The Guide to Gymnastics for children - Anna Salaris - E-Book

The Guide to Gymnastics for children E-Book

Anna Salaris

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The Guide to Gymnastics for children

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Anna Salaris

The Guide to



Although every care has been taken in the preparation of this work, the author or the publisher cannot in any way be held responsible for the information (formulas, recipes, techniques, etc.) contained in the text. In the case of specific problems - often unique to each individual reader - it is recommended that a qualified person be consulted in order to obtain the most complete, accurate and up-to-date information possible. EDITORIAL DE VECCHI, S.A.U.

© Editorial De Vecchi, S. A. 2022

© [2022] Confidential Concepts International Ltd., Ireland

Subsidiary company of Confidential Concepts Inc, USA

ISBN: 978-1-68325-098-2

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Gymnastics As A Game

Psycho-Motor Development Of The Child

Psycho-Motor Skills

Physical Capacities

From One To Six Years

From Seven To Twelve Years Old

Some Tips Before You Start

When To Do The Exercises

Where To Do The Exercises

Material Required

How To Do It The Exercises

From One To Six Years

Seven To Twelve Years Old

Ready To Play!

From One To Six Years

Games With The Body

Rope Games

Games With The Newspaper

Games With The Ball

Seven To Twelve Years Old

Games With The Body

Rope Games

Games With The Ball

Rope And Ball Games

Group Games

Body-Only Games

Games With The Ball

Rope Games



Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult to find occasions for the children to play, but perhaps it is even more difficult to find appropriate games. This book is aimed at all those who want to discover the joy and fun of playing with the children but, above all, they want to provide them with the right stimuli so that, in addition to having fun, they can grow and strengthen. Through these simple gymnastic exercises the child can explore and get to know his body and give free rein to fantasy, creativity and imagination.

This book is created for children between one and twelve years of age, although it is intended for parents, educators, monitors and all those who are interested, in one way or another, to find approaches and propose the most appropriate games for their age.


The purpose of these pages can be summed up in four words: to grow up playing. In this book, the reader will find simple games that can enrich children’s motor experiences. We have to consider gymnastics within an educational process in which the playful aspect plays a central role because the child learns to grow through games.

In the game, according to Frochel’s definition, “the vital impulse of the personality which demands to be given and to be constituted is manifested; the whole inner world of the child with its needs, its tendencies, its ideas and feelings are made manifest... Through the total possession of living play, the child moves and completes himself”.

A game is disinterested; its purpose is to have fun even before the satisfaction of winning; it is spontaneous and arises from the desire to play without necessarily having to serve a purpose; in fact, it can go beyond its mere eventuality and become a true way of living, learning, growing, experimenting and maturing; it is fun, effort and commitment to reach a goal through self-improvement and self-improvement.

The game is therefore a response to very specific needs: it satisfies children’s curiosity since it is a way of learning to conquer what is not known and which continually raises new questions and further deepening; at the same time, it is a response to the need for self-esteem insofar as it helps to improve one’s own abilities. The game, in short, is an opportunity to release physical and mental energies which at the same time stimulate and involve the child to get the best out of himself by coordinating all his faculties.

The game, moreover, requires a great deal of creativity and imagination not only for those who play but also for those who propose the games.

The characteristics of the games vary according to age: the first games are egocentric, solitary, oriented towards the discovery of oneself and, later, of the surrounding world; there are also more social games through which the child interacts with others.


The psycho-motor development of the child is a slow and complex process that is explained not only in the field of actual movement but involves globally every sphere of the personality; therefore, we can also speak of cognitive and social development as well as psychological development.

Motor skills are closely related to cognitive skills because it is precisely through the latter that the development of the central nervous system is promoted; it is therefore of fundamental importance to provide the child with the necessary stimuli to acquire good motor skills that can then be applied to intellectual operations that go beyond simple movement.

As can be seen from the following diagram, we can distinguish two types of abilities, psycho-motor and physical:

Psycho-motor skills

Psycho-motor skills, related to the central nervous system, can be classified into the following types:


√body perception in all its aesthetic and dynamic forms;

√out-of-body perception (or spatio-temporal structuring).


Coordination, according to K. Meinel’s definition, is the “harmonization of all partial processes of the motor act with respect to the goal to be achieved by the movement”.

But there are more types of coordination: general coordination can be included in the above definition; oculo-manual coordination refers to the ability to coordinate hand and upper limb movements in relation to visual information; oculo-podal coordination is the ability to coordinate foot and lower limb movements in relation to visual information; intersegmental coordi-nation is the ability to coordinate the movements of different body segments as regards the body, and intersegmental coordination is the ability to coordinate the movements of different body segments in relation to the body.

Important in the development of coordination are the sense organs, which receive very precise information of a tactile, acoustic, visual, vestibular, etc. type, transforming it into essential data for the process of controlling the motor act.

Body perception

Body perception is, according to J. Le Boulch’s definition, “an overall intuition or immediate knowledge that we have of our body in a static position or in movement, in the relationship of the different parts to each other and in the relationships with the surrounding space, objects and people”.

The child gets to know his own body and learns to use it through action; each new movement he makes is another experience that helps in a process that goes through very precise stages, starting from incoherent movements to the complete control of any gesture.

Within bodily perception we distinguish a number of functions:

Active adaptive function: