Soccer Rules and Positions In A Day For Dummies, USA Edition - Michael Lewis - E-Book

Soccer Rules and Positions In A Day For Dummies, USA Edition E-Book

Michael Lewis

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Soccer basics in a day? Easy. Do you get a kick out of soccer, but need to brush up your knowledge on the key elements of the game? Look no further! Soccer Rules & Positions In A Day For Dummies quickly brings you up to speed on one of the most popular sports in the world. From essential information on the sport to expert coverage of the game's rules, regulations, and players, this book provides invaluable insight to new and veteran fans alike. * The essential information you need to understand and enjoy soccer * Expert coverage of the game's rules and regulations * Helpful breakdowns of soccer positions and their roles in offense and defense * Online component takes readers beyond the book with bonus content and features Get set to impress your friends with your newfound knowledge in no time!

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Soccer Rules & Positions In A Day For Dummies®

Table of Contents

What You Can Do In A Day
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used in This Book
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Soccer
Soccer: The Basics
Checking out fouls and kicks
Keeping an eye on the game clock
Surveying the Field
That’s the Way the Ball Bounces
Size does matter
The cost and quality factor
Dressing the Part: Uniforms
The must-have clothing
Why shoes can make or break your game
How soccer uniforms are numbered
Why goalkeepers don’t match the team
The World Cup: The Greatest Show on Earth
Chapter 2: Taking Up Positions
Saving Grace: The Goalie
Providing Support: The Sweeper
Defending the Turf: Fullbacks
Linking the Team: Halfbacks
Filling the Net: Forwards
Chapter 3: Rules of the Game
Following the Rules
Keeping time
Starting the game
Keeping the ball in play
Staying onside
Penalty Calls and Their Results
Outlining the major fouls
Detailing minor fouls and violations
Paying the price for fouls
Seeing what’s in the cards
Interpreting the Ref’s Hand Signals
Chapter 4: Performing Amazing Foot Feats: Dribbling and Shooting
Dribbling: Easy to Learn, Difficult to Master
Knowing when to dribble
Dribbling do’s and don’ts
Changing directions
Deciphering dribbling problems
Shooting Your Way to a Goal
Knowing when to shoot
Ready, aim, shoot
Shooting the ball with the instep
Chapter 5: Sharing the Ball: Passing, Receiving, and Heading
You Take the Ball: Passing
Delivering two types of passes
Diagnosing what went wrong
Gimme the Ball: Receiving
Cushioning at impact
Troubleshooting receiving
Thinking on Your Feet: Heading
Using your noggin
Correcting heading errors
Chapter 6: Protecting the Goal
Stopping the Opposition
Catching the ball
Punching the ball
Parrying the ball
Saving penalty kicks
Correcting goaltending errors
Positioning: Being in the Right Place at the Right Time
Distributing the Ball
Chapter 7: Where to Go from Here
Taking Your First Steps
About the Authors
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Soccer Rules & Positions In A Day For Dummies®

by United States Soccer Federation, Inc., and Michael Lewis; and National Alliance For Youth Sports with Greg Bach

Soccer Rules & Positions In A Day For Dummies®

Published byJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774

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Soccer is a universal sport. People all over the world play it (and in some countries they call the game football or futbol). Soccer Rules & Positions In A Day For Dummies introduces you to the basic skills and concepts of the game. Here, you can find out all about the different positions, the rules, and the skills it takes to play — or simply watch! — this oh-so-exciting game.

In this book, we explain all of this information without getting too technical and with the aid of photos and illustrations so you can understand the game better. We also provide links to online content that can enrich your understanding of soccer. We want you to be in the know so you can love this game, whether it’s being played on your neighborhood soccer fields or in one of the huge professional arenas filled with die-hard fans.

What You Can Do In A Day

The goal (no pun intended) of Soccer Rules & Positions In A Day For Dummies isto help you understand the basics of soccer. And you can do so in about a day’s time, whether you fill a free afternoon or you dip in and out whenever you find a few spare minutes. We explain the rules of the game; introduce the different player positions; and cover the fundamentals of dribbling, passing, and other essential soccer moves. We wrap it all up with a look at how goalkeepers prevent the other team from scoring.

You can read the chapters straight through and get an overview of the rules and the skills soccer players need, or you can dip in and out, focusing on one aspect of the game — say, working together as a team — and then moving on to the next topic. How you use this book is up to you!

Foolish Assumptions

When creating this book, we assumed that you fall into one of the following categories:

You want to understand the ins and outs of soccer so you can be a better spectator, whether you’re watching a pro or peewee game.

You want to play the game with confidence, whether at the community or school level.

You don’t have a lot of time to gain the knowledge you need to understand the game or boost your skills.

Icons Used in This Book

To help you navigate through this book more clearly, we placed icons — little pictures that point to a particular tip — in the margins. Here are the icons we’ve used:

Look for this icon when you want some wise advice, insight, or a shortcut.

When you see this icon, you know you’re reading a piece of information that’s especially important to remember.

Take a break from the text for a quick exercise designed to help you get a better grasp of soccer— this icon shows you what to do.

When you see this icon, head to this book’s companion website at Online, you’ll find more-detailed information about topics that we cover in the book.

Chapter 1

Getting Started with Soccer

In This Chapter

Understanding field markings

Getting the lowdown on soccer balls and uniforms

Looking at the all-important World Cup

Soccer — or football as most of the rest of the world calls it — is the most popular sport in the world. It has been around in some shape or form for thousands of years. In fact, there have been times when the number of countries playing this sport has exceeded the number of countries in the United Nations.

Just about every country in the world has a National Team, essentially an all-star team or a group of the best players who represent their nation in various competitions, including the World Cup. These players perform for their club teams and then get together several times during the year to play in international friendlies — exhibition matches — and qualifying games for the World Cup and Olympics. Players are allowed to play for only one country, either the country they were born in or one in which they are a naturalized citizen.

Of course, you don’t need to be a star to play or appreciate soccer. The sport offers something for everyone, whether you’re age 5 or 40. Players compete at several different levels, including youth, amateur, pro, and international levels.

In this chapter, we give you an overview of the game and explain the field markings, the soccer ball, and uniforms.

Soccer: The Basics

Soccer is a relatively simple and easy game to understand and follow (especially if you have this book). The game is comprised of two opposing teams consisting of 11 players each (see Chapter 2 for more about the players and positions). It is officiated by one referee and two assistant referees. The object of the game is for your team to score more goals than the opposition by putting the ball past the opposing team’s goalkeeper and into an 8-foot-x-8-yard (2.4-meter-x-7.3-meter) goal. Each goal counts as one point.