Rituals of white magic - Lucia Pavesi - E-Book

Rituals of white magic E-Book

Lucia Pavesi

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Rituals of white magic

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Lucia Pavesi

Rituals of


The author or publisher cannot be held responsible for the information (formulas, recipes, techniques, etc.) contained in the text, even though the utmost care has been taken in the writing of this work. In the case of specific - often unique - problems of each particular reader, it is advisable to consult a qualified person to obtain the most complete, accurate and up-to-date information possible. EDITORIAL DE VECCHI, S. A. U.

© Editorial De Vecchi, S. A. 2019

© [2019] Confidential Concepts International Ltd., Ireland

Subsidiary company of Confidential Concepts Inc, USA

ISBN: 978-1-64461-812-7

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Table of contents



Definition of the termmagic

The characteristics of the magician

The initiation

The approach to magic: ideological perspectives

Some Facts about the History of Magic

From Egyptian Culture to Kabbalah

From Celtic culture to Renaissance

From the Enlightenment to the present day

The relationship between magic and divinity

Magic and religion in ancient Egypt


The magic of the Rosicrucians

Magic and spirits

A small reflection


Altered states of consciousness

Singing as a method of suggestion


Alternative methods

Concentration exercises: a practical example

Symbolism as a means of expression

The Kabbalistic Symbolic System

Pentacles and talismans

The amulets and the fortune bearers

Final Reflection

Ceremonial magic

Place, objects and clothing

Essential accessories: choice and symbology

The magic name


Love Ceremonies



Before beginning to travel through a foreign country, and in order to have the possibility to understand in depth the customs, it is necessary to know, at least in a partial way, the language that is spoken in that place, paying special attention to the meanings of the expressions and their respective intonations. Otherwise, we run the risk of limiting our knowledge to a very superficial level or, in the worst case, we risk misinterpreting the reality with which we come into contact.

Magic can also be considered an unknown territory that we must explore. Undoubtedly it is a vast country, mysterious and fascinating but for whose visit and understanding it is necessary to prepare and provide the necessary instruments.

In this case, the preparation must be spiritual and intellectual because it is necessary to prepare the spirit to receive and at the same time to learn all the meanings of the words and expressions of the different magic rituals so that we are able to recognize and denounce the improper uses. The work of preparation is a long work and sometimes also complicated; learning respect for a world, for an unknown culture and difficult to know implies the effort of all one’s being. We must never be discouraged: with patience and goodwill we can go very far. The prize is assured and surpasses the best hopes.


The drawn veil represents the appearance of the world that hides the truth that can only be revealed at the end of an exciting investigation.

Definition of the term magic

For many centuries, the word magic has been part of the common language, appearing in many expressions of remote origin that attest to the interest shown by all societies for these practices. I am convinced that everyone has an idea about its meaning, although it may not be based on the most accurate definition of the word.

Many people will be inclined to define as magical all phenomena that happen without a clear logical explanation or that are characterized in a way that makes you immediately think of the supernatural. In everyday language there are very frequent phrases such as “it has appeared at the precise moment, as if by magic“, “I would like to have a magic wand to get out of this situation”, “it is a magical moment that will hardly be repeated”, “you can breathe magical air in this place”, and so on. These are all phrases that many people have uttered or have surely heard a lot of times; these phrases give us a fairly accurate idea of the meaning and role commonly attributed to magic.

The most superstitious people pronounce this word with great caution so as not to distort its meaning, whose implications are still unknown to us and always arouse a reverential fear. That is why, more than once, in the course of a conversation that may take these directions, someone changes the subject abruptly saying, “it is better not to talk about these things; it can bring us bad luck”.

Much more different is the definition given by those who deal with or are interested in the paranormal or the esoteric, who prefer to approach the subject under the premise that magic is a discipline that helps to come into contact with astral forces. Although there is some truth to each of the definitions we have just seen, the complexity and subtlety of the latter require a much more extensive and detailed explanation.

Since I want to deal with the subject in a serious and profound way, I cannot be content to mention these ideas in a vague way, but I must try to sketch out a much more precise definition that will help us to understand this phenomenon in all its complexity.

One of the most important magicians of our time, Allister Crowley, whom I will quote often throughout this book, defined magic as the “art of bringing about change in accordance with the will. Each change can be obtained by applying the most suitable grade and species of force, in the most suitable way and through the most suitable means directed towards the most suitable object”.

Thus, for this scholar, magic is a form of knowledge that, moreover, is not abstract nor is it an end in itself but tries to project itself towards the attainment of a concrete end. In other words, we can affirm in more modern terms that magic is an operative knowledge of reality.

Anyway, although this definition is true, in my opinion, it is totally insufficient because it does not differentiate the magic of other completely different disciplines, such as, for example, science, because the latter, in fact, also teaches how to use the appropriate instruments to obtain the desired effects.

What differentiates the two disciplines is essentially the method used. While science constantly aspires to an impersonal and objective point of view, magic is based precisely on the personal and subjective experiences of those who practice it.

I would like to clarify this concept as much as possible because it seems fundamental to me for the correct understanding of the whole book.

When a scientist discovers one of the many laws governing nature, he strives to describe it in a universal way that can be applied in all cases. Above all, it is concerned with ensuring that the process that has led to the discovery is repeatable by all those people who, knowing the appropriate scientific method, want to verify the value. In this way, an American scientist seeking to build a radar will use the same formulas and the same basic principles that have guided the work of a Russian or Japanese colleague of his. This is because, in the specific case, the functioning of the radar depends on factors that do not change depending on the place, time and human intervention, i.e. that it is based on universal principles.

Another similar example is formed by the law that regulates the movement of falling weights, which Galileo Galilei and other physicists studied at the dawn of modern science.

This law was established after long and patient sessions of observation of the movement of various objects of various shapes and weights that were dropped on planes of various inclinations and of different length.

In this way, the times of fall and the length travelled were measured and compared; this led to the drafting of mathematical formulas that related them, describing the phenomenon in the totality of its factors. These formulas continue to be valid today, although no one is no longer observing the fall of objects: the principles that regulate the phenomenon are somehow innate in the natural phenomenon itself and, as everyone knows, they were true even before anyone discovered them.

Unlike what we have just seen, the magician does not behave in any case like a scientist, but tries to produce extraordinary events or tries to change different realities in a substantial way with a methodology based on the traditional knowledge of his people and his own personal experience.

For this reason, a sorcerer from Mexico who wants to invoke rain to fall on the arid meadows of his tribe will use formulas and operations very different from those that a Chinese or African magician would use.

I would also like to point out that all events that are really magical are never repeated, either qualitatively or quantitatively, by the same operator, because they depend on various physical and psychological factors. It is still less possible that another magician will be able to reproduce them exactly.

In other words, while scientific laws refer to nature itself (and are, therefore, also called “natural laws”), magical principles are based on the interaction between the magician himself and nature.

As an aside, it is precisely because of this radical difference that official science observes magic and other collateral disciplines with such suspicion and sufficiency.

However, despite the subjective essence of the magical event, it is true that magic can be taught and can be learned, if we stick to the existence of traditions and magical practices spread in a more or less extensive way and in addition some fundamental traces of magic are found in almost all the cultures of the earth.

But each magician, after having initiated his own path of knowledge, must develop on his own the different techniques which he has learned and make them his own in order to take flight; otherwise, everything he has learned will have no validity. It is precisely part of the essence of magic itself to involve not only the intelligence of the adepts, but also a whole series of other aspects of the personality, among which the will stands out in a particular way, which is the motor necessary to make magical knowledge real. The training of the will constitutes an essential part of the preparation and maintenance of the forces of each magician, together with the study and accumulation of theoretical knowledge.

I don’t want to dwell on this elementary concept because later on, we will find all the explanations and, above all, the most suitable exercises to strengthen the mind and the will (see the second partof the book). Here it will be enough to specify that it must be a constant and serious training, oriented to internalize the personal knowledge of each one. Those who wish to access the magic dimension must behave as if they were professional sportsmen and women, accustomed to carrying out all the exercises of their speciality with great naturalness as if it were something that belonged to their own essence, and not bound by external orders or demands, which only provoke mechanical attitudes.

Also from this point of view, the difference between the magician and the scientist is very profound: the latter, in fact, does not really have to do preparatory work on himself, but only has to study and learn methods, criteria, techniques and notions. The work required of those who wish to learn magic, on the other hand, provides the adept who does not get lost along the way with remarkable inner growth, comparable to that obtained with other mental or mystical disciplines, such as yoga, for example.

In this sense, it can be said that magic takes place in the magician himself and that its external manifestations are nothing more than emanations of this first and fundamental “work” carried out in the magician’s personality. In order to complete this process of learning and initiation, magic, as it is necessary to face now the discourse that refers to the so-called “colour” of magic.

In fact, it is commonly heard that it can be white, pink or black magic as if the discipline had three different natures. Actually, magic is unique and has no colours. What changes are the motifs and the content of the ceremony used: only the content “changes colour”. The expression white magic is intended to define all practices with good aims (purification, ceremonies of health, serenity, approaching people, work, welfare, etc.). The expression “red magic” refers mainly to rituals of love and passion, which are often of sexual background (bonds, sexual strengthening, etc.).

The expression black magic has very delicate aspects and deserves a separate treatment. Too often, when one hears about black magic, the mind imagines rituals of satanic origin, characterized by wild and bloody acts. At best, black magic is thought of as the arena in which rituals aimed at provoking evil are performed on someone (evil eye, spells, spells with the intention of dividing, destroying and even killing someone). According to this point of view, black magic would only be exercised by evil people and deprived of any kind of scruples.

However, the reality is not exactly like this: even the most spiritually elevated magician is obliged to perform “black” rituals, precisely to combat and destroy negative operations produced in the same way. To explain ourselves better, we can use as an example the principle on which homeopathic medicine is based: to cure a disease, it is necessary to provoke in the organism the symptoms of the disease itself.

Mercury next to the bonfire used for alchemical operations; the image symbolizes the knowledge that works on the person to refine it.

However, it must be clear that working with black magic in a positive way is extremely complicated and requires a lot of experience, so it is best to refrain from such practices. It is superfluous to say that people who, on the other hand, wish to devote themselves to this discipline in order to act in a negative sense, that is, to provoke evil, will have to pay a very high price, and not only in relation to their own conscience but even from a physical point of view.

In fact, in these cases, the energy that moves is so intense and dangerous that it is difficult to control it since the so-called return wave has caused enormous misfortune in many cases. Unquestionably, the methods adopted by these rituals are very powerful and effective; so, if anyone wanted to try them, the damages that would be produced would be such and so many that they would make even the most inconsiderate of men give up. After having brought to light, until now, all the outstanding aspects of the matter, I can define magic as a profound form of operative knowledge of the interactions between nature and subject, completely realized in the person who practices it.

In reading this definition, one may come to believe that magic is a very compromising discipline reserved only for a few adepts or higher spirits. Certainly, this is true for those who claim to make magic their raison d’être, who wish to undertake a professional activity and reach the highest levels of knowledge and power. Surely, some of the people who read this book will achieve it after a hard and awfully long initiatory path, but most of the readers will know how to be satisfied with more modest results, although not less interesting. On the other hand, many are born with a passion for skiing or football, but not everyone can or wants to sacrifice so much and reach the levels of a true champion.

The characteristics of the magician

The fundamental characteristics that a person who wishes to practice magic on a professional level must own are, in the first place, of strictly moral order. In addition, as we have already announced, a strong will, extreme discipline, rapid intelligence and humility are needed. All these qualities will allow the interested person to engage in a detailed and profound study of magical practices.

Even for amateurs, who can limit their studies, the exercise of a very correct morality is indispensable.

The first thing the initiate must do is to undertake serious work on himself. Using the most appropriate techniques, he will have to start a descent to the deepest part of himself, digging into the meanders of his own psyche in order to free himself from the weight of the taboo and all those traumas that could be too heavy a burden for him.

Only by knowing oneself and discovering one’s own qualities and abilities as well as one’s own defects and limitations, will one be able to manage each situation with complete security.

It is obviously not a simple thing, but it is indispensable. It’s a bit like “waking the sleeping dragon”: no one can know its intimate nature beforehand and, above all, no one is able to value one’s own moral force before it is put to the test.

Many people lead a respectable and correct life, but only because destiny has never put them to the test. If they had seen themselves in some trance of difficult solution it is very possible that they would not criticize so harshly those people who by bad luck or inexperience have committed errors. Let us also remember that learning to understand the people around us, knowing how to accept and listen, is the best way to start for those who want to devote themselves to magic.

But first of all, I would like it to be clear that it is essential to know each other well. Those who, for example, take seriously the practice of meditation - which, as we shall see, is one of the indispensable exercises for the initiation of the magician - may come face to face with all their hidden passions. In time, you will become more clearly aware of all your faults and will then be able to find the best way to improve yourself.

In any case, both initiates and those who are simply curious about the matter must be very clear about what the objective is (i.e., what you want to obtain), and only this, which makes any magic practice beneficial or malefic.

While working, the magician must forget all selfish desires, unless he does not want what he wants to be accomplished and wants negative forces to be unleashed, which he will hardly be able to master. If the intentions are not clean, the results of each magical practice can be terrible, especially for those who practice it.

The person who remains enslaved by his own instincts, negative prejudices and social conventions, can never truly get to know magic.

It is necessary to learn to have truth and justice as the only points of reference, without feeling infallible or unique on the other hand. Presumption and arrogance have nothing to share with the higher spirit that the magician must own.

But magic is above all, as I have already repeated, profound knowledge of reality, both visible and invisible. No one can be considered a sorcerer just because he knows some rules or because he has a certain idea of some more or less effective rituals.

I conclude by recalling that to arrive at magical knowledge it is necessary to possess four fundamental qualities: intelligence illuminated by study, intellectual audacity, inflexible will and discretion.

To know, to dare, to desire and to be silent are the four verbs that describe, with a formula easy to remember, the behaviour that must be maintained at all times and in all places in order to practice magic in the most correct way possible. We must not believe that the amateur must correspond perfectly, right from the start, to this model of behaviour: to begin with, it is only necessary to be willing to work hard and constantly. If we proclaim laziness and negligence, we will be able to fortify and mould our personality in such a way that our attitude obeys the four rules of behaviour.

The image depicts a dragon inside a cavern, the target of a knight. The cavern symbolizes the heart of man and the dragon passions that have to be overcome.

The initiation

In no human society, however archaic it may seem to us, can any person become a magician from one day to the next, but a long and tiring learning process is foreseen, during which the aspirant has to be attended to by a prepared teacher who guides him at all times supervising his progress and errors.

This process causes such a radical change in personality that primitive civilizations saw in it the death of the aspirant, the dismemberment of his body, and its reconstitution by the work of the spirits.