A Tangled Web: Mata Hari - Mary W. Craig - E-Book

A Tangled Web: Mata Hari E-Book

Mary W. Craig



In this new biography, published to coincide with the 100th anniversary of her execution, Mata Hari is revealed in all of her flawed eccentricity; a woman whose adult life was a fantastical web of lies, half-truths and magnetic sexuality that captivated men. Following the death of a young son and a bitter divorce, Mata Hari reinvented herself as an exotic dancer in Paris, before finally taking up the life of a courtesan. She could have remained a half-forgotten member of France's grande horizontale were it not for the First World War and her disastrous decision to become embroiled in espionage. What happened next was part farce and part tragedy that ended in her execution in October 1917. Recruited by both the Germans and the French as a spy, Mata Hari – codenamed H-21 – was also almost recruited by the Russians. But the harmless fantasies and lies she had told on stage had become part of the deadly game of double agents during wartime. Struggling with the huge cost of war, the French authorities needed to catch a spy. Mata Hari, the dancer, the courtesan, the fantasist, became the prize catch.

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Cover illustrations. Front: Mata Hari (Courtesy of Bibliothèque nationale de France, colourisation by Klimbim).




First published in 2017

The History Press

The Mill, Brimscombe Port

Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 2QG


This ebook edition first published in 2017

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© Mary W. Craig, 2017

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EPUB ISBN 978 0 7509 8472 0

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  1   Introduction

  2   Childhood

  3   Marriage and Motherhood

  4   An East Indies Adventure

  5   Tragedy

  6   The Dancer Emerges

  7   An International Woman

  8   The Path to War

  9   The Undesirable Alien

10   Espionage Français

11   Confusion and Collusion

12   Arrest and Interrogation

13   The Breakthrough

14   Trial and Punishment

15   The Denouement





Much has been written about Mata Hari the exotic dancer and Great War spy, and there are many papers about her held at the Archives de Paris; The British Library, London; the Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie, The Hague; the Fries Museum, Leeuwarden; the Nationaal Archief, The Hague; the National Archives, London and the Service Historique de l’Armeé de Terre, Vincennes. My grateful thanks must go to the staff at each of these institutions, who have generously given their time with unfailing professionalism.

Individuals I am indebted to include friends Eleanor Ball and Gordon Mulholland, and the editorial team at The History Press. On a personal note, I would like to thank Dorothy and George for all of their help, support and encouragement with this particular quest.



Margaretha Geertruida Zelle was born in the Netherlands in the quiet bourgeoisie town of Leeuwarden in 1876. Her early life was unremarkable and gave no indication that she would become anything other than a respectably married member of Dutch small-town society. Far from following this path, however, Margaretha married young and travelled halfway round the world to the Dutch East Indies, where she discovered the excitement and exoticism of Javanese dance. Her marriage was an unhappy one, marred by emotional and physical violence and finally the death of her young son. She returned to Europe, where she became embroiled in a bitter divorce settlement and ultimately had to give up custody of her daughter. Friendless and with no money, she turned to ‘exotic’ dancing as a way to make a living – Margaretha became ‘Mata Hari’. While this exoticism was all the rage at the time, Mata Hari was neither young nor particularly talented, and a dancing career, precarious for even the most talented, could not financially sustain her in the long-term. Mata Hari turned to the oldest profession in the world and found men who were willing to pay to spend time with her. Thus her story might have ended, but for the outbreak of the Great War.

The Great War was the end of the old order. Who knew what would follow? For a woman like Mata Hari, the Great War was both a threat and an opportunity. Would what followed the war welcome her or would the new order cast her aside? For a woman who was getting older in a new world where she might have few friends, this was a daunting prospect. But what of the opportunities? Whoever won the war would be dominant in Europe; should Mata Hari use her position as an ‘international woman’ of some renown to help one country over another? In 1915, Mata Hari was recruited first as a German agent and then a French agent, and was finally approached to become a Russian agent. Where did her loyalties lie? For which country would she enter the dangerous world of espionage? Or was Mata Hari more calculating than that? Whatever country won the war, a government that owed Mata Hari for her endeavours as a spy would surely not abandon her. Loyal spy, or calculating mercenary, Mata Hari was arrested by the French in February 1917 and executed by firing squad on 15 October 1917 in Paris.

Mata Hari has a hold on the modern imagination in part because of the times through which she lived. Between the 1870s and 1918, Europe – and its colonial possessions – fell from certainty into chaos, from which there would be no return to the old order. In 1848, the ‘year of revolutions’, Europe had tottered on the brink of collapse. However, the various nation states had survived and a delicate balance of power was created between these countries. The Great Powers of Russia, Prussia, Austria, France and Great Britain maintained the peace across the continent. Treaties and alliances allowed trade to flourish and peace to be restored. This did not last, and the balance came under increasing pressure as many nation states, in their desire to achieve what they perceived to be their destiny, found themselves to be increasingly in conflict with their neighbours. The formation of the German nation alarmed their neighbour France. The expansionist policies of Russia in the East engendered conflict with Great Britain and the internal issues of nationalism unsettled Austria.

Many in the European nations were aware of but did not fully understand these rising political tensions or how to deal with them, and in their confusion clustered round their old societal certainties. The familiarity of social convention was a comfort in uncertain and confusing times. Moreover, etiquette and decorum, tradition and display became a mask to hide confusion and a method by which to determine friend or foe. The ‘done thing’ was never questioned and never changed, and was even exported to the European colonies in Asia and Africa.

The Netherlands was, in the 1890s, a wealthy trading country with vast colonies in the Far East. The United Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie – VOC) was a chartered company that had been established in 1602, when the States General of the Netherlands had granted it a twenty-one-year monopoly to carry out trade in Asia. By the end of the eighteenth century, the company was rife with corruption and severely in debt. As a result, in 1799, the government in The Hague revoked the company’s charter and took over its debts and possessions. The government had gained control of a company that had possessed quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to negotiate treaties, strike its own coins and establish colonies. As a result, the Netherlands had inherited a vast colony in Asia with a huge financial potential in spices and silks. During the nineteenth century, the colonies in the East provided the Netherlands with a large income, a career path for many within the colonial service and a place amongst the top European trading nations. The eastern colonies of the Netherlands were also a place where those European social certainties were as embedded as in the streets of The Hague or the town of Leeuwarden. Those certainties continued and by the start of the twentieth century, the Netherlands was a prosperous, assured nation, confident in its place in the world and settled in its bourgeois traditions.

The Netherlands was not the only country with colonies. Germany, a country that had only been formed in 1871, viewed colonial acquisitions as a true indication of having achieved nationhood. Initially, Bismarck, the Chancellor, had been wary of colonial acquisitions, viewing them as expensive burdens that the young nation could do without, but in the mid-1880s he changed his mind. In the 1850s and 1860s, several German companies had established trading bases in West Africa, East Africa, the Samoan Islands and New Guinea. These soon developed into German protectorates. Germany’s location in the centre of Europe, and thus potentially surrounded by hostile neighbours, drove much of the political call for colonies, despite the drain on the country’s finances. A new nation in comparison with the Great Powers in Europe, Germany strove to prove its worth and its ‘place in the sun’. Frequently thwarted in its attempts at colonial expansion by Britain and France, hampered by France and Russia on its continental borders and constrained by its ambivalent relations with Austria-Hungary, by the beginning of the twentieth century the drive to be the equal of the Great Powers was uppermost in all aspects of German politics and philosophy. Many Germans sought to reaffirm and elevate the old German customs and traditions. Germanic myths took an ever-increasing place within society, and cultural pride grew in Das Land der Dichter und Denker (the country of poets and thinkers). Cultural learning, national pride and a belief in the settled order combined to produce social customs that dictated the lives of most Germans, and, just like their Dutch cousins, this was exported to the colonies.

That German drive was watched cautiously by her neighbour, France. The year 1871 had been a tragic one for France, as she had lost the Franco-Prussian War, seen Germany unified into a single state and then that single state annexe most of Alsace and the Moselle department of Lorraine. The German annexation of those lands was likened to the loss of a child. Military and political recriminations over the loss shook polite French society; a society that was already reeling from the Dreyfus Affair. In 1894, French Army chiefs had wrongly convicted Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish army officer, of treason. The real culprit, Major Charles Marie Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy, had been a spy in the pay of the Germans. Esterhazy had used the inherent anti-semitism in the army to implicate Dreyfus and divert suspicion from himself. This was further compounded by the acquittal of Esterhazy and the falsification of further evidence against Dreyfus. The affair dragged on for several years and exposed the levels of anti-semitism and corruption within a brutal military tribunal system. The entire affair was a severe shock to French sensibilities. The French Army held a special place in the nation, and it was difficult for many to accept the truth about the institution. The Dreyfus Affair was not fully resolved until 1906; but the divisions it created continued until the Great War and beyond.

In addition to these divisions and uncertainties, France was also a country in flux. Paris was the pre-eminent capital city of Europe, the home of the Belle Époche. Everything that was new and daring came from Paris; or so it seemed. The Exposition Universelle of 1889, with its Eiffel Tower and moving pavement, the dancing girls of the Folies Bergère and the paintings of the modernists – Les Fauve – all showed an exciting face to the world. For the middle and upper middle classes of France, however, this excitement could prove unsettling. The pace of change, the loss of Alsace and Moselle and the corruption in their army combined to disturb the calm existence of normal life. Once again the nation turned to certainties. Gentlemen might visit the Folies Bergère of an evening, but most still went home to their wives and families at the end of the night. Calling cards and the certainty of social niceties proved a comforting relief from the outside world.

Britain also had its concerns at the end of the nineteenth century. An island nation with an overseas empire, Britain relied on her navy to protect and connect the various territories of the empire with the mother country. In the first half of the nineteenth century, events in Europe had been considered of less importance to the British government than those of the empire. At the same time, while the colonies brought prosperity to a great number of British households, many more remained in poverty. Workers’ demonstrations became more commonplace and trade unions were growing in strength as they sought better working conditions for their members. Fear of revolution – the ‘European Disease’ – became rife in middle- and upper-class households, which clung to social certainties for security, especially after 1848. By the end of the nineteenth century, tensions started to rise over the situation with Russia vis-a-vis the empire. Russia was exerting increasing pressure in the East. The French had been financing new railways in Russia that could have threatened British colonial trade. To add to these pressures, the situation in Ireland was causing alarm across Britain. The political call for home rule was being joined increasingly by physical violence, and the parliament in Westminster was riven by divisions. In light of the situation, as in other European countries, the upper and middle classes sought sanctuary in the status quo. Men in the civil service, military and colonial service ran the empire, while their wives maintained strict standards of Britishness, whether at home or in the colonies. Trade unionists at home, Russians in the East and the Irish were all defined as ‘other’. To be British was the thing; an identity formed of tradition and decorum, an identity that was an anchor in unsettled times.

Russia was another of the Great Powers hiding unrest at home. The glittering court of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra dazzled visitors but hid the poverty and unrest amongst the Russian population. Court life was all-consuming for the aristocracy, and was aped by the upper middle classes keen to show their sophistication. The formality of court life was mirrored by the etiquette and decorum in the middle classes. However, that ordered social life excluded the vast majority of the Russian people. Many in the cities worked for pitiful wages that did not feed their families. Most of those working on the land were still held in serfdom. Many suffered in silence; some did not. Revolutionaries started to question the status quo. Although seen as something of a threat, most in the middle and upper classes thought the authorities more than a match for the subversive elements. Social galas and balls continued as before. Indeed, the stronger the calls for revolutionary change, the closer the middle and upper classes across the Russian Empire clung to their traditions. The calling cards and social niceties of Moscow were equally those of St Petersburg, Vladivostok and Minsk. Tensions with Britain over territories in Persia, while serious, were seen as part and parcel of being a ‘Great Power’, but still contributed to a sense of national pride and promotion of Russian values and traditions. Many of these traditions had been adopted from France, all of which gave certainty across the empire.

The other large empire within Europe was the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary. Ruled over by Franz Josef as Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, it was a sprawling multi-ethnic entity comprising Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Ruthenians (Ukrainians), Hungarians (Magyars), Rumanians, Serbs, Croats, Poles, Silesians and Italians. According to many in Europe, it was slow of purpose and was an empire in decline. And yet for all that, relative to many other countries in Europe, the day-to-day internal life of Austria-Hungary functioned reasonably well. It was also, in comparison to the Russian Empire, less dictatorial, with nothing like the Okhrana, the Russian secret police, spying on those subjects that were unhappy within its borders. That is not to say it did not have problems. The Magyar majority in Hungary resented rule from Vienna. They were also contemptuous of the non-Magyars within Hungary, especially the Slavs. The German majority in Austria did not understand their Hungarian friends, finding their continual complaints – usually about the Hungarian Army – to be tiresome. They were also irritated by those other subjects clamouring for greater autonomy; the Czechs and the Ruthenians. They were most exercised, however, by the Slavs, notably the Serbs. The Serbs in Serbia wanted to expand their territory to include all of ‘old Serbia’, some of which lay well within the lands of the dual monarchy. In addition, they looked to Russia as the natural mother and protector of all Slavs. Many of the Serbs living in the dual monarchy did likewise, seeing Moscow as their lodestone rather than Vienna. In addition to all this, the dual monarchy had another great problem. The emperor and his successor, Archduke Ferdinand, did not agree on policy, and the emperor found Ferdinand personally difficult. The archduke was uncomfortable in the Viennese court, which shunned his wife due to her non-royal status in the Habsburg dynasty. These political and personal differences exacerbated the dual monarchy’s policy development, particularly in relation to Serbia. The process in the dual monarchy followed that of other European nations. Confused and a little afraid of the pressures within the empire, social etiquette became the anchor in troubled times. This was aided by the longevity of Franz Josef’s reign. The continuity given to the court and the country by the presence of the ‘old man’ allowed many to ignore the reality of life and live only for the next ball or hunting season. This was, in turn, used by those politicians aware of the international situation to perpetuate the status quo and maintain order.

The status quo, the sense of order in Austria and Hungary, and across Europe, was most closely threatened by the Balkans, and in particular Serbia. The previous Balkan wars had seen Serbia emerge as the strongest of the nation states, but one which sought to become still stronger. The social norms which bound together the peoples of other European countries also bound the Serbian people, but these were people spread across several lands. Serbs could be found in Serbia, Austria, Bosnia and Albania. The longing of the Serbian people to live together in one Slavic country drove many to dream of a great Serbia, a land where all Serbs lived together. This longing would challenge the authority of Austria, precipitating the Great War and straining the social norms of European society. The early years of the twentieth century saw the ‘Balkan problem’ become an ever-growing issue within European politics.

For all these political nuances Europe was, and is, a trading continent, with goods and commodities bought and sold across countries and empires. Political tensions rose and fell, but economic interests were paramount as the buying power of the solid middle classes kept trade turning. Trade agreements were made and remade, diplomatic friendships were forged and treaties were signed. By the spring of 1914, Europe was balanced on a spider’s web of alliances and pledges. Yet despite the safety that these various economic treaties appeared to offer, all knew that the political tensions, especially in the Balkans, made war, if not inevitable, then at least more than likely. A spider’s web, for all its intricacy, can be broken easily.

When the web broke on 28 July 1914, Europe was left picking at the floating strands of agreements and treaties. The previous certainties of European society could not cope with the complex nature of the war, and yet individuals and institutions had little else in which they could seek solace. The war was not conducted as previous European wars had been. There had been huge changes in military hardware, and these changes continued throughout the war. This change was also seen in military intelligence. Previous intelligence-gathering had not altered for centuries, and still relied on overheard conversations, but the new century had also seen the development of the wireless. Radio waves could send a message across the continent in minutes, but these communications were easy to intercept. Codes were developed and broken, and while a suspected spy could be questioned in person, who knew if a coded message was true or misinformation?

Before the outbreak of the Great War, and within Europe’s social norms, La Belle Époque flourished. Underpinned by the spider’s web of treaties and contained within the societal norms of the period, La Belle Époque was characterised initially by political optimism, but also by new technology and a great flourishing of the arts. Centred in Paris, the artistic world burst out with art nouveau, impressionism, literary realism and modern dance. Innovative new ground showcasing the primitive was broken by Sergei Diaghilev’s The Firebird and The Rite of Spring. A secondary new strand in dance was Orientalism. This movement attempted to capture the essence of the mysterious East, but often without understanding its underlying philosophy or Eastern culture. Many serious dancers such as Isadora Duncan were sincere in their attempts to interpret and assimilate Oriental styles into their dance. Some others merely used Orientalism as a means by which to perform sexualised dances under the safe veneer of the exotic. The vast majority of audiences, and most dancers, had little actual knowledge of the East. Most of the exotic dances that were performed were little more than entertaining parodies, in which both audience and dancer participated in the charade.

Mata Hari could easily be counted in the second category. A western woman with no true understanding of Eastern culture and no formal dance training, she parodied what she had seen in the East Indies for the amusement of bored Parisians and to earn a living. However, while that is undoubtedly true, Mata Hari’s use of Javanese dance as a way to survive was more practical than cynical. Although aware of the charade in which she was a central player, Mata Hari had, when she started dancing, very few options from which to choose. By the time she could no longer earn money by dancing, her options had narrowed even further. A ‘loose’ woman who danced ‘naked’ had nowhere to go but into the beds of the men who had watched her dance.

Mata Hari was, like most human beings, a mass of contradictions. She was intelligent, but also impetuous and made poor choices. She was a Netherlander who considered herself an international woman. She was a mother who lost both her children. She was vain and spoilt, but also charming and amusing. She was overly trusting and a poor judge of character. She showed little awareness of the norms of society and their changing complexities, and even less willingness to comply with them. She had no knowledge of politics, and yet embroiled herself in espionage during the greatest war Europe had ever seen.

When viewed from a distance, her life seems to be a catalogue of wrong choices and bad timing, from which she always appeared to bear the brunt of the damage. At 16 she ‘fell in love’ with the headmaster of her training school, who took full advantage of a teenage crush. She was dragged away in disgrace; he continued teaching with an unblemished reputation until 1925. Her marriage to a colonial officer, whom she barely knew, was a disaster, where she endured emotional and physical abuse; it ended with the death of her son. The divorce gave her custody of her daughter and an allowance from her ex-husband. Her husband reneged on the payments and took their daughter away. Mata Hari then became an artist’s model to support herself; her husband used that to blacken her reputation with her family. She turned to exotic dancing, but was 25 by the time she started and had no training. Real dancers shunned her, and her popularity – and she was indeed popular – rested mainly on her apparent nudity and the novelty of Orientalism. Her dancing further distanced her from bourgeois society, and by 1910 she chose to become a high-class prostitute in addition to the dancing, although she would never admit as much.

When the Great War broke out, her poor choices were compounded by her apparent lack of understanding of how society had altered. The Great War changed everything within European society. The countries of Europe, with their colonies and social customs, had been Mata Hari’s playground. However, those social customs were, after 1914, the very basis on which Mata Hari was to be judged. The decisions she took, that would have seemed reasonable in 1913, made no sense in 1915. When her fur and jewels were impounded by a theatre manager in Berlin over the non-payment of bills, she decided to spy for the Germans if they would pay her the equivalent sum of the value of her lost furs and jewels. This initial, somewhat ridiculous, decision might have been acceptable just, before the war, but by 1915 merely led her into the labyrinth of wartime espionage from which she was incapable of escaping. Unable to see the danger she was in, Mata Hari blundered on, only to finish up in the condemned cell of the French military authorities and then to execution.

When she was arrested and interrogated by the French, Mata Hari insisted that she did not spy for the Germans. She had, she contended, only taken money from them, which she considered her due for the furs, jewels and money that had been taken from her at the outbreak of the Great War. This may well have been true in theory, but it was not in the Allies’ interests to believe her. They needed a spy to blame for the lack of success in the war, and they needed to catch a spy to improve morale. Mata Hari was their spy.

The Germans, after recruiting Mata Hari – one of the most highly visible women in Europe at the time – appeared to have used her for very little actual work; although her high profile certainly drew attention away from other German agents such as Clara Benedix, and it may be that that was the role they had always envisaged for her. The German’s authorities certainly appeared to ‘help’ the French to identify her as a German agent, and may have also ‘allowed’ British agents to easily find evidence of their payments to her. There are no records existing within the German archives that detail any work that Mata Hari undertook for them.

It is certainly true that Mata Hari made several dubious choices in her life, but given the situations she frequently found herself in, and the society in which she was attempting to operate, the choices that were open to her were limited. If she had ‘agreed’ to spy for the Germans and then decided, with a theatrical sense of loyalty, to genuinely spy for the French, she might have been lauded as a heroine of the Fourth Republic. But for Mata Hari, espionage was purely a business arrangement; money was always her prime motive. She took money from the Germans and then negotiated a deal with the French. Given her age, her lack of financial security and the chaos of the times, it was a typically foolish Mata Hari idea. The romantic view of espionage found in spy novels may well have been the foundations of Mata Hari’s understanding. The reality was somewhat different, especially in wartime, when spying can and often does result in the death of serving men. There are varying accounts of how many men died due to Mata Hari’s work, ranging from 50,000 Frenchmen to none at all. Sensible or not, her decision to accept payment from the Germans led her to be seen as suspect by the French. Her subsequent recruitment by the French was based not on a belief of Mata Hari’s patriotism towards France, but that she was a foreign agent who had to be trapped and exposed.

The belief that she was an enemy agent was based, in part, on her sexual behaviour. The double standard of morality that operated in matters of sexuality in the early twentieth century condemned women for having any sort of sexual appetite, while at the same time expecting men to be sexually active. Women such as Mata Hari who were open about their sexual appetites were condemned as depraved. This condemnation was more than just middle-class morality; it was based on the latest scientific and philosophical thinking. Sexual women were seen as depraved criminals; depraved criminals would spy and betray their country. The science of criminology was in its infancy, but certainties about the links between immoral sexual behaviour – especially amongst women – and criminal activity were already firmly fixed in the minds of many within the justice system. Mata Hari’s explanation about her recruitment by the Germans merely served to condemn her as a depraved woman. She had been engaged to dance semi-naked at a German theatre, her furs had been bought by her numerous lovers, and then she had either deceived the Germans by taking their money and not spying for them, or had lied to the French by acting as a German agent. Whatever the truth, Mata Hari’s behaviour condemned her in the eyes of the French.

Given the pressures of war, the bluff and counter-bluff within the world of espionage and the social attitudes towards women in general, and Mata Hari in particular, it was unlikely that her decision to work for Germany and then France could ever have ended any other way than with her paying the ultimate price.

Mata Hari was a great self mythologiser. She became the exotic legend incarnate. She oozed sex appeal and charisma, and was guaranteed to give a great interview. The newspapers of the day loved her. A Mata Hari story was sure to sell, whether it was true or not. She was a European celebrity who took the pose of the exotic and spun a web of fantasy around that. A non-threatening fantasy figure, she was Indian, Javanese, Malaysian and a dozen inventions in-between. Had the Great War not happened, she would probably have remained a harmless figure on the margins of society, but celebrated in her own way nonetheless. Her great misfortune was to live through a war that was so devastating, so brutal and so terrifying that fantasy could no longer be harmless, but had to be suspicious. The sex appeal of dance became the depravity of the wicked.



Margaretha Geertruida Zelle was born in the small town of Leeuwarden in the northern province of Friesland in the Netherlands on 7 August 1876. She was the eldest of the four children of Ardum Zelle and his first wife, Antje van der Meulen. Her brother, Johannes Henderikus, was born in 1878, and the twins, Arie Anne and Cornelius Coenraad, in 1881. Margaretha grew up as her father’s favourite and was known to everyone as M’greet. During her early childhood, M’greet enjoyed the lavish attention given to her by her father, and it was this early attention that shaped M’greet the girl, who would become Mata Hari the woman.

Ardum Zelle had been born in Leeuwarden in 1840 into a family of lower-middle-class shopkeepers. Like many of his contemporaries, Zelle was keen from an early age to improve himself. He worked hard at bettering himself, taking care over his appearance, adopting the most expensive and best quality clothing he could. He constantly strove to improve the quality of the goods on offer in the family shop, catering to a better class of customer, and titled himself a ‘milliner’ or ‘purveyor of headgear to gentlemen’ rather than a shop assistant. In 1873, he met and married Anna van der Meulen from Franecker. Anna, known as Antje, was exactly what Zelle wanted in a wife; she came from an upper-middle-class family. The Meulens had important connections, which Zelle wasted no time in cultivating. In 1875, King Wilhelm III made a royal visit to Leeuwarden. Zelle managed, through his Meulen connections, to be chosen to be a member of the town’s mounted guard of honour. It was a very particular privilege, and one not normally bestowed on an individual with Zelle’s background. Zelle ensured this was remembered by commissioning a painting of himself in his guard’s uniform mounted on his horse. The painting was displayed in the family home until Zelle decided to donate it to the Fries Museum in the town when it opened in 1881.

As flamboyant and social climbing as Zelle was, Antje was a typical upper-middle-class wife. Little is known of Antje before her marriage, when she seems to have been a dutiful, if somewhat dull, daughter to the Meulens. By the time she married Zelle she was 31 years old and may well have expected to see out her days as the unmarried daughter who stayed at home to take care of the parents as they aged; such was the social convention of the day. Once married to Zelle, she seemed to disappear into the marriage, subsuming her own personality into that of her husband’s dutiful wife. She gave Zelle her family connections, four children and a thoroughly respectable home. She was the epitome of upper-middle-class respectability. Dinner parties were held, where she was the perfect hostess; the right combination of sensible housekeeper, supportive wife and lady of quality.

With Antje’s connections and Zelle’s ambition, the business flourished, and in 1883 the family moved into a large brick house on Grote Krestraat. The children attended private school and the family lived the comfortable life of the successful merchant class. Zelle bought M’greet the latest, most expensive toys and had the most fashionable dresses made for his beloved daughter. Ridiculous and lavish gifts were bought and publicly displayed. On one occasion, M’greet was photographed outside the house sitting in a small trap pulled by a goat. However, Zelle was no real businessman. Despite the success of his by then large and relatively prosperous haberdashery shop, he longed for the life of a ‘real’ merchant without understanding what that entailed. He started investing in the speculative oil industry, a business that offered huge profits but also carried great risks. Barely understanding how such an industry operated, Zelle was both ambitious and foolhardy. He started to borrow funds to speculate on new oil fields, with the promise to repay once the fields started to produce. When the fields were found to be dry of any oil, his creditors started to demand repayments that Zelle could not afford. For a couple of years, Zelle managed to keep his creditors at bay by a combination of promises, borrowing from one creditor to pay another and finally by reneging on paying his debts and family bills. By 1889, the inevitable happened and Zelle found himself in the bankruptcy courts. The family was devastated.

To be declared bankrupt in the late nineteenth century was a source of huge social and emotional shame. For a businessman to become bankrupt was generally thought of as not only a sign of incompetence, but also of a moral failing. Netherlands society was an ordered one, with the father at the head of the house as provider. Zelle had prided himself on being a good provider, buying a solid, large house and sending his children to private school. What sort of husband and father could not provide?

The Netherlands was a trading nation. Trade was based on trust: a man’s word was his bond. To borrow money within the business community and be unable to repay was a breach of trust that put one outside the normal moral sphere of one’s community. A community that only a few years previously had asked him to be part of the town’s guard of honour, now shunned him. Not only that, but the trading nation of the Netherlands held its head up with the best of European society. To fail in business as a Netherlander was to shame your country. Zelle had shamed his family, shamed his community and shamed his country.

The family were forced to dismiss all their servants and leave the house on Grote Krestraat. They moved to a cramped apartment on the Willemskade and the children left their private schools. On 18 February 1889, Zelle was publicly declared bankrupt. Within three days, Antje suffered some form of breakdown. It is not exactly clear what happened on 21 February, but whatever the medical crisis was, Antje never fully recovered. The stress affected everyone in the family. The children crowded together in the small apartment, removed from their schools and their school friends, and heard every argument between Zelle and Antje, as did the neighbours. Unsure as to exactly what was going on, but equally unable to escape the tension, M’greet remained her father’s favourite, but the lavish presents and the comfortable lifestyle had gone and worse was to come. By July 1889, the situation had deteriorated to such an extent that Zelle decided to leave the family home to look for work. He moved to The Hague in order to make a fresh start, but found few openings for a man who was a declared bankrupt. In the meantime, Antje and the children survived on a series of handouts from her family. Although this gave them enough to pay their basic living expenses, it was a miserable hand-to-mouth existence, compounded by the humiliation of having to ask for help.

Zelle returned to the family in May 1890. He had been absent for some ten months and had missed all of the children’s birthdays. M’greet had turned 13 without her beloved father there to spoil her. He had also missed the miserable Christmas and New Year the family had spent in their cold, damp apartment. Zelle’s arrival was not a happy one. He had not returned with a job or any money to speak of, but rather had come back to Leeuwarden in the hope that some of his old acquaintances there would help him get on his feet. However, Zelle’s apparent lack of remorse over his bankruptcy alienated those who might have helped him, and little work was forthcoming. Tensions rose and the arguments in Willemskade started again. In the summer, matters came to a head and eventually Zelle left the family for a second and final time, filing for a legal separation.

A legal separation was, if not scandalous, a matter of extreme disapproval in polite nineteenth-century European society. Couples whose marriages had broken down would usually come to an arrangement between themselves while maintaining the usual social conventions. Even those who chose to separate usually did so without the need to involve the public courts. Given that Zelle had already left his wife and children for ten months, it is interesting that he chose to file for a legal separation. It may have been an attempt on his part to distance himself from his wife and children in order to avoid his responsibilities towards them. Whatever the reason, Antje does not seem to have opposed the move and may even have supported it, given the breakdown in the marriage. The separation was granted on 4 September 1890.

The separation was yet another blow to the family’s honour: another scandal to be laid at Zelle and Antje’s door. It was yet another breach in the social values held so dear across the Netherlands. Although entirely blameless in the case of the bankruptcy and only partly to blame for the breakdown of the marriage, Antje would have been judged by family and community alike for her husband’s actions. A woman who made a poor choice in a husband would be considered at fault for the mistake of that poor choice. One transgression was bad enough and might possibly have generated some pity for Antje, but the legal separation was a step too far for even the most sympathetic amongst her friends and neighbours. The social constraints of Leeuwarden could stretch no further. It is possible that the children may have been somewhat spared the worst of the gossip regarding the bankruptcy, partly as it was a matter for adults and also due to sympathy for a family wrecked by a feckless father. The separation of their parents was another matter. The children may well have had to endure the taunts of other children whose fathers, no matter how worthless, were still at least living with their mothers. M’greet, now 14 years old and on the cusp of adulthood, had to contend with the shame of her father’s behaviour, the loss of his presence and the diminished family circumstances while attempting to help her mother – who was by that time quite ill – and care for her younger brothers.

Once the separation was granted, Zelle once again left Leeuwarden and went to live in Amsterdam. His contact with his children was minimal, with only the occasional letter written to M’greet to break the silence. Antje’s health continued to deteriorate and M’greet was having to take on more of the caring responsibilities for her brothers. At no point did Zelle appear to offer any form of help to his children. By Christmas 1890, the family were still living in the cramped quarters on Willemskade. While they attempted to scrape together some money to pay for the upcoming festivities, Zelle was openly living with a woman in his Amsterdam apartment. He had money to support a new partner, even if he had none for the family in Leeuwarden. The New Year saw matters deteriorate further, with M’greet increasingly in the role of mother. On 10 May 1891, Antje died. The death notice in the paper stated:

This day it pleaseth the supreme architect of the universe, to take away from this earth, after a grievous suffering from 21 February, 1889, my dearly beloved wife, loving mother of four helpless children, Mrs Anna van der Meulen Zelle, at the age of 49 years. Ardum Zelle Corniliszoon (son of Cornelius).1

On first sight, this death notice is a somewhat curious one from a man who had legally separated from his wife, was openly living with another woman to whom he was not married and had more or less abandoned his ‘four helpless children’ to look after themselves. However, most newspapers at the time had a set format for death notices that would be placed on behalf of grieving relatives. Spouses were always ‘dearly beloved’, and any illness that had led to the eventual death was usually noted. It is unlikely Zelle would have argued greatly over the word choice, which for those unfamiliar with the family would have seemed perfectly normal. If any comments had been made by anyone in Leeuwarden, Zelle remained safely 140km away in Amsterdam. Whatever the truth behind the death notice, and after all the family had been through in the previous two years, Zelle did not come back to Leeuwarden to care for his ‘four helpless children’, and neither did he send for them to come and live with him in Amsterdam. From May onwards, M’greet was the adult in the house. Helped partly by the Meulens and the neighbours, she struggled on until her 15th birthday in the August with little contact and no support from her father. The situation could not continue, and eventually in November the family acted. The Meulens agreed to take Johannes to the family home in Franeker, and Zelle to take the twins to live with him in Amsterdam. M’greet was sent to live with her godfather and uncle in the small town of Sneek. Zelle, it seemed, did not want to care for his favourite anymore.

It is not known why Zelle rejected M’greet or if it was ever explained to the young teenager. In the previous two years, M’greet had seen her world turned upside down. She had seen her family name disgraced, watched her mother sicken and die, struggled to care for her brothers and been abandoned by her father. This final rejection may have been for some simple practical reason, but to the 15-year-old girl still grieving from the death of her mother and the turmoil through which she had passed, the emotional hurt must have been intense.

M’greet’s uncle and aunt, the Vissers, lived in the quiet little town of Sneek in south-west Friesland. Smaller than Leeuwarden, Sneek was even more bourgeois and staid than its larger neighbour, and the Vissers were a couple fully at ease in their comfortable and predictable middle-class life. M’greet, unfortunately, did not fit in. The teenager had had to move house again, on top of the previous emotional upset, and found herself stifled in the strait-laced home of her childless relatives. The Vissers appear to have been well-meaning, but were unwilling or unable to deal with the needs of an emotionally fragile teenager. M’greet was expected to live in the household, but without disturbing its well-ordered routine in any way. In addition to her emotional needs, M’greet did not ‘fit in’ physically. In an era where women were judged by their behaviour and appearance, M’greet made a less than positive impression. She was dark-haired and olive-skinned, in distinct contrast to the blonde, pale-skinned idealised notion of beauty in the Netherlands. She was also very tall, being 5ft 9in. In the late nineteenth century, the average woman in the Netherlands was a petite 5ft. The social norm was for women to be dainty, quiet spoken and shy. M’greet was gangly and awkward, and in addition, outspoken and flirtatious.

M’greet did not settle with the Vissers, and as her grandmother Meulen had offered to pay for further education for the children, it was decided that M’greet should consider taking some form of training in order to obtain employment. Old Mrs van der Meulen had set aside some 5,000 florins for the children’s education after Antje’s death. It is interesting, however, that at no point did anyone in the family suggest that some of the money could be used as a dowry for M’greet. This was, after all, a very traditional family in which women got married and maintained the home while the men worked. And yet the decision was for M’greet to look for work, not marriage. Did her dark looks count against her? Did the family think her un-marriageable due to her father’s scandalous behaviour? Whatever the reason, the family decided training was more suitable. Her early school reports indicated that M’greet showed excellent academic ability, and yet although training for a job would be paid for by her grandmother, no one in the Meulen family offered M’greet a position in the family business or helped her to find a position among their many business connections.

Finally, in the spring of 1892, a position was found for M’greet at a training school in Leiden. This school, run by Wybrandus Haanstra, taught young ladies to become kindergarten teachers. It was a strange choice of career for M’greet, who although having cared for her younger siblings during her mother’s illness had little maternal feeling and was not overly fond of or interested in small children. It may be that the Vissers, along with the wider family, made the decision to send M’greet to Leiden with little consultation with the girl. Equally, M’greet may have agreed to go to Leiden to get away from the stifling atmosphere in Sneek. Either way, the move to Leiden would prove disastrous for M’greet.

The school was innovative, teaching the latest theories in education and childhood psychological development, and promoted learning through play. For the students, the curriculum was intensive, and most boarded at the school. Haanstra fostered a family atmosphere among the students, encouraging them to work and socialise together and to share any worries or concerns with the staff. Initially, M’greet appears to have settled relatively well into life at the school, and celebrated her 16th birthday in the August of her first year. She progressed reasonably well in her studies and seemed to be making friends, spending the Christmas holiday period of 1882 at the school. Sometime in the spring of 1893, she started to have a sexual relationship with the headmaster, Haanstra: she was 16, he was 51, and she lost her virginity to him. How the relationship developed is unclear. It may have been initiated by Haanstra, or M’greet may have developed a romantic crush on the older man, possibly as a substitute father figure. If M’greet had made the first move, Haanstra did not dissuade her from her feelings for him, despite his position of authority. However it had started, the situation could not stay secret for long, and rumours soon reached Sneek. In the early summer, Visser became worried by the tales being told about the situation at Leiden, and rushed to the school to find out the truth. What he discovered horrified him.

According to M’greet, she and Haanstra had indeed had a sexual relationship, and moreover, M’greet was reluctant to leave Leiden. Visser forcibly removed her, some weeks shy of her 17th birthday, and brought her back to the house in Sneek. With the truth of the rumours now found to be true, her character was judged and quickly found wanting, due in no small part to M’greet’s own attitude. Physically dragged away from her first romantic love, and with unresolved feelings over the previous years of chaos, M’greet acted not with contrition but defiance. And it was that which condemned her in everyone’s eyes. The fact that she had been reluctant to leave Leiden and had failed to show any sign of shame merely ‘proved’ her immorality to all. In the court of public opinion at that time, in any sexual scandal the woman was always to blame, no matter the age of the man, and so M’greet had to contend with the shame heaped upon her by her godmother and local gossips.

In M’greet’s case, however, this shame was further compounded by the old scandal of her father’s bankruptcy and abandonment of the family, which were remembered by many. The Vissers were horrified by M’greet’s behaviour, not least for the slur it cast on their own honour for having failed to protect their goddaughter’s reputation while in their care. The situation in the Visser household was strained; M’greet resented having been removed from the school in Leiden, and her godparents remained convinced that M’greet had been the instigator of the affair in the first place and was, as a result, a girl of very loose morals. After only a few weeks, the Vissers sent M’greet to her uncle’s house in The Hague. She arrived just after she turned 17 and moved in with distant relatives, the Taconis family.

It is interesting that the Meulens did not offer M’greet a home in Franeker after this incident. It may be that this was impractical, having previously taken in her brother, Johannes, but given the family’s wealth, that is unlikely. In any event, she was abandoned again by the Meulens and the Vissers. It is also noticeable that at no point during the scandal at Leiden did Zelle appear to help his daughter in any way. It might be thought that Zelle, like the Meulens, was unable to offer a practical home to his daughter due to his continued straitened circumstances. However, during M’greet’s first year at Leiden, Zelle had met Susanna Catharina ten Hoove, and by February 1893 they were married and had moved into a new house. At the same time, Zelle’s beloved M’greet was offered neither home nor emotional support.

Wybrandus Haanstra remained as headmaster at the Leiden school until 1925 with an unblemished record. No action appears to have been taken against him for his behaviour with a teenage student, and there does not seem to have been any change in the numbers of young ladies sent by their families to his training school in the years following M’greet’s departure.



The Hague was the seat of the parliament of the Netherlands, and as such was the most exciting town that M’greet had ever seen. It had fashionable shops, cafes and parks in which to promenade. Moreover, it had several different training schools for young ladies. However, M’greet was now a ‘young woman of loose morals’ who had left her last training school under a cloud. She was most certainly not the sort of person that anyone would wish to be in charge of children, so a career in a kindergarten was no longer an option. This may not have greatly bothered M’greet, but her family continued to pressure her into undertaking some form of training. The main reason for this was their genuine belief that she was un-marriageable. Her father’s bankruptcy, her lack of dowry and – most shamefully – her sexual scandal, in addition to her looks and personality, meant that in the eyes of the Meulens, no man from a good family would entertain her as a potential bride. M’greet had to work.

For the first few months of her time in The Hague, M’greet drifted along the city streets with no real plan in mind as to her future. The Taconis household proved to be somewhat boring, and M’greet appears to have preferred promenading on the streets to sitting with her aunt engaged in needlework or actively seeking training or work. The streets of The Hague had one other attraction: in addition to the shops and cafes, it was full of officers from the colonial service.

The Dutch colonial service was a vast organisation which provided the Netherlands with all the riches of the East, Dutch families with employment for their sons and an entire culture of exotic excitement that pervaded all sections of society. Newspaper articles and novels told of the mysterious East; early photographs showed images of strange temples and idols, and even the spices and fruits of the East Indies trade were a world away from the usual diet of Northern Europe. The presence of officers in The Hague, with their neatly pressed uniforms and tanned skin, sitting in the street cafes talking of exotic locations and using strange foreign words, added to the glamour. The reality was, of course, something entirely different.

The Dutch colonies were large and unwieldy, spread across several islands. The land was difficult to work and the climate unforgiving for many Europeans. The average lifespan of an officer in the colonial service was around twenty years. To support the colonial presence in the Dutch East Indies in the late nineteenth century, around 1,785 soldiers had to be sent out annually to maintain levels at 13,000.1 The local population in the islands varied from grudgingly accepting the Dutch presence through silent resentment to actively trying to drive out the foreigners. The men of the colonial service worked hard in poor conditions, away from friends and family, with the constant fear of uprising while seeing many of their colleagues dying of tropical disease, alcoholism or in combat. It was a life that hardened those who survived.

In August 1872, Rudolf John MacLeod, born in March 1856, entered the military academy at Kampen in the Dutch province of Overijssel. MacLeod was descended from a Norman MacLeod from the Isle of Skye in Scotland, who had been an adventurer and had left his home country at the beginning of the seventeenth century to fight as a mercenary for the Dutch during the Thirty Years’ War. At the end of the war, the Scottish mercenaries who had fought for the Dutch had been formed into a regular unit within the Royal Dutch Army, the Dutch Scots Brigade. Norman MacLeod had married a local girl and settled into his adopted homeland. The MacLeod family provided the Dutch Army with men for several generations down to Rudolf MacLeod. Many of MacLeod’s male relatives had been distinguished military officers, and his father, John van Brieen MacLeod, who had married the Baroness Dina Louise Sweerts van Landas, had been an infantry captain. No other career could be envisaged for young MacLeod and, despite being only 16 years old when he enlisted, he showed exceptional promise and was promoted, first to brevet corporal and then full corporal within his first year in the academy.

MacLeod graduated from Kampen with the rank of second lieutenant in July 1877. Eager to start his military career, he accepted a posting to Padang in the East Indies and sailed on 3 November 1877 on the packet ship Conrad. His initial posting introduced him to the realities of the colonial service and of controlling the men under him, the majority of whom were older and with many years of service. His command included a mixture of native troops and recruited Europeans, mostly Dutch. By the 1870s, the Netherlands did not have a standing army as such and the recruits who made up the bulk of the ordinary soldiers were those who were desperate. Many joined out of economic necessity: some were running away from unwanted marriages or potential gaol sentences, and others had merely signed up for the price of some more beer. Shipped halfway across the world, they made good, bad or indifferent soldiers, as in any European army of its day. However, the danger, climate, foreign food and lack of home comforts made many of them malcontent and many more brutal in their treatment of the locals. Any young officer arriving for the first time had to quickly take control of his men. MacLeod was barely 21 years old when he arrived in the Indies, and within a matter of a few weeks he was sent into action as part of the Aceh War.

The war had started in 1873 and, unbeknown to Dutch officers like MacLeod, would last until 1914. Aceh, an area in the island of Sumatra, was an autonomous protectorate of the Ottoman Empire and had been run by several regional rajas. The region’s main crop was pepper, and by the 1820s the growing European and American demand for pepper increased tension between the local rajas and the European colonial powers, especially the Dutch, who controlled large areas of the island in the south. Sultan Alauddin Ibrahim Mansur Syah was the de facto ruler of the Aceh Sultanate from 1838. Politically very shrewd, Syah strengthened and developed the Sultanate of Aceh by bringing the regional rajas under his control, and extended his domain across the south and east of the island.