More One Liners, Jokes and Gags - Grant Tucker - E-Book

More One Liners, Jokes and Gags E-Book

Grant Tucker



After making us laugh out loud with 5,000 Great One-Liners, Grant Tucker goes one better with this uproarious sequel! More One-Liners is another hilarious volume of the finest quips, zingers, puns and wisecracks known to humanity. From twists on the classics to modern greats, from A-grade antics to X-rated gags, from jokes you could tell your mother to jokes about yo momma, there's something short, sweet and wickedly clever for everyone in this definitive volume.

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My first compilation of 5,000 Great One-Liners was, I felt, a fitting tribute to a great, comedic art form. It was said to have ‘all the quips, zingers, puns and wisecracks you’ll ever need’, but I’ve changed my mind about that. You can’t have too many of these; you really can’t.

If you got through 5,000 Great One-Liners and felt gutted to have reached the end, then More One-Liners, Jokes and Gags is the book for you. And it’s for everyone else, too. Because who doesn’t love a good laugh? According to the internet (my source for all things both humorous and informative), laughter really is the best medicine. It relieves physical stress by relaxing the body, it boosts the immune system, it causes the release of endorphins and it protects you against heart attacks by improving blood flow. So there! This book isn’t just good fun, it’s also the healthy choice when it comes to reading material. And laughter is infectious, so you can pass it on, too.

With More One-Liners, Jokes and Gags I have paid homage to the immortal one-liner once again, but I’ve also gone even further and provided some side-splitting, eye-watering, belly-aching, face-cracking longer jokes for your enjoyment. Whether in a pub or on a toilet I’m sure these jokes will put a smile on your face.

Now, I would like to thank a few people who have put a smile on my face, and yes, it is usually when I’m in a pub. Namely my dad, Carl Tucker, who is always the first to crack a joke in any situation; my friend Holly Smith: all I need to do is look at her and she can make me laugh; my friends Huw Anslow and Dan Groves, who have the ability to turn the most serious moments into a joke; my friends Alex Davies and Abbie Thomas, who stopped maturing at the age of thirteen; and my cousin Jamie Tucker, who still laughs at my jokes from the first book. Iain Dale and Jeremy Robson, my publishers, also deserve a special mention.

Finally, I would like to thank my long-suffering editor Olivia Beattie for her patience during this mammoth project. I’ve brought a whole new meaning to the word ‘deadline’ and often left her pulling her hair out. But I am very grateful to her for making this book what it is today.

I do hope that this book gives you as much fun and laughter as it gave me when compiling it.

Grant Tucker

London, October 2013