Dialogue Prompt "We Are Not Alone In The Universe" - Bryant Johnson - E-Book

Dialogue Prompt "We Are Not Alone In The Universe" E-Book

Bryant Johnson

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In a world where nothing is ever as it seems, three separate families are drawn to a great and terrifying truth. After winning the New Hampshire state lottery, Brent Brook treats himself to a new satellite dish and discovers a channel dedicated to the strange happenings. Hundreds of miles away in Virginia, reporter Marc Dazet stumbles upon the story of the most recent lottery winner and sets out to track down Mr. Brook as an interesting piece. Far away from the watchful eyes of the media, the Johnsons, a relatively normal military family, are called away to help serve their country at a far off military base. The orders? Unclear. However, their move has future implications that will change the course of history forever. In time, their lives and their families’ lives are thrown out of balance and the truth is revealed. One thing is for certain,


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Dialogue Prompt

Chapter 1

It’s the autumn of the year 2017 in Hampton Roads, Virginia. I’m a newspaper reporter working for the Virginia Pilot Newspaper based at our main office located in Norfolk, Virginia.

I’ve been working here as a reporter now for seven years. I started off in circulation and worked my way to something I’ve always wanted to do. Telling the truth about life in our community and abroad has always been a goal of mine. I read other newspapers from other states to remain informed, like the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and whatever paper has a newsworthy headline on the front page. I have a routine I practice every Thursday to randomly choose a newspaper from an area I rarely read about.

By the way my name is Marc Dazet.  I’m 32, married now for three years to a wonderful woman named Sundara Dazet and we have a daughter named Laura . . . Alright, back to my original story. On Thursday, as I was explaining, I choose a newspaper of random choice to read their stories and watch the techniques of other reporters. Today I chose a paper from New Hampshire called The Laconia Daily Sun. We have a room at the office here where our reporters can choose newspapers to read to see what the competition is doing and to read about newsworthy events from all over the states.

So, today I picked a New Hampshire paper. Something catches my eye on the front page, bold lettering and headline:



I freeze and say to myself, "now this going to be a good story" and I start to drift for second as if I won the lottery myself. I start thinking what would I do with all of that “MONEY” for my family and friends. I’m still in pause mode as my reporter curiosity skills come back to reality to continue reading the story. It goes on to say he was the biggest winner in the state of New Hampshire and it looks like in the picture the whole town of Seabrook is there in the background of the photo. In the story, they ask what was he going to do with the money and he says he is planning on using the money to give future generations of his family a comfortable life. There was more to the story, but I just stopped reading and thought to myself,  "Whoa I would like to meet this person for a story for our newspaper here in Virginia." I was thinking to myself,  “Who does that.” I  folded the newspaper in my hands and walked out of the room.

As I was walking to my senior editor's office, I receive a text from my wife. “Hi honey, how’s my newspaper man?”  I text back, “I’m okay, your cookies you baked for me were good, had them with lunch.” My wife replies, “You know I like baking for you Dazet”. I told her “I have something to tell her later." She goes on and says “TELL ME NOW”. “I can’t now, but you know I will tell you when I get home". “Okay, you better tell me later or NO Cookies LOL". I put my Samsung 6 back in my holster and continue walking with the newspaper. As I was walking, my mind drifts back to the story in

NH and how I will tell our managing editor that I wanted to do a story on the winner. I paused, walking slower before getting to her office. I look up and on the wooden glass door I see the name 'Managing Editor Amelia  Williams'. I knock on the door and I hear her voice say “Come in."

“Hi Amelia, how are you doing today and how the news world?”

"Well, it will be better when more solid news stories are reported,” she responds.

“Well, here's what I was thinking. I’m due vacation time this fall and wanted to report on a story in New Hampshire."

She walks towards the window, looking at the traffic below to sigh and say, “Where in New Hampshire?”

I took off my glasses, laid them on the table so I could think of how to get her to okay this story.  “A place called Seabrook.”

 “Ummm what’s the story about?” Then Marc puts back on his glasses excited to tell her what he wanted to report on.

Well, a man won the Lottery there."

Amelia pauses, pretending to show no interest in the story, turns around from the window and sits down in here chair, she goes on to say “Anddddd?"

Marc is now talking with his hands to his boss “Well, the story is not that he won, it's what he's going do with his winnings. He wants to give to the future generations of his family,” I paused, clenching my hands. “I thought about that.This would be a good story. I thought I would ask first, you can think about it and call me if I can do the story.”

Amelia stood up from her chair, put her hamds to her chin in a thinking mode.  I went into what they call a reporters panic mode, waiting for her answer. The five minutes it took her to think about it seemed like a ½ hour.

“Okay, I will call you in morning go home and wait for a call from me to see what to do next." I shook her hands and didn’t say a word and walked out slowly from her office.

I started gathered my things from my desk, made a copy of the story from the Seabrook Newspaper. Walking straight to the parking garage, my thoughts were bouncing around about the story.

Took me some time to finally open the door of my Jeep Cherokee. I made a left turn on Brambleton Ave. Based in Norfolk VA. This area is divided into seven cities, I work in one city and live in another city called Virginia Beach.  I have a condo on the ocean with my wife and daughter. It’s a twenty-minute drive from work to home towards the oceanfront. I’m always amazed at the scenery of Hampton Roads, I have a nickname for people who live in this part of Virginia. I frequently say “The Water People”. They're very unique, just like the characteristics of the ocean water . . . from dolphins to whales and swordfish, even sharks; this equals to the community where I live and work called Hampton Roads.

Arriving home I unlocked the door and I am greeted by my wife Sundara.

 “Hi, honey, glad your home,” she high fives me and bumps me with her elbow. While looking around our condo you can see both of our tastes in as a mixture of items that personifies our personalities from fish nets with shells, antiques, and trendy furniture. There's a picture my wife brought of space; it looks like stars over a island under the caption it says “Andromeda Galaxy”.

Our daughter Laura, is in her room doing homework. As I walk by her room she stands up with both hands in the air and waves while running to give me hug. “Hi, Dad how are you?"

“I’m doing fine honey. How was your day?”

Her hug stopped as she started looking around her room she pointed to her desk. “I’m fine, I was working on my homework and watching TV.”

“Very good.” She waited for the approval from me as her Dad. I put one finger in the air, as a jester of peace and that I would be back to talk with her more about her day. She knew instantly more talks about her day would happen later.

“ I have to talk with your Mom, I’ll be right back Laura, I promise.” She smiled and pointed at me. I put down my laptop bag and took my shoes off, then proceeded to sit in my chair near Sundara. My wife smiles at me and the temperature of the room changes in a half of a second. I look at here and smile back.

 “It's good to be home, do you have any more of those cookies I had at work?” Then I saw her smile with humor. “Yes, I do but first you must tell

me what you wanted to say from work before you can have any more cookies."

Relaxing in my chair I get ready to tell my wife about the day, “ Well you know today is Thursday?"

Sundara said, "Yes, it is and . . .?"

“Well, at the office I randomly choose a newspaper to read from another location in the States like every Thursday.” As I  was explaining the story I couldn't hide my excitement. “Well on the front page I read about a man who won the Lottery in a town called Seabrook, New Hampshire… Sundara becomes excited listening to the story to the point where she said my name twice.

"Marc, Marc. What’s a Lottery?"

I forgot all of sudden who I was talking too. I told her we have a drawing in each state as I took a piece of paper to explain this better and tore it up in many pieces of paper which I put all in one in one container. I went on to explain our system raises money for charity and other local projects such as schooling, roads, etc... We buy tickets to win and I pointed to the container of papers shaped like a small mountain on the table.

Sundara looked at me with a strange with a smile. “ How do you win?”

I can’t believe I'm trying to explain the lottery to my wife. I told her 5 numbers are drawn from a group of 75 numbers and 1 number is drawn from

a number of 15. She tuned-in to listen more as I continued “and a player who buys the tickets must match all 6 numbers to win the jackpot prize we know as the lottery. I pointed to the papers again. “This pail papers on our table equals their winnings."

Sundara said, “I understand, now tell what happened today at the newspaper."

"Okay, well  today as I was doing my Thursday routine of choosing a random paper in this small ocean town called Seabrook, New Hampshire on the front pages I read about a man who won the lottery."

My wife with excitement said, "he did” and she pointed to the pile of papers.  And I said “yes”.

It was almost like we won as I was explaining what happened to me at work.

"The thing that caught my eye was the man wants to share his winning money with future generations of his family so they can live comfortably. I want to find out more about this story and I thought that we have vacation time coming up so why don't we go to New Hampshire? We can go there, relax, and I can get an interview with him.

Sundara, in a pause mode, says "how about you go there for a few days alone and come back and we can spend the rest of our vacation camping near the lake."

"Umm, now that sounds like a plan…I have to wait for Amelia to okay the trip and the story. She said she would me call in the morning.

My wife looked at me for what seemed like five minutes and then asked how much did he win?

I pointed to the pail and said, "429.6 million."  She leapt up from her chair and started cheering and clapping, Our daughter came in the living room wondering if anything was wrong ..I smiled at her and said, "everything was okay.

“Now can I have more cookies Sundara?”

"Yes there five left, save one for Laura, my husband.:

"I will try my best, don’t want to rock the boat on the chocolate chip supply."   In the back of my mind, I am hoping Amelia calls in the morning with good news.

It’s 9:30 am in the morning, I hear a ring on the nightstand for the third time and thought to myself "hopefully it's the call I was waiting for. I pick up the phone and Amelia says, “ Hello Marc, how are you doing this morning?

I answered back half sleepy and half awake, “I will not know how my day is until I hear your answer about this story Amelia.”

“That’s fair to say, Marc," there was a pause on the phone and Marc thought the answer was going to be no, then Amelia's voice came over and said, "Okay Marc you have three days in New Hampshire to get the story. I will schedule an airline ticket and rental car for you at the Norfolk Airport to fly into the Seabrook, New Hampshire. See ya when you get back with a good story."

"Thank you, Amelia. Yes, I am having a good day so Far."

"Bye, Marc."

"Bye, Managing Editor."

After the phone call was over, I stared at my phone in disbelief.

I hear my wife say,  "Is everything okay?"

" Yes, everything is fine now. I can go on the trip to New Hampshire."


I got up from bed to pack for my trip this afternoon.

Chapter 2

A couple hours later I hugged my wife and daughter and told them I will be back in a few days. I made sure I mentioned, we have more vacation days left together as a family.

I jump in my Jeep and start heading back to Norfolk to the airport. Flying out from the location was familiar because of the other stories I had a chance to be assigned to for the newspaper. I know the routine well. Each time there was a chance to fly, it’s always a new the experience, except for the metal detector.

Taking off my shoes and putting my items in the plastic container and hearing the famous words… “Step Through Please”. Glancing at the tickets, the flight time is not that bad, about an hour and 20 minutes landing at Portsmouth International Airport in New Hampshire. Seabrook was about a 12-mile drive from the airport. Time flies on a short trip.

As I’m landing, I notice two items right, away, that’s different from Virginia, one the accents I hear called a 'New England accent'. No “R” in most of their speech and I know when they hear me speak they, will say I have the accent.

I didn’t speak much, I was all ears listening to the accents of people walking about and taking it all in as I was learning the New England accent from New Hampshire. The second item I noticed was the weather compared to Virginia, a little bit colder.  I walk over to the Hertz rental car area, gave them my information and they told me they have a car reserved for me right outside. I

was wondering which car Amelia reserved for me. I like when she picks the rental cars, then I know not to go overboard with price choice and she is the boss.

She rented me a Full size 2017 Chevrolet Malibu. I’m happy with her choice, there's lots of room to move around. I called my wife to tell her that I have arrived safely in New Hampshire “Hi Honey, how you doing? I’m here.”

“I see”, Sundara said. I can tell my wife was happy I made it in safely and sad I’m away from her and my daughter.

I spoke louder than normal in the airport concourse. “ Did Laura get the extra  cookies I left her”

In the background, I hear a voice yell out, “Yes, I got it" I smiled through the phone.

“Okay, just making sure, Honey I will keep you posted where I am..  please keep your Apple phone nearby," I told her I needed her here because of the weather its cold here. She laughed in Virginia.

As soon at the call ended. I mentally came back to New Hampshire. As if I came out of a phone booth like Clark Kent. I started my road trip to Seabrook from their airport in the car driving 55 miles per hour.

The scenery very nice. I couldn’t even turn on the radio it was so nice to see during this time in the fall multi-color leaves on the ground and on trees, very outdoorsy feeling ..

Great for the eyes and the fresh smell of fresh air…I’m understanding why many want to move here now…

It took me no time to arrive in the ocean town of Seabrook, there was a welcome sign reading “Welcome to Seabrook Beach, New Hampshire" I was staying at a hotel near the water called The Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites, it was at 11 Rocks Road. As I checked in I see the newspaper in the lobby The Laconia Daily Sun I read at the Pilot back home on the counter.

This time on the front page a news story about residents who will have the opportunity to become members of the state house of representatives.  I didn’t see hints or more stories about the lottery winner in the paper. It felt like the person who won vanished from community thoughts. I knew this wasn’t true.

While in the hotel room relaxing, I thought, "let me reread the article to get more hints." I reach into my suitcase for the local paper and I thought to myself, I didn't catch the person's name here in New Hampshire, I look again focusing below the picture, I see the name, Brent Brooks. I write the name down in my notepad. I already had the other items for researching, on my smartphone and laptop.

I look around the room with all its amenities… the room seemed to hug you in comfort. While researching the winner of the lottery; I have pieces of paper everywhere. I work with a mad organizational purpose that only makes sense to me. This hotel room won't look the same when I check out.

I start to think it's time to Google his full name first. I put in the search bar “Brent Brooks, Seabrook, New Hampshire" and wait for the search engines feedback.

It said Coastal Beach Watershed, I wrote on my notepad, then I see American Motorcyclist, then another search read The Greenpeace Chronicles. I write all this all down. Then I thought, let me look at the picture again from the Lottery and I scan the picture like a hawk looking for food in the air.

My eyes perk up because I see my first clue. I take out my magnifying glass from my suitcase like Sherlock Holmes and there on the shirt, a logo. Many in the picture wore these shirts. Brent didn’t wear one, about five people did. I thought I saw a Lowe's here in Seabrook. So I Google Lowe's Hardware store in Seabrook, NH and the search returned with its answer. It seemed like it was in neon lights

LOWE'S OF SEABROOK, NH - Store #1979 and I pause .

The address reads 417 Lafayette Rd., Seabrook, NH and it gave a phone number. I paused, then checked the time on my watch to see if it was a good time to call. It was 3 pm EST so I decided to call 603-760-4019. The phone starts ringing and a woman's voice said,  "Seabrook Lowe’s, can I help you?"

I paused and said, “Hi there, I’m Marc and I was calling to see if you know of a Brent Brooks?"  She paused to almost yell "Yes."  Then her voice went calmly, “He doesn’t work here anymore. I soon as I heard the word “more” my intuition processed.

 “Okay, well thank you for your time.” I looked around the room and it was starting to look a lot like my desk in Norfolk,Virginia, papers scattered on the floor and bed of clues in Seabrook.

My thought patterned started to turn. Anyone who wins a Lottery, they're not going to go back to their jobs. They now have a new life and purpose.

I put myself in his shoes, would I go, back to the newspaper if I won the Lottery? The answer came into my head in about two minutes. No, I would go back but I would help the newspaper with stories. Kind of like a newspaper vigilante reporter. I’d have a nickname and all.

Back to the case at hand. . . I decided I needed to drive to Lowe's and talk with some of employees at Lowe's, maybe someone there can help me with some information toward finding Brent, the Lottery winner of New Hampshire.

I was hungry ,so I wanted to grab something to eat. I would ask the front desk if they can give me a good place to eat nearby. She said there a was a Wendy’s not too far from here. I said thank you and have a good day.

Went to Wendy’s, came back to the Hotel to relax a bit. I decided to head out in the morning for a fresh start.

Later that night I hear my phone in my room. I thought who knows I’m here, only my managing editor and wife. By the third ring I decide to pick the phone and there was silence on the phone. I kept saying “Hello, Hello", no one answered back. I waited for a few seconds to hear if someone might speak, but there was still a void on the other end of the phone. I hang up and immediately I panicked and thought something must be wrong. I thought, let me call home to Virginia. The phone, rings then my wife's voice comes on and I say “Dear are, you okay?”

“Did you just call me? “ Sundara said no she did not call. “That’s weird, Marc. Someone knows you're there or it was a miss dial."

Marc responded back, "I got worried that’s why I called."

“Nope honey I’m okay," remarked Sundara.

“ How's our daughter, honey?”

"She's fine Marc."

"Okay, I spoke slowly. "Okay. I wish you were here in New Hampshire, Sundara. You would like the weather here too, its like Virginia in some ways." I decided to tell Sundara the location for tomorrow, so she will know where I am.

"I have to go to the Lowe's Department store to find out more information on  Lottery winner. I found out his name is Brent Brooks…”Really.”  Yes, I’m not sure if anyone is going to tell me anything when I get there. But I have to try…"

 "Okay Marc, go find out what’s needed. We will be here waiting for you to come home. Love you Husband, will talk to you to tomorrow."

" Okay, Mrs. Dazet.

Chapter 3

My alarm wakes me up at 8 am in the morning … I put it on snooze, but decide immediately to wake up thinking about the reason why I’m here. I start to get ready and decided to grab some Continental Breakfast from the breakfast in the hotel near the lobby. As I was walking through the entrance where the breakfast was being hosted I stood in the room and said WOW to myself and out loud, two Wow’s!

They had everything spread out on the breakfast table. I was wishing I had more time to eat everything they had. There was sliced bread and butter with Jam and honey, cheese, croissants, pastries, rolls, fruit juice, and various hot beverages.

I wanted hot coffee and two croissants with butter and jam. I must take a picture and send to my wife, but I thought others would think I was awkward taking a picture of the Mega Universal Breakfast.

After I was done with eating breakfast. I started heading to my rental car. Fortunately, the car had a cool GPS system. I put into the system 417 Lafayette Rd. Seabrook, NH. When looking at the screen I notice there was a Seabrook, Texas, I made sure it showed New Hampshire. The lady's voice said Would YOU LIKE TO BEGIN NAVIGATION then she said PLEASE DRIVE THE HIGHLIGHTED ROUTE

It was 15 miles from the Hotel…Followed the route I was dressed very casually to fit the Lowe's setting.

Made it to the parking lot at about 10 am in the morning, not many cars…which is okay the employees working this morning, I was thinking would have time to talk to me instead of being busy…As I was walking in I see a Cardboard life-size picture of Jimmie Johnson #48...I am a secret NASCAR fan I have not told many at work. I went to my first race in Richmond, VA When you see race car drivers, landing near the race track in helicopters and watching others having fun barbecuing before the race and interacting. I was hooked on NASCAR.  

At Lowe's… the person who greeted me waves and says Hi, Welcome to Seabrook Lowe's. I say Hi to her and give her the thumbs up. This place is absolutely massive!! All stores seem like an indoor football field. I start walking and I see the dark blue vest employees walking around.

My thoughts where to start? I receive a Text from Amelia our Managing Editor while I was walking in the middle of the store I a sent text back  “On the Story Now Talk Later”. She finally said OK…

 I was thinking, Okay "Which department in Lowe's would Brent Brook work in? I walked down the aisles. Electrical, Appliances and Home Decor, I thought... umm I’m going go to the painting department first I. There were always lots of people who ask questions about painting and paint colors.

When I’m there I see an employee named Richie As I was approaching I keep staring at the new style paints on the shelves. I turn to the Richie and say  "Hello there!"

 He said, "Hello, welcome to the Lowe's Painting Department.

"Thanks.  One quick question."

 He said, “Sure.”

“ Do you know a person named Brent?”

He said, “Yes, I do he worked in the building supplies department, but he doesn’t work here anymore".

I said in a low voice, "yes". The clues worked…

Richie said, "Did you say anything, another question?"

Then he stops cold turkey talking … As if he went into protection mode.

 I said, "Thank You. By the way, what is the best quality of paint on the market."

 He said there are many. "The one that comes to mind is Behr Interior & Exterior Paint." I thanked him again, then I started to speed walk out of the painting department quickly to the building supplies section.

While I’m there in no time, I see a lot of lumber and concrete items. I noticed a person drifting around the area. I walk toward him and he turns around and says “May I help you, Sir”? I notice another Lowe's name tag, this time it said Jack.

I told him I was just in the painting department talking with Richie. He told me that Brent worked in this department. Jack replied,   "Yes, he did . They moved me here two days ago, I use to work in the plumbing department", he

said, “Now I’m here." I went on to say do you know where I can find him. He told me he didn’t know much, he overheard others talking, saying that he liked to go fishing a lot with his son at the Hampton State Pier near the Seabrook Bridge.

I thanked Jack, he nodded his head back, cool, I told him to have a good day.

My second lead happened, thinking to myself, I’m going need a fishing hat, I went ahead bought a painting hat to fit me as a fisherman… Glanced at my watch and it was only 10:45 am in the morning so maybe I can catch them at the pier. My walking turns into speed walking again through Lowe's. Once outside I start to sprint, jumped in the car and made sure I put the right address in the GPS from my phone.

When I put the address in it reads back State Pier Lobster Pound 1 Ocean Blvd…17 miles and I punched it. Without getting into trouble, while I was driving I pulled out the Newspaper which had a picture of Brent when he won the lottery I just kept studying the picture to get a good mental image while I’m walking on the Pier. I’m driving the speed limit I think? It took me 25 minutes to get there, I put on the painting hat, took my shirt out, put some sand in my hands and was ready to go and I took the newspaper with me.

As I was walking down the Piers, I noticed the surrounding organization of things. I’ve been on many piers, we have a couple in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I was walking slowly as if I was lost, but steady, looking for the same image as the newspaper I look to the left and right as others are throwing their fishing hooks into the Atlantic Ocean.

I’m walking, looking around and I see almost at the end of the Pier three people dressed in fishing clothes, sitting down on a bench in the middle of the pier. I can make out Brent Brooks and his son just like Jack mentioned at Lowe's. I stare at the man dressed in a black sporting jacket, he looked like a bodyguard. I thought, yes, he would be Brent's bodyguard, which made total sense to me.

I decided to walk over to the man in black and introduce myself. "Hello".

 He stood up quickly in an alert stance as I repeated, "Hello, My name Marc Dazet. I work for the Virginia Pilot Newspaper in Norfolk, Virginia." I showed him my badge from the paper; he took it from my hands and read it…the said to me “wait right here" I did what he said as he took my badge and walked over to Brent and his son. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he gave  him my badge. Then Brent and the bodyguard walked over to me to confront me. He said, "Why yes, my name Brent, how can I help you?"

I paused, then began my story. I told him I flew by airplane from Virginia to hopefully interview you about the Lottery and what you said about giving ... he stopped me and looked around the Pier to see who was watching. Then Brent went on to say, "I can’t talk here in the open. Can we talk at my home in the morning?"

 I told him my flight leaves at 6 pm tomorrow night. Brent handed me a slip of paper and went on to say “That will be fine, how about 10:30 in morning?”

I said “Sure". I took out a notepad and pen and gave it to his bodyguard to write the address…  the bodyguard handed the notepad to Brent. He wrote

 down the address… He handed me the notepad as if he trusted me a little and said: “Talk with you in morning”. The whole time we were talking his son in the background kept fishing.

I took the paper and shook his hand. “Thank you", I replied and on the paper read 32 Hudson Street, Seabrook, New Hampshire.

The bodyguard watched every second almost to say I dare to do something to Brent. I made sure the handshake was stern and quick. And I walked away quickly to make sure no one changed their mind.

I jumped in my car and went back to the hotel with a smile and thankful for all the work and luck on my side at this moment…back at the Hotel room the first thing I do is call my office to speak with Amelia.  I told her I have an interview in the morning and she was very excited. "This is great", she said. "Make sure you're on that plane tomorrow night Marc with the story. I promised I would and then hung up …and I just paused in the room thinking – What a day.

It’s morning now and I start to get ready. I went downstairs to the breakfast buffet. I could not pass on just seeing the breakfast surroundings which could be on "Ripley's Believe or Not". I grabbed my usual two croissants with the works and coffee and headed to the Chevrolet Malibu. While I’m walking to the car I call my wife to check in. It's ringing then I hear the voice I know all too well, “Hi Sundara!”

Her voice sounded happy on the phone, “Hi Honey.”

“I will be leaving this evening back to Virginia. How's the home base doing?”

"I’m doing okay and your daughter, she's extremely restless. She’s her father's daughter for sure Marc, her genes you know'.

 Marc paused before he said his next sentence. “I know, every time I leave on a newspaper trip she can be this way. I rarely leave the state of Virginia for a story, when I read this story I couldn’t pass on the chance to write about it.

I have more progress here.

" Well, today I’m meeting Brent at his house this morning for an interview."



“Please be careful Marc, I want you home safe."

While chatting with my wife, I noticed someone in the hotel parking area staring at me from their car. I told Saundra," Honey, I have to go, love you and give Laura a hug from me.  I had planned on calling home before I’m on the airplane."

 “Okay Mr. Dazet, talk to you later Honey Bunches of Oats". I smiled and was nervous at the same time because what I saw in the parking lot.

The person in the car had a hat on and their car was still running. All of a sudden my mind seemed like it drifted.  Then I shook my head as if I were clearing out an unwanted vision and immediately returned back to my car and got in to be a bit safer. Then I saw the car and the person punch their gas in what seemed to be a different type of car I had never seen before, then poof they were gone.

I opened my car door and jumped out and just stood up on my feet thinking whoa...what was that…? I got myself together, got back in the car and regained composure. I put in the address for the GPS; 32 Hudson Street Seabrook, New Hampshire. I noticed it was not that far, about 15 minutes from here in a car so I started driving.