Shifter's Gate - Patricia Rodriguez - E-Book

Shifter's Gate E-Book

Patricia Rodriguez

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Jasmine couldn't explain her luck. She could walk into any room and attract the scum of the earth. So she was surprised when she met handsome Xavier. He carried himself with an out of this world demeanor and he made Jasmine feel for the first time in a long time. The only trouble was he dragged her into his world where the real scum was! Xavier was on the run from the Keepers of the Gate. Once he crossed into the human dimension he was considered rouge and hunted. He had already lost everything he held dear, his brother, his pack so why not his morality. When Xavier finds the woman he thinks is his and his brothers mate he is drawn to her and at the same time drawing her into his messed up life. With the help of friends they hunt down a killer to clear their names. But will it be in time? This book contains explicit sexual content.

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Patricia Rodriguez

Shifter's Gate

Shifter's Gate Book One (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Erotic Romance)

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

Chapter One


Looking over the events from the past few days Jasmine couldn't believe it was happening to her.  She was an attractive looking woman in her late thirties.  She had been divorce for over five years.  Her dark blonde hair was long enough to fall past her shoulders and her eyes were light green with yellow flecks.  She wasn't fat but she was shapely for her five foot four inch height. 


Her latest boyfriend had dumped her.  They had only been dating for two weeks.  He couldn’t have been more of a jerk by wanting her to jump into bed with him right off the bat.  That was not going to happen.  So she wasn't upset about the breakup, he wasn't right for her anyway. 


So when the stranger approached her, she never expected the roller coaster ride that was about to happen. 


She was setting at a table in a bar located in Flagstaff, AZ.  She looked lonely.  He had the feeling she didn't want to be bothered.  She gave off an aura that said, "Fuck off".  However, something about her drew him to her table anyway.  He felt something different about her.  Could she be the one he'd been looking for over the last twenty years?  He needed to get her attention.  Maybe if he caused an accident.  He walked by the bar and asked the bartender for a towel.


Jasmine was minding her own business.  She promised her friend that she would come to see him perform.  Looking at the wall clock she realized she would have to leave soon.  She didn’t like to drive the fifty minutes it took her to get home when it was so late.


“Excuse me, is this seat taken?” the sexy masculine voice she heard making her tingle. 


Oh my god.  That voice was wonderful.  Deep, soothing, but she didn't recognize it.  Jasmine moaned inwardly when strange men hit on her it always put her in a bad mood.  Besides, she knew from experience that sexy voices didn't always mean sexy men, even if the voice did cause the hairs on her arms to stand up.  She prepared herself to confront the obnoxious man.  She was keeping a cool composure when she turned around to look at him.  As she turned the glass of water setting on her table suddenly tipped spilling all over the table.


“Damn it!”  How the hell did that happen?  Jasmine tried to sop it up with the very small napkin bars give out when a large hand shoved a towel in her face.


Muttering “Thank You,” as she quickly grabbed the towel to wipe up the spill.  She looked up smiling expecting to see a waiter.  


It wasn’t her intent to check him out.  It just happened.  She first noticed the black jeans that showed off his muscular thighs and narrow hips.  She blushed as her eyes quickly passed his crotch continuing her gaze to his flat hard abs.  Her eyes traveled the lenght of his body up to his defined muscular shoulders that his tight tee shirt outlined.  As she inspected the magnificent body in a matter of seconds.  She noticed how tall he was as she finally tilted her head back far enough to see his face.  There in front of her stood the most gorgeous man she had ever seen in my entire life.  


Oh My God.  


His face was handsome.  His eyes brown, his hair a dark blonde, and he must have been six foot five inches of pure solid muscle and all Jasmine could do was stare.


“You're welcome,” he responded.  His voice sending goose bumps across her skin.  He was differently not the waiter.


She recognized his voice raising an eyebrow in surprise.  The voice belonged to the man who was hitting on her.  Well she would never again assume that sexy voices didn't belong to sexy men. 


She saw him point to the edge of the table where the water was starting to run onto her lap.


“Oh, Shit!” she managed to pull her gaze from him just in time to keep from getting wet. 


She was wiping up the rest of the water, when he sat down next to her uninvited.


He watched her, speechlessly, and she was beautiful.  It took every brain cell that he had blood left to say, "You're welcome.” 


He went instantly hard when she turned to look at him with those striking green eyes.  And those lips were full and kissable.  Damn, he'd never had a woman affect him like this.  He couldn't wait to see the rest of her naked.  Gods his brain needed blood!  When the water started to run toward her lap all he could do was point.  He needed to concentrate on the problem at hand.  He didn’t need to create himself a new one.  However, he wouldn't mind her being his problem for the rest of his life!


Jasmine said, “It might not be safe setting next to me.  This could be the beginning of the end, of the world.” 


He gave her a puzzled look so she elaborated.


“You know?  Earthquakes, floods, famines, disasters, we just had the flood,” Holding the wet towel up, she smiled.  He just stared at her.  She felt awkward.  Well she could take a hint.  So she just handed him back the towel and turned back around in her seat to continue watching the band. 


Damn, it was a shame he didn't have a sense of humor.  Not that she was that funny, but a smile would have been nice.


It did not register that she was talking to him.  He just watched those lips move and wondered what they tasted like.  She'd turned her attention away from him and he sighed inwardly.  Thank the gods, maybe he could concentrate enough to see if she was the one.  He watched her as his aroused body took over.  His cock was getting harder by the minute, his brain had very little blood left in it, it all headed south the moment her eyes met his.  He needed to think about a cold shower or maybe a bath with ice that would be better.  No.  He thought a freezer would do nicely.  It took him fifteen minutes of thinking cold thoughts for his hard-on to go away.  He noticed the effect it was having on her too.  She was starting to visibly shake and her skin was turning a little blue.  She looked like she was freezing.  She is the one!


Tonight was not the night to hit on her.  For a quarter of an hour, he had been setting next to her.  Jasmine wasn't sure what he was doing and she didn't care.  She forced her eyes to look straight ahead, with difficulty, as she tried to focus.  So what if he was the best-looking man in the room?  She was going to ignore him. 

Chapter Two



It was starting to work.  Listening to the music, she was finally enjoying herself when she suddenly felt cold, no freezing.  She shivered rubbing her hands up and down her arms.  It was so cold she could see her breath.  It was like a fucking icebox.  She looked around at the other people.  They didn't look cold.  She looked at the young couple setting at the table next to her.  They were talking to each other, but their breaths weren't noticeable.  Hers on the other hand was coming out in foggy puffs.  She watched her breath for a moment in awe.  Then her table crasher interrupted her thoughts.


“Here,” he said, “Let me.” 


Jasmine didn't know what he was doing.  She sat completely still in anticipation.  He grabbed her by the shoulders his hands large and warm.  He turned her in her seat to face him arranging her legs and arms.  As soon as she was the way he wanted her, he took his hands off her.  She almost moaned out a protest when he removed his hands she felt lost without the warmth the brief contact produced.  She looked up into his face.  Her eyes met his and she was transfixed.


He stared into her eyes.  His eyes were a light brown with a gold rim around the iris.  She was drowning in his eyes and just like that, she was warm again. 


“Okay, what the hell did you just do?”  She asked him.  Jasmine was confused and hot all over.  Now she wished she could take her clothes off.


He said, “Just an experiment.”


She turned from him angry.  Of all the...Why couldn't she attract normal men!


“Well, find yourself another guinea pig,” She was watching the band again.  At least she pretended to watch the band. 


How was he going to explain it to her?  For twenty years, he and his brother had been searching for their mate.  The woman who was theirs.  The only person who could save them.  And that woman was now setting next to him.  His joy was short lived.  If only he could go back to his dimension and fix the problem with his pack.  He and his brother could take over with her help and everything would be good again. 


He knew it was wrong but he wanted her.  He couldn't telepath to anyone but his brother but he could suggest.  He sent his own erotic fantasy to Jasmine.


She was watching the band when her eyes black out then an image of the man next to her and another man, just as gorgeous, were standing in front of her.  It seemed the crowd of people melted away as both men slowly removed their shirts.  Each man pulled off his shirt slowly.  As their shirts slid over their heads, they smiled suggestively at her.  She looked from man to man and gasped.  She couldn't avert her gaze she was so mesmerized.  Then her table intruder reached down to his waist, as he unbuttoned his jeans his eyes were smoldering hot.


Jasmine closed her eyes willing the image to.. to.. Stop!  She let out a shaky breath.


Blushing Jasmine demanded, “GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD!”  She turned her head to look at him surprised to see he was smiling at her just as the images had done.  He didn't seem disconcerted at her outburst.


He said, “Your little flood joke was cute.  I am sorry I didn't smile.  I was stunned by your beautiful green eyes.” 


She was looking at him when all the sudden a sharp pain hit behind her eyes.  This wasn't her night at all.  She put her hand to her temple trying to rub the pain away.  Then another image flashed across her mind, this time it was five big scary men.  They were coming for her table crasher.  When the images were gone a voice said, Tell Xavier he has 20 seconds before he will be attacked.


“Xavier, you have 20 seconds before five guys come crashing through the door.  They plan on attacking you!”  Jasmine said this quietly as she grabbed the front of his shirt in a fist as she was holding her other hand to her temple.  She hoped he didn't think she was crazy.


“Okay?  Are you going to be alright?”  Xavier asked putting a hand on her shoulder.  Crap the Keepers were there!  She wasn’t moving and at that moment, he was more afraid for her then himself.  She just gripped the front of his shirt in her fist.  “Are you okay?”  He asked again demandingly.


“No.  You are in danger, now you have 10 seconds before they come for you.  Leave now!”  Jasmine didn't understand what was happening.  She wanted to protect him.  Not knowing why.  She took her hand off his shirt and started to push him out of his chair.


“Get out of here before they kill you!”  She whispered only loud enough for him to hear.


He finally got to his feet and left.  He was gone so fast she wasn't sure he had actually been there.  The only evidence was the wet towel that was still on the table.

Chapter Three





Jasmine calmly turned back around in her seat to finish watching the band when five of the biggest guys she had ever seen together in one place causally walked through the door of the bar.  She kept her attention on the stage and watched the men from the corner of her eye.  The bar wasn’t very big and these men made it feel even smaller.  She knew them.  These were the men after Xavier.  She started to get up causally from her seat to leave but the men were heading toward her table.  So she reached down under the table, pretending to pick something up.  She could see the men’s legs as they stopped to stand in front of her table.


She sat up and acted irritated, “Do you guys mind moving.  I can’t see the band!” 


The men stared down at her as she glared back.


Four of the men stood directly in front of her.  She looked at each one of them memorizing their faces.  One had black hair, two of them had dark brown, and one man had red hair.  The fifth one was standing away from the others.  He had blonde hair and as strange as it sounded he looked familiar.  She didn’t understand that.  She had never met him before but she could swear she’d seen him somewhere.


“He was here,” the man with black hair, said, “I can smell him.” 


What the hell was he talking about “smell him”. 


He leaned over toward her and sniffed at her like a dog.  “She smells like him.  Read her mind Morgan.”


She heard the voice say, Don’t worry, I’ll make something up just go with me.


“He was here hitting on her, David.  She sent him away,” the man named Morgan said. 


Morgan had an earring with a cross hanging down.  His blonde hair was shoulder length and he had clear blue eyes.  He was as gorgeous as Xavier was, and then it hit her!  She recognized him from her recent ‘daydream’.  She looked quickly away hoping they hadn’t noticed her blush.  She strained to look around the men pretending interest in the band.


“You’re sure?  His smell is all over this area,” David said again.


“Yes I am sure.  She sent him on his way not wanting his company.  She has a headache and was about to leave.  Let’s check out the rest of the bar.”  Morgan suggested.


Suddenly the male voice was in her head again, as he said, Jasmine you need to leave now.


She was thinking to herself how crazy this night had turned out “yes leaving was a good idea”.  She blindly picked up her purse and made her way out of the bar.  She looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was following her.  That was just weird.  Why would the voice, Morgan talk in her head?  Did Xavier know the man that voice belonged to?  Why would Xavier send the image of both of them to her?  She hoped she wouldn’t see either of them again!


She made it through the parking lot to her car.  The fantasy the daydream started, of having both men, kept playing through her mind.  She was feeling horny and was going to have to go home alone.


 “Shit,” she muttered pushing the fantasy to the back of her mind.  She stopped and looked at her car.  The car next to hers was parked so close she was going to have to squeeze in.  Opening her door, she hoped she wouldn’t scratch the other person’s car.  She was holding the driver’s door open just enough for herself to slide into her seat with an exhale of breath she plopped down.  She hated it when people parked stupidly.


“Think you Assholes could park any closer?!” mumbling the whole time as she was finally able to shut her car door.  She was so pissed at the dumb ass car next to her she hadn’t noticed Xavier in her back set.


“Don’t scream or react, please!”  Xavier said to her quietly.


She started to turn around embarrassed one of her fantasy guys was here.  Her imagination was working over time tonight.


“NO!  Don’t turn around.  Just drive a way.”


“Damn it, my heart is pounding a mile a minute,” she said aloud.  “You scared the living shit out of me!”  That was partially the truth but her heart was also racing for a different reason.


“I know I am sorry.  You can't talk to me.  We don't want you to bring attention to yourself.”


She was a beauty.  He had only imaged what his mate would look like.  He was not disappointed.  He couldn’t wait to make her his.  Well theirs.


This was stupid she should be scared but instead she was mad. 


“What the HELL are you doing?  I have to go home and I can’t take you with me."  Especially with the desire throbbing double time between her thighs, she almost moaned when she remembered the image of him almost naked.


She glared at him in the rear view mirror when he didn’t answer so she started the car.  


"This had better not put me in danger!”  Muttering under her breath, she backed out of the parking spot.


She was adorable when angry.  Her eyes turned a bright yellow.  Almost as if, shooting sparks.  His animal wanted to take her now!  But he knew when he claimed her, his brother had to be there.  So he soothed his beast.


They pulled out of the parking lot and she automatically headed south.

Chapter Four



““Who the HELL are you and what do you want?"  She demanded after they were away from the parking lot.


"One of those four men is out to kill me," He explained.  "My name is Xavier and the blonde is my brother his name is Morgan."


"Why me?  What do you want with me?”  She asked quickly, her head was really starting to hurt.  Stress always did that to her, as she put her hand to her temple again.


Tell Xavier they followed his scent to your car.  Where are you?  Morgan was in her head again.


"Xavier they followed your scent to my car,” Jasmine told him.  Why she was helping was beyond her.


This was not going to be pretty, Xavier thought to Morgan.


Would you stop talking?  My head is pounding, She was having trouble concentrating on driving.  Morgan needed to get out of her head.


Tell Xavier he needs to hide him and yourself,   Morgan thought to her.  He had to make sure this woman and his brother survived.  The pack needed them.  He needed them!


“Xavier you need to get us to safety?”  She asked.  She reached up and rubbed her temple again.


Morgan how far back are you?  Xavier asked his brother and was surprised she moaned as another sharp pain lanced through her head, her stomach turning.


I can't talk to her this way she is getting a migraine.  Morgan sent to X.  Then to Jasmine, Jasmine sweetheart take a deep breath slowly. 


Xavier put your hand on her neck, Morgan instructed quickly he needed to keep the contact to X short or the others would pick up on his powers.


Xavier did as his brother instructed, he was surprised that Jasmine was having a reaction to the brothers talking to each other as well.


She felt warmth radiate from Xavier’s hand as he rubbed her neck and she relaxed.  Breathing in and out slowly along with the warmth from Xavier's hand was easing the pain in her head.


“Better?”  Xavier asked aloud.


“Yes thank you.”  She murmured.  Her head still hurt but she wasn’t going to ask how Morgan knew her name.


“Ask Morgan how far back they are?”


How far back are you Morgan? Jasmine asked wearily her head not pounding quite as badly.


Back far enough that we can’t be sure what way you went.  Ask Xavier to hide you and I will contact you shortly, Morgan said and left her head.


Morgan sat in the back seat of the SUV surrounded by the other Keepers.  He was relaxed and watched the scenery fly by as if he didn’t just have a healing session or an in depth conversation with his brother and their mate.  They turned down a couple of the roads as David directed them.


“The scent has gotten weak.  I can’t smell him any longer,” David let out an exasperated breath.


“Damn it!  He shouldn’t be this hard to catch!  Morgan, have you tried to connect to him again?”  Brick asked pulling the car to the side of the road.


“I have and can’t.  This dimension is doing something to our connection,” Morgan's lies were so smooth none of the men caught on.


The only time they came to the human dimension was when a shifter went rouge.  There were only a few differences here on the earth side.  It wasn’t as if it was hard to hide what they were and they didn’t mind being in human form but if they needed to be in their wolf form they could be mistaken for a predator and shot.  They had lost Keepers in the past for that very reason.  They didn’t like it here.


“If I shifted I could pick the scent back up,” David murmured angrily.


“NO!”  Brick shot back, “Under no circumstances are we to shift.  I won’t lose a man because a stupid human got trigger happy.”


Morgan listened as he looked out the window thinking about his mate.  Damn he wished this had gone a different way.  If only he and Xavier had met her under different circumstances.


“Morgan you are quiet.  You okay?”  Brick looked in the rearview mirror at the man.  Damn he didn’t want to hunt Xavier but the law was the law and the man crossed the gate without proper authorization but that wasn't his real crime.  NO, he had killed a fellow pack mate.  For all they knew he came here to kill humans now that he had tasted blood.  Brick’s eyes never wavered.


“Yeah.  I’m fine,” Morgan met Bricks gaze.  “I still don’t believe Xavier is guilty of killing John.  My brother was going to be Alpha.  He wouldn’t have jeopardized that for anything.”


“That is for the council to decide.  We just have to bring him in,” Brick let out a deep breath.  “Let’s get back to the hotel.  We’ll pick this back up after we eat.”


He started the SUV and turned the vehicle around.  They made it to the hotel in fifteen minutes.  After they parked the large SUV the men exited the vehicle, packed in it like sardines they unfolded themselves out of the small confines.