Branding Your X Factor - Rúna Magnús - E-Book

Branding Your X Factor E-Book

Rúna Magnús

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  • Herausgeber: WS
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021

A motivational and inspirational book that brings personal branding to a whole new level.

In this book the author, Runa Magnus, a.k.a. Runa Magnusdottir shares how the economic crash in 2008 changed everything for her native country Iceland forced her to discover her uniqueness, her X-factor as she calls it, her brand.

Now years later, Runa is teaching her 5 Step Personal Branding Success Strategy to support fast-forward thinking, heart-centred thought leaders and change-makers to build their own authentic personal brand, become more of whom they were born to be, less socially conditioned by their genders, race, religion or background. 

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Seitenzahl: 111

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By Runa Magnus (aka Rúna Magnúsdóttir)


Copywrite ©2014 Rúna MagnúsdóttirPublished by: Interconnect - Iceland

Editor: Livingston MarmonHelping hand: Jennifer MansonCover Design: Bjarney LúðvíksdóttirAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use - other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews - without prior written permission of the publisher.

HARDCOVER: ISBN-13:978-1502346230

Praise for

Branding Your X-Factor

"Simple yet profoundly powerful book that will transform the way you see yourself, your brand"Peter Sterlacci, Japan's personal branding Pioneer. Founder at BeYB - Believe. Become. Be Your Brand

WARNING!“This book is priceless! Once you start reading, you feel urged to start. Once you take action, your business will soar. “

Monique Blokzyl, Founder of the Business Launch Portal

“Runa has taken the essential pieces of creating an enticing brand and broken it down into tasty tidbits of information that will most definitely add the WOW to your marketing efforts. This is a must read for the movers and shakers of the world – it will give you exactly what you need to shine.”Wendy Watkins The Global Flourishing Strategist - Author of The Joy Factor Recipe Book – A Common Sense Approach to a Delicious Life.

"Runa brilliantly shows how you can use your natural skills, talent, story to build the brand you want your legacy to be"Leslie Grossman, Vistage CEO Chair and author," LINK OUT" (Wiley)

"Could not stop reading! Runa shows in her own authentic way, how you can make a true difference in the world, by branding your uniqueness"Kitty Waters, British Founder to ATL Europe, Creator of Abundant Living No Regrets

“What Branding Your X-Factor did for me, and can do for you, is show you how you, as a person, need to look inside and find your building blocks for your brand. In this book Runa shows you how to figure out your strengths and how you can use them to build your own personal brand, that will cut through the clutter, build relationships and at the same time help you enjoy your life much more by stepping into who you are and owning it.”

Thoranna Jonsdottir, The Icelandic Marketing Strategy Nerd for Entrepreneurs,

“Admirable Icelandic spirit: I am so touched after reading Iceland’s successful revival by rebranding herself inside out. Through Runa’s vivid storytelling, you will be inspired and empowered to take action to brand yourself. A great book that will enable you to introspect and ponder on your personal brand!”Hank Chin, Co-Founder, Icebreaking Pro_Image Build (IPIB) & Asia Pacific Coaching Alliance Bestselling author, how to LinkedIn your overseas job (Chinese)

"Read this book, it's not just a true delight to read, it's a true inspiration as Runa shows in her own unique way, how every one of us can discover our own X-factor and make it work for us to build the brand we want to be known for" 

Thordis Loa Thorhallsdottir, the Chairman of Board NASKAR Investments,  president of FKA the Icelandic Association of Women in Business. 

"Runa stands head and shoulders above the crowd as she beautifully (and very funnily) bridges the gap between real people and the branding world, pure genius!”

Nick Haines, Founder of the Five Institute and the creator of The Vitality Test


Are you a small business owner such as a speaker, coach or consultant? Have you been trying to build a business that's both profitable and purposeful? Are you trying to cut through the clutter in the marketplace but not exactly succeeding?

Well, this book, “Branding Your X-Factor,” by Runa Magnus, will change that for you.

With her step-by-step process and inspiring story-telling, you will be not only guided through the process of finding your own authentic X-Factor, your brand, you will also be inspired and motivated to take the valuable action that will lead you to your ultimate dream. By following the advice in this book you will be able to share with the world – and certainly your ideal clients – what makes you special and valuable.

I wholeheartedly agree with Runa when she says in this book: “The World is Screaming for Authenticity and Transparency.” This is the perfect time for any business owner who wants his or her business to be seen as a powerful authentic brand to take conscious steps to define your identity. I believe now is time for you to Brand Who You Really Are.

Branding Your X-Factor provides the simplest, clearest way to discover your own unique value in this world, your true gift, or YOUR X-Factor as Runa calls it. Your X-Factor is that 'thing' that only you've got. So we are talking about bringing forth the best of you. No fakery, no marketing hype. Just you at your best. Then the book lays out for you the practical steps you'll take next to communicate and promote your personal brand with confidence and clarity.

Runa’s authentic personal brand shines so vividly through this book, her unique sense of humour and tone of voice made me feel like I was sitting right beside her! This is just the inspiration you need when identifying and clarifying your brand. You will see first-hand how the 'Awesomesauce' of you can permeate everything you do.

Have fun discovering who you truly are!

Dr Andrea Pennington

Co-author of Heart to Heart: The Path to Wellness and creator of Brand Who You REALLY Are: Hollywood's Media Success System.


Chapter 1.

There is Adventure in Branding Your X-Factor


Chapter 2.

The Jumping Off Point: Your Brand and Your X-Factor


Chapter 3.

The X-Factor Within; Your Passions, Your Market, and Your Story


Chapter 4.

Listen Up to What Others Say About You


Chapter 5.

The 5 C’s: Secret Sauce Ingredients to Cooking Up Your X-Factor


Chapter 6.

Designing Your Action Plan That Works


Chapter 7.

Step Up to the Plate and Communicate Your Unique Value


Chapter 8.

Promoting Your X-Factor on the Right Platforms


Chapter 9.

Tricks of the Trade: Taglines and More


Chapter 10.

Make Your Magic!


Chapter 1

There is Adventure in Branding Your X-Factor

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

The book you now cradle in your hands and feast your hungry eyes with has the potential to change your life for the better in one simple step – if, and only if, you are willing to take action and do more than just flip through the pages now nestled against your fingers. Perhaps while reading this book, you will feel emboldened to try an idea out for the first time. Maybe, too, your mind will tread across pieces and fragments of thoughts, ideas, and hunches. Let them breathe. Give them wings. While this book is primarily meant to be a practical step-by-step roadmap for branding your X-Factor, I also intend for it to act as a kind of springboard of inspiration from which ideas of your own can take flight.

“Very cool,” you say, “But what does it mean to ‘brand my X-Factor’?” Don’t worry – I’ll get to that in a bit, so just sit tight. Seriously. But before I do, let’s tackle a question that is also of some importance.

Why did I write this book? And who should read it?

When I get up in the morning, I drink a cup of personal branding. Breakfast is a dish best served with a spicy hint of personal branding, and I smile when the aroma of personal branding wafts to my nose.

That’s just another way of saying that I drink, eat, and breathe personal branding. It’s my favourite topic to talk about – absolutely. And that explains part of the reason why I wrote this book. My experience in working with small business owners, such as; coaches, consultants, and so on, got me thinking that it’s time to merge personal branding with sound business thinking. If nothing else, it would be a boatload of fun. But once I started digging back into my own experiences with small businesses, I realized that there’s actually a pretty solid basis for mixing the ideas of personal branding with business branding.

The cocktail that results is spelled s-u-c-c-e-s-s.

If you are a fellow small business owner, speaker, coach, or consultant striving to cut into a niche in the world, this book is for you. People who want to make a difference with their products and services; people who are dedicated to transforming the lives of others; people who want to become recognized as a strong, authentic brand; it is the beautiful, dream-chasing, world-changing people likeyou for whom I write this book.

In particular, this book is targeted for small business owners who have special gifts, whether it’s in the form of training, giving speeches, coaching, or consulting. Here’s the deal: many small business owners might know that they have this unique gift, but they are not quite sure how to promote their products within their niche with the confidence and clarity that is oh-so-important. But something tells them they have something very special: a voice, methodology, knowledge, or product or service they would love to give to more people out there.

Maybe what I just said struck a chord with you – and your speaking, coaching, or consulting business – and maybe that description fits you perfectly and snugly. Splendid – you’re in the right place.

Branding Your X-Factor: What It’s All About

And now, for the all-important question: what does it mean to brand your X-Factor? At heart, the two fundamental moving parts of your X-Factor is authenticity and transparency. The world is screaming for authenticity and transparency, and I will tell you why. Remember when the world hit rock bottom back in the autumn days of 2008? For many, the period before the economic crisis was a party time, where the whole attention was on making money – no matter what. Business cases were driven by money-based decisions; everything seemed to be more focused on creating a good business plan with high profits instead of actually thinking about the purpose or higher good of the business idea.

In short, the whole world seemed to be focusing on one thing: ME, MYSELF, MY EGO.

But after the crash that sent so many of us scrambling for monetary cover, the economic wheel seemed to move from the ME, ME, ME attitude to the concept of WE. Following the economic crash, many nations – including my own country, Iceland – started to focus more on the power of collaboration and partnership. One could, indeed, say that the economic crash was a sort of platform – a springboard to transformation. It was a new birth whose child was quite unlike the ego-driven market of before. Instead, the linchpin of interactions among people was about giving more attention and concern to values that had been known as more “feminine” by some, such as care-taking, humanity, and just overall respect. This transformation and usurpation of the pre-economic crash attitude has created a vacuum – as paradigm changes often do – that I believe is best filled by a marketplace dominated with a more personal touch and a more personal branding approach.

Let me put it this way. Feminine leadership is rising and the voice of gender equality has never been as respected and listened to as it is today. Following the rise of WE instead of ME the whole world has shifted, and that’s why I believe heart-centred small business owners – such as speakers, coaches, and consultants – have a vitally important role to play. To be sure, in the transition following the economic crash, businesses that were created out of deep purpose and passion are now not only surviving, but they are the businesses that the market is screaming for. This new perspective on things leaves a very appealing opportunity for a person like you to fill.

Now, before we go any further, let me make one thing clear. I have nothing against making money. On the contrary, I think you should be making a whole lot of money. What I am referring to above is the world we lived in at the beginning of this century. It was all about making money no matter what – even at the sacrifice and expense of customers, employees, and the general public – causing businesses to fail big time (remember ENRON?). The business plans were filled with numbers instead of values, purpose, and passion.

Branding Your X-Factor Changes the Competitive Landscape

There is a huge demand for people like you who are experts in their field. People who are leaders in their field. People who have the special skill-set that’s needed to change the lives of others in a positive, beneficial way. People who are willing and ready to unleash their potential and drive forward with a more heart-centred business. People who are authentic, who are real. True to a greater vision.

The world needs you – your skills, knowledge, and expertise. Unfortunately, all around me, I have seen heart-centred small businesses who have the beautiful skills to offer but no idea how to position and leverage those skills in the marketplace, gain respect and ultimately get well-paid for their outstanding services.