Flirting (2 Books in 1) - Shane Farnsworth - E-Book

Flirting (2 Books in 1) E-Book

Shane Farnsworth

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Stop wasting your time on poor dates and start going on great dates that count! Save time, energy, and sorrow by learning how to rapidly dismiss failures so you can concentrate on discovering the few winners! Don't attempt to modify yourself to impress guys who aren't suited for you in the first place! It would help if you found the perfect guy for you, and let's be truthful, most men aren't suitable for you. That is not a criticism of you or anybody else. It's the truth. It would help if you discovered a few guys who are a good match for you, your personality, and your way of life. Changing yourself to satisfy a guy is a recipe for heartache and frustration. The issue with female dating is that we spend so much time getting to know a man. We have to meet him first, then get past all of his tricks, and then find out whoS he really is... you might spend months on a person to discover he's not good for you. I'm going to save you time and energy by teaching you a simple three-stage scoring system that utilizes little pieces of information about a person to evaluate if he's worth pursuing or should be eliminated. You don't even have to meet him in the first stage! Gather some information, score it, then decide whether to retain or dismiss it. It's that simple, and it only takes a few seconds. There will be no more poor pickup lines or head/heart games to distract you. You maintain control. I'm rooting for you to win! I want you to be your gorgeous self and discover the ideal partner for you! Find love, and you'll find happiness! Most importantly, discover it all for yourself!

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Table of Contents





The excellent guide on how to get



Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7


FLIRTING (2 Books in 1)

Advanced techniques for

meeting girls and

impressing them on the

first date!

Shane Farnsworth



Find out what men want.

The guide that will help you

understand men.

Shane Farnsworth


The trouble with life is that it does not come with an instruction manual; We must all make our way through it as best we can.

One of the things that makes life worthwhile is when you meet that special someone, your other half, and life becomes twice as wonderful. However, it does not always last.

If you've picked up this book, you've undoubtedly had a few relationships that didn't turn out as planned.

Things were great at first, but they turned sour, sometimes fast.

Most of the time, you are brushed off with an explanation and are left wondering what went wrong, what went wrong with you.

So you change, you attempt a new technique when you're with them, you alter yourself, and it may work for a time, but then everything comes apart.

Stop trying to figure out what you're doing wrong, and stop making your relationships a guessing game.

This helpful guide will teach you what guys want and need in a relationship.

Remove the uncertainty and finally locate the one who will remain.


Before you can comprehend the following relationship advice for women, you must first understand how males function. Most women do not understand males; they believe they need to satisfy their men in bed and offer them nutritious food to keep them hooked to the relationship. That is just incorrect. Here we are, at last, at creating the real work. This relationship advice for women book is divided into three sections: Understanding Men, Relationship Strategies, and Absolute Don'ts.

Men's Understanding

All guys desire sex, and it's impossible to determine whether they're serious or simply having fun. If a man wants you, he will introduce you to his family and friends. He'll behave like your spouse and tell you about his plans. He will also never double-cross you. He will devote more time to you than to anybody else with his buddies, he will become more domesticated, and he will be more interested in your company and your talks rather than simply sex.

He'll chat about marriage and children while paying attention to you. So, if your partner exhibits these characteristics, it indicates that he is ready for a commitment. So here's a pro tip: If you like a man and are having sex with him, persuade him that your relationship is important.

Strategies for Building a Strong Relationship Every guy desires a lady who will capture and interest him. You must possess

That enchantment, that mystery about you. It would help if you enticed your boyfriend. If your partner recognizes these attributes in you, he will follow you like a panting puppy dog.

This may be easier said than done for families that share a home. You must, however, attempt to maintain your man's interest in you by not pouring out her heart to him and keeping the curiosity element alive.

Men like receiving praises. Gifts and kind words reinforce their egos. When he does something spectacular or courageous, give him kudos. Could you give him a present as a surprise? It won't take him long to fall head over heels in love with you again.

Introduce him to your circle of friends. He'll get the impression that you've accepted him and are confident in him, which is why you're flaunting him.

Allow him his space. Every man wants to spend time with his mates once in a while, and you must allow him to do so.

He may choose to spend all of his time watching his favorite sport on TV or accompanying you to a football game. Allow him to watch TV and refuse to go out with him.

Do not bother him. A guy is turned off by nagging.

Don't be envious if he has children from a previous marriage.

Instead, he must spend time with them, and you must refrain from interfering.

If you happen to run to see your ex while out with your current boyfriend, don't fall all over him. Rather, attempt to ignore him.

Never, ever initiate family conversations out of desperation.

Enjoy his company.

Could you not make fun of his family or friends? He wants to spend time with them, and you must allow him to do so.

Every human being has flaws. Your guy will have flaws as well.

So please don't be too harsh in pointing them out. When discussing such sensitive topics, be delicate, impartial, and polite.

Personality is important.

We've discussed some of the physical characteristics that men want and some of the categories that men assign to women and why, or why not, you'd want to be in that group.

Now, let's look at some of the personality features that men find most appealing in women.


Women's most common errors in relationships are omitting, glossing over, or lying about their background, particularly in the early stages.

We cannot emphasize enough that a difficult-to-hear truth is preferable to a falsehood. Furthermore, withholding anything is a lie.

You may be embarrassed about something, scared he will leave you, or upset with you, but none of that matters because when the truth comes out, they will be angry that you lied to them.

When you lie to them, it's a huge red flag that screams, "I don't trust you with the truth." That is a massive smack in the face.

You may believe that you are preserving your relationship by lying about some things, but in truth, you are dooming it to collapse.

As a general rule, anything you ask him to accomplish should be done the same way.

Allow them to confront the reality, no matter how difficult you believe it will be for them. It is up to them to make the decision, not you.