Unexpected Miles - Patricia Rodriguez - E-Book

Unexpected Miles E-Book

Patricia Rodriguez

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Though Miles thought he would find his mate, he never dreamed he'd find her in a cell several levels below ground. He was at odds with himself, to keep his mate safe, or push her away.  The reason, she was an experiment.  He knew very well what could happen after being experimented on.  He was one of two people who remembered what had happened over one hundred and twenty years ago when "The Doctor" started experimenting on The Pack. Kiki felt Miles determination at keeping her at a distance. Though she had read his mind there was still a part she couldn't reach.  She wondered if Miles knew it was there or not.  After she was finally freed, Kiki wanted to stay with the Pack.  The only thing, strange things kept happening, and with every strange occurrence, Miles pulled further and further away. Can Miles and Kiki overcome the physic backlash? Will Kiki have enough love to show Miles that they can endure anything?  Will Kiki and Miles love give The Pack the strength to move beyond the shadows of the past?

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Patricia Rodriguez

Unexpected Miles

The Pack Series Book 6

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

Chapter One





Miles had been the designated driver for Heath and Josie for three weeks now. Did he like it? The jury was still out.


There were times he was bored out of his mind. He wanted something more to do. He wanted to feel like he was part of something bigger. Then there were other times, when he was with Heath and Josie, he felt like maybe they were taking him somewhere special. Then Heath and Josie would get all lovey-dovey making his skin crawl. No, he reprimanded himself silently, not crawl, but tingle, as if his skin was craving the same kind of touch.


Today though, he felt a special zing, a vibration in the air he couldn’t explain. Miles was driving Heath and Josie back to the Parish clinic. They had come to the clinic three weeks earlier because the owner and Miles’s friend, Samuel needed help. Miles had been shocked to find that Samuel had been helping the militant capture physics. However, Samuel had been Miles’s friend for years and in that time, Samuel had secretly been helping the pack. When Miles was at the Parish Clinic last time, his pack mates were able to get Samuel out from under the Militant’s thumb. Now that Samuel was free, he was spending his time helping the Pack locate misplaced physics and shifters. Samuel wanted to make amends for what he had done.


Miles looked in the rearview mirror at Josie, who was talking quietly to her fiancé Heath. Maybe the vibration he was feeling was from her. Josie had been married to “The Doctor” who was a mad man. She was a victim of his craziness. He had experimented on her. Luckily, the bastard was dead. The only drawback was she could now amplify anyone with powers. Even if the person wasn’t in the same vicinity and she was getting stronger. She teleported two vehicles and three people, which included him, at the same time three weeks ago, and it scared the shit out of him. He brought his attention back to the road, realizing this was the part he did hate, the dreaded boring driving part. It gave him too much time to think.


The trip to Samuels’s clinic was a two-hour drive from Pack territory. Driving the SUV through a dry lakebed, he thought about the changes to San Francisco since the “Disaster of 2012”. When the disaster hit it caused tectonic plates to move all around the world. San Fran was no longer “the city by the bay”. He smiled to himself; boy, the people were shocked when the smoke cleared. Everyone had believed for eons that California would fall into the ocean. HA! The state didn’t fall, it rose, and San Fran was no longer by the bay or even the ocean. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts, wow his mind was wondering worse today than normal. He was happy they were almost there.


Miles turned left on Columbus Drive. He found an empty spot out front of the clinic and parked. He didn’t have to open the doors for Heath and Josie, he wasn’t a damn chauffer, but he did anyway because he liked them. Miles followed his friends toward the clinic door. The closer to the clinic he got the more his skin tingled. Suddenly the hairs on the nape of his neck were standing on end. What in the hell was going on? He rubbed the nape of his neck. He was feeling agitated. His wolf wanted out, it took everything Miles had not to pace back and forth like a caged animal.


“Miles you okay?”  Reese asked as he materialized out of nowhere.


Miles jumped when he heard his friend’s voice, “Damn it dragon man don’t sneak up on me like that! You know when you do that stealth thing it freaks me out.”


“You aren’t usually this jumpy what gives?” Hesitating Reese mumbled. “I wish you hadn’t created those mind blocking chips. I can’t read your thoughts as easily anymore.” Reese walked towards Miles who waited a moment so they could walk into the clinic together.


“Well I am glad.” Miles murmured under his breath for only a shifter to hear as he opened the door of the clinic. He heard Reese snort as the doors closed behind them. The clinic was normally soothing to Miles but not today, if anything is was agitating his wolf more.


Samuel came into the lobby in a rush. “Thank god you are here. I thought that maybe the woman would call again but nothing. I am worried.”


“We brought Reese to help. We thought that maybe if I amplified his telepathic gift along with yours we might do better.” Josie told Samuel as she put a comforting hand on his arm. Heath growled but she ignored it.


Miles watched. Josie always seemed to know when someone needed soothing. Was she not noticing his anxiety?Reese had noticed. “What do you want me to do?” Miles asked feeling like the third wheel again.


“I think you should open your mind. Think about locating this missing woman. I know it isn’t enough to go on but it might help.” Reese told Miles.


Miles felt unsure, how could he possibly help? The others started to do their thing. They were talking among themselves but that strange vibration he’d been feeling since they started the trip was increasing. Could the others not feel it? Jesus his whole body felt like it would break apart. Just when he thought, it couldn’t get any worse he felt it again, no this time he felt someone, he felt her. He knew it was a feminine mind and she brushed his so softly. He saw her with his mind’s eye.


A small woman lying in a cell, thirteen floors below ground. Struggling to stay conscience, she tried to reach out for the man she had felt three weeks ago.  She finally felt him again and almost sobbed, but there was a different energy surrounding him.  This energy felt stronger and it called to her.  She felt three others with him.  No, she felt four.  There were four people, the man she originally contacted, a woman, and a dragon shifter were connecting to her, but there was another man in the room with them.  She could feel him.  She opened her mind letting it follow the power.  She felt drawn to the other man.  His mind was so open.  It felt as if he was in the room with her.  She pushed her mind out to touch his.  For some reason her telepathic mind was able to push past the sedative they gave her.


Miles looked up to say something to the others when suddenly everything went dark.

Chapter Two





Drawn to a light coming from Miles location in the small clinic Heath turned to look.  Heath watched Miles slowly disappear.


“Where did Miles go?  Josie did you teleport him?”  Stunned Heath asked Josie, as he and Reese looked at Josie accusingly.


“I didn’t do that.  I was concentrating on the woman,” Josie looked shocked, shaking her head she tried to breathe deeply.


They all looked at the empty space were Miles had stood.


“Well shit something happened to him.  What do we do now?”  Samuel asked the others.


“We are going to have Josie take us to Dominic. Where, the shit will hit the fan.” Reese said calmly.


Josie looked from Heath to Reese as she shrugged her shoulders.  Reese looked around.  He indicated where he wanted everyone to stand so Josie could transport them to pack territory.  Reese was not looking forward to the conversation with Dominic.  Dom was going to hit the roof when he found out what happened to Miles.



Miles’s eyes flutter as he regained consciousness.  His head felt like it was going to explode.  He sluggishly sat up rubbing the back of his neck.  When he opened his eyes, he realized he wasn’t in the clinic any longer.  How did he get here?  Did Josie teleport him, again?  Damn that woman was scary.  He looked around.  Yup she teleported him again, but this time he didn’t know where.  He needed to get his bearings.


It was dark and the smell of mold assaulted his nose.  Miles scanned the small area with his wolf's eyes. There were three brick walls and bars on the fourth.  A cot sat on the back wall.  Oh shit, he was in a cell. It took him a moment trying not to panic as the memories flooded him. When he pushed the terror to the back of his mind he thought, Why would Josie send him to a cell?  Miles looked at the cot again and could make out a lump under a blanket.


Miles didn’t have the energy to get up so he crawled over to the side of the bed.  He touched the form and it moaned.  That was a female moan.  He sniffed the woman and recognized the scent of the woman who touched his mind.  She was lying on a bed and appeared to be in a restless sleep.


“Hey what’s your name?”  Miles gently shook her trying to get her to wake up.  He took in a deep breath and took her scent deeper into him.  She smelled delicious.


“Miles?”  The woman said groggily.


Miles wasn’t shocked she said his name; after all, she had touched his mind.  He touched her face gently as the corners of his mouth lifted in a suppressed smile, “No, that is my name.  What is your name?”


The woman opened her eyes to slits moving her mouth in a silent answer.  Then she slurred, “Kiki.  My name is Kiki.”  She rolled her head back and forth trying to wake up.


Miles patted her cheeks watching as she struggled to make it to consciousness.  “What is wrong with you?  You don’t smell right.”


“They, they drugggggged meeeee.”  Her words were incoherent and he almost missed what she said.


“Shit, how long have you been like this?”  Miles asked as he rubbed her soft cheek.  Her skin was warm and silky.


Kiki didn’t answer him, not because she didn’t want to but she couldn’t get her mind to clear.  She was confused.  Her mind had been clear for a split second then she was groggy again.  She barely heard the other men’s minds approach.  “You have, have, to, to hide they are commmming.”


Miles had heard the men talking way before she warned him, but where in the hell was he going to hide in a cell this small.  He looked around for the darkest corner.  He was a large man and the only spot was under the bed.  It was a tight fit but he tucked himself under the cot just as the men made it to the cell door.


“Kiki, come here.”  A man’s low voice called out.


Kiki moaned rolling over to face the wall.


“Dammit Sean!  How much sedative did you give her?  Now when they get here she won’t be able to perform.”  The man’s voice was audibly angry.


“John!  After her last escape, she hurt two of my men.  What did you expect?  She is dangerous and everyone wants to use her.  She is not controllable!”  The man named Sean said just as angrily.


“When did you start giving it to her?”  John demanded.


“When we recaptured her.”  Sean responded.  His tone held no remorse.


“You mean you’ve been drugging her for three straight weeks!?  WE need HER to show the higher ups what our experiments can do.  How long will it take for that damn shit to go through her system?”  John asked sounding almost concerned.


“It might be gone in four hours.  Her system pushes the sedative through her quite quickly.  That is why I have instructed the guards to give her the sedative every three hours.”  Sean sounded disgruntled, as if he didn’t want to let the woman gain consciousness.


Miles almost shifted to kill both men.  These assholes had her imprisoned and drugged for weeks.  They said she had escaped, was that when she called Samuel?  This, her being in this cell was why she hadn’t contacted Samuel since.  Dammit, Miles wanted to hurt someone.


Miles calmed his wolf, he needed to help her escape again, but she couldn’t in the shape she was in right now.


“We’ll come back in four hours then.  Tell the techs not to give her anything else.  Understood?”  John and Sean’s voices were fading as they walked away.  With Miles hearing though, he heard them up to the fifth level.  They were making plans to contact the higher ups for a meeting in the morning, to test Kiki.


“Kiki baby you need to start waking up.”  Miles pulled himself from under the bed and touched her face again.  She felt cool to his touch.


“Hmmmmm, whhhhat?”  Kiki mumbled she rolled towards him trying to sleep.  “Milllllles leave me alone I am sleeping.”  She whined in a childlike voice.


“Baby you have to wake up.  That is the only way the sedative will work its self out of your system.  You have to wake up and move around.”  Miles pulled her to a setting position.

Chapter Three





Kiki didn’t want to sit up. She wanted to sleep but the blasted man would not leave her alone. She moaned softly. What did he want from her? She tried to pull out of his grip when she felt his hands on her face again. She liked his touch it was warm and did something to her body.


Kiki’s eyes fluttered open but she still couldn’t make out his face. However, she had touched the outer edges of his mind. He had a beautiful mind….the thought died as she felt his lips touch hers. She didn’t respond at first. She was numb from the drugs they were giving her, the touch felt alien to her. A slow heat unfurled low in her body and started to spread. It had been years since she had been touched intimately. When she gasped, he slid his tongue into her mouth. She tentatively touched her tongue to his allowing her tongue to explore him. She was finally warming up after months of cold. Her body was reaching for his. There was a sudden blast of cold air as he pulled away from her. She shivered.


Breathing heavily Kiki opened her eyes, now they were clear and focused. She stared at the man who had just kissed her. He was handsome, his hair was a reddish brown, his eyes were a clear crystal blue, and his mouth. She couldn’t stop her gaze from straying back to that wonderful mouth. He had strong features that she wanted to trace with her fingers and to kiss every inch, and he was in her cell.


Miles was panting from the kiss. He thought she was beautiful and he felt an attraction to her, who wouldn’t. He thought the kiss would wake her up. Fuck who knew it would wake him up too.


“Why did you kiss me?” Kiki asked pulling her arms from around his neck. She pondered how she could have allowed such a strong man to kiss her without putting up a fight.


“You were not responding to anything else. I only hoped that the kiss would work. I need you to be alert.” Miles regretted the way he said the words even before her beautiful grey eyes harden. “How are you feeling?”


Kiki straightened pulling away from him. She tried to read his mind. She still only picked up bits and pieces but the chip he had along with the still lingering sedative was messing with her medically induced telepathic abilities.


“Give me a moment.” Kiki said. She closed her eyes. Felt for the drug. This was one power the bastard scientists didn’t know about. They just thought the drug moved through her system fast. They would want to test her more if they really knew. She wasn’t happy about showing a perfect stranger but if he was here to save her, she was going to have to trust him.


She found the drug. There you are baby, it was all through her body, come to mama. She willed it to move, to speed through her system. Keeping her eyes closed she found every drop of the vile chemical and pushed it to her stomach. Now was the gross part. She opened her eyes gasping as she saw Miles watching her.