Gun Control - Richard Skiba - E-Book

Gun Control E-Book

Richard Skiba

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GUN CONTROL: INTERNATIONAL VIEWS, PERSPECTIVES AND COMPARISONS extensively explores gun control policies, firearm ownership landscapes, and associated issues across various countries. It begins with an introductory chapter outlining its scope and purpose. Subsequent chapters delve into topics such as gun control policies encompassing crime prevention, public safety, mass shooting reduction, mental health considerations, domestic violence prevention, accidental shooting prevention, national security, illegal firearm trafficking, and maintenance of public order. The book also addresses the definition of guns, civilian firearm use, responsible gun ownership, and the United States' intricate gun ownership landscape, covering laws, regulations, statistics, and the impact of policies on violent crime and mass shootings. Further chapters extend this analysis to other nations, exploring gun control scenarios in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, and Russia. Additionally, the book discusses global perspectives on gun ownership variations, the purchase process, and introduces a rating system for effective gun control policies. The final chapter explores the sociological aspects of sports shooting, covering historical development, cultural influences, community dynamics, inclusivity, economic factors, political aspects, controversies, and the intersection of health and well-being. The inclusion of an index and reference section enhances the book's accessibility and credibility, ultimately presenting a comprehensive examination of diverse aspects within the realm of gun-related subjects.

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Gun Control

International Views, Perspectives and Comparisons

Richard Skiba

Copyright © 2024 by Richard Skiba

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by copyright law.

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional when appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, personal, or other damages.

Skiba, Richard (author)

Gun Control

ISBN 978-0-9756446-2-1 (paperback) 978-0-9756446-4-5 (Hardcover) 978-0-9756446-3-8 (eBook)



1.Introduction2.Gun Control Policies3.Firearms4.United States Gun Ownership Landscape5.Impact of Gun Control Policies in the USA6.Gun Ownership and Control in Canada7.Gun Ownership and Control in the United Kingdom8.Gun Ownership and Control in Australia9.Gun Ownership and Control in Germany10.Approach to Gun Control in Switzerland11.Gun Control in Japan12.Gun Control in Brazil, South Africa and Russia 13.Varying Perspectives 14.Effective Gun Control Policies 15.Sociological Aspects of Sports Shooting References


This book provides an in-depth exploration of gun control policies, firearm-related subjects, and sociological aspects of sports shooting. The aim of this book is not to provide legal advice with regard to firearm laws but rather firstly to profile the range of approaches to gun control around the world and secondly to compare and contrast the many worldviews related to gun control from an international perspective. If you are seeking legal advice concerning firearms, it is advisable to engage with an attorney specializing in firearms law or criminal defence. Various options are available, such as local attorneys who possess knowledge of state and federal gun laws. Online legal directories like Avvo, FindLaw, or Martindale-Hubbell facilitate searches based on practice areas and location. State bar association websites often provide directories for locating attorneys with expertise in firearms law within your region. Firearms advocacy organizations may offer legal resources or referrals to specialized attorneys. Seeking referrals from friends, family, or colleagues who have faced similar legal issues is another effective approach. The public defender's office can be contacted if facing criminal charges related to firearms and unable to afford private representation.

It is important to note that laws and regulations pertaining to gun control are subject to change. Therefore, individuals seeking the most up-to-date information are advised to refer to the latest legal documents or consult with local authorities to ensure compliance with current regulations and requirements.

Firearms laws vary widely around the world, reflecting the diverse cultural, historical, and political contexts of different countries. The regulations and restrictions on firearm ownership and purchase are influenced by a variety of factors, including constitutional rights, federal and state laws, and historical events. For instance, in the United States, the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the right to bear arms, leading to a mix of permissive and restrictive laws across different states (Sarchiapone et al., 2011). Similarly, in Canada, firearms are generally regulated by the federal government, and there are restrictions on certain types of firearms, with a relatively strict approach to handgun ownership (Zeoli et al., 2017). In contrast, the United Kingdom has strict firearm control laws, heavily restricting handguns and prohibiting automatic weapons, with ownership requiring a valid reason, where self-defence is not typically considered a valid reason (Chapman et al., 2015). Australia also has highly regulated firearms, with strict licensing requirements, and a significant buyback program in 1996 led to the confiscation of many semi-automatic firearms after a mass shooting in Port Arthur (Saunders et al., 2017).

The effectiveness of gun control measures in preventing crime and ensuring public safety is a complex and debated issue. Research has shown that restrictions on access to common means of suicide, including firearms, have led to lower overall suicide rates in many countries (Burrows et al., 2013). Additionally, the intersection of firearms and intimate partner homicide has been studied in 15 nations, highlighting the variations in laws regarding domestic violence as a factor in firearm ownership (Toigo et al., 2023). Furthermore, the impact of regulatory reforms on firearm-related deaths has been examined, with studies showing significant declines in firearm deaths following legislative changes (Antonio R. Andrés & Katherine Hempstead, 2011; Cheung & Dewa, 2005; Ozanne‐Smith et al., 2004).

It is also important to consider the cultural, historical, and social factors that influence each country's approach to firearm regulation. For example, in Japan, extremely strict gun control laws have resulted in low rates of gun ownership and gun-related crime (McPhedran, 2017). On the other hand, South Africa has both strict regulations and high rates of gun ownership, indicating the influence of historical and social factors on firearm laws (Fleming et al., 2018).

Firearm regulations vary significantly across different countries, reflecting a complex interplay of cultural, historical, and social factors. The impact of these regulations on public safety and crime prevention is a subject of ongoing research and debate, with studies highlighting the effectiveness of certain measures in reducing firearm-related deaths and suicides, many of which are considered in this book.

Gun control encompasses the realm of politics, legislation, and the enforcement of measures aimed at limiting access to, possession of, and usage of firearms, particularly in the context of individual liberties (Charles, 2024). The topic of gun control stands as one of the most contentious and emotionally charged issues in various countries, often revolving around debates on whether regulations infringe upon an individual's right to bear arms and whether a correlation exists between firearms and crime. Advocates for gun-control legislation argue that stringent enforcement of such laws preserves lives and diminishes criminal activity. Conversely, opponents of gun control contend that minimal restrictions on firearms ensure individuals have sufficient means for self-defence, contributing to safer communities through broader firearm ownership (Charles, 2024).

The book draws on a wide range of references to support its comprehensive exploration, providing a valuable resource for academics, policymakers, and anyone interested in understanding the complex and multifaceted issues surrounding gun control, firearms, and sports shooting. The main chapters cover a wide range of topics, including gun control policies, firearms, the United States gun ownership landscape, the impact of gun control policies in the USA, gun ownership and control in various countries, varying perspectives on gun ownership, effective gun control policies, and sociological aspects of sports shooting.

Chapter 1 serves as an introduction, setting the stage for the subsequent discussions. Chapter 2 delves into various gun control policies, emphasizing their roles in preventing crime and violence, enhancing public safety, reducing mass shootings, addressing mental health concerns, preventing domestic violence, and minimizing illegal firearm trafficking. Chapter 3 focuses on firearms, covering their definition, civilian firearm use and ownership, the quantity of guns owned, and the argument asserting that responsible gun owners don't commit crimes. Chapter 4 explores the laws, ownership, and use of firearms in the United States, discussing key aspects such as the Second Amendment, federal regulations, state laws, concealed carry laws, background checks, open carry, castle doctrine, stand your ground, gun ownership statistics, and gun-related crime in the United States. Chapter 5 analyses the impact of gun control policies in the United States, assessing their effectiveness in either reducing or increasing violent crime and mass shootings.

Chapters 6 through 12 delve into the gun control landscapes of several countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, and Russia. These chapters explore firearm ownership, policies, and their effects on gun-related crime in each respective country. Chapter 13 broadens the discussion to encompass global perspectives on gun ownership, examining factors that influence approaches to gun control and the intricacies involved in the process of purchasing a firearm. Chapter 14 introduces a rating system for evaluating effective gun control policies and explores the global spectrum of firearm policies. The final chapter, Chapter 15, investigates the historical development of sports shooting and explores cultural, social, economic, and political factors influencing the emergence and evolution of shooting sports. It also delves into community dynamics, inclusivity, and the role of shooting clubs in fostering a sense of belonging, as well as controversies, deviance, and the impact of sports shooting on health and well-being.

Gun Control Policies

Gun control policies are implemented for various reasons, with the primary goal being to enhance public safety and reduce the risks associated with firearm ownership and use. Gun control policies are implemented for various reasons, with the primary goal being to enhance public safety and reduce the risks associated with firearm ownership and use. One of the key reasons for gun control is to reduce the incidence of firearm-related crimes and violence. By regulating the purchase, possession, and use of firearms, authorities aim to prevent criminals and individuals with violent tendencies from easily accessing and using weapons. This is crucial in preventing crime and violence, as it reduces the likelihood of firearms being used in criminal activities and acts of violence. Additionally, gun control measures are implemented to protect the safety of the general public. Regulating the availability and use of firearms helps minimize the potential for accidents, suicides, and domestic violence incidents involving guns. This is essential in ensuring public safety and reducing the risks associated with firearm ownership.

Gun control policies may target the prevention of mass shootings by restricting access to high-capacity magazines and certain types of firearms. The intention is to limit the lethality of such incidents and enhance public safety. This is a critical aspect of gun control as it directly addresses the threat posed by mass shootings and aims to mitigate their impact on society. In addition, some gun control measures are designed to address mental health issues by preventing individuals with serious mental illnesses or a history of violence from obtaining firearms. This aims to reduce the risk of individuals using guns to harm themselves or others. By addressing mental health concerns, gun control policies contribute to the overall reduction of firearm-related incidents.

Gun control laws may include provisions to protect victims of domestic violence by restricting firearm access for individuals subject to restraining orders or with a history of domestic violence. This is an important aspect of gun control as it directly addresses the intersection of firearms and domestic violence, aiming to protect vulnerable individuals from further harm. Regulations may also be put in place to ensure responsible gun ownership and storage, reducing the likelihood of accidental shootings, especially involving children who might have access to firearms. This aspect of gun control is crucial in preventing unintentional harm caused by firearms and promoting safe storage practices among gun owners.

Governments may implement gun control measures to maintain national security and prevent the unauthorized acquisition of weapons by individuals or groups with malicious intent. This is essential in safeguarding the nation from potential threats posed by the misuse of firearms. Additionally, gun control policies often target the illegal trafficking of firearms across borders. By regulating the legal market and imposing strict penalties for illegal possession and trade, authorities seek to curb the flow of weapons to criminals. This is crucial in addressing the global issue of illegal firearm trafficking and its impact on crime and violence.

Furthermore, governments implement gun control to maintain public order and prevent the escalation of conflicts. This includes regulating the carrying of firearms in public spaces to avoid the potential for confrontations. By maintaining public order, gun control policies contribute to the overall stability and safety of communities. It is important to note that the reasons for gun control can vary based on the cultural, historical, and political context of each country. The balance between individual rights and public safety is often a central theme in debates surrounding gun control. Different countries may adopt different approaches based on their unique circumstances and values. Therefore, it is essential to consider the specific socio-political context when analysing the reasons for implementing gun control measures.

It is important to note that the reasons for gun control can vary based on the cultural, historical, and political context of each country. The balance between individual rights and public safety is often a central theme in debates surrounding gun control. Different countries may adopt different approaches based on their unique circumstances and values. Likewise, there are arguments against gun control. As an example, National Rifle Association of America (2024) argues against the effectiveness of gun control measures in the USA, asserting that they fail to achieve their intended purpose and may infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. National Rifle Association of America (2024) contends that criminals, by nature, do not adhere to the law, rendering gun control laws ineffective as they primarily impact law-abiding citizens. The inadequacy of background checks is highlighted, emphasizing that they often do not prevent individuals with criminal intent or mental health issues from acquiring firearms (National Rifle Association of America, 2024).

Contrary to the belief that making firearms more accessible would lead to increased crime, National Rifle Association of America (2024) suggests that allowing law-abiding citizens easier access to guns can help reduce violent crime. National Rifle Association of America (2024) cites instances where armed citizens have deterred or stopped mass murderers and argues that cities with strict gun control laws, such as Chicago and New York, often experience high crime rates. The proposed solution advocates for crime control instead, focusing on enforcing existing laws against criminals who misuse firearms (National Rifle Association of America, 2024). The success of programs like "Project Exile" is presented as evidence that targeting gun criminals, rather than imposing restrictions on law-abiding citizens, is more effective in curbing violent crime (National Rifle Association of America, 2024).

On an international scale, gun control is a widespread concern, and each country holds the sovereign authority to govern firearms within its borders (Charles, 2024). The majority of developed nations maintain strict gun-control regulations. For instance, Japan imposes limitations on the possession and use of all firearms, allowing exceptions only for specific purposes such as hunting, athletic events, and research. Canada allows firearms possession for competitions and target practice but prohibits handguns unless an individual demonstrates a genuine need for self-defence (Charles, 2024). The United Kingdom has implemented a complete ban on handguns, permitting firearm possession only for activities like hunting, target shooting, pest control, and slaughtering. In Germany, ownership of certain firearms is permissible, contingent upon meeting requirements for a firearms ownership license, which includes being 18 years or older, possessing expert knowledge in firearm handling, and demonstrating a legitimate necessity for firearm possession (Charles, 2024).

The historical roots of gun control can be traced back to ancient Rome if defined as the imposition of legal restrictions on arms to safeguard civil society (Charles, 2024). In Rome, the perception of arms as a means to maintain standing armies prompted the implementation of laws prohibiting military arms from crossing the Rubicon. This regulation aimed to prevent standing armies from undermining civil authority, a principle that endured until Julius Caesar violated it, marking a significant turning point in the decline of the Roman Empire.

In England, the control of arms by Parliament and the crown was intricately tied to socioeconomic status. John Sadler, an English reformer and Member of Parliament, emphasized in 1649 that Parliament defined who was entitled to "provide and bear arms, how, and when, and where," highlighting the strict regulation of arms for the common defence of the realm (Charles, 2024). During the reign of Henry VIII, gun-control laws were enacted, restricting the presence of "weapons" and "defensive armour" in specific locations, with further regulations on the length of guns, qualifications for gun possession, and when and where they could be fired (Charles, 2024).

While gun restrictions in England were rarely debated in Parliament, occasional proposals arose from the mid-17th to the late 18th century seeking to lift restrictions and allow English householders to maintain guns for defence (Charles, 2024). However, these proposals faced opposition, with concerns that arming the public would lead to potential mob violence, deemed unsafe for any government.

Gun-control measures in England were multifaceted, serving purposes beyond government safety. Restrictions supported game hunting and access to game preserves, crime prevention, and murder reduction. Arguments against restrictions, such as those put forth by Adam Ferguson and Soame Jenyns in the 18th century, advocating for the establishment of a national militia, did not alter the well-established gun-control landscape (Charles, 2024). Even as militia reform occurred in the mid-18th century, arms were kept under the control of local officials and distributed only during militia muster and training, maintaining a practice dating back to the 1550s.

Gun control encompasses the laws and regulations governing the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, and use of firearms (World Population Review, 2024). While most nations, including the United States, have some form of gun control, the approach to these regulations varies significantly worldwide. The debate over gun control is particularly intense in the United States, where the right to bear arms is constitutionally protected, contributing to the country's high gun ownership rates, which account for a disproportionate percentage of the world's civilian-owned guns (World Population Review, 2024).

Permissive gun control laws, characterized by a "shall-issue" basis for gun licenses, are observed in countries like Albania, Austria, Honduras, and the United States. On the other hand, nations with restrictive gun control laws, following a "may-issue" approach, include Argentina, Canada, and Germany, where individuals seeking permits must demonstrate a specific need for firearm ownership. In countries with the strictest gun control laws, often labelled as "no-issue" nations, the legal possession of guns by ordinary citizens is extremely challenging or virtually impossible. In these countries, such as China, Greece, and North Korea, exclusive gun ownership is typically limited to the police and military. The global diversity in gun control laws underscores the complex and contentious nature of the issue, with varying perspectives on the balance between individual rights and public safety.

Permissive and restrictive gun control laws represent distinct approaches to regulating firearms, with implications for public safety and individual rights. Permissive laws, often implemented on a "shall-issue" basis, emphasize broader access to firearms for law-abiding citizens, provided they meet predetermined legal requirements (Loftin et al., 1991). These laws are associated with the issuance of gun licenses or permits to individuals who meet specific criteria, such as age restrictions, passing background checks, and possibly completing safety courses (Loftin et al., 1991). Research has examined the impact of "shall-issue" concealed handgun laws on violent crime rates, shedding light on the implications of permissive gun control laws on public safety (Tomislav Victor Kovandzic et al., 2005).

On the other hand, restrictive gun control laws, operating on a "may-issue" basis, focus on more controlled access to firearms, with authorities having discretion in issuing gun licenses based on demonstrated need or justification for owning a firearm (Loftin et al., 1991). Evidence from the District of Columbia suggests that restrictive licensing of handguns was associated with a prompt decline in homicides and suicides by firearms (Loftin et al., 1991). Additionally, discussions on moderate gun control laws provide insights into the balance between individual rights and public safety, contributing to the broader debate on the regulation of firearm ownership and use (DeGrazia, 2014).

Furthermore, comparative studies on firearm access and ownership in different countries, such as Israel and Switzerland, offer valuable perspectives on the implications of varying gun control laws on public safety and individual rights (Rosenbaum, 2011). These insights contribute to the understanding of the diverse approaches to regulating the ownership, possession, and use of firearms, reflecting the broader discussion on the balance between individual rights and public safety.

Preventing Crime and Violence

The implementation of gun control measures is fundamentally driven by the goal of preventing crime and violence. This objective is achieved through a combination of strategies aimed at regulating legal firearm transactions, restricting access for high-risk individuals, and addressing illegal activities related to firearms (Filindra & Kaplan, 2017). Gun control policies often involve comprehensive background checks for individuals seeking to purchase firearms, aiming to identify those with criminal records, a history of violence, or mental health issues, thereby preventing them from obtaining firearms legally (Filindra & Kaplan, 2017). Waiting periods between the initiation of a firearm purchase and the actual acquisition allow authorities additional time to conduct thorough background checks, reducing the risk of impulsive or hasty firearm acquisitions by potentially dangerous individuals (Filindra & Kaplan, 2017). Additionally, stricter regulation of sales and monitoring of gun shows and private sales are implemented to minimize the likelihood of weapons ending up in the hands of criminals (Filindra & Kaplan, 2017).

Gun control laws often include provisions prohibiting specific categories of individuals from owning firearms, such as those with felony convictions, individuals subject to restraining orders, and those with a history of domestic violence, aiming to prevent potential violence (Filindra & Kaplan, 2017).

A felony conviction is a formal judgment by a court of law, signifying that an individual has been found guilty of committing a serious criminal offense known as a felony. Felonies are more severe than misdemeanours and often entail harsher penalties, including imprisonment for more than a year, fines, and other legal consequences.

Felony offenses encompass a range of serious crimes, each with its distinctive characteristics. Murder involves unlawfully causing the death of another person with malice aforethought, while robbery entails using force or the threat of force to take property from someone else. Burglary consists of illegally entering a building with the intent to commit a crime, often theft, and kidnapping involves unlawfully taking and holding a person against their will. Drug trafficking encompasses illegally selling, transporting, or distributing controlled substances, and fraud entails engaging in deceptive practices to gain an unfair advantage or cause financial harm to others. Sexual assault comprises committing non-consensual sexual acts against another person, and grand theft involves stealing property or money valued above a certain threshold. Each of these offenses represents a serious violation of the law, and convictions for such crimes can lead to significant legal consequences.

The classification of felonies and the associated penalties can vary between jurisdictions. In the United States, for instance, felony classifications may include different degrees (e.g., first-degree felony, second-degree felony) based on the severity of the offense. A felony conviction has repercussions beyond imprisonment and fines; it can impact various aspects of a person's life, affecting employment opportunities, housing, and the restoration of certain civil rights.

It is important to note that the legal definitions and classifications of felonies can differ by jurisdiction. Therefore, the specifics may vary depending on the laws of the particular state or country in question.

Laws addressing the safe storage of firearms in households with minors are also in place to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to firearms by children or teenagers, preventing accidents or intentional harm (Filindra & Kaplan, 2017). Secure storage requirements for firearms are mandated to prevent gun theft, aiming to reduce the likelihood of firearms falling into the hands of criminals (Filindra & Kaplan, 2017).

Public Safety

Gun control measures play a crucial role in enhancing public safety by addressing various aspects of firearm-related risks. One critical aspect is the prevention of accidents, which can occur due to mishandling, improper storage, or unintended use of firearms (Beidas et al., 2020). Regulatory measures such as mandatory safety training, secure storage requirements, and waiting periods for firearm purchases aim to mitigate the risk of unintentional injuries and fatalities caused by firearms (Beidas et al., 2020). Additionally, gun control measures are instrumental in addressing the complex issue of suicides involving firearms. Studies consistently highlight the correlation between the availability of firearms and an increased risk of successful suicide attempts (Raissian, 2015).

By implementing regulations that restrict access to firearms, especially during periods of mental health crises, authorities aim to reduce the lethality of suicide attempts (Raissian, 2015). Furthermore, gun control's role in public safety extends to addressing incidents of domestic violence where firearms are involved. Research indicates a higher risk of lethal outcomes in domestic violence situations when firearms are present (Frattaroli & Vernick, 2006). Through regulations targeting individuals with a history of domestic violence or those subject to restraining orders, authorities seek to create protective mechanisms that minimize the potential for firearms to escalate domestic disputes into fatal confrontations (Frattaroli & Vernick, 2006).

Reducing Mass Shootings

Gun control policies targeting mass shootings aim to address the specific and alarming facet of public safety posed by these incidents. These policies primarily focus on restricting access to high-capacity magazines and certain types of firearms to limit the lethality of mass shootings and enhance overall public safety (D. Webster et al., 2020). High-capacity magazines enable shooters to fire a large number of rounds without reloading, significantly increasing the potential for casualties in a short amount of time. By imposing restrictions on the size of magazines that can be legally owned or sold, authorities aim to disrupt the ability of individuals to carry out prolonged and devastating attacks, providing crucial moments for intervention by law enforcement or civilians, potentially saving lives (D. Webster et al., 2020).

In addition to magazine capacity restrictions, gun control policies may also focus on certain types of firearms associated with a high rate of fire or designed for military-style rapid shooting. By identifying and regulating these specific firearms, authorities aim to address the unique challenges posed by weapons that can cause significant harm in a short period. This approach recognizes that certain firearm features contribute to the increased lethality of mass shootings, and restrictions on these features can act as a preventive measure (D. Webster et al., 2020).

The intention behind these measures is not only to hinder the effectiveness of potential mass shooters but also to create a safer environment for the general public. By limiting the firepower available to individuals who may pose a threat, gun control policies seek to reduce the potential magnitude of mass shootings and, consequently, minimize the harm inflicted on innocent lives (D. Webster et al., 2020).

It's important to note that while these measures aim to reduce the lethality of mass shootings, addressing the complex issue of mass violence requires a multifaceted approach that may also involve mental health interventions, community support, and comprehensive law enforcement strategies (D. Webster et al., 2020). Gun control policies focusing on mass shootings represent a proactive step toward enhancing public safety and preventing large-scale tragedies (D. Webster et al., 2020)

Addressing Mental Health Concerns

Gun control measures that address mental health concerns aim to recognize the intricate relationship between firearms and mental well-being, with the primary goal of preventing potential harm to individuals and the broader community. These measures involve implementing restrictions on individuals with serious mental illnesses from obtaining firearms and incorporating mental health criteria into background checks for gun purchases. By doing so, authorities seek to identify and prevent those with severe mental health issues from accessing potentially lethal weapons, aligning with the broader public health goal of mitigating the risk of impulsive or harmful actions by individuals experiencing significant mental distress (Swanson et al., 2015). Additionally, these policies may address individuals with a history of violence or those deemed a threat to themselves or others due to mental health considerations, aiming to create a protective barrier that minimizes the risk of gun-related incidents (Swanson et al., 2015).

The implementation of mental health-focused gun control measures also reflects a broader societal commitment to destigmatizing mental health issues and encouraging responsible firearm ownership. Education and awareness campaigns may accompany these policies, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing mental health concerns for the well-being of individuals and the safety of the community. It is crucial to note that the goal of these measures is not to stigmatize individuals with mental health challenges but to strike a balance between individual rights and public safety, aiming to prevent instances where firearms might be used impulsively or dangerously due to an individual's mental state (Swanson et al., 2015).

While addressing mental health concerns through gun control is a valuable preventive strategy, it is essential to complement these measures with comprehensive mental health support, community resources, and destigmatization efforts. An integrated approach acknowledges the complex interplay of factors contributing to gun-related incidents involving mental health and strives to create a safer and more supportive environment for all individuals (Swanson et al., 2015).

Domestic Violence Prevention

Gun control laws addressing domestic violence prevention play a crucial role in safeguarding individuals at risk within their homes by restricting firearm access for individuals subject to restraining orders or those with a documented history of domestic violence. Restraining orders, also known as protective orders, are court-issued legal directives designed to protect victims of domestic violence by prohibiting the alleged abuser from approaching or contacting the victim (Lynch et al., 2021). Gun control laws may extend these protections by explicitly restricting the subject's access to firearms during the duration of the restraining order (Wallin & Durfee, 2020). This is significant as firearms play a critical role in the murder of intimate partner violence (IPV) victims, and laws prohibiting protective order respondents from possessing a firearm reduce IPV fatalities (Lynch et al., 2021).

Furthermore, gun control measures may address individuals with a history of domestic violence by incorporating domestic violence convictions or incidents into background checks for firearm purchases. Research has shown that when a firearm is used in a violent encounter, the risk of homicide is greatly increased when other weapons are used, regardless of the intent to kill (Zeoli et al., 2017). Therefore, integrating domestic violence convictions or incidents into background checks for firearm purchases is crucial in identifying and preventing individuals with a documented history of domestic violence from obtaining firearms, thus interrupting the potential cycle of violence and protecting survivors from further harm.

The presence of a firearm can significantly increase the risk of lethality in abusive relationships, and by temporarily removing or restricting access to firearms for individuals involved in domestic violence situations, authorities seek to create a safer environment and empower survivors to seek help without the added threat of lethal force (Wallin & Durfee, 2020). Women's risk of intimate partner homicide (IPH) victimization increases fivefold when an intimate has access to firearms, highlighting the importance of firearm restriction in domestic violence situations (Wallin & Durfee, 2020).

These gun control measures complement the overall legal framework aimed at providing comprehensive protection for victims of domestic violence and contribute to a holistic approach that combines legal interventions, support services, and community awareness to create an environment where survivors feel safer and empowered to break free from abusive relationships (Bonomi et al., 2021). It is important to note that the effectiveness of these measures is enhanced when combined with broader initiatives addressing domestic violence prevention, including support services, education, and awareness campaigns (Bonomi et al., 2021).

Preventing Accidental Shootings

The aspect of gun control dedicated to preventing accidental shootings underscores the importance of responsible firearm ownership and storage. Accidental shootings, particularly those involving children who might gain access to firearms, present a significant risk to public safety. Regulations are implemented to establish guidelines for responsible gun ownership, emphasizing safe storage practices to minimize the likelihood of unintended firearm use. One key component of these regulations involves promoting safe storage practices for firearms, such as in locked cabinets, safes, or with the use of trigger locks. Authorities may require gun owners to store their firearms securely to prevent unauthorized individuals, particularly children, from accessing firearms without the knowledge and supervision of responsible adults. This preventive measure acknowledges the inherent curiosity of children and the potential for tragic consequences when firearms are left unsecured.

The importance of safe firearm storage is highlighted in various studies. Levine and McKnight (2017) provide evidence indicating that the spike in gun exposure following the Sandy Hook school shooting increased the incidence of accidental firearm deaths, particularly among children. Similarly, Azad et al. (2020) emphasize the significance of firearm-related fatalities among children and the need for preventive measures. Furthermore, Stroebe et al. (2017) note that mass public shootings are typically followed by a spike in gun sales as well as calls for stricter gun control laws, indicating the impact of such incidents on public perception and policy.

Research by Prickett et al. (2014) sheds light on the relationship between state firearm laws, firearm ownership, and safety practices among families with preschool-aged children, emphasizing the complexity of disentangling the effects of state-level firearm laws. Additionally, King et al. (2020) highlight the association between safe firearm storage and lower risk of unintentional and intentionally self-inflicted firearm injuries among children and adolescents, further underscoring the importance of responsible storage practices.

Regulations may include requirements for the use of gun safes or lockboxes, especially in households with children, to add an extra layer of protection, ensuring that firearms are not easily accessible to unauthorized individuals. Emphasizing responsible storage aligns with the broader goal of minimizing the risk of accidental shootings and creating a safer environment within homes. In addition to safe storage practices, gun control measures aimed at preventing accidental shootings may also include educational components. Education campaigns can raise awareness about the importance of storing firearms securely and highlight the potential dangers associated with leaving guns accessible to children. These initiatives contribute to a culture of responsible firearm ownership, where gun owners are not only aware of the legal requirements but also understand the critical role they play in preventing unintentional firearm-related incidents.

The implementation of regulations for preventing accidental shootings recognizes that a substantial number of such incidents result from firearms being left unsecured, leading to tragic consequences. By emphasizing responsible ownership and storage practices, authorities seek to reduce the incidence of accidental shootings, protect vulnerable populations, and foster an environment where firearm ownership is accompanied by a strong commitment to safety. It is crucial to note that these measures are not designed to infringe upon the rights of responsible gun owners but rather to strike a balance between individual rights and public safety. Responsible storage practices contribute to the overall goal of preventing unintended firearm use, particularly in households with children, and play a vital role in creating a safer and more secure community.

National Security

Gun control measures implemented for national security purposes are crucial for safeguarding a nation against potential threats posed by the unauthorized acquisition and possession of firearms by individuals or groups with malicious intent. These measures are designed to strike a balance between individual rights and the collective well-being of society, aiming to prevent acts of violence and protect the general population from harm (Lee et al., 2017).

One key objective of gun control measures for national security is to prevent the unauthorized acquisition of firearms by individuals with malicious intent, such as terrorists or those involved in organized crime. By establishing stringent regulations, background checks, and monitoring mechanisms, governments seek to identify and block access to firearms for individuals who may pose a threat to the security of the nation. This proactive approach aligns with the broader national security strategy, aiming to prevent acts of violence and protect the general population from harm (Lee et al., 2017).

Additionally, these measures may involve restricting the availability of certain types of firearms or imposing limitations on the quantity of ammunition an individual can purchase. By doing so, authorities aim to curb the potential for large-scale violence orchestrated by individuals or groups with malicious intent. The intention is to create barriers that impede the ability of those with harmful intentions to acquire the firepower necessary for acts of terrorism, insurgency, or other forms of violence against the state or its citizens (Krüsselmann et al., 2021).

Furthermore, gun control measures for national security often include efforts to address the illegal trafficking of firearms across borders. Governments may collaborate on international initiatives to regulate and monitor the movement of firearms, preventing the flow of weapons to individuals or groups with hostile intentions. This approach recognizes that porous borders and the international trafficking of firearms can pose significant challenges to national security, requiring coordinated efforts to curb the illicit trade of weapons (Krüsselmann et al., 2021).

It is important to note that the implementation of gun control measures for national security is part of a broader strategy that may include intelligence gathering, counterterrorism efforts, and international cooperation. By regulating access to firearms, governments seek to create a more secure environment, minimizing the potential for internal and external threats that could compromise the safety and stability of the nation (Lee et al., 2017). While addressing national security concerns through gun control measures, governments must navigate the delicate balance between protecting the public and respecting individual rights. Striking this balance requires careful consideration of legal frameworks, effective enforcement, and ongoing evaluation of the evolving nature of security threats in the domestic and global contexts (Lee et al., 2017).

Minimizing Illegal Firearm Trafficking

Gun control policies aimed at minimizing illegal firearm trafficking are used in addressing organized crime, violence, and the proliferation of weapons in illicit markets. Regulating the legal market through comprehensive background checks, waiting periods, and documentation requirements for legal firearm transactions is essential to create a controlled and traceable environment, preventing the diversion of legally purchased firearms into the illicit market (Webster et al., 2009). Imposing strict penalties for illegal possession and trade acts as a deterrent and disrupts criminal networks engaged in trafficking operations (Hureau & Braga, 2018). International cooperation is vital in enhancing information-sharing, joint investigations, and coordinated efforts to intercept and disrupt illicit arms shipments (Ak & Fidelia, 2018). Additionally, tracing technologies and databases enable authorities to track the origins and movement of firearms, providing valuable insights into the patterns of illicit arms trade and helping dismantle trafficking networks (Hureau & Braga, 2018).

The goal of minimizing illegal firearm trafficking is not only to prevent criminal organizations from accessing weapons but also to enhance overall public safety. By disrupting the supply chain of illicit firearms, authorities aim to reduce the incidence of violent crimes committed with illegally obtained weapons, protecting communities from the detrimental impact of armed criminal activities (Braga & Pierce, 2005). However, it is essential for governments to strike a balance between addressing the illicit trade of firearms and respecting the legal rights of law-abiding citizens (Braga & Pierce, 2005). Effective gun control policies against illegal trafficking require a comprehensive and coordinated approach, involving legislation, law enforcement efforts, international collaboration, and technological advancements to address the multifaceted challenges posed by illicit arms trade (Braga & Pierce, 2005).

Maintaining Public Order

The implementation of gun control measures to maintain public order reflects a commitment by governments to strike a delicate balance between individual rights and the broader safety and harmony of society (Lee et al., 2017). By regulating the possession and carrying of firearms, authorities aim to prevent the escalation of conflicts and reduce the potential for confrontations in public spaces (Lee et al., 2017). One key aspect of maintaining public order through gun control involves regulating the carrying of firearms in public spaces. This may include the imposition of restrictions on openly carrying firearms or requiring individuals to obtain permits for concealed carry (Lee et al., 2017). Such regulations are designed to ensure that the presence of firearms in public settings does not create an atmosphere of heightened tension or fear, mitigating the risk of confrontations that could lead to violence (Lee et al., 2017).

By establishing clear guidelines for carrying firearms in public, governments seek to provide law enforcement with the tools necessary to maintain order and respond effectively to potential threats (Lee et al., 2017). This regulatory framework helps prevent misunderstandings or disputes that may arise when individuals openly carry firearms, contributing to a safer and more predictable environment in public spaces (Lee et al., 2017). Additionally, gun control measures for maintaining public order may involve the designation of specific areas where carrying firearms is prohibited (Lee et al., 2017). These restricted zones may include places with high population density, such as schools, government buildings, or public events, where the presence of firearms could pose an increased risk to public safety (Lee et al., 2017). Restricting the carrying of firearms in such areas aims to create secure environments and prevent potential conflicts that may arise in sensitive or crowded settings (Lee et al., 2017).

The goal of maintaining public order through gun control also extends to addressing instances where the open display or use of firearms may incite fear or panic among the public (Lee et al., 2017). Regulations may prohibit the brandishing of firearms in a manner that is likely to create alarm or disturb the peace (Lee et al., 2017). This proactive approach seeks to prevent situations where the mere presence of a firearm contributes to a sense of insecurity or unease within the community (Lee et al., 2017). It is essential to recognize that maintaining public order through gun control is not about infringing upon the rights of responsible gun owners but rather about establishing reasonable regulations that prioritize the overall safety and well-being of the community (Lee et al., 2017). Striking a balance between individual freedoms and collective security requires a nuanced approach, and these measures contribute to creating an environment where citizens can coexist peacefully without the heightened threat of firearm-related conflicts (Lee et al., 2017).


Guns Defined

Agun is a firearm designed to launch projectiles, such as bullets, shells, or other ammunition, through the force of rapidly expanding high-pressure gases produced by a chemical reaction within a confined space. Guns come in various forms, commonly classified into two main types: handguns and long guns.

The terms "firearm" and "gun" are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle distinctions between the two. In a broader and more formal context, a firearm is an encompassing term for any portable weapon designed to expel projectiles through gunpowder, gas, or other explosive force, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns (Azrael et al., 2018). On the other hand, "gun" is a more colloquial and generic expression commonly used to describe handheld firearms, particularly smaller firearms like handguns and specific types of portable long guns (Azrael et al., 2018). While "gun" can be a general term for firearms, it is often associated with smaller firearms and specific types of portable long guns. Essentially, all guns fall under the category of firearms, but not all firearms are casually labelled as guns (Azrael et al., 2018). "Firearm" is a comprehensive and formal term used in legal and technical contexts, while "gun" is a familiar and informal expression frequently utilized in everyday conversations (Azrael et al., 2018).

The distinction between "firearm" and "gun" is important in various contexts, including legal and technical discussions. For instance, in the context of firearm storage in gun-owning households with children, it is crucial to understand the differences between firearms and guns to ensure safe storage practices. A study found that approximately 7% of US children live in homes where at least one firearm is stored loaded and unlocked, highlighting the importance of firearm safety and storage (Azrael et al., 2018). Additionally, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, in the USA is expected to impact the identification of individuals belonging to the prohibited class, emphasizing the legal implications associated with firearms (Price & Norris, 2010).

Furthermore, the effects of state-level firearm seller accountability policies in the US on firearm trafficking demonstrate the relevance of understanding the distinctions between firearms and guns in the context of gun control and commerce. Research has shown that criminals' reliance on out-of-state sources for guns was negatively correlated with measures of gun availability to criminals, indicating the potential impact of firearm policies on firearm trafficking (Webster et al., 2009). Similarly, US state firearm laws have been associated with the incidence and severity of mass public shootings, highlighting the importance of firearm regulations in addressing public safety concerns (Siegel et al., 2020).

Guns exhibit a diverse array of shapes and sizes, housing various firing mechanisms. To comprehend their functioning, it is informative to delve into the operation of bullets—the small, pointed metal components responsible for penetrating targets (Roza, 2024). Bullets operate akin to fireworks, relying on a smaller fuse to ignite a larger explosion, propelling them out of the gun's barrel. Four essential components—primer, propellant, bullet case, and bullet—are contained within a cartridge, also known as a round or shell (Roza, 2024).

Handguns consist of pistols, where the chamber is an integral part of the barrel, and ammunition is loaded through a magazine, and revolvers, which have a rotating cylinder containing multiple chambers, each holding a cartridge (Zhang et al., 2023). The cylinder rotates to align a chamber with the barrel for firing. Refer to Figure 1 for examples.

Figure 1: Examples of a handguns - Clockwise from top left: Glock G22, Glock G21, Kimber Custom Raptor, Dan Wesson Commander, Smith & Wesson .357, Ruger Blackhawk .357, Ruger SP101, Sig Sauer P220 Combat. Joshuashearn, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

Long guns, as shown in Figure 2, include rifles, featuring rifling (spiral grooves) inside the barrel to impart a spin for increased accuracy, typically fired from the shoulder, and shotguns designed to fire a shell containing pellets or a slug. Shotguns may have a smooth bore or rifled barrel, serving various purposes like hunting and sport shooting.

Figure 2: Assortment of .22 LR and .30-06 rifles. Left to right: Ruger 10/22, .22 Long Rifle. M1903 Springfield, .30-'06. M1 Garand, .30-'06. Mossberg M1944 trainer, .22 Long Rifle. Henry Golden Boy, .22 Long Rifle. Ruger 10/22, .22 Long Rifle. Mitch Barrie, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

Moving into firing modes—semi-automatic, automatic, burst, and single shot—provides a nuanced understanding. The term "gun" encompasses a broad category, spanning from handheld firearms to massive howitzers firing artillery shells. This discussion, however, focuses on firearms, particularly those more accessible to the public than heavy machine guns or rocket launchers. Modern firearms predominantly fall into four firing modes: semi-automatic, automatic, burst, and single shot.

Semi-automatic firearms discharge one shot per trigger pull, while automatic firearms continuously fire until the trigger is released, and burst firearms release multiple shots with each trigger pull.

Diverse types of guns include pistols, characterized as small firearms held in one hand. Revolvers, a subset of pistols, feature revolving chambers, firing cartridges in rotation.

Semi-automatic pistols utilize magazines to feed bullets, relying on recoil to cycle the firearm and load a new cartridge. This design yields larger magazine capacities, but misfires may occur.

Rifles, larger than pistols, operate similarly to semi-automatic pistols but with larger bullets and longer barrels. Rifles, featuring rifled barrels, offer enhanced accuracy and power over longer distances, requiring two-handed use.

The term "assault weapon" lacks specificity, but assault rifles refer to firearms capable of semi-automatic, automatic, or burst firing. Confusion often arises between semi-automatic-only rifles, such as the AR-15, and assault rifles due to their visual similarities.

The term "assault rifle" is commonly used to refer to a specific type of firearm that combines characteristics of both rifles and automatic weapons. Assault rifles are designed to be capable of selective fire, meaning the shooter can choose between firing in semi-automatic (one shot per trigger pull) or fully automatic (continuous automatic fire as long as the trigger is held) modes. Some may also have a burst mode, allowing a fixed number of rounds to be fired with a single trigger pull.

Assault rifles typically use an intermediate cartridge, which is smaller and less powerful than the full-sized cartridges used in traditional battle rifles. This design allows for more controllable automatic fire. These firearms use detachable magazines that can be quickly replaced, enabling the shooter to reload rapidly. The effective range of assault rifles is designed for engagement at intermediate ranges, typically up to a few hundred meters. The combination of selective fire and intermediate cartridges aims to provide a balance between the range of a rifle and the rapid-fire capability of a submachine gun.

In terms of ergonomics, assault rifles often incorporate features such as pistol grips, adjustable stocks, and handguards to enhance ease of handling. It's crucial to note that the term "assault rifle" is sometimes used inaccurately or interchangeably with other terms like "assault weapon." Additionally, specific definitions and classifications may vary by country and legal jurisdiction.

The use of assault rifles has been a subject of debate, particularly concerning civilian ownership and their role in military or law enforcement. Some countries have implemented strict regulations or bans on civilian ownership of firearms with assault rifle characteristics. The term has also been integral to broader discussions about gun control and firearm legislation.

Machine guns, see Figure 3 as an example, larger than rifles, exclusively operate on automatic, designed for sustained firing and typically mounted for stability. Submachine guns, akin to automatic pistols, rapidly fire bullets at close range.

Figure 3: Danish Machine gun M60E6. Flemming Diehl, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

Shotguns operate similarly to other firearms but differ in their ammunition. Rather than firing a single bullet, shotguns discharge a cluster of tiny pellets known as shot. Alternatively, some shotguns may propel a single large metal bullet called a slug. The preference for shot arises among hunters due to its short-range effectiveness, providing a safety advantage in areas with numerous people. The scattering pellets prove advantageous for capturing small, agile targets, such as mid-flight pheasants. Certain shotguns are favoured by police and military personnel for their formidable power at close range (Roza, 2024). While automatic shotguns exist, the more dependable ones are typically single-shot variants. Users either engage in a pump-action mechanism, requiring them to pump a new round into the chamber after each shot, or they employ a break-open method to manually slide new rounds into the chamber, reminiscent of a revolver (Roza, 2024).

Figure 4: A Remington 870 Wingmaster 12-gauge shotgun, two Remington 1100 12-gauge shotguns, boxes of shells and clay targets are laid out on the fantail of the battleship USS MISSOURI (BB-63) in preparation for skeet shooting practice. DoD photo by: PHAN MILNE/PHAN DILLON, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Distinguishing between these firearm types can be challenging, and misperceptions often arise, particularly concerning assault rifles, machine guns, and submachine guns (Roza, 2024). Practice in discerning these distinctions becomes essential, enhancing the ability to identify different firearms accurately.

Key components of a gun encompass the barrel (the tube through which the projectile travels), action (the mechanism for loading, firing, and unloading), stock (the part held by the shooter), trigger (initiating the firing sequence), and magazine (a container for cartridges, not applicable to all guns) (Zhang et al., 2023).

The cartridge's primer, akin to a firework fuse, ignites the propellant—a highly explosive gunpowder—upon pulling the trigger. This ignition results in a powerful explosion that propels the bullet out of the cartridge at high speed. Simultaneously, the bullet case, or shell casing, is ejected from the gun's side (Roza, 2024). This entire process transpires instantaneously upon triggering. While certain military-grade guns can fire up to 100 rounds per second, not all guns share this capability (Roza, 2024).

Guns serve diverse purposes, including self-defence, hunting, sport shooting, law enforcement, and military applications. The ongoing debate over gun control often centres around individual rights, public safety, and regulating firearms to prevent misuse.

The term "firearm" generally refers to a portable gun designed to expel one or more projectiles through the action of gunpowder or another explosive force (Jussila & Normia, 2004). In the context of firearms, they are designed as weapons and are commonly used for self-defence, hunting, sport shooting, law enforcement, and military applications. While the primary purpose of firearms is often related to their use as weapons, there are instances where firearms are adapted for non-lethal purposes. For example, certain types of firearms can be modified to fire less-lethal projectiles, such as rubber bullets or bean bags, for crowd control or riot situations.

The adaptability of firearms allows for applications beyond traditional lethal use in certain situations. For instance, non-legislative prevention measures have been found to be more effective in reducing suicide by firearms in the United States, particularly by respectfully engaging firearm owners (Garverich et al., 2023). Additionally, there are instances where firearms are adapted for non-lethal purposes, such as the use of less-lethal projectiles for crowd control or riot situations.

It is important to note that the use of firearms, whether for lethal or non-lethal purposes, carries significant implications. For instance, an abuser's gun ownership or access to guns creates a sense of fear and unpredictability, particularly in cases of intimate partner violence (Kafonek et al., 2021). Furthermore, the illegitimate or unauthorized application of non-lethal firearms, such as electroshock weapons, can lead to public outcry and censure (Talapins & Agafonovs, 2020).

In summary, while firearms are primarily designed as weapons, their adaptability allows for applications beyond traditional lethal use in certain situations. However, the use of firearms, whether for lethal or non-lethal purposes, must be carefully considered due to the significant implications associated with their use.

To understand the concept of weapons, it is essential to recognize that they are tools or devices designed and used to cause harm, damage, or injury to living beings, structures, or systems (Moczek & Nijhout, 2004). Weapons serve military, self-defence, or offensive purposes and are employed for protection, intimidation, or combat (Moczek & Nijhout, 2004). They can take various forms, including firearms, melee weapons, explosives, chemical devices, and more (Moczek & Nijhout, 2004). The use and possession of weapons are often subject to legal regulations, and their development and deployment are influenced by cultural, historical, and technological factors (Moczek & Nijhout, 2004).

Firearm preferences vary significantly among countries due to a combination of cultural norms, legal frameworks, and military practices (König et al., 2018). These preferences are subject to change over time, influenced by evolving laws and societal attitudes (Kapusta et al., 2007). The attitudes of firearm owners towards their weapons are complex and diverse, extending beyond mere ownership to encompass motivations and understandings of firearms (Steidley & Yamane, 2021). Additionally, the accessibility and storage practices of firearms have been linked to increased suicide risk, particularly among military personnel (Dempsey et al., 2019).

It is evident that firearm preferences are deeply intertwined with cultural, legal, and societal factors, and understanding these dynamics is essential for addressing public health and safety concerns related to firearms. The multifaceted nature of firearm ownership and its implications for suicide risk highlight the need for comprehensive strategies that consider not only legislative measures but also cultural competence and clinical approaches to firearm safety and prevention (Pallin & Barnhorst, 2021; Pirelli & Witt, 2017). The impact of firearm legislation reforms on firearm availability and mortality rates underscores the potential of policy interventions in shaping firearm preferences and their associated risks (Kapusta et al., 2007).

Civilian Firearm Use and Ownership

The following provides examples of common and popular firearms employed in various countries.

The civilian firearm choices in the United States encompass a variety of weapons, including the AR-15/M16 (See Figure 5), civilian versions of military rifles, Glock pistols (see Figure 6), and the Remington 870 pump-action shotgun. These firearms are widely utilized for sport shooting, home defence, and by law enforcement. The widespread ownership of firearms in the United States is evident, with an estimated 270 million civilian-owned firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns (Yamane, 2017). This prevalence of firearms has been linked to various societal implications, including an increased likelihood of firearm-related suicides and overall suicides (Richardson & Hemenway, 2011) Additionally, high public gun ownership has been identified as a risk factor for occupational mortality for law enforcement officers in the United States (Swedler et al., 2015).

Figure 5: American Tactical OMNI AR15. Picanox, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.
]]>, via Wikimedia Commons." />Figure 6: An early "third generation" Glock 17 (full-size pistol chambered for 9x19mm Parabellum). Ken Lunde,, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

These examples represent only a fraction of the diverse landscape of firearm preferences in the United States. The popularity of specific gun models can vary regionally and may be influenced by factors such as state regulations, individual preferences, and cultural considerations. Additionally, the dynamic nature of the firearm market and evolving trends contribute to the ongoing diversity of popular gun models among American civilians.

The firearms landscape in Russia is characterized by the widespread use and export of weapons, high-quality military equipment, and historical developments in the thinking and production of firearms. The prominent firearms in Russia include the AK-47/AKM (see Figure 7), the Makarov PM (See Figure 8), and the Saiga-12, which have gained global recognition and are widely used by the military and police forces (Nawrotek, 2020).

Figure 7: Russian Type III Izhevsk 1956 AK47 with Russian bayonet attached. Gunrunner123, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Russia has been a major producer and exporter of arms and military equipment for many years (Баурина et al., 2019). The quality of Russian-made weapons and military equipment, including communication equipment and avionics, has been demonstrated in the Russian military campaign in Syria (Domagała, 2018). Additionally, Russia has provided economic and military support to various governments, including delivering weapons, technical assistance, and military support in combat (Tsvetkov, 2021).

Figure 8: Makarov PM airsoft. Алексей Трефилов, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

It's important to note that civilian firearm ownership in Russia is regulated, and access to certain models may be influenced by government policies. The popularity of specific gun models among civilians can be shaped by factors such as legal considerations, intended use, and cultural preferences within the country.

Germany showcases firearms like the HK MP5, a submachine gun used by military and law enforcement units, the Walther PPK, a compact pistol often utilized by the police, and the HK G36, an assault rifle adopted by the German military.

In Germany, civilian firearm ownership is subject to strict regulations designed to ensure public safety. Firearms for civilian use are primarily intended for sports shooting and hunting. Here are some examples of firearms that are popular for civilian use in Germany:

Bolt-Action Rifles: These are commonly used for hunting purposes. Bolt-action rifles are manually operated, and each shot requires the shooter to manually manipulate the bolt to load a new cartridge.

Semi-Automatic Rifles: While subject to stringent regulations, some semi-automatic rifles are allowed for civilian use, particularly for sports shooting. These rifles automatically eject the spent cartridge and load a new one with each shot.

Shotguns: Shotguns are widely used for hunting and sports shooting. They are versatile firearms, with applications ranging from bird hunting to clay target shooting.

Handguns: Handguns for civilian use are typically limited to revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. These are often used in sports shooting competitions, and ownership is subject to strict regulations.

It's crucial to understand that German gun laws are comprehensive and prioritize public safety. Individuals seeking to own firearms must undergo background checks, complete safety courses, and obtain a license from the local authorities. Additionally, the types of firearms civilians can own are specified, and automatic weapons are generally prohibited for civilian use. The regulatory framework is stringent, and German gun laws aim to strike a balance between the rights of individuals and public safety considerations.

Switzerland's firearm choices include the SIG SG 550, the standard issue rifle for the Swiss Armed Forces, the SIG P210, a semi-automatic pistol known for its accuracy, and the Strumgewehr 57, an older battle rifle that has been phased out but is still present.

In Switzerland, civilian firearm ownership is deeply ingrained in the country's culture, with a significant focus on the role of firearms in the Swiss militia system. The Swiss have a tradition of mandatory military service, and after completing their service, individuals may keep their military-issued firearms or purchase other firearms for civilian use. Popular firearms for civilian use in Switzerland include: