On the Highway to Paradise - Gerald Mayer - E-Book

On the Highway to Paradise E-Book

Gerald Mayer

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59 years, extremely versatile professional and private life experience full of hardships, hurdles, bullying and massive injustices led to that the search for the why, forwhy and wherefore became the focus of his life. The preliminary result is a signpost to the paradise of life, where values carved in stone pave the way! An exciting analysis, a guide to values for everyone striving for a sustainably better world. Including a touching, evocative and poetic plea for humanity and creation in general. The knowledge and the associations of universal truth are valid for all human beings. What he discovered for himself, should be taught children and students as a prevention in their education and upbringing. As the fruits of all knowledge, such as from brain research, we could continuously receive paradise in the future. It is still a vision, but the first steps have been taken on the long, rocky road of making it a reality.

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Table of Contents

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WHO am I?

General Key Experiences

Spiritual Key Experiences

BIG Steps Forward

Topics Discussed

Measures Taken

An Example

Results and Daily Exercises

THE Golden Thread from Early Days till Now

My Time in the former Youth and Social Education Center at Steyr-Gleink

My Time as a Consultant at the Insurance Company Generali

Experience as a Laborer and later Shift Foreman in the Spare Parts Warehouse of a large Truck Manufacturer

Coaching within the Family

Work with the Self-Help Group “Freedom”

KEY Findings from Seminars –a Compilation of Values

A Filter

Introduction to Selfness (Self-Knowledge, Self-Coaching)

Body-Selfness, the Physical Person

Man and Roomth

Nature as a Coach, Outdoor Work

Biographical Work

Your own Place in the System

Man and Fate

Man and Relationship

Talents, Virtues and Joy as Driving Forces

Man and Conflict

Man as a Coach

Man as a Life Consultant

Money or Life

Man and Leadership

Man as a Brand

WHAT are my Strengths, Talents, Joys, Virtues, and Visions?






WHERE do I have my Shadows and thus my Greatest Potential?

Self-Criticism is Appreciated!

Where else could I Develop Further?

WHERE I’ve Mastered my Biggest Problem, there I can best Help Others – do I want that?

WITH whom would I like to go into the Future? Individuals, Companies, Networks …

WHERE would I like to Work and Live?

HOW do I want to Work and Live?

WHAT should my Work look like in Concrete Terms?

Make Efforts for my Public Appearance as Robin Hood

Finding Clients for Coaching on Themed Walks

Establishment of the Robin Hood Foundation, Finding the Right Network Partners

HOW I plan to establish my Market Appearance – in Business and in Private

In Business

In Private

IF I had Five Seconds to say what I feel Called Upon – what would I Say?



PLEA for the Proclamation

NUGGETS of Wisdom

AFTERWORD and Acknowledgements


Early Pieces of Literature

Who Was I?

Who am I?

Professional Coaching Books

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All rights of distribution, also by film, radio, television, photomechanical reproduction, sound carrier, electronic media and reprint in extracts, are reserved by the publisher.

© 2015novum publishing gmbh

ISBN Printed Edition:978-3-99048-008-3

ISBN e-book:978-3-99048-009-0

Cover images: Robertsrob, Kirsty Pargeter, Sellingpix, Beata Kraus | Dreamstime.com

Jacket design, page design and typesetting:united p. c. publisher

Images: Gerald Mayer (6)



“There is nothing more touching as the moment in which a man breaks his invisible bonds. Gerald Mayer is a man who is not satisfied with simple answers. He gets to the bottom of discrepancies and shows up what for others is too cumbersome. It requires such valuable people who share their experiences and wisdom with others and with this help make the world a somewhat better place. For any social change requires political responsibility – which does not mean to blame politicians, but to assume your own political responsibility for your own well-being and to act accordingly. Gerald Mayer is a modern Robin Hood, who does not remain untouched seeing others suffering and who is also someone who has actively done something against his own suffering. I was allowed to accompany him for two years of his life as a coach and over and over again was surprised by his findings, which he collected with great courage and determination to radically change his life. He has succeeded. He could break the shackles – realizing they exist only in our minds, in our thoughts, our imaginary world – but never in reality. This again makes many things possible. A new life can begin.

I am very happy about this book and I wish you similar insights breaking your chains when reading it, as the author experienced.”

Cornelia Scala-Hausmann, DDipl.

Partner & Head of Course

Institute for Future Competences



Except for a few situations, as far as I remember, throughout my life, I had the vague feeling that I was in a film that was not meant for me. The reason for this I never discovered. I always felt externally determined and driven and never really knew what I wanted. As soon as I thought I had discovered the crux of the matter, what had become a nerve-racking feeling would return: “What are you doing? That is not yours.”

Without knowing exactly what then was mine, I started the next. And every time that I thought: “Finally, this is it, with this you can make your living, build up something and be happy and satisfied”, shattered the pitcher inexplicably, until I was sure that I was simply born unlucky. Where I got the strength from to never give up and stand up again and again, I still do not know today, except that this was my fate – something that I would doubt. I am convinced that people at least in our culture, would have it “partially” in their own hands, what they do with their lives – “partially” because the question of “free will” is not completely clarified.

In my opinion it is only to about 40% that we can determine, about the rest, experts are arguing what other factors there may be on external or self-determination.

Still these 40% may only come into effect when as early as possible in our lives we meet the right people in the right place, with the right product (e.g. credible information) at the right time, and our mental and physical abilities facilitate meaningful actions. In my opinion, a kind of philosophy of life and behavior tuition should start even in preschool or primary school at the latest in which appropriate values and wisdom are practically taught. By this we can truly succeed in making a sustainable breakthrough in our increasingly derailed society.

Prevention should be the word and the concept of the century in many respects.

On my 50th birthday something remarkable happened: I was sitting in a bar with one of my best friends, Manfred Ecker. The bar was called WUNDERBAR (a play on words in German, meaning both “wonderful” and “bar of wonders”). And, then and there, something like a spiritual miracle happened.

Suddenly, totally unexpectedly, like a stranger I heard myself saying to my friend something like:

“I’ll tell you one thing, this can’t have been all for my life, I suddenly have a strong feeling that either I “made it” by 55, which I would wish for, or, what I rather believe, I’ll do something completely different, without any clue what that could be.”

It did not take long, I thought to myself: “What nonsense, who would take you even at 50, let alone 55?”

I tried to comfort myself with all sorts of things to assure I’d get through the next few years, but nothing seemed to change for the better.

So I continued to dream of a better life, perhaps with a lottery jackpot, at least once even I would have to be lucky, or was I already really lucky? Many told me that they envied my freedom (as a single) and at all times could address myself to a woman. “If they knew that I had almost given up finding the right one”, I thought to myself. The others believed that I could be proud to have such a well-paid job.

“If they only knew,” I thought, “they would think differently.”

Whenever I went for jogging on my own, I could not shake off the feeling that something would still bring a tremendous change in my life, but as I said, I suppressed it that very moment, because I no longer saw any realistic possibility. Still I felt again and again, that I would go mad if my current everyday life would continue until I retired.

Three years passed before I got to know the journalist and presenter Erika Ortner. There was a brief closer relationship and today we are still friends. Some of her statements and modes of behavior were extremely challenging for me and also logically not always comprehensible, such as: “I hate punctuality”, or to be able to barefooted climb a two thousand meter mountain without crushing an ant or a beetle, and a lot more crazy things. Still with that she shook me up and I realized that somehow I was frozen in my life. Everything with her it was both exhilarating and also “thrilling” in every sense of the word! What extremely intrigued me about her, were both her boundless love for all creation and her unconditionally standing up for her beliefs, even if that would have meant she was the only one in the world to have that opinion.

Her warmth and joy of life despite hard times made me admire her. For me at that time she was full of contradictions, but genius and madness are close neighbors as Jörg Haider had shown us for many years.

After a few months she suddenly said to me:

“Gerald, I’ve got something that’s just right for you!”

“How could you know that so precisely?” I asked myself, “If even I do not know that? Typical Erika!”

“Then show me what you’ve got for me,” I finally replied.

She showed me the first training brochure from the Institute for Future Competences. I began to read, becoming inwardly more and more excited and outwardly totally quiet. She said nothing, but curiosity was written all over her face. After reading for a short time and without yet having finished it elicited from within: “That is not possible!”

“What do you mean?” She asked. I answered: “Erika, this is it! How is that possible? You’re right, that’s what I’ve been looking for so long.”

Then she leaped for joy around the room and said: “I knew it, I knew it!” I no longer remember where she got the documents from. In her typical fashion she suggested that I could start immediately, and when I said no, she was very disappointed at first. I told her that I would not get any severance pay and then find it difficult to pay for the training. A burnt child dreads the fire, and so I decided for now to wait for a more appropriate time, and told my friend with conviction that I knew now what I still wanted to do in my life – even if it might have to wait until I’d have retired.

But it came two years later, two weeks before my 55th birthday, to an event, that from today’s perspective, had followed the law of resonance (law of resonance or law of attraction by cause and effect, for example: you reap what you sow):

Although my employer at that time due to a slump in orders had created a social plan, I seemed to fall through the cracks, because the criterion was date of birth 1954.”Ticked off and even more bad luck.” I said to myself, when a few weeks later suddenly a colleague asked me whether I would also accept the redundancy plan. I told him that I was born in 1955 and would not fall under the redundancy agreement. Then he said: “Hurry up; there have not been enough volunteers, so for six weeks they are taking also those born in 1955.” As if stung by a bee, I rushed to the phone and immediately made an appointment to see the head of human resources. They had even temporarily increased the funds for the redundancy plan and I was the last person who benefited from it.

I asked for two weeks to think things over and to check with the pension fund about the worst case scenario in my case. How much pension would I get if I worked until the end of 2010 and then stopped paying my contributions? I inquired also about the eligibility age. The information I got was satisfactory and so the adventure “new start” could begin.

So I accepted the redundancy plan and due to of the amount of severance pay decided against the possibility of any endowments; I worked as agreed until 31 December 2010 and was registered unemployed as from 1 January 2011. On the last weekend in January 2011, I began my privately funded training.

Looking back, things came the way I had anticipated on my 50th birthday for whatever reason. It felt like magic, and at the latest since the beginning of my training, everything started to turn for the best. Late, but not too late, suddenly everything was going in the right direction as if I still had a mission to fulfill in life. That is how it feels now. So, as I put it in one of the last seminars, “I even was to feel grateful for all the shit in my life.” To be honest, I would have preferred knowing this earlier as it does not always feel great to jump on the right train so late in life. Everything very well has developed its own dynamics, and, due to the law of resonance, should bring success accordingly. My heart will show me the way forward, because it now knows that I do what it tells me. Whatever comes will come, I’m ready for it! I do not have and will not put any pressure on myself to prove anything to anyone; the rhythm is right and everything is flowing. I will not stop it but will remain very attentive and mindful and give everything the space it needs when it feels right at a given point in time.

WHO am I?

I am in search of universal truth.

I feel that I am on the right track.

Now I know why I love nature and animals so much as they harbor universal truth and this only becomes increasingly evident through the necessary awareness.

I have realized that my great goal is the search for universal truth.

I realized that my seemingly total lack of luck in life had become my good fortune.

With today’s knowledge, I would have saved myself a lot of pain, but the quality of the time had not been ripe and now things are fine the way they are. I am not quite clear how I will fill my professional future with life yet, but the fog lifts more and more each passing day, and now I know that everything will come along at the right time, because the path is the right one and truth will express itself within me.

I am now strong enough that day after day I get myself into thinking, feeling and acting in line with this truth as well as I can, and will practice consciously so long until this becomes a matter of course and is no longer a strain.

I am especially thankful to Axel Burkart for his book which I currently find indispensable: LOVE IS THE MAIN THING, TWELVE KEYS TO HEAVEN ON EARTH (see bibliography under section “Who am I”).

For those who do not believe in God or an instance of supreme truth or reincarnation (until a few days ago that included me) it shall be laid down here that we all are inhabiting one planet, we are all sitting in the same boat and we can only free ourselves from the bonds of a misguided society and its obviously painful consequences for so many if more and more people in the world want to live according to these twelve keys.

I am incredibly happy and grateful to have finally realized what it is really all about. Sometimes I think I am dreaming. I feel like a top athlete who had been waiting very very long for his first victory, whom it took some time to draw the right conclusions to ever become a serial winner, and to feel humbled and grateful for this and in future not to see failure as a defeat.

I am beginning to understand something that was – until a short time ago – unthinkable for me: That there is in reality no past, present and future, and for if this were true – and logical examination would show that the supreme authority has always been and therefore always will be – so we too will always be, at least in the archetype of the spiritual.

In truth, our conscious and unconscious mind determines our lives, whereby I am convinced that a conscious free will would only be possible if we recognized what universal truth meant – and what untrue words, formulations, beliefs and world views can cause on account of the law of resonance and polarity.

Otherwise we are nothing more than driven by our faith, our upbringing, our experiences and our urges upon which we react and take decisions, and perhaps believe to have done so in free will. That’s just the free will of a prisoner within its four walls of a cell. But man is not guilty or responsible, as long as he lives in ignorance. Only when he has recognized something true and acts to the contrary, does he make himself increasingly guilty or responsible. This means for me from now on, to practice the right kind of thinking and behavior according to the new findings and to integrate these consciously into everyday life. According to the motto: With a lot of exercise and training you can successfully make things a reality.

General Key Experiences

Even as a baby, a toddler and a teenager I had discovered nature for myself.

My sports and social experiences in the football club, my rapidly burgeoning love for music and dancing, as well as the sincere love of my parents and grandfather.

I think these four experiences were the keys to that I got up again and again from “DEFEATS” that I perceived as blatant and serious and the consequent fear of failure.

Probably the universal truths hidden in these experiences showed me instinctively that I still had a lot to discover and learn and for that reason I had decided to stand up again and continue the fight and not to resign.

Spiritual impressions from another life and the well-meaning spirits may have helped in this, as well. It was not universal truth but certainly a part of it.

Spiritual Key Experiences

When I tried to tidy up my room one day a drawing on a large sheet of white paper slipped (I saw and heard it) behind my wardrobe. At that moment I thought nothing of it, bent down and reached my hand to take it but there was nothing there. I thought to myself stupidly it must have got stuck between the wall and the wardrobe.

So I emptied the wardrobe partially and pushed it a little forward so that the sheet of paper could fall but to my dismay there was nothing there and it never turned up again. I could not explain that and almost went crazy about it. “That’s impossible, it must be there …” I did not tell anyone for years, out fear of being thought of insane.

Only a few years ago my cousin and I over a period of months had various experiences in this regard, which until today are still not really clarified but which have clearly demonstrated one thing, namely, that there must be something spiritual beyond our perception.

I had a special type of experience with the – from today’s perspective – more clearly defined spiritual world while driving near Wolfern, close to Steyr. I was lost in thought and, going too fast, started to skid on a hill. I was thrown head-on in the direction of an oncoming car. The driver of the car slowed down quite normally and remained miraculously on his side of the road instead of trying to swerve. I skidded – and in that situation I felt just as a passenger – just before an inevitable collision back onto my side of the road and we all remained unscathed as if by a miracle. Shortly after I had regained control of the car, knees trembling, I was shocked again, because a voice from within, clearly perceptible, without hearing it in my ears, said to me: