Article Marketing Made Easy - Is Article Marketing Dead? - Amila Jay - E-Book

Article Marketing Made Easy - Is Article Marketing Dead? E-Book

Amila Jay



Article marketing,Increasing traffic and money is one of the simplest ways to advertise your website.There is a new way to submit articles, that is free PDF or document upload sites. Is article marketing dead? No it's not.

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© Amila Jay 2021

Article Marketing Made Easy - Is Article Marketing Dead?

© 2021 Amila Jay.all rights Amila Jay.

[email protected]

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Table of contents

Article marketing explained

Must have in all articles

How to summarize all your articles

5 easy ways to get creative juice

Things to do before submitting the article to the list

Popular tips for reading articles

Enter the resource box that people clicked

If you don't like writing articles...

New Method of Submitting Articles - Is Article Directories Dead?

Article marketing explained



One free way to market your website and business. As an added bonus, this "free" way can enhance your website and sales, as well as quadruple or triple your income.


Article marketing, Increasing traffic and money is one of the simplest ways to advertise your website.


There is a new way to submit articles, that is free PDF or document upload sites.


How does this work?


Create articles about your website and submit them to the "free content" article sites. This is a simple process that will boost your website traffic, sales, and, of course, your income.


How does article writing increase traffic and income?


Links to your own website can be found in articles on free content websites. Readers, after reading your content, you can choose to pay for unexpected visits by clicking on the link. Putting them on a free content website means making them available to other webmasters who want to publish the piece on their own website.


If they do, a link to your website will be included in your post. Anyone who reads articles on the site can still go to your site by clicking the link.


As your list of published articles grows and more articles appear on various websites, the total number of links to your website will grow as well. The major search engines place a high value on incoming links on websites in order to estimate the relevance of a specific website.


The greater the number of links a website receives, the more search engines will link to it. This will boost your website's ranking in search results.


If your website offers products or services, the links from the article indicate that you have more potential clients. Even if visitors are merely looking, you never know when they will require your services.


Some people already know what they want, but they can't decide amongst the numerous possibilities available on the Internet. Typically, people will come across an article of yours, become interested in what you have written, visit your website, and promote it.


See how simple it is?