Pure LUCK - Sophie Pfaff - E-Book

Pure LUCK E-Book

Sophie Pfaff

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"About the book" Pure LUCK: The small happiness is sometimes the BIGGEST This book is aimed at people who no longer place their happiness in the hands of others, but want to achieve this goal out of their own motivation. Don't postpone your happy life until tomorrow, live today in the HERE and NOW! Enjoying the LIFE - instead of constantly renounce, optimizing, pondering ... That's how it works without a guilty conscience! # The art of self-motivation - What really inspires us & how to train the drive for action # Fulfilled Partnership - What makes a relationship really happy # Guide to happiness for more satisfaction & joy in life # Mindfulness & Deceleration in everyday life - I am offline! # Overcome and free yourself from fears, panic attacks & phobias in your life # The positive aspects of self-love - Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem # Financial freedom & minimalism pure - How you declutter your life, home, mind & soul # Stay fit, healthy & vital - Inspirations for a healthy lifestyle Start today by making the most of your life and building a positive mindset. Be happy and will be ... starts in the HEAD! A new easy life has a liberating effect: Less ballast, less pressure, more zest for life and light-heartedness. Get this book NOW and (finally) become a happy person again!

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The art of self-motivation - What really inspires us & how to train the drive for action More motivation with this simple method No motivation? Tricks to get started and hold out permanently Fulfilled Partnership - What makes a relationship really happy Tingle & Love - Tips to keep the relationship fresh Happy long-distance relationship - Maintaining love despite distance Staples in relationships - How to become less affectionate Guide to happiness for more satisfaction & joy in life Be happy: The 10 most important findings of Positive Psychology Let them talk - What others think about you: 5 tips to become independent Reasons why laughter is healthy and important Mindfulness & Deceleration in everyday life - I am offline! Concentrated holiday recreation - So you get a lot of relaxation from the days off Dissatisfied with your job: Signs that you have the wrong job Do I have a burnout? That's how you can tell the symptoms Burnout prevention: 10 tips - You can do it yourself! Overcome and free yourself from fears, panic attacks & phobias in your life Social phobia - Am I affected by it myself? Learning to let go: How to conclude with negative experiences The positive aspects of self-love - Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem Appealing and likeable - How to make a good impression Tips for learning to love yourself The power of the insults - Insults are incredibly painful We all know them the stumbling blocks in life A sovereign "No" can be learned! Letting go and clearing out the clouds frees the soul and gives wings Financial freedom & minimalism pure - How you declutter your life, home, mind & soul Minimalism pure: Throw ballast overboard free! Minimalism as a life principle & lifestyle Minimalism in everyday life: Consciously simplifying your everyday routine Minimalism in your own living dreams Travel to your perfect wardrobe & fashion style Minimalism and the love of finance Minimalism at the workstation, in the office & home office Minimalist on (world) travel with a little hand luggage Stay fit, healthy & vital - Inspirations for a healthy lifestyle Fitness: Getting fit into old age - 100 are made easy Training: How to turn your power training into a HI (I)T Health: Strong defence - Healthy through the cool season Nutrition: Hidden Sugar - The Calorie Trap in Everyday Life Motivation: Bye piggy hound … take off, but right! Prevention: Health insurance contribution - fitness studio on prescription? Copyright

The art of self-motivation - What really inspires us & how to train the drive for action

More motivation with this simple method

Let me introduce you to the WOOP method of Prof. Dr. Gabriele Oettingen. The WOOP method helps you get more motivation to achieve your goals in four easy steps.

Today I would like to introduce you to a simple and quick method and to get more motivation and achieve your goal better. The WOOP method. With our goals, it's always such a thing. Of course, it would be super nice to lose three kilos of weight or speak fluent Spanish, or maybe finally finish this annoying study project or doctoral thesis.

But really do something about it. I don't know how you feel, but personally I also tend to get lost in dreams and then imagine how nice it will be if I can talk fluently all over Spain or if I have finally finished this project. But the hard work does not bring that yet and this is necessary if we want to be successful.

Besides, the method I would like to introduce to you now does not change that. But I think it contains a very important aspect that we should consider when planning our wishes or goals. The WOOP method comes from a psychology professor named Gabriele Oettingen and she found out that wishful thinking alone is not enough to fulfill our wishes. But that the relation to reality is also very important. That we also deal with the concrete obstacles that prevent or prevent us from achieving our goals.

Based on this, she developed the WOOP method. WOOP is the abbreviation for "Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan". These four terms describe the four steps of the method that I would like to introduce to you in detail.

WOOP ... Wish

The letter "W" stands for "Wish" and that is the starting point of this method. The best thing to do is to make yourself comfortable and find a quiet place and think about what your biggest wish is at the moment. This can be a big project, or even a very small project, maybe something long term or even very short term. For example, a short term small project would be for you to do sports after school or work. A long term big project might be like writing a master thesis, finding a new job or maybe learning to play piano.

WOOP ... Outcome

The letter O stands for "outcome" and the part I think we all like to do, namely really visualizing this wishful thinking. So how does it feel when you've fulfilled your wish? When you have reached your goal? How will you feel when you come home at night, sweaty from jogging? How will you feel when you submit your master thesis? Or maybe you can play Mozart's first piece on the piano in a fluent way? If we imagine the result in all its facets, it reinforces the desire to achieve this result. It increases our motivation, but that alone is the decisive factor in the method, is not sufficient. Wishful thinking alone is not enough, but we have to deal with the very concrete obstacles in the next step and that is the second "O" in the word "WOOP".

WOOP ... Obstacle

The letter O stands for "obstacle". If we just paint our destination in the most beautiful colours and shapes, it can cause us to relax too much. Because we see ourselves at the end of our journey. It is therefore very important that we bring all the wishful thinking back to reality by reflecting on the concrete obstacles. So in this step, you take a little time and think about it - what, in concrete terms, prevents me from achieving a goal? What are the problems that arise? For example, I could imagine that you have to struggle with your inner pig dog, if you want to go jogging after work tonight and your pig dog actually wants to fall on the sofa. And you have to take these problems into account, otherwise you will not achieve your goals. That is why the plan follows in the next and last step.

WOOP... Plan

The letter P stands for "plan". Gabriele Oettingen proposes plans in the "if-then-form". I. e. you consider for example "If my inner pig dog becomes overrunning and I want to sink on the sofa again, then I think about how good I would feel when I come back home from jogging. Or take notes in front of only one side. Personally, I would, by the way, now in a little bit separate from these if-then formulations or, to put it another way, I would not focus so much on them. But I would simply recommend you to think about which obstacles appear and to look for the best tips and tricks. So they help you deal with these obstacles. This can be the case, for example, that you might put your sports shoes in front of the sofa, so that if you want to fall on them, they will remember that you should go for a jogging run. Or maybe you're thinking about taking half an hour off your serial time in the evening and using it to play the piano. Just think about what can actually help you to deal with these obstacles that prevent you from reaching your goals.

If you have taken all these four steps, the probability of reaching your goal is relatively high. Because the problem is, as I said before, often that we are stuck in the first two steps, that we naturally have our wishes and goals and just lose so little wishful thinking. And how nice it would be if I was on the big stage and released my first album. But we don't make this transfer performance into reality and reality always comes along with obstacles, limitations and problems. Dealing with them and taking them into account makes your project perfect.

Wishful thinking alone is useless. If you want to achieve your goals, you have to know your obstacles and plan them in!

No motivation? Tricks to get started and hold out permanently

You have an important project ahead of you, but no motivation at all? Here I give you the 10 best tips to get started and stay permanently motivated.

We all know this, sometimes you don't want to sit down on your backside at all and finally tackle the task that lies ahead of you. Whether it's preparing an exam or working in the office. Motivation has to come quickly!

I have collected the best tips and divided them into two categories. These are the beginning and endurance - because sometimes you just need this famous kick in the ass to get started. And then we have again longer-term tasks and projects and so it is very important that we stay on the ball. So what can you do to get started?


1. Know why you're doing this.

This is always very important for us, because if we don't know what it is about, then we just don't want to do the things. That's the way it is! I. e. think about why you want to do this task, maybe it's just that you have to write your bachelor thesis because you want to graduate and then you can finally do your dream job. That means you're basically writing your bachelor thesis to finally design clothes or something like that.

2. Draw up a plan of action

Nothing is more demotivating than not knowing exactly what we need to do. You somehow have this big task in mind, how to write your bachelor thesis, but you don't know how to start it. And then you push it further ahead of you. I. e. create this plan of action, write to yourself in small steps what you have to do and when. And so you see in black and white what you have to do and have no more reason for any excuses.

3. Prepare yourself properly

It's best to have everything you need for the next day or for your task the night before. For example, if you are currently studying for exams, you should prepare your notebook, put the highlighter on top of it and the workbook on the table in the right chapter. Because then you only have to sit at this table the next day and can start right away. This is like a mountaineer who climbs a big mountain and prepares himself the night before. That means he also puts out his stuff the night before, packs his backpack and the next day he only has to start.

4. The 5-minute trick.

You have done everything so far so well, i. e. created a plan of action and put the things at your disposal, but you still don't feel like starting at all. Then use the 5-minute trick - it's all about just taking the time to complete your task in five minutes. And you let it go, if after five minutes it doesn't give you any pleasure or you don't feel like it anymore, then you just stop. The good thing about this trick is that our biggest problem is always starting. We all know this very well from sport, you think so no, today I don't feel like jogging it is anyway quite grey outside. If you then only want to do 5 minutes and if you still don't feel like it after 5 minutes, then you just go back in and stop jogging. There you will see no one breaks off so quickly, if we do it for five minutes then we usually go through with it. Because then we have already overcome the biggest hurdle of beginning.

Let's say you have a bigger project ahead of you and you need to motivate yourself for a longer period of time. So that's what you can do to stay on permanently.


1. Rituals help to persevere

Make it a habit to work on your assignment at the same time and in the same environment or to work on your bachelor thesis. Then, after a certain amount of time, we clean it as normal and everyday as our teeth. Or all these things that we don't really like to do but have become the normal everyday rituals for us. You can do that, for example, if you always have a favourite TV show in the evening that you watch, that you work on your project two hours before the show starts. And then you always have a nice end ritual for your work with the beginning of your series. Then you can put away the work and get off work.

2. Visualize your success

Imagine in detail how you will feel when you have completed this task or project. How are you gonna feel? What's going to happen? Imagine it correctly figuratively. After all, our successes are extremely motivating for us and we can benefit from them more or less in advance, just by imagining it from within.

3. Write a success diary

So this tip ties directly to the previous one. You can write your successes, no matter how small or everyday, in a success journal or a success diary. And you can always read through this when you are totally demotivated and don't feel like it. Then you browse through this book of success and see what you have already achieved in your life. It's very motivating.

4. Timing is everything

Some are skylarks and some are owls. Find out when you can best work. And then you start your most important task at this point. Whether it's 8:00 in the morning or 20:00 at night. Everyone has different time rhythms. It is very important that you find out what works best for you.

5. Eat that frog - A good start to the day starts with the frog

If you have a particularly bad or unpleasant task ahead of you, do it first and foremost. This is a really good tip, because otherwise this unpleasant task will burden you all day long. And when you do that first thing you do, a huge burden falls from your shoulders. This also has a totally liberating, motivating effect and you already have such a small sense of achievement. So you can start your day much better if you bite into the sour apple, so to speak.

6. Reward yourself

Especially if we have to motivate ourselves over a longer period of time, we can do this quite well with smaller rewards. You can write this in your action plan, for example, if you have already created it at the very beginning. That you keep track of what you achieve per sub-target and reward yourself for it. For example, if you have completed half of the project, you can go to the cinema or have a free afternoon.

Generally speaking, everyone is different, i. e. the best thing to do is to try the tips and see what works best for you. Visual types may be more likely to visualize success, and analytical types are better able to cope with the action plan. But just try it out, see what works for you and stick with it!

Fulfilled Partnership - What makes a relationship really happy

Tingle & Love - Tips to keep the relationship fresh

How do you spice up a relationship? Especially if you've been together as a couple for a long time and still live together. How you can avoid sitting in front of the TV in the evening and living in a shared flat.

If you've been together as a couple for a few years, then of course the adrenaline and the initial excitement have disappeared. Then everyday life becomes normal and if you don't pay attention, more and more routines creep in and at some point you start living next door. Of course you can also see each other in all unfavourable moments, e. g. with a sniffing nose or snoring. This can of course kill all the romance and passion, but there is still a lot you can do to celebrate love a little bit anew and to spice up the relationship.

1. Talk to your life partner

Talk to your partner about a lot of profound things. So it's not just about everyday things like what happened to you at work today or which movie you saw last. But also about how your childhood was, what your relationship with your parents is, what dreams you have, what you might want to do sometime. All these fundamental questions of life.

2. Set up a regular date-night

The problem with long term relationships and especially when you live together is that you don't really date anymore. I. e. this anticipation for the joint meeting, making oneself pretty for one's partner, planning the evening together and then doing something particularly romantic. This is not necessary if you live together. But you can also get that back by simply setting up a fixed appointment per week or an appointment every two weeks. At which both of them have a real date together again and that's where they celebrate in the same way. So you plan it together, make yourself pretty for it, take your time off of course, take enough time and spend a great evening together.

3. Surprise your partner

Especially when boredom and routine prevail, break this routine and do something different and new. Bring flowers to your partner, pick them up from work, put on something special or plan some surprise for him.

4. Set up a common ritual

This in turn is the advantage of long-term relationships and also of having lived together for many years. You can get yourself a common ritual that only makes you special, and that will make you bond even more. For example, you might want to have a quick review in bed every night to see what's best on that particular day, or to have a breakfast in bed every weekend. Some kind of nice little ritual you guys are.

5. Remember what you like about your partner

In long-term relationships, this is often forgotten why you fall in love with your partner. What you like so much about your partner is appreciated and what qualities you like so much. Just as it used to be and what you have seen in him, and to keep this in mind every now and then, even after many years of relationship, love also keeps you fresh.

6. Don't forget to show appreciation to your partner

Praise you or him and say thank you. This is also the case if we live together for a long time, then you can easily get caught in a spiral where you only start exchanging negative things with each other. The colleague who was annoyed by what went wrong again, how you somehow feel uncomfortable and you forget that the partner is not a matter of course and that he or she is doing great things. That you also say thank you when you are invited to an ice cream, when your partner listens to you or takes you in his arms. Even after many years, the recognition they deserve is evident.

7. Forging plans together

If there is no excitement in the relationship, you probably haven't talked about your plans for a long time. Because that way you can easily get the adventure back into the relationship. You two have so much more to go on, or you can have so much more to go on. For example, what would you like to do together in the near or distant future? Maybe you want to move into a bigger apartment? Do you have a project in common professionally? You two want to start a family? Do you want to travel around the world? These are all great things that bind you together, because they are your joint plans for the future. And of course, they will also make you to indulge in anticipation together.

8. Wallows also in common memories

Just as the gaze to the front welds together, so does the gaze to the rear. What have you guys been through? How was it when you guys got together? Do you remember your first date? Do you remember what a first impression you had of your partner? What have you already experienced together - any journeys, projects, moves, renovated and furnished the apartment together? You can reflect on what you've already been through and what you've been through and what didn't break up, but maybe even brought together more.

9. Joint ventures