it. Each book is a stand-alone guide to a specific chakra. You will discover all there is to know about that particular chakra. However, keep in mind that the chakras are a system, and you should constantly strive to maintain a balance across the system. With that in mind, we’re good at embarking on this healing journey...

Common Chakras Myths


Before we move to Heart Chakra balancing, let’s have a quick look at some of the most common myths around chakras. The following are the top 10 chakra myths:


1. They Didn’t Exist in the First Place

Many theories claim that chakras do not exist, and many people believe this. Many others doubt the reality of chakras. However, different parts of the world have their own meanings and proof of the existence of chakras. 

From the scientific perspective, we couldn’t deny that our bodies contain an energy component. Each chakra is associated with a main nerve center in the body, as well as developmental phases.

The seven chakras in the human body symbolize energy or nerve centers. The term “chakra” means “wheel” or “circle” in Sanskrit. Prana, or energy, is thought to flow through the human body through nadis, which are three primary conduits that absorb energy from the electrical poles of the chakras and distribute it to the rest of the body. Sushumna, Pingala, and Ida are the three major nadis.


2. There are Just Seven of Them

Most people believe that there are just seven chakras, but there are actually many more, both inside and outside the body. There are dozens of tiny chakras in our body, similar to the yogic concept of nadis.

There are 114 chakras in total. Two of the 114 chakras are external to the physical body. As a result, only 108 of the remaining 112 can be worked on, leaving the remaining four to flower. Because it is an important number in the formation of the solar system, the number 108 has appeared in the human system. The distance between the Earth and the sun is 108 times the diameter of the sun. The distance between the Earth and the moon is 108 times the diameter of the moon. And the Sun has a diameter of 108 times that of the Earth. As a result, the number 108 is important in various spiritual traditions.

These 112 chakras are organized into seven dimensions, each of which has sixteen facets. Instead of getting into 112, which is a large number for many people, only seven are commonly discussed because of these seven categories or dimensions. These seven dimensions are collectively known as the “7 Chakras,” which serve as the foundation for the seven schools of yoga.


3. The Best Chakra is an Open One

There’s a lot of discussion about “opening” the chakras, and although this may be beneficial in certain situations, it’s not always a smart idea. What we want is a chakra that is balanced. 


4. Chakra Healing is Quick and Easy

There is a lot of material on how to open your blocked chakras, cure yourself, and get rid of all of your difficulties in life, whether they be medical diseases, emotional disturbances, or a variety of other issues. The fact is that awakening a chakra is not as simple as it seems in textbooks or other sources of information.

Opening a chakra requires a significant shift in awareness, which takes effort. Yes, there are many wonderful tools—yoga, crystals, and essential oils—that you can use for your energy body, but if you don’t dig deep and do the work as an ongoing practice, you probably won’t get far.

Previous traumas, limiting beliefs, childhood habits, past life karma, and a slew of other troublesome energies are all stored in our chakras. It is possible to recover! It just takes a little effort and, in many cases, the assistance of other professionals.


5. Chakras are Energy Sources

Consider a whirlpool. This whirlpool is a vortex of water, not water in and of itself. The chakras are similar in that they are not energy sources, but regions where energy converges and travels. Chakras are three-dimensional energy spinning balls that both release and absorb energy from the environment. We need to draw on outside sources to energize and cleanse our chakras, such as calming Reiki energy, grounding Earth energy, or pure divine energy.


6. The Real Meaning and Purpose of Chakras is to Treat Illness