Moral Compass To Be, or Not To Be - Bryant Johnson - E-Book

Moral Compass To Be, or Not To Be E-Book

Bryant Johnson

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Winning the New Hampshire state lottery was just the beginning. Some more surprises await the Brooks and the people they love. With their bodyguard, Nelson, on high alert, Margret Brooks is doing her best to look after the twins and her husband, Brent, to protect a secret, locked away from the public eyes. Marc Dazet and his wife Sundara are still living in Virginia and their unconventional love is growing every day. Now that a brilliant opportunity has presented itself before them, they must seek help from the Brooks family if they want to make the best of it. But will the Brooks help them this time? And why? Only time will tell. For reasons that are not yet understood, the third family the Johnson's remain stationed at an unidentified military base. 2 Lt. Harold Johnson is now training with Space Marine Commanders, learning skills and traits he might need to defend the planet earth. But he is not the only one the planet needs. His wife and children must also play a major role in the projections. The pieces of this Space Jigsaw Puzzle have been scattered during all these years but the three families will now come together and put them in place. A quest for a: MORAL COMPASS: TO BE, OR NOT TO BE is one thing for sure.

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Moral Compass

Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York

Rabbits once inhabited this island occupied by the original Lenape Native American Indians. They called the island Narnioch, meaning “The Land without Shadows”, as the beaches facing South made an abundance of sunlight, hence the nickname “Narnioch” was given to it. With the Dutch settlers moving to this territory, the Lenape Native Americans sold the land to Dutch people, who renamed the area as “Konijen Island” meaning “Rabbit Island.”

In those times, some parts of the island would reshape because of the tidal sand waves effect. Aquaculture and animal farming were considered to be a major source for surviving on this island. “Konijen Island” a name, once we all knew, reshaped to “Coney Island.” This island, present-day Brooklyn did not stop evolving.

Coney Island became the place of origin of many great inventions. The creation of the initial amusement park in the 20th century attracted a lot of tourists. Inventors made their mark here too. With inventions like the Wooden Rollercoaster, Ferries Wheel the Carousel and, Nathen Hotdog, it was the Walt Disney of its time.

Chapter 1

Marc had the TV remote control in his palm. He was switching channels, one at a time. Overwhelmed, about the spaceship blueprints in his custody, he kept thinking, ‘how in the world are we going to build an object that flies in the air? Which also possesses the qualities of a Dolphin.’

Sundara kept calling Marc’s name in the background. His thoughts lingered on to the future. She looked at him while thinking of him. Marc shifted his head in her direction while gripping the remote control in his hand. Gazing at Sundara like a cave dweller.  “Honey, are you Okay?” At first, she felt a little uneasy. She could see the remote control in his hands and heard the sounds of clicking while she was calling him, “Honey?”

He was looking at Sundara, lost. While she was talking to him, he was drifting in the realm of his own thoughts. What if her family didn’t appreciate our daughter and me on Ooynt?  While Laura was sleeping in the bedroom, Marc knew this was the proper moment to tell all that was going on. But little did he realize; her wife knew everything that he was about to reveal. She pretended like she didn’t know to hone the new gifts that she had gained plus, she needed to discover the reaction of Marc.

“I have to explain something, Sundara,” said Marc, and took out a marker and scribbled something on a sheet of paper. She thought to herself, here come the thoughts. He pulled out the blueprints, the ones he had shown her a long time ago; he wrote in bold letters. “We have to build a spaceship!”

She pretended to gasp, and wrote “What? Really?” he scribbled again, ‘Yes, we have to build the spaceship from these blueprints.” Sundara Hugged him tightly, and he hugged her back, like a little child who found comfort, after getting the big burden off his chest. She recognized all the details and thought about what was about to happen.

She glanced at her husband and wrote with a guilty look in her eyes, “Marc, I already know everything.”

Astonished by the news, Marc was only able to utter, “honey?”


“What? How?”

“Reading thoughts of others is easy for me now. I don’t know how long this will last, Honey. I couldn’t tell you before because I didn’t want to intrude. So, I waited for you to tell me yourself.”

Marc nodded.

“Did Dr. Eugene tell you when he will call?” It startled Marc, “she knew!”

“We must wait for his message.”

Two Months went by

Seabrook, New Hampshire It’s January first, 2019.

The Brooks Family had bliss in their eyes. It’s was their first Christmas in their life where they had an unlimited amount of money to spend on each other during the Holidays... boy they did!

Brent and Margret Brooks wanted to make sure that their twin sons were not spoiled and that they learn about working as well. So, they bought this year two types of gifts for Christmas, working gifts and fun gifts. And they let them open the working presents first. They planned to capture these moments, so they made videos and photos while the twins were opening the gifts. The first one was two top of the line rakes both wrapped in same wrapping paper.

The Truper 26-inch leaf rake equipped with fiberglass handles which made it lighter. “Yes, my sons, you guys will still rake the leaves here,” said Brent. Next, in the gifts, was a snow blower made with power smart 22-inch two-stage gas And John Deere D 105 with mulching capabilities riding lawn more.

Both Jared and Jarvis were surprised after opening the work gifts.

“Some gifts are from Lowes right here in town, and I could get a discount on a lot,” said Brent. And for the fun gifts, he gave them each a gift card from Amazon for the highest limit of $5,000 on them a One-year gift for both...Two Monogram patterns skateboards.

A one-hour Helicopter ride over LA or Malibu with a photographer Both Margret and Brent accompanying them. “It was their first Christmas, and I wanted to go overboard on spending for my sons the first year.” He explained to Margret. For his wife and himself, they both promised one gift each. She gave him a weekend on Yacht-the Dynamig, something which he absolutely appreciated.

And Brent surprised her with a planned trip to Hot Springs, Colorado. This place had mineral water pools which Margret had never experienced before, and this enthused him to arrange this exotic venture with his wife.

Walking back to the office, Brent opened the safe where he had two items, the relic handed down from the Indian Lenape Chief in New Jersey for the UFO trip. He opened the safe to look and shut the door of the safe securely. Even though, Nelson stayed near to watch over the family everywhere they went. He was a great bodyguard. The other item in the safe was “A Deed.”   His Uncle called him out of the blue and requested him to buy some specific land in Virginia of all places. He didn’t tell his family about this secret Christmas present to himself. It’s a Deed to an Island in Virginia.

This Island was on sale. “There will come a time where you will use this deed. Nephew, hang on to this, okay?”, His Uncle instructed. He agreed. Sitting behind his desk, he delved into thoughts. I didn’t question his judgment he knew the coordinates for the TV channel underwater. I trust my family. He is one of the few relatives who hasn’t ask me for money. I wonder why?... Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and it was Nelson making sure everything was going fine.

While sitting, Brent’s phone rang, and he recognized the voice right away, “Marc? Marc Dazet?  Is that you?”

Marc paused, and spoke, “Yes, it’s me. Happy New Year to you and your family.”

“Happy New Year to my reporter friend from Virginia... How it’s going there?

“Well, Sundara and I were taking it easy here, each day at a time. How are the Twins there?

“I was wondering how excited they must be about this Christmas vacation, being your first Christmas together in a new sitting or, I should say nicer settings.”

Brent smiled through the phone. “I promised myself to keep them grounded, its best to teach the teenagers their age about the work ethics, along with enjoying life.”

Marc agreed. “Anything new on the relic, Brent?” This was the part of the conversation where both sides withheld information.

Brent said, “It is here in my safe? I look at it now and then, and put the mysterious item away.

“I would do the same.”, Marc replied. There was another reason Marc called New Hampshire at the Brooks residence. It was a check in on his Uncle. Both parties were waiting on Dr. Eugene Brooks for answers.

“I haven’t heard from him since 2018, before the new year” ... Sundara was watching TV while Marc was on the phone and she picked up vibes in their talks. She thought to herself. I can’t make it out ... let’s concentrate “Island” in Virginia what, why? Her senses told her. I’m not sure how true this is. I will store this small amount of information away.

Brent heard another call coming in, “One second let me see who this is on the other phone.” He said to Marc. He clicked the office phone. It’s the manager at Lowes thanking him for shopping there for Christmas season.,

“You can’t take the Lowes out me. I spent too many hours there working” ...

“We know, Mr. Brooks.”, said the voice on the phone.

“You can still call me Brent... There at Lowes. I put on my pants one at a time. Every day like you guys there.”

“Okay, Brent,” said the manager. Marc agreed with Brent. While listing in on the call.

“All I want to say is have a nice day from Lowes.”

“You too.”

He clicked back to Marc, “You still there?”

“I’m still here.”

“Cool, look if I hear from my Uncle, I will have him call you back. Is there anything you want me to ask him?

Marc thought about it and said, “No I’m okay I’ll just wait and see.”

“Well, Marc we will talk again soon. Take care of your wife and daughter there.”

“Sure, I will.”

Brent thought to himself; I wonder what this year has in store for our family... I’m not sure if it can top the year 2017, as it was one of the most exceptional years of our lives... He stood up checked the safe a second time to make sure it was locked and walked out of the personal office space to look at his family.

Chapter 2

Second Lieutenant Harold Johnson looked around his modern home for his family. And he couldn’t believe they were assigning him on this secret disclosed Military base. He was sitting reminiscing about the time when he had the interest to be a fighter pilot. But eventually, things changed, and finally, the events changed as well. While they stationed his family to Germany, during the Eighties, he laughed to himself thinking of the individuals who supported him to where he is now. In all his ranks, his most prized one was the rank of being a family man. He was grateful for his family, his wife Hanna, and two children, Zelda and Nolan.

As his mind wandered in thoughts, something on TV caught his eyes. A woman was putting on a coat, and he stared at the stunning colors of the jacket.  He could hear the TV in the background when she told everyone to buy the new YinMn reversible coat. What a tone, he thought to himself. It had the shade of purple and blue together. I never heard about this in Kansas where they actively assigned him, he thought. A visual wake up call. Hanna came into the room. “Hi Honey, are you Okay looks like you saw a ghost or something?”

“No, honey, I was watching this ad on TV about a coat, the color of the coat changes, and blends between the two colors.

“Honey,” Hanna sat down next to him and spoke, “Honey there is a lot to discover here on the current base.” Harold didn’t speak he nodded back in agreement. He called the children in, to the same room to talk with them.  “Okay, we are having our first family meeting.” Zelda stared at her Dad and listened to every word he said, even at her young age. She knew their family location differed from the past.

“It seems like we’re about to start the springtime here,” Harold told his family, although he wasn’t certain what month it was. “It looks like the spring” Nolan spoke. “How can we miss Christmas here and the New Year? I don’t remember celebrating Dad.”. They all glanced at each other looking for answers.

Pacing to the room, Hanna did not like her family missing Christmas and the New Year; these dates were important for them. She walked in the dome home while she was talking, and noticed a scale button on the wall which looked like a sundial. Around the button were weather messages and Holiday phrases.

One label said Merry Christmas and another, Happy New Year. Then there were weather words associated with Holidays words. Something puzzled her about what she had learned. Words like cold, tropical desert, blizzard, mars and moon setting. There were two words that she could not recognize, one-word was Andromeda Galaxy and the other one, Triangulum Galaxy. She called Harold, “Honey, come here. I want to show you this object.”

Walking over to his wife, he put his hand on her shoulder and said, “What’s wrong honey?”  “Look what I found over here. It seems like a Temperature gauge or some sort.” 

He looks at the device with some confusion. “We can’t touch this until we talk with Colonel Mathews. He can tell us the function of this button.” The children overhearing them, said something while secretly trying to look over their parents’ shoulder to see. “We have to wait. Our moving truck should be here shortly to unpack.  Let’s Wait.” Said, Harold.

Underwater, Yautja knew it was time to find the Relic Key. Now with clues, she had no time to wait. She thought to herself; I must go to New Hampshire and locate the key. She punched a switch, and a screen put the travel coordinates in as 32 Hudson Street, Seabrook, New Hampshire. It was a futuristic GPS for the Fiwusho people.

Moving fast to the entrance of the ship, she whispered, “I will be back.” She advised the others who were in the space-time capsules, “I will unlock all doors.” They couldn’t hear what she said. She found the entrance, and thought could the same action happen for her while leaving?... then a loud noise as heard. The bottom twist opened, and there was a certain substance holding the water from entering, she jumped, and several lights beamed into the water. All the living water creatures disappeared when this happened. It seemed as if her thoughts dominated the ship movements.

Then the same force which carried her up carried her down. It was Yautja’s mission to New Hampshire. While looking up from the bottom of the ship, she glimpsed as the platform closing and its lights going off. Then she went into a swim motion unrecognizable to the common eye. Swiftly, she descended in the water…

Robert has been working on the Atlantic Florida ocean for many years as a tugboat operator. Now, his job was to steer other boats out of crowded harbor’s, towing them. These boats looked small but were mighty in engine strength. Their engines equal the railway trains of today. Robert worked for Towboats, US. In Fort Lauderdale, not too far from Pompano Beach, Florida.

He was travelling out to rescue a ship, and on his way, he noticed something in his binoculars. It looked like someone was drowning in the water. He looked again to make sure he didn’t just see things. And yes, there actually was a lady necessitating help. He sped up his boat as fast as he could, and he yelled, “Hold on, hold on, I’m coming.” As he got closer to her, she seemed lifeless, needing his help... he then cut off his engine and ran to the right-hand side of the boat, reached his hand down to grab her arm. And in this way, Robert pulled her into the boat.

She couldn’t speak but just be thankful...Yautja didn’t want to make a scene. All she wanted was to be near her car on Pompano Beach, Florida. She was now on Robert’s Tugboat, getting closer to start her mission. In the meanwhile, Robert calls in the situation. The company was sending another boat for Robert’s assignment. Yautja couldn’t be happier for this help.

She noticed the speed of a ship; it was slower than most. She observed the tugboat keep moving closer to shore, but she added a slight twist by having the boat operator drive closer to her destination.

Robert stirred his boat toward the right side and headed towards the northwestern shore, waters away from Fort Lauderdale. He didn’t know how this change of route took place. It took about 25 minutes to reach the right place for Yautja to jump off the tugboat, into the water closer to Pompano.

Robert went to check on her to see how she was feeling, but when he went to the front of the boat, he witnessed something unearthly. She released the blanket surrounding her and with a quick, lightening motion leapt off the boat into the water. Swimming at top speeds towards the shoreline ...

Robert looked around in a daze. Getting back to the water location, Robert asked himself, “where am I?” He knew the coordinates very well, but he had never been here before.

Everything seemed mystifying in his Tugboat. He pulled his Global Ship Tracking Intelligence screen following the coastal traffic and noticed his boat was near to the Pompano Beach. “Why?”, He said to himself. “And how? That’s about 22.4 A mile away from the harbor water where I expected to be.” He radioed in, to the main office. “Hello, this Robert calling,” while calling in on his smartphone. The main person answered in Fort Lauderdale, “Robert where have you been, I’ve been calling you for a long time. But there was no answer.”

Robert claimed he didn’t hear the phone ring, “I know where I am, and you know Tugboat doesn’t get lost in any waters.”  Puzzled, he said, “I don’t know how I got here.”  The other person the phone told him, “Take your time coming back. Well, see you when you get back.” Robert was still perplexed about what had just happened. He changed the boat south and went back to formula waters.

The shoreline looked right as Yautja was swimming near the ocean waters. She had noticed the area already, where her muscle car stayed parked.  So that she could blend in more, she jumped out the water near the fences, not so far from her car. The gate was open as the passengers were coming on and off cruise ship liners. She noticed a lot of people wearing sunglasses that read 2019 on them, happy as they could be, for the New Year.

She saw her car parked, as before. And as soon as she saw the shape, she walked at a faster pace than most and hopped in the car. There was a GPS that she always used while she was on earth. She punched in 32 Hudson Street, Seabrook, New Hampshire.  The GPS voice said, “The distance is 1506 miles, and it would take 23 hours and 11 minutes.” She knew the meaning for miles and hours on earth.

It was a straight line up the eastern coastal waters. Her eyes gleamed; nothing could get in her way of finding the Relic Key at 32 Hudson Street...

Chapter 3

The phone rang in Virginia Beach. It was Brent on the other end. “Marc, is that you?”

“Yes, it’s me, Marc,” he replied, “You called back sooner than I thought.”

“Yes, actually, I received a call from my uncle.” Marc perked up because he was waiting for some sort of sign for a long time. “He told me to tell you he will call sometime next week; he gave a date. And he said to tell you the word Boomerang.”

Marc was startled to hear this word from Brent on the phone. Marc thought to himself, Boomerang, I wonder if he means I need to call him. He gave me a signal of calling him. Maybe that what that means!

“Okay Brent, Thank You for sending the information.”

“My uncle is a mysterious person, isn’t he?”

“Can you say that again? A mysterious person?” Marc agreed on both phrases.

The two parties held back information for the second time from each other like two lions who happened to be friends but can’t speak. “Talk to you soon Marc,” said Brent.

“Ok, Tell the Twins I said Hello and that bodyguard of yours too,” the phone hung up, and Marc sat down with thoughts swirling in his mind Is it the right time to build this spaceship?

He opened the blueprints from the manila envelope and looked at them thinking they were purely fascinating, as what was drawn on the plastic slate could take them to other worlds.

As Marc was sitting, Sundara walked in to see how he was doing. “How is my Reporter doing today?” asked Sundara.

“I’m fine honey. How’s our daughter?”

“She’s fine. She will be home from school soon. It’s their first day back to school from Christmas break.”

“Honey, I have to go to the office to and see what’s happening around the paper. Since we had a Christmas and New Year’s, I’m sure a lot of the journalists are flowing in and out, working like Trojans,” said Marc.

She left the room, and he was sitting thinking about how she became his wife and had their daughter Laura, his mind wandered. After college, in California their senior year they had their commencement speech, his mind flew into overdrive. I can’t go to the east coast without marrying this young lady.

He had to think quick because in about two weeks before they would have to go their separate ways, and her separate way was another world. A long way from earth acting on his feet and making the right decision saved Marc. He thought of a plan. He asked her on a date to the ocean, and then, on the dune’s hills of Pismo Beach.

He had planned well in advance. For two days straight, he wrote in the ocean sand with sticks. Each letter about 6 feet tall. He made sure it was far enough from the ocean water to not get washed away, what he had written. Then, the day finally came, when he dressed for the date and picked her up and went to the oceanfront to ask Sundara this life changing question.

She gave him a curious look, “Is everything okay?” He told her that everything was fine and that he wanted to have a date with her before they left the west coast. When they reached the ocean, she said that she loved the beach. They walked to the dune, the air was breezy, and the smell of the shells and the salty ocean water was more impacting today.

He told her to close her eyes before they went downhill off the sand dunes and she did. As they were walking, his heart was pounding in his chest, I said to myself, “Marc Dazet, this is going to be scary but also exciting, so you must do this. You have spent hours writing each letter in the sand.” He thought to himself.

He then, told her to open her eyes, and she looked and stared for, what seemed to be a long time, absorbing the words, and he said to her out loud, “Will You Marry Me, Sundara?” When she heard this, her ears took another shape.

She was dumb folded. Marc ran down the hill and walked to each letter. And said out loud “Will” and then went to the next word “You” “Marry me Sundara?” He walked to each word to make sure she saw this important sentence. Sundara stood in a shock, and it took her a while to realize the whole situation. Because where she came from, this did not happen.

And then out of a sudden, she ran down the hill after him with joy and said gleefully, “Yes Marc! Yesses!!! I will Marry you.” Both of them were so happy on the beach, with the words. “It was great... I did not know if this would work,” Marc thought. She said out loud, “What do we do next?” He froze and did not want to think about what steps to take next. He was just so happy that she had said yes before she went back to her galaxy.

Snapping back to the present times in Virginia Beach, he had to get ready, to drive out to Norfolk, Virginia. Laura was back from school, she walked in and said hi and gave him a high five. “So how was the first day of school, was it okay?” His daughter Laura spoke with exactment, everyone seemed at ease today and kind of wanted to come back to a school, Dad.

“Yes, that’s how it is when you’re back to school after a break everyone wants to show their new Christmas clothes and gifts. Marc replied She smiled and understood. She too had new gifts that she wanted to show her friends, a new Apple watch and a cool outfit that her mom had bought. Marc was proud of his daughter adjustment to American schools in Virginia. He hugged Laura to say goodbye and grabbed his keys to leave the condo.

He walked towards his Jeep Cherokee and set out for Brambleton Ave in Norfolk. It was the end of winter in Virginia Beach, and it was less crowded with tourist. Having less traffic for a change was good. He arrived at the newspaper office in no time. He wandered by to Amelia office to say hi, she said, “Hey Marc, how were your holidays?” He told her they were fine as everyone needed the break.

After, catching up with his managing editor Amelia, Marc went over to his desk and sat there swiveling in his chair, thinking about new stories. His mind was stuck on a past story with Brent, and this seemed to consume his mind. But he still had to work here. Amelia called him on the phone, “Marc, look, I might have a story for you. You know, there are these bike trails, here in the Hampton’s Roads area, for the whole state, could you find out more about what’s happening and write a story about this?” Marc agreed.

“I am an outdoor person it would be neat to find out more about this case,” he thought. Before he started his research, he wanted to call Dr. Brooks, who had told him that he could call him any time of a day or a month or year. He walked outside a little away from the newspaper building and took out his cell to call. He had to think and remember how he said to make a call, “I have put today’s date, present day, month and year. So, I should dial 01 17 2019.

It rang for about two minutes. And the formula voice replied, “Hello Marc, is this you?” And again, with Time travel he didn’t know Brent’s uncle’s present location and didn’t recognize the noise in the background. Something felt new. He stood still gripping the phone. “Marc, I’m glad you called. My nephew said you wanted to talk me, and did you get my word Boomerang?” He thought to himself how did he know. 

“Yes, I got it…”

“Marc, a lot is going on... I will explain to you what I can on the phone, and we must meet in Hampton, Virginia. I have given you a paper. There will be new people entering your life who are helpers for this mission of building the spaceship. Marc perked up. “I know them. They’ll be getting to know you. I will tell you their names, one of them is Joe Lewis, not the famous boxer but a normal person and the other name is Tobias and the W.S. They’re going to help with the project happen, and Brent is also going to be a big help and me too.

I wanted you to know their name beforehand. On the right time, these people will enter into your life so don’t be alarmed when they do. Tobias is a time traveler like me, a gifted one. Joe Lewis and his partner bulldog will support you with transportation demands. Rest I will inform you later...I have to run now. Look, call me in a week and a half, I will be at the Langley Research Center, and then we talk more.”

Marc stared at the phone and tuned in to the sounds of the environment he would probably never hear again in his life. “Okay Marc, see you in a week and a half,” said Dr. Brooks.

“Okay Dr. Brooks,” the call ended. Marc went back to his desk thinking who the new people in my life would be like. He was excited and cautious at the same time. Walking back to his desk his mind went into overdrive. He sat at his desk taking in the phone conversation from Dr. Brooks. Who’s the W.S.? he thought. He picks up the phone, “Let me call Sundara and talk to her,” the phone rang, and she picks up. “Marc, you’re okay?”

“Yes dear.” He answered.

“How are you doing?” She knew he had a lot on his mind. And she also knew, he wanted to tell her more about the new information that he had received. Moreover, she was aware of the details before he spoke. Marc spoke in code. He said there would be some new people entering their life. She went silent and wondered who these new people would be? Would they come to motive and help or hurt us?

“They’re here to help us, Sundara. I will tell you more when I’m back home. I had to call to hear your voice and see how were you doing. Its Ok do not be nervous.” He said in an affirming voice. “I should get back to work now, see you later honey, stay safe.”

Both hung up from the phone. Marc sighed and typed in regional bike trails in Google, and there were the number and information of the director for Hampton Roads Planning. He called the number to find out more about the bike trails but received a voice mail. He spoke. “Hello, my name Marc Dazet, from the Virginia Pilot Newspaper, I wanted to speak to a representative about the regional bike trails in planning. Could you call me back 757-446-9001? Thank You.” Then he hung up.

He went back to the website to get more information about the regional trails. It intrigued him, the planning. It took his mind off the major events in his life.  The online story mentioned many regional trails, but his focus was on one called the Birthplace of America Trail. It seemed very catchy, but it was not built yet. The name and this trail, Marc wanted to know more about the project.

He wrote in his notepad, regional trail system, from Hampton Roads to Richmond. Great name, he thought to himself. Then he closed his notebook. On his first day back, he analyzed, “It was a short day with a lot going on.” And now, it was time for him to head back to Virginia Beach…

Chapter 4

Margret Brooks was still impressed from the UFO trip to Wanaque Reservoir in New Jersey. She was going through the pictures and gifts they had brought in from the Lenape Indian tribe. It seemed as if their lives had been changed after this trip even more. She wanted to talk with Rhonda, their tour guide, to see how things were going with her. She had her number, so she sent her a text, “How are you, Rhonda?”  She replied right away, “I’m okay, it’s nice to hear from you when you are you guys coming back?”. Margret texted, “I wish to come right now.”

She asked if she could call her, but Margret told she was much of a text person. Rhonda said, “I’m the same, but I’ll call you.” Margret agreed, she was excited, being a History teacher, she wanted to talk more about the history and trip. The phone rang right away. Brent and the twins were out riding around Seabrook, New Hampshire.

“Hey, how are you doing?” asked Margret.

“I’m doing okay. Miss you guys.”

“Me too, Brent still has the Relic safe here.”

“Good, I’m glad. We are a spiritual community. Our food, medicine, everything that we are doing here has a spiritual significance. Margret, our Chef, keeps many artifacts that even I have not seen, he is talking with the youth right now about the history of Wampum.”

“What is Wampum? asked Margret.”

“I will explain soon. I wanted the Chief to talk with the youth without me. The reason that I called was to know if you guys could come back here to New Jersey. I mean if you had the time again. I needed to show you something that I can only show you here. Anyways, how are the twins doing Jared and Jarvis.”

“They’re doing good, just finishing the holidays here. Yes, we came out of Pooxit and Winigischuch? The time for falling leaves and falling snow.

“Yes, we have Christmas here and the New Year as well.”

“Happy New Year, Margret.” Margret greeted her the same.

“Yes, I will tell Brent to come back there with the twins. It would be fun and informative.”

“Okay Margret, I will call you back soon, deal,” she agreed, and they both hung up.

Rhonda heard the Chief say to the youth. We are good hunters and fishermen. We make our own boats, and they’re called Dugout Canoes. They are made from Muxulhemenshi trees (Tulip Trees). All of them shook their head knowing what the word meant. He went on and said that they burned the tree at the base until it fell. And repeated the process until a hollowed section would create the clearing. They made great boats for all types of waters, the Ocean, events, small boats, big boats all sizes.

North Atlantic channeled whelk shell and white and purple beads made from Quahog a hard clam made the base for Wampum beads. One of the boys asked, “What are the beads used for?”

“They were used to for trade for metals anything needed. They were so valuable that they developed into a currency and we made a trade like real money with these beads. We knew the waters well here on the eastern shore.”

“Our Wampum beads are on strings like the ones I have around my wrists right now,” said the Chief pointing to them. The youth saw many of the beads around their families, but they did not know the true meaning. “We use them for storytelling and treaties between us and the settlers. They took a long time to make the Wampum beads. The process is difficult. Only tribes on coastal waters had access to the shells you see today,” he explained. They asked another question about the belts.

“Yes, this made to if a canoe had a Wampum belt draped over the canoe everyone knows there is a diplomat inside the boat and, not to mess with that particular canoe. This all for today; we’ll talk more about it later, okay.” They all stood up for the Chief as a gesture of respect. As the room emptied, the Chief walked over to Rhonda, and asked her, “Did you tell them? The Brooks family, for a re-invite? I must tell them something about the Relic.” Rhonda replied, “I told them, Chief.” With vexed expressions, he said, “Okay, good, it’s important.”

Jared and Jarvis, with their father and Nelson, were driving a Forrest Green Suzuki Jimny, speeding along the Seabrook roads. One may ask if there was a difference between the two twins. They were identical, yes there’s the difference, one area that’s unique. The difference is highlighted when one’s spends time around them, Jared was louder and had more of a boisterous demeanor.

On the other hand, Jarvis was more reserved, quiet but not shy. If they were both in public, one could hear Jared’s voice first, whether over some disagreement or in a normal conversation. Jarvis usually kept it to himself. If using a metaphor, Jared could be Rick Flare, and Jarvis could be Neo in the Matrix, always thinking and questioning. He didn’t say much unless it counted. So, these were the twins, and one was an extrovert and the other introvert.

They were driving through town, and the first one who to speak was Jared. “It’s the New Year 2019. It’s the New Year! My Cowboys are playing as they are America’s best football Team. Do you agree?” Jarvis sighs. Nelson was driving at the legal speed.

“You remember, you guys wanted to have an amusement park here, in Seabrook?” There was a glee in Jared’s eyes, while he excitedly said, “Yes, I remember Dad.” To which Brent said, “Well, I can’t tell you all but, keep that idea in your mind.” Jarvis, liking the idea, put his two thumbs in the air.

 “Come on, Dad tell us, pleaseee?” Jared insisted. Nelson was looking around the rear-view mirror like he knew the plan, not from Mr. Brooks but from another source…

Jared said, “Dad you made sure where going to be working I notice with upgrading the tools... Yes, it will build character, Son. We do have money now but nothing replaces a good character.”

He felt, working at Lowes for so many years had helped him out in getting along with other hard-working people in Seabrook, “My Lowes experiences will be the back-yard work and other adventures coming up kids.” The twins looked out the window at the same time wondering about the other adventures.

Suddenly there was a sign and a parking lot. The sign read ‘99 Restaurant’. Jared said, “Yes! The 99!! They have great Burgers here.” So, they decided to grab a bite there. While they were walking in, a member of the Free State Project was walking out. The man said to all of them, “It’s the Brooks and Dun Band!” Brent said back, “Real funny, Harvey. How are you doing today?

“I am doing fine, make sure you try the Vermont Cheddar Burger,” said Harvey howling like a wolf, “Woooo Weeee! it’s good!”