Keeping it Brief - Cheryl Phillip-Jordan - E-Book

Keeping it Brief E-Book

Cheryl Phillip-Jordan

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For the word of God is quick, and powerful …

As a testimony to the power of the Bible, just a brief moment spent each day in God’s word may be the most valuable thing you will do all day. As such, Keeping it Brief: Volume 1 will become one of the most cherished books in your collection. This volume of 125 short devotionals is designed to immerse you in the Word of God while sitting at the breakfast table, riding the bus to work, or anytime you have a moment in the midst of a busy lifestyle. We are living in challenging and sometimes dangerous times; yet, these devotions are filled with encouragement, exhortation, and inspiration that will draw you closer to a never-failing, unchanging God. As you read these words and act on them, you will be reminded of the greatness of God, you will experience His love, you will learn about His goodness, and you will encounter His might. Let this powerful set of devotions inspire you to worship and praise each day as you walk with Him.

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