Anyone who had a heart prefers war weak! - Bruno Zarev - E-Book

Anyone who had a heart prefers war weak! E-Book

Bruno Zarev

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You will find here allusions to the dignity of the human, and then small considerations on the world, by the pen of Bruno Zarev.
He also evokes fabrics of love between people, tinged with nostalgia, and then in particular winks to the music, that the author likes so much.


Bruno Zarev was born in 1962. He was introduced to the violin in his childhood, by his father, who was a musician. Much later, at the same time as his daughter was born, he devoted himself to poetry.

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Bruno Zarev

Anyone who had a heart prefers war weak!

© Lys Bleu Éditions – Bruno Zarev

ISBN : 979-10-377-9181-8

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Anyone who

had a heart,

doesn’t want

war, strong,

Anyone who had

a heart, wants

war weak !

Bruno Zarev

A face in the glow

Abolish the borders of difference,

Keep in view the main senses,

Those of the value of a human.

They are found in every land,

Love should be the dictact

And the finding perhaps

Of our indulgence,

By stimulating among others the chance,

That of a person

Whose talent will just require,

Whatever his condition to blossom.

We could all place our desire high.

The conscience at rest,

Let us see things objectively !

The great ones of this world being honest,

The little ones would live happily,

And recognized for their worth

And their dignity !

Don't make them work

And toil like crazy !

We are brave,

In our identity let us have faith!

Bruno Zarev (June 2022)

A step towards natural love

When nature is there,

My senses melt in the air.

I just wanted to look at the sky,

My vision of life has changed.

This lime tree in my garden,

In its leafy exuberance,

Tells me that I'm a spoiled guy.

Does he know how he enchanted

And led me to heaven

By his presence ?

When I was alive,

All the trees talked to me.

From your ruby red lips, I had a smile,

And I caressed your chin with a poppy.

To which charm will I fly?

The surreal and pale Easter moon

Already gives me the way there.

Will natural love let my heart sigh ?

For him I will always have room,

And starry nights are the answer.

Bruno Zarev (April 2022)

"Beatles", or You ,"Johannes Brahms",

You love your country that should shelter us all: the "Beautiful" !

It’s hard for me to escape my life !

I guess I am losing something,

Knowing that I could propel myself to greater heights.

But I’m convinced that I still have the ability by not carrying

That weight a long time !

I will stay in my October bus, gardens,

They will smile

To my secret flowers in heaven.

Well, I’m looking forward too to hearing

Brahms’Violin Concerto Opus seventy-seven.

I know my ears will be resting.

Its chords will make me dreaming abour fame.

Oh Johannes !

Your bows are the caress

On the body, and on the string,

As on a woman’s, who would not keep hers.

The musical quiver would be king,

Sensuality is all that matters !

This August lukewarmness,

I want it to be curled up always.

Oh ! Almost affordable dreams,

On your shoulders, my head already leans !

If I look towards You, skies,

I can conjugate the signs,

Of my secret aims,

I will make something not so strange!

Bruno Zarev (August 2022)

Benny , for the fortune of Love ,

You haven’t earn a penny !

I am with the girls for real

Like Benny Hill.

Well, I don’t need her indifference,

And I know she won’t give me a glance !

He laughed with the women,

But he was sad because of them…