Eastern shame girl - Anonymous - E-Book

Eastern shame girl E-Book


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"Eastern shame girl" is the classic erotic literature of China in the 17th Century. It contains graphic sexual descriptions and themes.

In the morning Shih-niang, on being left alone in her cabin, had prepared a little feast for her friend, wishing to spend the day with him in happiness; but the sun had set before Chia came back. She had lanterns lit to guide him and, when he at last appeared and entered the cabin, raised her eyes to his face and found the color of displeasure. She poured out a cup of hot wine and offered it to him; but he shook his head without a word, and refused to drink. Then he went and threw himself on the bed. Sad at heart, Shih-niang put the cups and dishes in order. She then undid her husband’s clothes and, leaning on the pillow, gently asked him: “What news have you heard that has so upset you?”

Illustrated with traditional erotic Chinese paintings

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Eastern shame girl


A classic literature of China in the 17th Century

Eastern Shame Girl The Wedding of Ya-Nei A Strange Destiny The Error of the Embroidered Slipper The Counterfeit Old Woman The Monastery of the Esteemed-Lotus A Complicated MarriageAnonymousThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should purchase your own copy.Second edition 2011

Eastern Shame Girl

When there is a great peace Under the gold cup of the sun Joy reaches its flowering.

In the twentieth year of the period Wan-li, there came, among the thousands of students who gathered at Peking for the examinations, a certain Li, whose first name was Chia and his surname Ch’ien-hsi, or “Purified-a-thousand times.” His family were from Shao-hsing fu in Chekiang; his father was Judge of the province of Kang-su; and Li himself was the eldest of three brothers. He had studied in the village school from childhood and, not having yet attained to literary rank, had come, according to custom, to present himself for examination at Peking. While in that city, he consorted, before his springtide, with the young libertines, the “willow twigs” of his country; and, in order to gain experience, frequented the theatres and music-halls. Thus he became acquainted with a famous singing girl called Tu, whose first name was Mei, or “Elegance.” As she was the tenth of her family, she was known at the theatre as Shih-niang, “The Tenth daughter.” A delicate seduction diffused from her: her body was all grace and perfume. The twin arches of her brows held the black which is blue of distant mountains, and her eyes were as deep and bright as autumn lakes. Her face had the glory of the lotus, and her lips the glory of cherries. By what blunder of the gods had this piece of flawless jade fallen in the windy dust, among the flowers beneath the willow? When she was thirteen years old, Shih-niang had already “broken her claws.” Now she was nineteen, and it would not be possible to enumerate the young Lords and Princes whose hearts she had besotted, whose thoughts she had set in a turmoil, whose family treasures she had swallowed without compunction. In the theatres, they had composed an epigram about her:

When Tu Shih-niang comes to a banquet The guests drink a thousand great cups Instead of a single small one. When Tu Mei appears upon the stage The actresses look like devils.

It must be said that never, in the young passions of his life, had Li Chia experienced the pain of beauty; but, when he saw Shih-niang, emotion was awakened in him, and the feelings of a flowering willow filled his breast. He himself was gifted with rare beauty, and a sweet and gentle nature. He spent his money recklessly, with an unbridled zeal for bestowing gifts. For this reason he held a double attraction for Shih-niang, who considered that falsehood and avarice were opposed to rectitude, and had also by this time made up her mind to return to a life of honor. She appreciated Li Chia’s gentleness and generosity, and was drawn toward him. But he was afraid of his father and did not dare to marry her at once, as she wished. Their love was not, on that account, any the less tender. In the joys of dawn and the pleasures of twilight they kept together as do husband and wife, and in their vows they compared their love with the Ocean or with the Mountain, recognizing no other vital motive. In truth:

Their tenderness was deeper than the sea For it was past sounding, Their love was as the mountains But even higher.

Also, since Chia had been admitted to her favor, rich Lords and powerful Ministers were no longer permitted to see the girl’s beauty. At first Li used to give large sums of money, so that the matron to whom Shih-niang belonged, shrugged her shoulders and smiled. But the days went quickly, and the months too; and a year had passed. Chia’s coffers had gradually become empty; and now his hand could no longer keep pace with his wishes. But the ancient ma-ma remained patient.

In the meanwhile the Judge had learned that his son was frequenting the theatre, and sent him repeated orders to return home. But Chia, who was infatuated, kept on delaying his departure until, hearing that his father was truly furious, he no longer dared to return. It was well said by the ancients: “As long as harmony endures there is unity; when harmony ceases, there is separation.”

Shih-niang’s love was sincere, and her heart only burned the more for him whose hands were empty. The ma-ma frequently ordered her to send her lover away; then, seeing that the young girl was indifferent to her commands, she tried to exasperate Chia with stinging words, hoping thus to compel him to depart. But her visitor’s nature was so gentle that his anger could not be provoked, and the only result was to make him more amiable in his behavior to the old woman, who in her impotence ended in reproaching Shih-niang:

“We who keep open doors must eat our visitors three times a day, and clothe ourselves with them. We lead out the departing guest by one door, but to receive a fresh one by another. When desire is excited under our roof, our silver and silks mount up like hills. But it is more than a year since this Li Chia began troubling your curtains, and now old patrons and new guests alike have discontinued their visiting. The spirit Chung-k’uci no longer comes to our door; nay, not the littlest devil. Therefore I am angry and humiliated. What will become of us, now that we have no trace of visitors?”

Shih-niang restrained herself with difficulty under these reproaches, and answered calmly:

“Young Lord Li did not come here with empty hands. He has paid us considerable sums of money.”

“It was so at one time; but it is now so no longer. Tell him to give me enough to pay for rice for the two of you.... Indeed, I have no luck! Most of the girls I buy claim all the silver, and hardly care whether their clients live or die. But now I have reared a white tiger who refuses riches, opens wide the door, and makes my old body bear the total burden. O miserable child! You wish to keep the poor for nothing. Where will you find clothes and food? Tell your beggar to be wise enough to give me a few ounces of silver. If you will not send him away, I shall sell you and look for another slave. That would be better for both of us.”

“Do you mean what you say?” asked the girl.

“But you know that Li Chia has neither money nor clothes, and cannot procure any.”

“I am not jesting,” answered the old woman.

“Then how much must he give to take me away?”

“If any one else were in question, I should demand several thousand ounces. Alas! This beggar cannot pay them! So I shall be satisfied with three hundred ounces, with which to buy another ’tinted face.’ If he brings them within three days, I will take the silver with my left hand and give the girl with my right. But after three days, it matters not at all to me that three times seven are twenty-one; Lord or no Lord, I shall beat out this young spark with my broom, and you must bear no grudge for it.”

“In spite of all, he should be able to borrow three hundred ounces. But three days is too little; he will need ten.”

“Ten days!” cried the other. “A hundred would be more like! Yet so be it. I will wait ten days.”

“If he cannot get the money, he will not have the face to return. My only fear is that you will go back on your promise, if he does bring the three hundred ounces.”

“I am nearly fifty-one years old,” answered the ma-ma. “Ten times I have offered the great sacrifices. How should I dare not to keep my word? If you mistrust me, let us strike the palms of our hands together to fix the agreement. Nay, if I break my word, may I be changed into a pig or dog!”

That same evening, by the pillow-side, Shih-niang explained how her body might be re-bought, and Li Qua said:

“That would delight me, but how can I pay so much? My purse is as empty as if it had been washed.”

“Your slave has arranged all with the ma-ma. She requires three hundred ounces within ten days. Even if you have spent all that your family gave you for your journey, you have still some friends or relations from whom you can borrow. Then you will have me entirely to yourself, and I shall never again have to endure that woman’s anger.”

“Since I became obsessed by our love, my friends and relations have ceased to recognize me. But perhaps, if I asked them to help me to pay for my journey I might make up the sum.”

In the morning, when he had arranged his hair and, clothed himself, and was about to leave Shih-niang, she said to him:

“Do your uttermost, and come back to me with good news.”

He went to all his relations and friends, pretending that he was taking leave of them before his departure. They all congratulated him; but when he spoke of the expenses of the journey and asked for a loan, all, without exception, told him that they could do nothing. His friends knew the weakness of his character, and that he was besotted with love for some “Flower-in-the-Mist” or other. He had remained in Peking, up to that time, they knew, not daring to face his father’s anger. Was this departure genuine, now, or but pretended? If he spent the borrowed money on “tinted faces,” would not his father bear a grudge against those who lent it? The most he could get together was from ten to twenty ounces.

Ashamed of his failure after a full three days of endeavor, he did not dare to return to Shih-niang; yet, since he used to spend every night with his mistress, he had no other lodging. After the first evening, therefore, he went and asked shelter from his fellow-countryman, the very learned Liu Yu-ch’un. This man, seeing the growing sadness of the young man, at last ventured to question him and learned his story and of his plan of marriage. Liu shook his head: “That is hardly possible. She is the most famous of all the singing girls. Who would be content with three hundred ounces for such a beauty? The old woman has conceived this method of sending you away, and Shih-niang, knowing that your hands are empty, asks you for this sum because she does not dare to tell you to leave her. If you offered the silver, she would laugh at you. It is a common trick. Do not trouble yourself further, but resign yourself to the breaking off of your relations with the girl.”

Li Chia was speechless for a long time, shaken by his doubts, and Liu added:

“Make no mistake about it. If you show that you really mean to take your departure, many will help you. But as for your plan, you would need not ten days, but ten months to find three hundred ounces.”

“Good Elder-Brother,” answered Li, “your judgment is indeed profound.”

But none the less he continued his vain search for three further days.

Shih-niang was most anxious when she did not see her lover come back to her. She sent a little servant to look for him, and the child met Li by chance, and said:

“Lord, our Elder-Sister awaits you at the house.”

In his shame, Li answered:

“I have no time to-day. To-morrow I will come to see her.”

But the boy had been commanded to bring him back, and to die sooner than lose him, so he replied:

“It is the absolute wish of the Elder-Sister that you come with me.”

Li could not refuse, and followed the messenger.

Once in Shih-niang’s presence he stood still, sobbing mo-mo, mo-mo, without a word.

“How is our plan going?” she asked.

He only answered with a flood of tears; so she insisted:

“Can people have been so hard as to refuse three hundred ounces?”

Stifling his sobs, he answered with this verse:

It is easier to catch a tiger in the mountains Than to move the world with speech alone.

“I have gone about for these six days, and my hands are empty. Shame has kept me away from my perfumed companion, and it is only at her command that I have come back. I have tried my hardest. Alas! such is the spirit of the century.”

“We will say nothing to the ma-ma. Let my Lord stay here for the night: his slave will propose another plan to him.”

She served him with a meal and wine, and made him lie down. Then in the middle of the night she asked:

“If you cannot find three hundred ounces to free me, what are we to do?”

He wept without answering. Shih-niang waited until the fifth watch; then she drew from under her mattress a bag containing a hundred and fifty ounces in small silver, and said:

“This is my secret reserve. Since you cannot find the whole sum, I will give you half of it. That should help you; but we have only four days more. Above all, do not come too late!”

Astonished and overjoyed, he carried away the bag and went back to Liu, telling him what had happened and showing him the money. Liu exclaimed:

“Surely this woman has a loyal heart! Since she acts so, she must not be allowed to suffer. I am going to act as mediator in your marriage.”

Leaving Li in his house, he went himself to ask for loans on all sides. In two days he had amassed a hundred and fifty ounces. He gave them to the young man, saying:

“I have stood guarantor for you, for I am deeply touched by Shih-niang’s sentiment.”

Li took the silver, as delighted as if the money had fallen from the sky, and ran to see his mistress. It was the ninth day. She asked him: “Has it been very difficult? Have you found the hundred and fifty ounces?”

He then told her what Liu had done; and both, rejoicing, spent a night of pleasure. Next day she said to him:

“When this money is paid, I must follow my Lord. But we have made no preparation for the boats and conveyances of our journey. I have borrowed twenty ounces from my friends. My Lord may take them for travelling expenses.”

In his uneasiness concerning these expenses, he had not dared to speak of them. He took the money, and was full of joy.

At that moment there was a knock on the door, and the old woman entered, saying:

“This is the tenth day.”

“I thank the ma-ma for recalling the fact to us,” he answered. “I was on the point of paying her a visit.”

And, taking up the bag, he poured the three hundred ounces on to the table. The old woman had not supposed he could succeed.

She changed color, and seemed on the point of gainsaying her word. So Shih-niang said; “I have stayed in your house for a long time, and have brought in several thousands of ounces. To-day I am marrying. If you do not keep your word, I shall commit suicide before you, and you will lose the money and the girl.”

The old woman could find no words to express her feeling. She took the money in silence, and finally muttered:

“If you mean to go away, you go now. But you shall take none of your clothes or jewels with you.”

Hustling the two young people along, she led them through the door and shot the bolt.

It was then the ninth moon, and the weather was cold. Shih-niang had but just risen from bed, and was not dressed; nor was her hair done. Yet she saluted the ma-ma with two genuflexions. La Chia shook his two hands joined together. Thus the married pair left that not too pleasant old woman:

Even as a carp escapes the metal hook, Flirts its tail and shakes its head And returns not.

In front of the door La Chia said to his mistress:

“Wait a moment! I will call a little palankeen to take you to the house of Liu.”

She answered:

“In this very court are my friends, my sisters, who have always been in sympathy with me.

“I must take leave of them; and I cannot neglect to thank them for the money they have lent me.”

Accompanied by her Lord, she went to each pavilion to greet her friends. Now, one of them, Yuch-lang, was a very close friend of Shih-niang, so, seeing that she had not done her hair, she led her to her own toilet-table, and ran to call another friend, Hsu Su-Su. Then she took from her coffers many ornaments of king-fisher leather and bracelets and jasper pins, even embroidered robes and girdles ornamented with phoenix. She gave them to Shih-niang, over-coming her with gratitude.

She also ordered a feast of congratulation, to which all their friends were invited, and finally, at the end of day, offered the pair a bed for the night.

When she was alone with Li Chia, Shih-niang asked:

“Where shall we go when we have left the capital? Has my Lord made a decision on this point?”

“My father,” he answered, “is still angry with me. If, in addition, he learns that I have married my Little-Sister, and that I am coming back with her, he will doubtless be carried quite away by rage. I have not found a satisfactory plan.”

“Your father has feelings from Heaven. He could not break completely with you. Would it not be better for us to go to him, and to keep to our boat while you pray your friends to go and ask for a harmonious reconciliation? After that, leading your slave, you may re-enter your dwelling in peace.”

“That is an excellent plan,” he answered.

Next day they thanked Yuch-lang again, and went to the house of Liu. On seeing the learned man, Shih-niang knelt down to express her gratitude to him, saying:

“Later we may both know how to return your kindness.”

Liu hastened to answer, according to the polite formality:

“Your admirable sentiment far exceeds my most poor action. You are a heroine among women. Why, then, do you hang such words to your/teeth?”

All day the three of them drank wine of joy. Then the pair chose a suitable day [...]