Planting Indoors - Rohit Sahu - E-Book

Planting Indoors E-Book

Rohit Sahu

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  • Herausgeber: Rohit Sahu
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

"Sow You Want to Know: The Inside Scoop on Planting Indoors"

Tired of your house's lifeless, dull ambiance? Imagine walking into your house and finding flourishing houseplants welcoming you, each of which improves your health and spirit in addition to its aesthetics. That’s what "Planting Indoors: The Complete Guide to Planting, Nurturing, and Harmonizing Your Home with Indoor Plants" is intended to achieve.

As you turn the pages, you'll embark on a transformative journey that goes beyond traditional indoor gardening. We're talking about a symbiotic union of modern horticulture with ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and spirituality. Tune in to the silent symphony of plants around you as you learn the skill of growing indoor flora to elevate your daily experience.

Why You'll Enjoy This Book:

  • The Significance of Indoor Plants: Discover the many advantages of bringing the great outdoors within. Indoor plants act as nature's own detoxifying agents, making them an ideal natural complement to air purifiers for a holistic approach to air quality.
  • Holistic Health and Harmony: This isn't just botany; it's alchemy! Dive into Ayurvedic and spiritual secrets to transform your house into a refuge for your body and soul.
  • Green Thumb Guaranteed: Whether you're a seasoned horticulture professional or a hopeful beginner, master the fundamentals, overcome challenges, and grow with your plants.
  • Design & Décor: Improve your aesthetics with guidance on selecting the right plants for each space and smart décor hacks.
  • Your Gardening Toolbelt: Arm yourself with every technical skill you'll need to keep your indoor garden blooming.
  • Resourceful: Take advantage of downloadable infographic containing plant-care checklist and growth tracker.
This is your leafy bible if you adore the peace of nature, understand the value of well-being, or just appreciate the gentle presence of plants. From beginners to botany enthusiasts—this is a one-stop guide to elevating your life and home through indoor plants.

So, wait no longer! Transform your everyday life into a perpetual journey of wellness and spiritual resonance. Don't just decorate—invigorate.

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Planting Indoors

Your All-in-One Guide for Selecting, Nurturing, and Cultivating a Harmonious Home Through Indoor Plants

-Rohit Sahu

Copyright © 2023 by Rohit Sahu. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the email below.

Published by: Rohit Sahu

Contact: [email protected]

Published Worldwide



Planting Indoors




Part 1: Foundation

The Science and Soul of Plants

Create a Plant-Friendly Space with Vastu and Feng Shui

Part II: Choosing Plants

2.1 The World of Indoor Plants and Their Benefits

2.2 List of Indoor Plants

Part III: Basic Care

3.1 Watering 101

3.2 Soil and Nutrients

3.3 Light and Temperature

3.4 Seasonal Care

Part IV: Disease Control

4.1 Disease and Pest Management

Part V: Plant Care and Propagation

5.1 Pruning and Shaping

5.2 Repotting and Root Care

5.3 Plant Propagation

Part VI: The Ayurvedic and Spiritual Angle

6.1 Ayurvedic Perspective on Indoor Plants

6.2 Spiritual Symbiosis

Part VII: The Aesthetics

7.1 Plant Decor Tips and Ideas

Part VIII: Resources

8.1 Resources

A Request

More from Rohit




"Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises, even when confined to a pot."

The significance of reconnecting with the natural world cannot be overemphasized in a world that is constantly pulling us into a digital vortex. This book isn't merely a guide to nurturing indoor plants; it is a journey back to the roots, both metaphorically and literally. When you plant a seed, you are fostering a piece of the earth, a pulse of life that breathes in sync with your own.

Indoor plants are more than just decor; they are guardians of health and keepers of balance. Ayurveda, also referred to as the "Science of Life," regards plants as powerful balancers of the 'doshas,' or forces that make up all of us. Each leaf and petal functions as a conductor, fine-tuning the energy of our living spaces. When we breathe in the oxygen provided by an indoor plant, we are getting more than simply air; we are also absorbing prana, the life force that is central to Ayurveda. Plants do more than just 'exist' in our homes; they serve as quiet doctors, prescribing doses of serenity and vigor, dosages that nourish both the body and the soul.

However, our discussion with plants is not a monologue; it is a dialogue—a spiritual communion.

If you pay careful attention to a plant, you will see its unique form of awareness. It turns toward the light, adapts to its environment, and gives more than it gets, offering oxygen, shade, and even sustenance at times. Plants exhibit characteristics such as resilience, humility, and a sense of community in this quiet grace.

They absorb the sun's vitality, dance softly with the breeze, and blossom in time, teaching us the qualities of stillness and the value of growth, much like old yogis in perpetual meditation. They are sages adorned in green robes that represent the art of being, the joy of existence, and the divinity of awareness.

We are not just caring for another living creature when we tend to them; we are also integrating these values into our own lives, making us not only better caretakers but also better human beings.

So we find metaphors for growth, sustenance, and beauty in the quiet narrative of a leaf unfurling, the whisper of roots seeking water, and the humble elegance of a flower blooming—qualities that not only enrich our human experience but also find resonance in both Ayurvedic and spiritual teachings.

As you go through these pages, keep in mind that you're doing more than just learning how to 'care for' or maintain' indoor plants. You're about to go on a pilgrimage. A voyage in which each root you plant strengthens your connection to the Earth, each leaf that unfolds symbolizes your spiritual unfolding, and each flower that blossoms mirror your inner self's expanding awareness. This book, then, is not just a manual but a sacred text, where botany meets the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and where horticulture intertwines with the holy roots of spirituality.

Let us embark on this journey together, since through nurturing these silent life forms, we are nourishing our souls.


If you've ever felt that your life lacked balance or richness, the answer may be right in your immediate environment. The art of indoor planting presents a way to restore that balance while elevating not just your house but also your life. You'll come to see your green companions as more than simply décor on your path to wholeness and well-being.

In a society that is becoming more disconnected from nature, people often underestimate the significant effects that simple actions like planting and nurturing a plant at home may have. A potted plant's tranquil, steady growth may serve as a powerful metaphor for personal and spiritual development in a world that often seems chaotic and out of control.

Bringing live plants into our homes is also a modest but powerful step toward rekindling our bond with the Earth. However, the pursuit of indoor gardening is sometimes limited to just aesthetic and air-purifying purposes, generally ignoring the deep effects such an act may have on our overall well-being.

Ayurveda has long recognized the inherent relationship between man and nature, a truth that is frequently forgotten in modern life. Similarly, spirituality urges us to recognize and value our oneness with all forms of life. Plants, the peaceful entities that decorate our windowsills and rooms, are key participants in this cosmic dance, each contributing to our well-being in their own unique way—whether by balancing your doshas, purifying your living area, or just offering a burst of color that lifts your mood.

This book seeks to address that need by offering a comprehensive resource that goes above and beyond the norm. It's not just a gardening book; it's a life enhancement manual.

The book's importance stems from its interdisciplinary approach. In today's stressed-out surroundings, our houses are more than simply physical structures; they are our emotional havens and spiritual retreats. This book recognizes and capitalizes on this element by incorporating Ayurvedic and spiritual philosophy into plant care. We elevate the act of planting indoors from a hobby to a fulfilling, multi-layered practice that addresses mind, body, and soul via this unique combination.

The best part is that it is suitable for novices as well as experts. This book offers vital insights that are universally relevant, whether you're a busy urban resident searching for a low-maintenance approach to freshen up your space, a spiritual seeker wishing to create a meditation retreat, or a seasoned gardener trying to deepen your knowledge.

We begin with fundamental knowledge and then walk through the process of selecting, caring for, and maintaining your indoor plants. It includes Ayurvedic knowledge and spirituality along the way to help you build a deeper relationship with your green friends. The book closes with useful appendices that provide you with resources and tools to help you on your ongoing journey with indoor plants.

With it, we'll dig into the basics of plant care, explore the energetic and spiritual aspects of plants, and provide practical guidance on harmonizing your living space—all while drawing on age-old Ayurvedic principles. I've made these ancient disciplines approachable and practical, guaranteeing that you can easily incorporate them into your everyday life.

In essence, this book is for everyone who wants to achieve more than simply a beautiful living area. It is intended for people who want to create a living, breathing refuge that acts as a catalyst for physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth.

However, before we delve into the following chapters, I have some advice for you: consider it a journey, not a destination. Remember that caring for indoor plants and bringing harmony into your house is an ongoing endeavor. Don't rush through the chapters. Take your time to absorb the wealth of knowledge and apply it incrementally.

So, are you ready to invigorate your life rather than merely adorn it? Turn the page and let us embark on a journey that promises to enrich your home and soul.

Part 1: Foundation

“When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.”

1.1 The Science and Soul of Plants

Plants inhabit a unique place in the wide span of life on Earth, interweaving themselves with the very core of human existence. Let’s look at their voyage through the multifaceted links between scientific knowledge and the ethereal realms of spirituality. This dual viewpoint will shed light on the fundamental interaction that exists between humans and plants, demonstrating how these quiet companions affect both our physical and metaphysical worlds.

Have you ever stopped to admire a leaf unfolding to greet the morning light or been captivated by the exquisite dance of a petal in the breeze? These apparently little events are expressions of a deep underlying science—a science that drives our planet’s rhythm, from the oxygen we breathe to the food chains that support us. Beyond this visible domain, however, exists another dimension in which plants are loved, adored, and even worshipped.

Beyond what can be seen and quantified is the enormous expanse of the spiritual, symbolic, and sacred. Plants have been respected by cultures and customs throughout history, with virtues that extend beyond their physical properties. They’ve been hope symbols, season harbingers, and witnesses to rites of passage. Through rituals, religious tales, and cultural celebrations, we’ve intertwined our human journey with that of plants, celebrating our shared existence on this planet.

Throughout history, cultures have instinctively grasped the sacredness of plants. Traditions, relics, and ancient texts all attest to this relationship. While we may be more disconnected from nature than our forefathers, the urge to reconnect has never been greater. Modern science today confirms what old knowledge has long stated: the plant kingdom’s significant importance in our lives.

Allow logic and lore to both guide you as we dwell on this chapter. Understand the science, but let the tales speak to your soul as well. Recognize that through studying plants, we are also understanding ourselves in many ways. We are basically partners in nature’s complicated dance, and plants lead with grace, strength, and wisdom that have endured the test of time.

The Science Behind the Green

The marvel of photosynthesis shows nature’s exquisite design. It may be found not just in faraway forests or vast meadows, but also in the potted plant on your windowsill or the fern in your living room. Derived from the Greek words “photo,” meaning light, and “synthesis,” meaning putting together, photosynthesis is a transformative process. Every time sunlight strikes the leaves of your indoor plants, a delicate dance begins, turning carbon dioxide and water into glucose and releasing life-giving oxygen.

When you go a bit further, the narrative becomes even more enthralling. The pigment chlorophyll is found within each leaf of your indoor plant, inside structures known as chloroplasts. Consider this not only as a molecule, but as a solar panel developed by nature. It collects light and converts the exact same air we breathe into food for the plant via a series of complex steps.

Why is this essential for indoor planting? Because comprehending this process emphasizes the strong connection we have with our indoor green buddies. Indoor plants aren’t simply for decoration; they’re small powerhouses that are continually purifying the air you breathe. Every oxygen molecule they emit has traveled through this photosynthetic route, and every time they absorb carbon dioxide, they contribute to the emergence of a healthier, more balanced indoor environment.

However, the benefits of indoor plants do not stop there. Consider the water you used to water your plant. Plants contribute to interior humidity via processes that include transpiration and evaporation, making the air seem fresher and more pleasant.

It’s similar to creating an indoor rainforest, fostering a healthier and more pleasant atmosphere. Although their roots are concealed under the soil, they perform an important function in keeping it together, mimicking on a smaller scale how trees prevent soil erosion outdoors.

Furthermore, the soil in your pots isn’t simply dirt. It is a thriving micro-ecosystem. They support an abundance of beneficial bacteria, guaranteeing the health of the plant and indirectly impacting the vitality of your indoor environment.

So, every time you look at or care for your indoor plants, consider how much they provide. They’re more than simply static decorations; they’re active participants in making your house a more vibrant healthier refuge. Understanding photosynthesis and the many tasks that plants play not only increases your knowledge, but it also strengthens your relationship with your silent, green buddies.

The Spiritual Essence of Plants

Plants have long played an important role in the basis of our beliefs and traditions, and nature has always been a vital aspect of our spirituality. The great regard for plants has molded human rituals, beliefs, and everyday lives throughout ages and civilizations, showing the intimate relationship between man and the botanical realm.

Plants have been cherished not just for their usefulness but also for their symbolic worth since the birth of human civilization. They were regarded as incarnations of deities, spirits, or ancestral memories in many ancient communities. Rituals were created to correspond with their life cycles, from seed to bloom to decay, echoing our own journey of birth, growth, and eventual return to the Earth.

In many societies, for example, certain trees or plants were deemed holy and served as focal points for rituals. They were thought to contain divine energy; therefore, they became centers of worship, meditation, and even pilgrimage. Plants and spirituality intertwine to produce traditions that have endured the test of time, winding their way into current rituals and beliefs.

The link between plants and spirituality is also evident in major worldwide religions:

Hinduism: The Tulsi plant, often known as holy basil, is highly valued in Hindu culture. This plant, revered as an earthly embodiment of the goddess Tulsi, is found in almost all Hindu homes. It is said to be cleansing and is used in a variety of religious rites to represent devotion, protection, and eternal life.

Christianity: The olive tree is a powerful emblem in Christian mythology. It is often mentioned in the Bible as a symbol of calm, wisdom, and heavenly anointing. Olive branches and oil have long been used in sacraments to represent God’s mercy and blessings.

Buddhism: The Bodhi tree, under which Prince Siddhartha attained enlightenment and became Buddha, is central to Buddhist beliefs. This tree symbolizes knowledge, compassion, and the persistent human spirit in its pursuit of true wisdom and serves as a reminder of the road to enlightenment.

Across other religions too, plants are mentioned as symbols of divine power, purity, and the interconnectedness of life. They are used in religious rites to highlight the sacredness and influence of the plant kingdom, from the burning of frankincense in churches to the usage of sandalwood in Hindu rituals.

Plants also play an important role in cultural celebrations across the globe, in addition to sacred ceremonies. Plants are at the core of many jubilations, from cherry blossom festivals in Japan that celebrate the transient beauty of life to harvest festivities in diverse cultures that praise nature for her bounty. They are also important in rites of passage. Flowers to commemorate birth, trees placed at marriage ceremonies to represent growth and stability, and even plants believed to lead souls to the afterlife.

In essence, the spiritual connection that exists between humans and plants is deep and long-lasting. Understand that they have been our silent companions, not just in life but also in faith, guiding, blessing, and celebrating with us for eons as we nurture them in our homes.

Synthesizing Science and Spirituality

Science and spiritual beliefs are the threads that hold the world we live in together. Plants have always bridged this gap with their deep simplicity. They are symbols of life, growth, and the fundamental interconnectedness of all creatures, not just biological matters experiencing photosynthesis. Understanding the harmonic interaction of our mind, body, and environment may pave the road for holistic well-being.

Have you ever sought refuge in the soothing shade of a tree or been enchanted by the serenity of a green expanse? The emotions provoked are supernatural, yet there is undeniable science at work behind the scenes.

Plants regulate the environment via biological activities such as air purification and humidity control. This produces an ideal atmosphere for altering mood, reducing stress hormones, and invigorating the intellect. They essentially serve as natural therapists, promoting both mental and physical well-being.

Take, for example, Anaya's story. She sensed an inner void amid the endless concrete once she was immersed in the constant buzz of city life. Her transforming journey began with the simple act of bringing a potted plant into her apartment. Initially used as a decoration, the plant evolved into a symbol of tranquility and meditation. Anaya benefited not only from the obvious improvements in air quality but also from a spiritual refreshment as her living area gradually changed into a green haven. Her house was no longer merely a place to live; it had become a place of healing and connection.

How can we incorporate the dual nature of plants into our everyday lives by drawing inspiration from tales like Anaya's? It starts by recognizing their multidimensional significance. Bring indoor plants into your living areas, whether it's a hardy snake plant for the bedroom or an attractive pothos for the living room. Watch and engage with them as they grow, and allow their presence to serve as a daily reminder of the beautiful interaction of the visible and hidden.

Consider incorporating plant-based rituals into your life. Begin your day by caring for your indoor garden or meditating among your plants. Combining such activities with your understanding of plants' scientific benefits might pave the path for a life full of balance, well-being, and a lasting connection with nature.

1.2 Create a Plant-Friendly Space with Vastu and Feng Shui



In order to understand and appreciate the deep connections humans have with plants, we must first understand the environment in which they flourish. As we delve deeper, we encounter age-old philosophies that teach us about harmony and balance in our surroundings—principles that not only benefit our green companions but also resonate with our own energies. Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui, two ancient schools of thought from India and China, provide an in-depth approach to space planning. Through the lens of these time-honored methods, we can set up abodes for both plants and humans, fostering a sense of peace, wellness, and prosperity. In this chapter, let us embark on a transformative journey to harmonize our homes with nature’s rhythm, using the wisdom of Vastu and Feng Shui to guide us.


Vastu Shastra: The Ancient Indian Science of Architecture


Vastu Shastra, which translates to “science of architecture” in Sanskrit, has its roots in the Indian subcontinent, a place rooted in traditions, rituals, and spirituality. These age-old principles give more than simply structural advice; they also provide advice on harmonizing our indoor spaces with natural rhythms, ensuring that energy flows smoothly and optimism reigns supreme.


Vastu Foundations: