Battery Powered - Richard Skiba - E-Book

Battery Powered E-Book

Richard Skiba

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In this era of technological advancement and sustainability, an in-depth exploration of lithium-ion batteries unfolds in this book. It covers key aspects such as historical evolution, operational mechanisms, composition, manufacturing processes, applications, challenges, environmental impact, and economic and social implications. The book caters to a diverse audience, including students, researchers, industry professionals, entrepreneurs, policymakers, general readers, maintenance professionals, inventors, innovators, and investors.

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Copyright © 2024 by Richard Skiba

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Skiba, Richard (author)

Battery Powered: The Social, Economical, and Environmental Impacts of the Lithium Ion Battery

ISBN 979-8-224-06578-3 (paperback) 978-0-9756446-6-9 (eBook)



Preface1.Introduction2.Working Principle 3.Composition and Manufacturing 4.Applications 5.Challenges and Issues 6.Environmental Impact 7.Economic Impact 8.Social Impact References


As we stand on the cusp of a new era defined by technological advancements and sustainable energy solutions, the significance of lithium-ion batteries cannot be overstated. This book embarks on a comprehensive investigation into lithium-ion batteries, delving into their introduction, operational principles, applications, and overarching effects on the environment, economy, and society. Each chapter is structured to fulfill specific objectives, providing a systematic and in-depth exploration of this pivotal technology.

Chapter 1, "Introduction," offers an insightful overview of lithium-ion batteries, introducing key terms and delving into their historical evolution. This foundational chapter serves as a springboard for the subsequent exploration of the technology. Moving on to Chapter 2, "Working Principle," the operational mechanisms of lithium-ion batteries are meticulously examined, encompassing their function, chemistry, and materials, providing a comprehensive understanding of their inner workings.

Chapter 3, "Composition and Manufacturing," directs its focus towards the intricate composition and manufacturing processes of lithium-ion batteries. It meticulously details stages ranging from electrode manufacturing to cell assembly, including discussions on innovations and raw materials, offering a comprehensive insight into the production of these essential energy storage devices. Chapter 4, titled "Applications," delves into the diverse uses of lithium-ion batteries, spanning consumer electronics, electric vehicles, energy storage systems, and more, highlighting the versatility and impact of this technology across various sectors.

Chapter 5, "Challenges and Issues," confronts the various obstacles associated with lithium-ion batteries, addressing limitations, safety concerns, material dependencies, and factors impacting their lifespan, capacity, and cost. The chapter also explores opportunities and challenges specific to vehicle-based batteries, providing a comprehensive analysis of the hurdles and potential advancements in this field. In Chapter 6, "Environmental Impact," the book scrutinizes the environmental footprint of lithium-ion batteries throughout their lifecycle, drawing comparisons to fossil fuels and renewable energy sources, offering a comprehensive understanding of their environmental implications.

The economic facet of lithium-ion batteries is thoroughly examined in Chapter 7, titled "Economic Impact." This section delves into economic factors, quantifiable aspects, and the repercussions of transitioning to battery storage for renewable energy. A potential comparison with other energy sources, such as nuclear energy, may be explored, providing a comprehensive analysis of the economic implications of lithium-ion batteries. Finally, Chapter 8, "Social Impact," concludes the book by exploring positive and negative adaptations, social structuring, and interaction related to lithium-ion batteries. The technology is analysed through various social theories, underscoring a comprehensive examination of its societal implications, offering a multidimensional understanding of its societal impact.

This book offers a range of benefits to diverse audiences, making it a valuable resource for various purposes.

For students and researchers studying materials science, chemistry, physics, engineering, sustainability, environment, or related fields, this comprehensive book serves as an educational resource. It provides foundational knowledge encompassing the principles, materials, and technologies integral to lithium-ion batteries.

Industry professionals, particularly engineers and technologists engaged in battery design, manufacturing, and research and development, stand to gain from a book covering the latest advancements, manufacturing processes, and emerging technologies in lithium-ion batteries.

Entrepreneurs and startups seeking to enter the battery market or develop new technologies can find valuable insights in such a book. It offers an understanding of the historical context, market trends, and challenges associated with lithium-ion batteries, guiding strategic decision-making and innovation.

For policy makers and regulators shaping energy and environmental policies, this book provides insights into the role of lithium-ion batteries in energy storage, transportation, and renewable energy integration. This knowledge is fundamental for making informed decisions about regulations and incentives.

General readers, including consumers, benefit from a book tailored to a broader audience. It helps them comprehend the technology behind the batteries used in devices, electric vehicles, and renewable energy systems. This understanding empowers consumers to make informed choices and appreciate the significance of battery technologies.

Maintenance professionals and safety experts dealing with lithium-ion batteries in various applications can benefit from information about the safety aspects, including handling, storage, and disposal, provided in the book.

Inventors and innovators interested in developing new applications or exploring innovative uses for lithium-ion batteries can find inspiration and guidance in the book delving into the latest developments and potential future directions of this technology.

Lastly, investors and business analysts seeking to understand the lithium-ion battery market, including factors influencing its growth and potential disruptors, find valuable insights in the book. This information aids in making decisions related to investments, partnerships, and market positioning.

In summary, this comprehensive book about lithium-ion batteries caters to a broad audience, providing valuable insights, knowledge, and perspectives for students, professionals, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and general readers interested in various aspects of this critical technology.

Chapter one


The Lithium-ion Battery - Overview

Lithium-ion batteries have been a significant technological advancement that has enabled numerous innovations and improvements in various industries. They are a type of rechargeable battery that has become widely popular for various electronic devices, ranging from smartphones and laptops to electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems. Lithium-ion batteries are known for their high energy density, long cycle life, and relatively low self-discharge rate and have become the dominant power source in various applications, including portable electronics, electric vehicles, and grid-energy storage (Manthiram, 2017). The unique features of lithium-ion batteries, such as high energy density, high operating voltage, and long cycle life, have contributed to their widespread adoption (Li & Zhou, 2019; Santos et al., 2012). Additionally, retired lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles offer a new option for battery energy storage systems (Meng, 2021).

The performance of lithium-ion batteries is indeed influenced by various factors, including temperature. Lower temperatures can decrease the activity of the active electrolyte and slow down the deintercalation rate of lithium ions during the discharge process (Lv et al., 2021). It is crucial for lithium-ion batteries to operate within an optimum temperature range to achieve maximum utilization, especially in electric vehicles (Ali et al., 2019; Madani et al., 2021a). Furthermore, safety and reliability are of utmost importance in the use of lithium-ion batteries, especially in demanding applications (Finegan, Darcy, Keyser, Tjaden, Heenan, Jervis, Bailey, Malik, et al., 2017).

Research efforts have also been directed towards upgrading existing lithium-ion batteries and developing alternate technologies, such as sodium-ion, metal-air, and lithium-sulphur batteries (Hibino et al., 2013). Additionally, nanomaterials are increasingly playing an active role in improving the efficiency and performance of lithium-ion batteries (Santos et al., 2012). The use of lithium-ion batteries in forklifts is also expanding, although they are sensitive to excessive current pulses (Özcan et al., 2023).

While lithium-ion batteries offer numerous advantages, there are challenges and areas for further research. For instance, the toxicity of gases released during lithium-ion battery combustion and the fire and explosion theory of lithium-ion batteries require further studies to ensure their safe use (Chen et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2005). Moreover, the dissimilarities between lithium and sodium characteristics may strongly affect the electrochemical processes and overall battery performance, especially when considering the adaptation of lithium-ion battery electrodes to sodium-ion technology (He et al., 2015).

The development of lithium-ion batteries has indeed revolutionized the portable electronics industry, particularly in the context of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and wearables. This revolutionary impact can be attributed to several key aspects that highlight the transformative nature of lithium-ion batteries. Firstly, lithium-ion batteries offer high energy density, enabling manufacturers to pack more power into smaller and lighter battery packs, thus enhancing the portability of devices (H. Kim et al., 2014). Additionally, these batteries provide extended battery life and support quick charging, addressing the need for longer-lasting power and reducing downtime associated with recharging (Cheng et al., 2021). Moreover, the form factor flexibility of lithium-ion batteries allows for the creation of sleek and compact designs, as shown in Figure 1, without compromising on battery performance, further enhancing the usability of portable electronics (Cheng et al., 2021). Furthermore, the development of high-capacity electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries has been significant for technological improvements in portable electronics and electric vehicles that rely on lithium-ion batteries as the power source (Dirican et al., 2014).

Figure 1: A Motorola HF5X Lithium Ion Polymer Battery, taken from a Motorola Photon 4G. Mbrickn, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

The combination of these factors has made lithium-ion batteries the preferred power source for the portable electronics industry, significantly improving the user experience and facilitating the development of increasingly powerful and feature-rich devices in a compact and lightweight form. As a result, the impact of lithium-ion batteries on portable electronics and electric vehicles has been substantial, driving advancements in energy storage and contributing to the widespread adoption of these technologies (Cheng et al., 2021).

The integration of lithium-ion batteries into electric vehicles (EVs) has been a transformative development, significantly contributing to the growth and acceptance of electric transportation. The pivotal role of lithium-ion batteries in the EV industry is underscored by several key aspects. Firstly, lithium-ion batteries offer a higher energy density compared to other battery technologies, allowing them to store more energy per unit of weight or volume (J. M. Tarascon & M. Armand, 2001). This characteristic is crucial for electric vehicles, where maximizing the range on a single charge is a top priority. The high energy density of lithium-ion batteries allows EVs to cover more distance without requiring excessively large and heavy battery packs.

Secondly, lithium-ion batteries are relatively lightweight compared to traditional battery technologies, such as lead-acid batteries (Manthiram, 2017). This lightweight design is critical in the design of electric vehicles, as reducing weight contributes to overall energy efficiency and performance. Lighter vehicles typically require less energy to move, allowing for a more extended range and improved energy efficiency. Moreover, the ability of lithium-ion batteries to store a large amount of energy in a compact package directly translates to increased driving range for electric vehicles (Camargos et al., 2022).

Modern EVs equipped with lithium-ion battery packs can achieve competitive ranges, alleviating the range anxiety that has historically been a concern for potential electric vehicle adopters. Additionally, when properly managed, lithium-ion batteries can have a longer lifespan compared to some other battery technologies (S.-h. Lee et al., 2014). This longevity and durability are important factors for the automotive industry, where durability and longevity are paramount. The ability of lithium-ion batteries to withstand thousands of charge-discharge cycles contributes to the long-term viability of electric vehicles, making them a reliable and cost-effective option for consumers.

Furthermore, many electric vehicles utilize regenerative braking systems, which capture and store energy during braking (Wang et al., 2014). Lithium-ion batteries are well-suited for this application, as they can efficiently absorb and release energy during rapid changes in charging and discharging. This regenerative braking capability enhances the overall energy efficiency of electric vehicles and contributes to extended battery life. Ongoing research and development in lithium-ion battery technology continue to drive improvements, including innovations in materials, manufacturing processes, and battery management systems (Zhang et al., 2020). These advancements are crucial for making electric vehicles more accessible and appealing to a broader consumer base.

Figure 2: EnBW electric car charging station in Stuttgart with a 3rd generation Smart electric car of carsharing company Car2Go. Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Finally, while there are environmental considerations in the production and disposal of lithium-ion batteries, the overall environmental impact of electric vehicles, powered by clean energy sources, is generally lower than traditional internal combustion engine vehicles (Mozaffarpour et al., 2022). The shift to electric mobility plays a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing environmental concerns associated with traditional transportation.

The high energy density, lightweight design, improved range, longevity, regenerative braking capabilities, technological advancements, and positive environmental impact make lithium-ion batteries indispensable for the development and widespread adoption of electric vehicles. As the automotive industry continues to invest in battery technology, the future holds the promise of even more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable electric transportation solutions.

Lithium-ion batteries are pivotal in the realm of renewable energy storage, facilitating the integration and utilization of energy from intermittent renewable sources such as solar and wind power. These batteries play a crucial role in addressing several key aspects of renewable energy storage, including grid stabilization, time-shifting energy, smoothing power fluctuations, microgrid integration, frequency regulation, decentralized energy storage, promoting renewable energy integration, and capacity factor improvement (Etacheri et al., 2011).

Grid stabilization is achieved through the storage of excess energy generated during periods of high renewable energy production, which is then released during periods of low renewable energy production or high demand, contributing to a stable grid (Etacheri et al., 2011). Additionally, lithium-ion batteries enable the time-shifting of energy production and consumption, ensuring a consistent power supply and reducing dependence on fossil fuel-based backup systems during low renewable energy availability (Etacheri et al., 2011). Moreover, these batteries assist in smoothing out natural fluctuations in renewable energy production by storing excess energy during high production periods and discharging it during sudden drops in renewable energy output, thereby maintaining a stable power supply (Etacheri et al., 2011).

In the context of microgrid integration, lithium-ion batteries are employed to store energy locally, promoting energy independence and resilience during grid outages or disruptions (Etacheri et al., 2011). Furthermore, these batteries offer rapid response times, making them suitable for providing frequency regulation services to the electrical grid, ensuring a stable and reliable power supply as more renewable energy sources are integrated into the grid (Etacheri et al., 2011). The decentralized energy storage solutions supported by lithium-ion batteries help reduce transmission losses and improve overall grid efficiency, enhancing grid reliability and resilience (Etacheri et al., 2011).

Moreover, the use of lithium-ion batteries encourages the greater integration of renewable energy sources into the overall energy mix, facilitating the transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy infrastructure (Etacheri et al., 2011). Additionally, these batteries contribute to improving the capacity factor of intermittent renewable sources by storing and releasing excess energy when needed, thereby increasing the effective capacity factor of renewable sources (Etacheri et al., 2011). Lithium-ion batteries are critical for a sustainable and reliable energy future, efficiently addressing the intermittency of renewable sources and enabling the smoother integration of solar and wind power into the electrical grid while contributing to a more resilient and responsive energy infrastructure (Etacheri et al., 2011).

The integration of lithium-ion batteries into power tools has indeed revolutionized the landscape of cordless tools, offering users enhanced performance, convenience, and efficiency. This transformation is attributed to several key aspects that highlight the impact of lithium-ion batteries on the power tool industry. Firstly, lithium-ion batteries exhibit a remarkable power-to-weight ratio, crucial for power tools, enabling the creation of compact and lightweight battery packs that deliver substantial power output (Kang & Ceder, 2009). This high power-to-weight ratio contributes to the reduced tool weight, a noticeable benefit of lithium-ion batteries in power tools, enhancing the overall ergonomics and user-friendliness of the tools (Manthiram, 2017). Moreover, the lightweight nature of lithium-ion batteries enhances the portability of cordless power tools, allowing users to easily carry these tools to different job sites without being encumbered by the weight of the battery. This portability is particularly valuable for professionals who need to move between locations or work in tight spaces where corded tools might be impractical.

Additionally, lithium-ion batteries offer longer operating times between charges compared to traditional battery technologies, allowing users to work for extended periods before needing to recharge the battery. This extended runtime is especially beneficial for professionals in construction, woodworking, or other fields where uninterrupted work is essential for productivity. Furthermore, the fast charging capability of lithium-ion batteries minimizes downtime, contributing to increased overall efficiency on the job, as users can recharge their batteries quickly during breaks or between tasks. This feature ensures that the tools are ready for use when needed, enhancing productivity.

Consistent power output throughout the discharge cycle is another advantage of lithium-ion batteries, ensuring that power tools maintain a reliable level of performance until the battery is depleted, offering consistent torque and speed for various tasks. This reliability is crucial for professionals who rely on consistent tool performance for their work. Moreover, lithium-ion batteries generally have a longer lifespan and can withstand a higher number of charge-discharge cycles compared to older battery technologies, making them durable for frequent and demanding usage on construction sites or in workshops. Additionally, the virtually maintenance-free nature of lithium-ion batteries eliminates the need for frequent maintenance tasks, contributing to the overall ease of use and reducing the total cost of ownership for users.

The integration of lithium-ion batteries into medical devices has significantly advanced healthcare technology, enabling the development of more sophisticated and portable electronic medical equipment, as well as supporting critical implantable devices. Lithium-ion batteries contribute to the portability and mobility of various medical devices, such as ultrasound machines, infusion pumps, and portable monitors, benefiting from their high energy density and lightweight characteristics (Fu et al., 2016). Additionally, these batteries are well-suited for implantable medical devices, including pacemakers, defibrillators, and neurostimulators, due to their compact size and high energy density, ensuring long battery life and reliable operation (Fu et al., 2016). The long lifespan of lithium-ion batteries reduces the frequency of battery replacements, particularly crucial for implantable devices, minimizing the need for invasive procedures (Fu et al., 2016). Moreover, the high energy efficiency of lithium-ion batteries allows medical devices to operate effectively while consuming minimal power, essential for continuous glucose monitors or wearable health trackers, without frequent recharging or battery replacements (Fu et al., 2016).

Furthermore, the safety features of lithium-ion batteries, including built-in protection circuits, contribute to the overall reliability of medical devices, crucial in critical healthcare applications (Fu et al., 2016). The use of lithium-ion batteries in medical devices aligns well with the integration of smart technologies, enabling real-time data transmission to healthcare providers for remote patient monitoring (Fu et al., 2016). These batteries also contribute to the advancement of remote patient care by enabling the development of wearable and portable medical devices, facilitating continuous monitoring of patients' health metrics, allowing for early detection of medical issues and improved management of chronic conditions (Fu et al., 2016). Additionally, lithium-ion batteries are utilized in portable diagnostic imaging devices, such as handheld ultrasound machines and portable X-ray machines, benefiting from their lightweight and high energy density, making them more versatile and accessible for point-of-care diagnostics (Fu et al., 2016).

The widespread adoption of lithium-ion batteries in consumer electronics has significantly influenced the design, performance, and user experience of a variety of devices. Lithium-ion batteries offer a high energy density, allowing for compact and lightweight designs in devices like digital cameras and camcorders (H. Kim et al., 2014). They are rechargeable, providing a cost-effective and environmentally friendly power solution for consumer electronics, especially beneficial for devices that experience frequent use, such as digital cameras and handheld gaming devices. Additionally, lithium-ion batteries generally have a long cycle life, maintaining their performance through numerous charge and discharge cycles, ensuring that the devices can be used for an extended period without the need for frequent battery replacements. Furthermore, lithium-ion batteries support fast charging, reducing downtime and ensuring that devices are ready for use when needed, which is particularly relevant for devices with short usage cycles, such as digital cameras and gaming devices.

The compact size and slim profile of lithium-ion batteries allow manufacturers to design sleek and aesthetically pleasing consumer electronics, benefiting devices like digital cameras, camcorders, and handheld gaming devices. Moreover, lithium-ion batteries exhibit minimal memory effect compared to some other battery technologies, contributing to more consistent and reliable performance over time. The versatility of lithium-ion batteries enables the integration of advanced features in consumer electronics, enhancing the overall user experience by providing reliable and long-lasting power for devices like digital cameras and camcorders.

Lithium-ion batteries have become integral in the aerospace industry due to their unique characteristics, particularly their lightweight design and high energy density. These features make them well-suited for the demanding requirements of aerospace applications, such as satellite systems and electric aircraft. The lightweight design of lithium-ion batteries contributes significantly to weight reduction efforts in aerospace systems, directly impacting factors such as fuel efficiency, payload capacity, and overall mission success (Hashemi et al., 2020). Additionally, their high energy density allows them to store a large amount of energy in a relatively compact space, making them valuable in aerospace applications with significant space constraints (Tang et al., 2014).

In the aerospace industry, lithium-ion batteries play a crucial role in powering satellites during periods when they are not exposed to sunlight, ensuring uninterrupted satellite operations (Liu, Wang, et al., 2013). Moreover, they are essential for electric propulsion systems in aircraft, providing a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional aviation fuels, thus contributing to improved efficiency, reliability, and sustainability in the aerospace industry (Qu et al., 2019). Furthermore, lithium-ion batteries are used to power various avionics and onboard systems in aircraft, delivering a reliable and consistent power supply crucial for safe and efficient operation (Hashemi et al., 2020).

Aerospace applications often require rapid charging and discharging capabilities, especially during critical mission phases. Lithium-ion batteries can meet these requirements, providing the necessary power on demand (Hashemi et al., 2020). Additionally, their long cycle life and durability ensure that the power systems in satellites and electric aircraft can endure the harsh conditions of space or extended flight durations (Liu, Wang, et al., 2013). Furthermore, the aerospace industry's increasing focus on sustainability and reducing its environmental footprint aligns with the use of lithium-ion batteries, which contribute to cleaner and more environmentally friendly operations in electric aircraft (Qu et al., 2019).

Large-scale lithium-ion battery systems have emerged as crucial components of modern energy infrastructure, offering a multitude of benefits for grid energy storage. These systems play a pivotal role in grid stabilization by swiftly managing fluctuations in energy supply and demand, thereby ensuring grid stability (Stroe et al., 2015). Additionally, they are effective in peak demand management, providing rapid discharge of stored energy during periods of high energy consumption, thus reducing strain on conventional power generation infrastructure (Sessa et al., 2018). Furthermore, large-scale lithium-ion battery systems facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid by storing excess energy and releasing it when demand is high, contributing to a more sustainable energy mix (Deng et al., 2016). Their rapid response capabilities make them well-suited for frequency regulation on the grid, ensuring the stability of the electrical system (Stroe et al., 2015). Moreover, these systems enhance grid resilience by providing a flexible and rapidly deployable source of energy during disruptions, such as natural disasters or equipment failures (Sessa et al., 2018).

The widespread adoption of lithium-ion batteries has had a transformative impact on various industries, improving the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of a wide range of technologies and applications. However, it's worth noting that ongoing research and development in battery technology continue to explore alternative materials and designs to further enhance performance and address environmental concerns.

The ongoing demand for lithium-ion batteries is closely linked to the global emphasis on sustainability, the electrification of transportation, and advancements in technology across various sectors. Additionally, efforts to improve battery technology, increase energy density, and reduce costs are likely to contribute to the continued growth in demand for lithium-ion batteries. In 2022, the demand for automotive lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries experienced a substantial increase of approximately 65%, reaching 550 GWh compared to around 330 GWh in 2021. This surge was predominantly driven by the growth in electric passenger car sales, which saw new registrations rise by 55% in 2022 compared to the previous year (International Energy Agency, 2023). In 2022, the market size of lithium-ion batteries worldwide reached $46.2 billion. The lithium-ion battery industry is anticipated to achieve a valuation of $189.4 billion by 2032, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.2% from 2023 to 2032 (Allied Market Research, 2023).

China witnessed a remarkable growth of over 70% in battery demand for vehicles, accompanied by an 80% increase in electric car sales in 2022 compared to 2021 (International Energy Agency, 2023). However, the rising share of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) slightly tempered the overall growth in battery demand. In the United States, battery demand for vehicles saw an approximately 80% increase, outpacing the growth in electric car sales, which rose by around 55% in 2022. Despite a modest 7% growth in the average battery size for battery electric cars in the United States, the average battery size remains approximately 40% higher than the global average (International Energy Agency, 2023). This disparity is attributed in part to the higher prevalence of SUVs in U.S. electric car sales compared to other major markets and manufacturers' strategies to provide extended all-electric driving ranges.

Globally, sales of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) continue to surpass those of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). As BEV and PHEV battery sizes tend to be larger, the demand for batteries experiences further escalation (International Energy Agency, 2023).

In 2022, lithium demand outpaced supply, despite a 180% increase in production since 2017. Notably, 60% of lithium, 30% of cobalt, and 10% of nickel demand were attributed to electric vehicle (EV) batteries in 2022, a significant rise from shares of 15%, 10%, and 2%, respectively, in 2017 (Fleischmann et al., 2023). As witnessed with lithium, the extraction and processing of these crucial minerals must escalate rapidly to support the energy transition, extending beyond EVs to meet the growing demand for clean energy technologies. To enhance supply chain sustainability, resilience, and security, reducing reliance on critical materials is imperative. Innovation, including advanced battery technologies requiring fewer critical minerals, and measures promoting optimized battery sizes and battery recycling, can contribute to this reduction (Fleischmann et al., 2023).

The global demand for batteries is on an upward trajectory, primarily fuelled by the imperative to combat climate change through the electrification of mobility and broader energy transition. Battery demand forecasts often underestimate market size, regularly necessitating upward corrections. A 2022 analysis by the McKinsey Battery Insights (Fleischmann et al., 2023) team suggests that the entire lithium-ion battery chain, encompassing mining through recycling, could grow by over 30% annually from 2022 to 2030. This growth is projected to result in a market value exceeding $400 billion and a market size of 4.7 TWh (Fleischmann et al., 2023).

Despite the environmental and social benefits of battery growth, challenges remain. To avoid shortages, battery manufacturers must secure a stable supply of raw materials and equipment, strategically invest, and commit to extensive decarbonization and true sustainability. Taking an offensive approach, prioritizing green initiatives, and adopting collaborative actions, standardized processes, and regulations, along with greater data transparency, can make the battery industry sustainable, circular, and resilient across the entire value chain. Emphasizing sustainability will differentiate leading battery players, generating value while safeguarding the environment (Fleischmann et al., 2023).

Looking ahead to 2030, global demand for lithium-ion batteries is projected to soar, from approximately 700 GWh in 2022 to around 4.7 TWh (Fleischmann et al., 2023). Mobility applications, especially electric vehicles (EVs), are expected to account for the bulk of demand. This surge is driven by regulatory shifts toward sustainability, increased consumer adoption of greener technologies, and commitments by major Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to ban internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are also set to grow, with China anticipated to lead demand, followed by significant growth in the EU and the United States (Fleischmann et al., 2023). The entire lithium-ion battery value chain is projected to experience a five-fold increase in revenues, reaching over $400 billion in 2030 (Fleischmann et al., 2023). Recycling is identified as a viable option for sourcing battery materials, with the recycling segment expected to grow significantly in the following decade as more batteries reach their end-of-life.

Despite their popularity and utility, lithium-ion batteries come with inherent risks. All categories of batteries entail potential hazards and safety risks, but contemporary lithium-ion batteries, commonly found in the market, typically include a liquid electrolyte solution containing dissolved lithium salts like ethylene carbonate (Martin, 2023). This composition generates lithium ions, contributing to enhanced battery performance and the ability to store substantial energy in a compact space, making them widely used and practical.

However, the liquid electrolyte housing these lithium ions is highly flammable and volatile, posing a significant risk of fire or explosion, especially under elevated temperatures. Additionally, the power generation process of lithium-ion batteries produces heat as a by-product, further intensifying the risk of uncontrolled failures (Martin, 2023).

In instances of battery malfunction, the released energy and heat escalate the potential dangers, potentially fuelling a fire. The heat generated during lithium-ion battery failures can quickly reach temperatures of up to 400 degrees Celsius, with peak fire temperatures even surpassing this level (Martin, 2023). Unfortunately, containing lithium-ion battery fires proves challenging, as they are self-sustaining and considered more volatile compared to other battery types.

Factors contributing to lithium-ion battery failures include overheating, often caused by issues such as using faulty chargers, overcharging, or short circuits (Martin, 2023). Excessive heat can lead to internal damage in the battery cell, triggering failure. Physical damage to lithium-ion battery cells can also result in electrolyte leakage, introducing an additional hazard.

The danger of lithium-ion battery failures lies in the phenomenon of thermal runaway, where excessive heat reinforces the chemical reactions within the battery, intensifying the heat and chemical reactions in a destructive cycle (Martin, 2023). These failures are particularly challenging to manage, as lithium-ion battery fires from thermal runaway are difficult to extinguish. Water-based fire extinguishers may cool the battery but cannot completely extinguish the fire until the battery's energy is dissipated. Although specialized lithium-ion gel extinguishers exist, their availability for all lithium-ion battery applications is limited (Martin, 2023). Even after appearing extinguished, lithium-ion battery fires can reignite hours or days later. Furthermore, failed lithium-ion batteries can emit highly toxic gases, and in some cases, excessive heat can lead to explosions, adding another layer of risk to their failures (Martin, 2023).

Some Key Terms and Definitions

Lithium, represented by the symbol Li and atomic number 3, is a soft, silvery-white alkali metal. It possesses various notable characteristics and applications. Chemically, lithium belongs to the alkali metal group on the periodic table, displaying high reactivity. With a single valence electron, it readily donates this electron to form positive ions.

In terms of occurrence, lithium is relatively scarce in the Earth's crust, typically found in trace amounts within specific minerals like spodumene, lepidolite, and petalite. The primary sources of lithium are mineral deposits and lithium-containing brines, extracted through mining and processing these minerals to obtain lithium compounds.

Lithium and its compounds find diverse industrial applications. Notably, lithium-ion batteries, crucial for powering electronic devices, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage systems, represent one of its most significant uses. Beyond industrial applications, lithium compounds, such as lithium carbonate, serve medicinal purposes as mood-stabilizing drugs for treating bipolar disorder. Lithium also plays a role in certain nuclear applications, being used in specific types of nuclear reactors and serving as a component in thermonuclear weapons.

Physically, lithium is the lightest metal and the least dense solid element under standard conditions. Due to its high reactivity with water, it necessitates storage in oil or an inert atmosphere to prevent corrosion.

Designated by the symbol Li and possessing an atomic number of 3, lithium's importance has surged in recent years. This is attributed to the escalating demand for lithium-ion batteries across various technologies, including smartphones, laptops, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage. The distinctive properties of lithium render it a critical element in the advancement of modern energy storage and electronic devices.

A lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery operates as a rechargeable battery, facilitating the movement of lithium ions between the negative electrode (anode) and the positive electrode (cathode) during discharge and charging, respectively. This electrochemical process enables the storage and release of electrical energy.

Key components characterise lithium-ion batteries, as shown in Figure 3. The anode, typically constructed from graphite, serves as the negative electrode where lithium ions are released during discharge and absorbed during charging. On the other hand, the cathode, composed of materials like lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2), lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4), or lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4), acts as the positive electrode, receiving lithium ions during charging and releasing them during discharge.

In electrochemical systems, such as batteries, fuel cells, and electrolysis cells, the terms "anode" and "cathode" refer to specific electrodes with distinct roles:


The anode is the electrode where oxidation occurs during an electrochemical reaction. In simple terms, it is where electrons are released or where a substance loses electrons. The anode is negatively charged during the operation of a cell. In a galvanic cell (like a battery), the anode is where the chemical reaction generates electrons that flow through an external circuit, providing electrical power.

In a lithium-ion battery, for example, during discharge, lithium ions move from the anode to the cathode, and electrons are released at the anode. The anode is typically made of materials that can easily release electrons, such as graphite or lithium-based compounds.


The cathode is the electrode where reduction occurs during an electrochemical reaction. It is where electrons are accepted or gained. The cathode is positively charged during the operation of a cell. In a galvanic cell, the cathode is where the electrons that travelled through the external circuit re-enter the cell to combine with ions or molecules, completing the circuit.

In the context of a lithium-ion battery, during discharge, lithium ions move from the anode to the cathode, and electrons are accepted at the cathode. The cathode is typically made of materials that can easily accept electrons, such as lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) or other lithium-containing compounds.

The anode and cathode play complementary roles in an electrochemical cell, with the anode being the site of oxidation (electron release) and the cathode being the site of reduction (electron acceptance). The movement of electrons between the anode and cathode is what generates electrical energy in a cell.

Figure 3: Structure of the Lithium-ion Battery. The electrons flow from the anode (-) to the cathode (+). A separator is situated between the anode and cathode. Menthy.denayer, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) is a compound extensively employed as a cathode material in lithium-ion batteries, playing a pivotal role in the electrochemical reactions occurring within the battery during charging and discharging cycles. This compound is composed of lithium (Li), cobalt (Co), and oxygen (O), with its chemical formula being LiCoO2.

Functioning as the cathode material in lithium-ion batteries, lithium cobalt oxide operates at the positive electrode, receiving lithium ions during the charging process and releasing them during discharging. This mechanism is integral to the battery's overall performance.

An inherent characteristic of lithium cobalt oxide is its high energy density, allowing it to store a substantial amount of energy in a relatively compact and lightweight form. This property makes it particularly well-suited for applications requiring compact and lightweight energy storage solutions, such as in portable electronic devices like laptops, smartphones, and digital cameras.

Despite its widespread usage, concerns exist regarding lithium cobalt oxide cathodes. Notably, it is recognized for having limited thermal stability, and safety issues may arise under specific conditions, particularly in instances of high temperatures or overcharging. Ongoing research endeavours aim to address these concerns and explore alternative cathode materials with enhanced safety and performance attributes.

Lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4) is a compound frequently employed as a cathode material in lithium-ion batteries, playing a pivotal role in the electrochemical reactions integral to the battery's charging and discharging cycles.

This compound is characterized by a spinel structure, a crystal arrangement that involves a cubic close-packed configuration of oxygen ions with metal ions occupying tetrahedral and octahedral sites.

Comprising lithium (Li), manganese (Mn), and oxygen (O), lithium manganese oxide operates as the cathode material in lithium-ion batteries. In this capacity, it accepts and releases lithium ions during the electrochemical reactions at the positive electrode, or cathode.

Notably, lithium manganese oxide is often regarded as a safer alternative to certain other cathode materials, such as lithium cobalt oxide. Its propensity for being less susceptible to thermal runaway and related safety issues renders it suitable for applications where safety is of paramount concern.

Widely utilized in lithium-ion batteries for various purposes, including portable electronic devices, power tools, and electric vehicles, lithium manganese oxide contributes to the advancement of safer and more efficient energy storage systems.

Despite its safety advantages, lithium manganese oxide may entail slight trade-offs in terms of energy density and specific capacity compared to some alternative cathode materials. Researchers are actively engaged in ongoing efforts to optimize the performance of lithium manganese oxide and address any associated limitations.

Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) is a compound widely employed as a cathode material in lithium-ion batteries, specifically falling under the category of lithium iron phosphate-based cathodes. Its popularity in various applications is attributed to distinctive features that set it apart in the realm of battery technology.

The composition of lithium iron phosphate encompasses lithium (Li), iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), and oxygen (O), with the chemical formula LiFePO4 defining its molecular structure. In the context of lithium-ion batteries, it functions as the cathode material, actively participating in the electrochemical reactions integral to the battery's charging and discharging processes.

An inherent advantage of lithium iron phosphate lies in its structural stability. The compound exhibits a robust crystal structure, mitigating concerns related to electrode degradation and performance deterioration over successive charge and discharge cycles.

Safety considerations elevate lithium iron phosphate as a preferable alternative to certain other cathode materials, such as lithium cobalt oxide. Its reduced susceptibility to thermal runaway and associated safety issues makes it particularly suitable for applications prioritizing safety as a paramount concern.

Despite potentially having a lower energy density compared to some alternative cathode materials, lithium iron phosphate's safety and structural stability properties make it well-suited for specific applications. These applications span various fields, including electric vehicles, renewable energy storage systems, and portable electronic devices. The emphasis on safety positions it as the preferred choice in scenarios where safety and longevity take precedence over achieving the maximum energy density.

While acknowledging these trade-offs, the unique combination of safety, structural stability, and suitability for specific applications has propelled lithium iron phosphate into widespread use in the development of lithium-ion batteries. Ongoing research efforts are directed toward enhancing its performance and addressing any limitations that may exist.

A conductive solution known as the electrolyte facilitates the movement of lithium ions between the anode and cathode. Usually, the electrolyte consists of a lithium salt dissolved in a solvent. To prevent short circuits while enabling the flow of lithium ions, a permeable membrane, called the separator, keeps the anode and cathode apart. This describes a crucial aspect of the operation of a lithium-ion battery, specifically focusing on the role of the electrolyte and separator in facilitating the movement of lithium ions within the battery.

In a lithium-ion battery, the electrolyte serves as a conductive solution that allows for the transport of lithium ions between the anode and cathode. Typically, the electrolyte comprises a lithium salt dissolved in a solvent. The lithium ions move through the electrolyte during the battery's charging and discharging processes, participating in the electrochemical reactions that generate electrical energy.

To maintain the functionality and safety of the battery, it is essential to prevent direct contact between the anode and cathode, which could lead to short circuits. This is where the separator comes into play. The separator is a permeable membrane situated between the anode and cathode. Its primary function is to physically keep the anode and cathode apart, preventing a direct electrical connection while still allowing the flow of lithium ions. This separation is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the battery and preventing potential issues like short circuits that could compromise its performance or safety.

As such, the electrolyte facilitates the movement of lithium ions, serving as a conductive medium within the battery. Simultaneously, the separator ensures a physical barrier between the anode and cathode, preventing direct contact and potential short circuits while permitting the essential flow of lithium ions during the battery's operation.

Each individual unit of a lithium-ion battery is referred to as a cell, encompassing the anode, cathode, electrolyte, and separator. The voltage of a lithium-ion cell typically hovers around 3.7 volts, and connecting multiple cells in series forms a battery pack with a higher voltage.

A notable advantage of lithium-ion batteries is their rechargeability, allowing for numerous charge and discharge cycles without significant degradation. These batteries also boast a high energy density, enabling them to store a substantial amount of energy in a compact and lightweight package.

Lithium-ion batteries find widespread applications across various sectors, including portable electronic devices (e.g., smartphones, laptops, cameras), electric vehicles (EVs), and renewable energy storage systems. Despite being generally safe, improper handling can pose safety risks, such as thermal runaway and fires, due to issues like overcharging, overheating, or physical damage. Manufacturers implement safety features and guidelines to mitigate these risks.

History of the Lithium-ion Battery

Lithium, discovered in 1817 by Arfwedson and Berzelius through the analysis of petalite ore (LiAlSi4O10), was isolated in 1821 by Brande and Davy via the electrolysis of lithium oxide (Reddy, 2020; Takeda & Yamamoto, 2016). Despite its discovery, it took a century for Lewis to delve into its electrochemical properties (Takeda & Yamamoto, 2016). Due to lithium's advantageous physical characteristics—such as low density (0.534 g cm−3), high specific capacity (3860 mAh g−1), and low redox potential (−3.04 V vs. SHE)—it became evident that lithium could effectively function as a battery anode (Imanishi et al., 2012; Minami et al., 2021).

The statement emphasizes the advantageous physical properties of lithium that render it well-suited for use as a battery anode. Breaking down these key attributes, we first consider its low density of 0.534 g cm−3, signifying its lightweight nature. In the realm of batteries, a material with low density contributes to the overall construction of lightweight batteries, proving particularly beneficial in weight-sensitive applications like portable electronic devices and electric vehicles.

Moving on to the high specific capacity of 3860 mAh g−1, specific capacity measures the amount of electric charge a battery can store per unit mass of the active material. Lithium's high specific capacity indicates its ability to store a substantial amount of energy relative to its weight. This characteristic is pivotal for batteries, enabling the storage of more energy in a smaller and lighter package.

Considering the low redox potential of −3.04 V vs. SHE, redox potential gauges a material's tendency to gain or lose electrons during a chemical reaction. Lithium's low redox potential signifies its readiness to give up electrons. In the context of a battery, this property is vital for efficient electron flow during the electrochemical reactions that transpire when the battery undergoes discharging and charging.

The amalgamation of these characteristics positions lithium as an ideal candidate for a battery anode—the electrode where electrons are released during the discharging phase. The low density contributes to lightweight construction, the high specific capacity facilitates efficient energy storage, and the low redox potential promotes the smooth flow of electrons. This collective understanding has played a pivotal role in the development and widespread adoption of lithium-ion batteries across various applications.

In the early stages of 1958, Harris investigated the solubility of lithium in diverse non-aqueous (aprotic) electrolytes, including cyclic esters, molten salts, and inorganic lithium salt (LiClO4), all dissolved in propylene carbonate (PC) (Takeda & Yamamoto, 2016). He observed the development of a passivation layer, capable of preventing a direct chemical reaction between lithium and the electrolyte while facilitating ionic transport (Takeda & Yamamoto, 2016). This discovery prompted research into the stability of lithium-ion batteries and fuelled interest in the commercialization of primary lithium-ion batteries (Takeda & Yamamoto, 2016).

Efforts to suppress lithium dendrite growth have been made, including the use of lithium alloys, modification of the interface between lithium metal and the solid electrolyte, and introduction of a lithium halide (Takahashi et al., 2021). Additionally, research on aqueous lithium-air rechargeable batteries has demonstrated high power density at room temperature under air atmosphere, further highlighting the advantageous physical characteristics of lithium (Imanishi et al., 2012; Minami et al., 2021). The discovery and properties of lithium, along with its advantageous physical characteristics, have paved the way for extensive research into its electrochemical properties, stability in batteries, and potential commercial applications (Reddy, 2020).

The history of the lithium-ion battery dates back to the 1970s when M. Stanley Whittingham, a British chemist, began researching energy storage devices. His work led to the development of the first functional lithium-ion battery in 1976 (Zubi, Dufo-López, Carvalho, & Paşaoğlu, 2018). This initial lithium battery was based on a titanium disulfide cathode and a lithium anode. However, due to the reactive nature of metallic lithium, safety concerns arose, leading to further research and development.

The first rechargeable batteries had solid materials in the electrodes, which broke down when they reacted chemically with the electrolyte. This destroyed the batteries. The advantage of Whittingham’s lithium battery, as shown in Figure 1Figure 4: Whittingham’s lithium battery. Source: © Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences., was that lithium ions were stored in spaces in the titanium disulphide in the cathode. When the battery was used, lithium ions flowed from the lithium in the anode to the titanium disulphide in the cathode. When the battery was charged, the lithium ions flowed back again.

Figure 4: Whittingham’s lithium battery. Source: © Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Stanley 's contributions were pivotal in establishing the foundation for lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology. In the 1970s, 's research on energy storage systems led to the exploration of intercalation, a process involving the insertion of ions into the crystal lattice of a host material during the battery's charging phase. This work laid the groundwork for the development of the first functional lithium battery in 1976, where utilized a lithium-titanium disulfide (Li-TiS2) cathode and metallic lithium anode. The choice of the lithium-titanium disulfide cathode was based on its ability to undergo intercalation, allowing the reversible insertion and extraction of lithium ions during charging and discharging cycles (Whittingham, 2021).

Manthiram also highlighted the significance of intercalation compounds in the development of rechargeable batteries, forming the basis of essentially all lithium rechargeable batteries (Manthiram, 2020). Furthermore, Manthiram’s early contributions not only led to the development of the first lithium battery but also laid the groundwork for subsequent advancements in LIB technology. His work has had a profound impact on the field, as evidenced by the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry being jointly awarded to John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley , and Akira Yoshino for their significant contributions to the development of LIBs. This recognition underscores the enduring legacy of 's research, which has paved the way for the widespread use of lithium-ion batteries in various applications, including portable electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage. In conclusion, Stanley 's pioneering research on intercalation and the development of the first lithium battery has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of lithium-ion battery technology. His foundational work has not only advanced the fundamental understanding of battery chemistry but has also catalysed the evolution of rechargeable battery technologies, contributing to the sustainable and widespread adoption of lithium-ion batteries in modern society.

In the 1980s, John Goodenough significantly contributed to the advancement of lithium-ion batteries by developing a high-energy cathode material, lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) (Goodenough & Kim, 2009). This innovation significantly improved the energy density and safety of lithium-ion batteries, making them more suitable for commercial applications.

Throughout the 1990s, significant efforts were made to further enhance the performance and safety of lithium-ion batteries. Sony commercialized the first lithium-ion battery in 1991, marking a major milestone in the history of energy storage technology. This development paved the way for the widespread use of lithium-ion batteries in portable electronic devices and set the stage for their future applications in electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems.

In the early 2000s, researchers faced challenges related to the thermal management and safety of lithium-ion batteries. Studies by Tarascon and Armand (Armand & Tarascon, 2008; J.-M. Tarascon & M. Armand, 2001) highlighted the issues and challenges facing rechargeable lithium batteries, emphasizing the importance of addressing safety concerns and energy density. The 2010s witnessed a surge in research and development efforts aimed at improving the performance and sustainability of lithium-ion batteries. The environmental and human health impacts of rechargeable lithium batteries were extensively studied, emphasizing the need for proper management of end-of-life batteries to mitigate potential hazards. Furthermore, the development of lithium-ion batteries for environmental vehicles became a focal point, with ongoing research and development programs dedicated to enhancing the efficiency and environmental friendliness of lithium-ion batteries.

In recent years, the focus has expanded to include the economic analysis of centralized reused battery energy storage systems, indicating a shift towards sustainable and cost-effective energy storage solutions. Additionally, advancements in thermal management models and solutions for lithium-ion batteries have been a key area of research, reflecting the growing importance of efficient thermal control in maximizing battery performance and lifespan.

Overall, the history of the lithium-ion battery is characterised by continuous innovation and improvement, driven by the pursuit of higher energy density, enhanced safety, and environmental sustainability. From its early development in the 1970s to its widespread commercialization in the 1990s and the ongoing research efforts in the 21st century, the evolution of lithium-ion batteries has been shaped by the collaborative efforts of scientists, engineers, and industry stakeholders.

Chapter two

Working Principle


A battery is a complex system composed of several essential components, each playing a crucial role in its operation. The key components of a battery include the anode, cathode, separator, electrolyte, and positive and negative current collectors (Gandoman et al., 2021). The anode and cathode are responsible for storing lithium, while the electrolyte facilitates the movement of positively charged lithium ions between them through the separator (Etacheri et al., 2011). This movement generates free electrons in the anode, leading to the creation of a charge at the positive current collector. The electrical current then flows through the device being powered to the negative current collector, while the separator blocks electron flow inside the battery (Gandoman et al., 2021).

The current collectors, as highlighted in the literature, are vital components in both the cathode and anode of the battery and need to be well-designed to ensure efficient operation (Jin et al., 2018). The choice of current collector material is crucial as it can impact the capacity and flexibility of the battery (Y. Zhao et al., 2021). Additionally, the chemical and physical state of the current collector has been shown to impact the cycling ability of a battery (Zheng et al., 2014). Furthermore, the current collector strongly influences the electrochemical performance of the battery and needs to be properly selected for optimal performance (Ünal et al., 2023).

The electrolyte is another critical component of the battery, and its properties are essential for the overall performance and safety of the battery system (Wei et al., 2019). The chemical stability of battery components, particularly in the presence of specific species, is crucial for the utilization of high energy density in batteries (Zheng et al., 2022). Moreover, the utilization of renewable but intermittent energy sources calls for high-performing storage batteries, emphasizing the importance of the electrolyte in advanced battery technologies (Wei et al., 2019).

In addition to the individual components, the overall design and integration of the battery components are also crucial. For instance, the fully integrated design of a stretchable solid-state lithium-ion battery, where all components are stretchable, demonstrates the importance of considering the mechanical properties of the components for flexible electronic devices and wearable systems (X. Chen et al., 2019). Furthermore, the engineering of solvation complex-membrane interaction has been shown to suppress cation crossover in batteries, highlighting the significance of the interaction between components for improved battery performance (H. Wang et al., 2020).

In the context of a lithium-ion battery, the operation involves charge/discharge cycles. During charging, lithium ions move from the cathode to the anode, and during discharging, they move from the anode back to the cathode. The cathode, typically made of lithium metal oxide compounds, releases lithium ions during charging, while the anode, usually made of graphite, receives and stores these ions. The conductive electrolyte, often a lithium salt dissolved in a solvent, facilitates ion movement, and a permeable separator prevents direct contact between the cathode and anode.

The operation of the rechargeable Li-ion battery depends critically on repeated and highly reversible formation/decomposition of lithium compounds at the cathode upon cycling (Peng et al., 2012). The consumption via reductive and oxidative decompositions of electrolyte additives at the anode and cathode in a lithium-ion battery was quantitatively analysed with charge-discharge tests, NMR spectroscopy, and gas chromatography (Haruna et al., 2016). It could be inferred that in the case of periodic charge and discharge pulses applied to the lithium-ion battery, important parameters including state of charge, current rates, initial cycling, and temperature have a significant influence on total generated heat (Madani et al., 2021b).

The unexpected discovery of a thermodynamically driven, yet kinetically controlled, surface modification in the widely explored lithium nickel manganese oxide cathode material may inhibit the battery charge/discharge rate (Gu et al., 2012). Acoustic emission detection and analysis during the discharge process can be used to characterize performance degradation and aging monitoring of lithium-ion batteries (K. Zhang et al., 2021). Furthermore, lithium-ion batteries with large capacity are also promising power sources for hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles, and storage of wind, solar, and tidal energy in smart grids (Zhu et al., 2013).

In order to ensure the safe, reliable, and economic operation of lithium-ion battery-powered devices and systems, it is important to predict life and other performances for lithium-ion batteries (Fang et al., 2015). During the initial charging cycles of the lithium-ion battery, a Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) is generated on the graphite surface (Nie et al., 2015). The lithium-ion battery's heat loss throughout operating was approximated by accumulating two essential sources: reversible and irreversible heat (Madani et al., 2021a). The lithium-ion battery cells generate more heat during the high current charge and discharge process (Liu et al., 2019).

A long cycle life is critical for lithium-ion batteries when used in applications such as electric vehicles, which is different from portable devices that require fewer cycles (Nishijima et al., 2014). The conductive processes involving lithium ions are analysed in detail from a mechanistic perspective, and demonstrate that single ion polymeric electrolyte (SIPE) membranes can be used in lithium-ion batteries with a wide operating temperature range (25-80 °C) through systematic optimization of electrodes and electrode/electrolyte interfaces (Cai et al., 2014).

The search for new multifunctional cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries is extremely important to mitigate the drawbacks associated with the current electrode materials used in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (Shreenivasa et al., 2020). The discharge product Li2Se has been reported to be partially oxidized into polyselenides and dissolved in the ether-based electrolyte in the voltage range of 2-2.4 V, and the application of carbonate-based electrolytes has been proven to effectively inhibit the production of polyselenides, providing the opportunity for certain electrodes to match suitable electrolytes (W. Dong et al., 2021).

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have been widely used in consumer electronics and as power sources for sensors, portable terminals, electric vehicles, and various electronic equipment due to their high energy density and long cycle life (S.-h. Lee et al., 2014). Several characterizations were carried out to determine battery performance, including Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometry (EIS), Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), Charge/Discharge (CD), and Lithium Transference Number (LTN) (Muzadi et al., 2023). Unlike the lithium secondary batteries with lithium metal foil or lithium alloy as anodes, lithium-ion batteries with Li x C n anodes prohibit dendrite formation during charge-discharge processes (Xie et al., 2006).

In addition, batteries incorporating sodium or magnesium rather than lithium have also been investigated as alternative energy sources (Hibino et al., 2013). The emergence of a new flame-retardant material with the additive ethoxy (pentafluoro) cyclotriphosphazene can ameliorate the performance of lithium-ion batteries while ensuring their safety (Wu et al., 2021). Lithium-ion batteries exhibiting high energy and high power density have fast become the attractive power source for many portable electronic devices, as well as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles (Yang et al., 2012).

The environment humidity, anode materials, and water content of the electrolyte must be strictly controlled for the preparation process of lithium-ion batteries to ensure their electrochemical performances (Li et al., 2016). The management of lithium-ion batteries in space applications will be significantly different than the familiar nickel-hydrogen and nickel-cadmium space battery systems (Lurie).

The movement of lithium ions from the anode to the cathode during the discharge process of a lithium-ion battery results in the release of electrons at the anode, generating an electric current that powers devices (Gu et al., 2012). This process is reversible, allowing the battery to undergo multiple charge and discharge cycles (Gu et al., 2012). The voltage of a lithium-ion cell typically hovers around 3.7 volts, and its high energy density enables the storage of a significant amount of energy in a compact package (Gu et al., 2012).

The cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries, particularly intercalation compounds, have been extensively studied due to their structural flexibility and adaptable interlayer space, which facilitate the smooth insertion and extraction of Li+ ions, making them suitable for practical applications (Shreenivasa et al., 2020). Additionally, the temperature has a significant influence on the capacity of lithium-ion batteries, as a decrease in temperature leads to a decrease in the activity of the active electrolyte and an increase in concentration, thereby slowing down the deintercalation rate of lithium ions during the discharge process (Lv et al., 2021).

Furthermore, research has shown that the micro-changes in the materials for the anode and cathode of lithium batteries after over-charge and over-discharge can be explored through methods such as x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, providing measures to prevent potential safety problems during the use of lithium batteries (Wang et al., 2021). Additionally, the use of coated Li metal as an anode in aqueous rechargeable lithium batteries has been investigated, demonstrating values similar to those in organic electrolytes (Wang et al., 2013).

Moreover, the charge-discharge rate significantly impacts the lithium reaction distributions in commercial lithium coin cells, as visualized by Compton scattering imaging, with inhomogeneous reactions inducing an overvoltage during the charge/discharge cycle (Suzuki et al., 2018). Strategies such as the regulation of cathode material components, the construction of lithium ion and electron transport pathways within the composite cathode, and the interfacial modification of cathode materials have been shown to have significant effects on lithium-rich cathode materials in all-solid-state lithium batteries (Yang et al., 2023).