Death and Reincarnation (Traslated) - PAPUS Dr G. Encausse - E-Book

Death and Reincarnation (Traslated) E-Book

PAPUS Dr G. Encausse

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Reincarnation is the return of the spiritual Principle in a new fleshly envelope. For a human being, this envelope is always a human body. This return can take place on the same planet where one lived his last existence, or on another planet. The return to a material body cannot be fixed in advance, just as one cannot fix a time for terrestrial life. Some human beings spend 3 years on earth and others 90. If one were to say: man lives 30 years above the earth, one would speak as an amateur of statistics, but not as an observer of real laws. The length of life on earth is a personal fact, so the length of time one spends before returning to earth is also a special fact that depends on many circumstances. It must be said at once that before reincarnating on a planet, the spiritual being prepares himself for the loss of the memory of his previous existences. We will be able to give all the testimonies of the classical authors concerning this fact and symbolized by the immersion in the water of the river Lete, which gives oblivion before the return to the earth. The reincarnation, really, has been marked as an esoteric mystery in all the initiations of the Antiquity.

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Death and Reincarnation






Translation and edition by ©David De Angelis

All rights reserved




I. Reincarnation

Reincarnation of the physical body

II. Reincarnation of Astral Principles

The evolution of physical forces in the astral

III. Reincarnation of the spiritual principle

Constitution of the human being

Normal Reincarnation

Love in Astral

Constitution of the astral being

The "Astral Landscape

Astral Love

To the approaches of death

Measurement of time by Hindus

IV. Return to matter

The mysteries of birth

Abnormal reincarnations

Egyptians and the double

V. Social life and reincarnation

VI. The language of spirits


VII. Father's envoys




Reincarnation is the return of the spiritual Principle in a new fleshly envelope. For a human being, this envelope is always a human body. Such a return can take place over the same planet, where one lived his or her last existence, or over another planet.

The return to a material body cannot be fixed in advance, just as one cannot fix a time for terrestrial life. Some human beings spend 3 years above the earth and others 90. If one were to say: man lives 30 years above the earth, one would speak as an amateur of statistics, but not as an observer of real laws.

The duration of life on earth is a personal fact, so the length of time one spends before returning to earth is also a particular fact that depends on several circumstances.

It must be said at once that before reincarnating on a planet, the spiritual being prepares himself for the loss of the memory of his previous existences. We will be able to give all the testimonies of the classical authors concerning this fact and symbolized by the immersion in the water of the river Lete, which gives oblivion before the return to earth.

Reincarnation, truly, has been in marked as an esoteric mystery throughout the initiations of Antiquity.

Here are some Egyptian precepts from 3000 BC. around reincarnation:


Before being born, the child has lived, and death ends nothing. Life is a becoming, Khepraon, and passes similar to the solar day that begins again.

Man is composed of intelligence, Khou, and matter, Khat.

Intelligence is luminous and in order to dwell in the body it is clothed with a substance that is the soul: Ba.

The beasts have a soul: a Ba, but a Ba without intelligence, from Khou.

Life is a breath: niwou. When the breath withdraws into Ba, man dies. This first death is manifested materially, by the coagulation of fluids, the hardening of veins and arteries, and the dissolution of the matter that makes up the body.

Through embalming, all matter is preserved, including the blood, which Ba will come to vivify after the judgment of Osiris. The breath serves the soul.

M. Fountains. Egyptes, 424


Some Oriental societies, established in Europe, have said such errors about reincarnation and its consequences, that we are obliged, in order to protest against these errors, to take up the subject particularly in all its parts:


The physical body is the symbol of earthly reincarnation.

We will speak only about reincarnation on earth, because the same law is implemented on any planet.

The Emerald Table of Hermes teaches us that what is above is like what is below, and mutually, to perform the miracles of Unity.

If, therefore, reincarnation exists for the spirit... it also exists for the body; that is, an earthly body must return to another earthly body without leaving the earth, if a spirit returns to another material entity.

Hence came the confusions between reincarnation or return of the spirit in a material body, after an astral stasis, and metempsychosis or passing through material bodies of animals or plants, before returning to a new material body.

One must never confuse reincarnation and metempsychosis, returning man, and never becoming the spirit an animal spirit, except in the abstract plane, in the genial state, but this is still a mystery.

Let us therefore study the physical body.

The physical body is a set of three principles and has three centers where each of these three principles is particularly located.

The body carries :


1° The principle of instincts, a principle that is all physical and has its domain in the belly;

2° The principle of feelings and, astral forces, which has its domain in the chest with the cardiac plexus as its center;

3° The principle of mind and spiritual forces, which has its domain in the head.


One can make these principles of bodies, and one can say, that there is a physical body, an astral body, a mental body; but all these are movements and ideological divisions; we stick to current physiology.

The physical body is a garment provided by the earth to the other principles, for an incarnation; it is the earth evolved in a human way for an existence.

When we burn a log in the fireplace, light and heat come out and ashes remain as caput mortuum - a term used by alchemists.

The ash represents with respect to the stump what the earth has given and what returns to the earth. Heat and light represent what the sun has given and what returns to the plane of solar forces.

The same is true for the human body.

Minerals give bones, which correspond to the Earth element of the Ancients; vegetables give muscles and vegetative organs, the Air element of the Ancients; animals give neurons and nerves: the Fire element of the Ancients, which included the nervous force. Finally, organic liquids correspond to the Water element.

It is seen that the human body has as its origin the evolution of the animate bodies of previous states.

An occult law, which is called the law of repetition, dictates that copies occur three times on the evolutionary spiral, at different times and each time on a higher plane of the spiral.

This law is reproduced by the formation, in the womb of the mother, of the physical body, which reproduces in its external forms the animal forms through which its cells passed before having the honor of being part of a physical human body.

The physical body belongs to an animal family from which most of its cells have come, after an astral evolution.

The evolutionary transformation of bodies takes place in the astral plane; therefore, there are human bodies which by their physiognomic form resemble dogs, monkeys, wolves, birds or fish. Therein lies the secret origin of the totem of the red race and the black race; but this is beyond the scope of our subject.

The physical body once constituted relates to the earth's atmosphere for respiration, and the evolution of terrestrial life follows suit. During this evolution, the physical body assimilates minerals to nourish its bones, plants to nourish its muscles and splacnic organs, and animals to nourish its neurons.

We will say briefly, that the physical body being an animal, in general the result of synthesis of a particular terrestrial evolution, the exceptional nourishments destined to favor one of its special centers, will have to be only temporary. Thus the vegetarian regime is necessary, but one month out of three; moreover, it is never total since, with each breath, we introduce, unfortunately, thousands of living beings that are absorbed, and not always completely, into our lungs. It is therefore out of an anti-scientific sentiment that we think of evolving the physical body by means of vegetables.

One will find, in treatises on physiology, the various transformations of the physical body during life. We only note that this physical body continues to absorb the elements that the earth has provided for its constitution, and continues to transform them according to fixed laws. You will find in our treatise on practical magic the keys to the power that allow you to dynamize one of the three centers of the physical body.



We come then to the phenomenon of Death.

The phenomenon of death has for characteristic the tendency of each of the principles constituting the human being, to return to its plane.

If the bond that made the human being a spark fixed on the earth by the encounter of the permanent current from above and below is broken, the current no longer passes from bottom to top, nor from top to bottom, and the lines of force change direction. (The terms high and low are figurative and represent only different planes).

The phenomenon of death is complete, the organic liquids are coagulated, the movement of the splacnic organs is stopped, the physical body is cold, the physical cells, deprived of the link that made them contribute to vital harmony, each want to resume their autonomy, and every time a cell, previously hierarchical, becomes autonomous, putrefaction and decomposition occur. It is the abscess or cancer during life, the decomposition after death, for the physical body, as for the social body.

Due to the fact of this decomposition, physical cells want to return to their constituent principles.

Suppose the case of burial on earth. We will also treat the case of cremation.

The cells that have been part of the human being's bones have the same characteristic of duration and slowness of evolution as everything that is mineral; they will remain intact in the skeleton for a long time and will become directors of the evolution of the cells of the mineral plane long after the death of the physical being to which they belonged. It is the great reward of earthly mineral beings to become human bones, and the duration of this mineral incarnation far exceeds the duration of the physical body itself.

The cells of the muscles and vegetative organs return to the vegetal plane, and we repeat here that each cell of the earth, having passed through a human body, becomes the director of other earthly cells with which it can find further contact, since everything is intelligent and the divine spirit circulates through everything.

The fluids of the human being return, by different routes, to the earth's fluids, while the gases return to the atmosphere.

Cremation returns most of the cells of the vegetative organs and muscles directly to the atmosphere, and it is in the form of gas and by means of respiration that terrestrial beings, vegetable or mineral, will absorb and reincarnate these cells.