Hydrogen Peroxide: Uses And Curative Successes - Jochen Gartz - E-Book

Hydrogen Peroxide: Uses And Curative Successes E-Book

Jochen Gartz



Over 130 years ago, a simple, inexpensive and effective substance was introduced into medical treatments. The substance in question had some remarkable properties: it deodorised and disinfected, it accelerated the healing process of wounds, it permanently killed viruses, bacteria, fungi and spores, and it broke down into the everyday substances of water and oxygen. It caused neither allergies nor resistances and it was successfully used, as was documented, to treat a diverse range of symptoms.

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Jochen Gartz

Hydrogen Peroxide: Uses And Curative Successes

First edition, 2020

Translator: Christopher Golden, Tridiom


© Mobiwell Verlag, Immenstadt 2020

This publication cannot be fully or partially reproduced or copied without the written permission of the publisher.

ISBN: 978-3-944887-63-0

Publisher’s disclaimer

The suggestions provided by the author in this book are not medical recommendations and cannot substitute them. Please see a doctor before administering any of the suggestions in this book. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for any risk that may arise from taking or using the substances referred to by the author.

Statement on commercial brands

The use of commercial brands, for example, in the description of different magnesium peroxide mixtures, does not imply that they can be freely used beyond that stated in this book.

Dedicated to my grandfather, Friedrich Gartz (1896-1946)


A few years ago, my book Hydrogen Peroxide: the forgotten remedy (Wasserstoffperoxid: das vergessene Heilmittel) was published, which explored, for the first time, the historic and current use of hydrogen peroxide and its derivatives in medicine. The book explains that the simple, affordable and easily accessible substance not only deodorises and disinfects, but that it can also kill viruses, bacteria, spores and parasites without causing allergic reactions or generating resistances.

Since its publication in 2014, I have received an enormous amount of feedback and I have since compiled additional aspects on the use of hydrogen peroxide and testimonies on personal experiences. As a result, I have published a second book on the subject.

Firstly, I was really surprised by the significant impact the book had. It seems that the information provided was well received and hydrogen peroxide quickly made its way into the range of alternative treatments, no doubt due to the extensive remedial successes that can be achieved with widely available substances. However, what is unique and particularly striking, compared to other methods, is that hydrogen peroxide has been used in medicine for over a hundred years, a fact documented in countless specialist papers.

The feedback, which I still receive, comes from extremely varied groups of professionals and interested parties, including educated laymen and therapists, but also, increasingly, from doctors who mention how little they learnt about the substance during their training. All of these individuals are very interested in alternative methods in medicine and they are convinced, for different reasons, that this substance, which is proven to be effective, should once again be used, as it is highly beneficial compared to other methods and, in some cases, it is the only reasonable option. All of that will become evident in the extensive range of examples provided in this book.

For example, in terms of treating wounds, some experienced doctors recall 3% hydrogen peroxide, and even solid urea-hydrogen peroxide, being commonly used as treatments in their youth. They still clearly remember the foam formed by the released oxygen, which cleaned out the dirt, and how wounds healed quickly without complications. The effectiveness of the substance was confirmed in WWI. In 1915, Pichler told of great remedial success using a peraquine ointment that contained the combination of urea-hydrogen peroxide. It was first produced in 1906 and instantly proved to be very effective on bacteria. Pichler wrote:

“The results of its use on shrapnel and bullet wounds were extraordinarily positive. Tetanus cases fell drastically and wounds largely cleaned themselves due to the foam formed by the oxygen. While the unimaginable stench of wounds was eliminated, a reddish granulation quickly appeared, healing the tissue.”

In 1917, Schläpfer stated, to greater surprise, that he applied urea compound granules (approximately 33% hydrogen peroxide content) directly onto wounds. The bigger the wound, the more granules he used. He said:

“There was always a lot of dirt in the wounds, due to the conditions in the trenches, and the risk of tetanus and other infections was a constant threat. The presence of germs was evident by the intense stench of the wounds, which constantly and hideously filled the air in the infirmary. When the granules were applied deep into the wound, a potent foam immediately formed that expulsed the particles of dirt. With the exception of a tickling sensation, no other discomfort was felt. As such, its use could be tolerated. The stench quickly disappeared and the healing process started without delay. The treatment proved to be far superior to other measures that often caused great despair. Over the years, I have undertaken the process as a safe and effective method on hundreds of gunshot victims.”

These experiences can be contrasted with the labels on current bottles of 3% hydrogen peroxide solutions, the application of which is often based on a concentration of just 0.3%. Despite that, the bottles bear the absurd warning, “to avoid the risk of gas embolism, do not use on body cavities”. Nothing better illustrates the fact that this curative substance has fallen into obscurity. This is even the case with regard to treating wounds, where this effective substance has, for some unknown reason, been replaced by worse and considerably more expensive substances that do not automatically clean the wound through mechanical action.

In any case, many of my readers seem to have recognised, despite the propaganda in interviews and articles on modern medical advancements, that many treatments do not have the optimal effect and, in fact, cause new issues, such as bacterial resistance and allergies. Therefore, in the correspondence I receive, there is great interest in personally trying the easily obtainable substance in treating different conditions. On occasion, such treatment has achieved incredible results, as discussed in part two of the book. Also in the book, many aspects are considered on the properties of the substance and other possible uses, which I will cover in some detail.

Dr Jochen Gartz, May 2018

Part 1

Research on substances

Properties and particularities of hydrogen peroxide

In 1818, Louis Jacques Thénard (1777-1857), the French chemist, discovered H2O2 in an inorganic reaction. Mixing barium peroxide with acid, he obtained an aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution. The corrosive sulphuric acid proved to be particularly suitable, as the by-product created, barium sulphate, was insoluble and could be filtered. The hydrogen peroxide obtained became known as oxygenated water, given that oxygen was released in breakdown process and, to the surprise of researchers, only water remained. Almost immediately, its healing effect on wounds was accidently discovered and it started to be used in medicine.

In the early stages of hydrogen peroxide production, a significant discovery was made: a touch more sulphuric acid in the reaction resulted in a slightly acidic peroxide solution that was more stable than the pure substance. The latter quickly broke down when stored in glass bottles, which can easily be explained today: the alkaline substances in the glass dissolved and reacted with the hydrogen peroxide.

These initial observations closely relate to a question commonly posed in the correspondence I receive, which is whether or not the stabilisers currently used can be considered problematic.

Firstly, it should be said that stabilisation does not denature hydrogen peroxide. This question arises because some readers have seen similarities with the denaturing of alcohol, which, in the case of methanol and alcohol for medical use, cannot be drunk. However, the purpose of doing that is to make the alcohol less desirable and to avoid the heavy taxes that would be applicable were it declared a food product.

The fact is that all the different types and brands of oxygen peroxide in stores are stabilised. The non-stabilised peroxide is only used in few scientific studies and it is not available through the normal channels. Contrary to some beliefs, even the 35% hydrogen peroxide (“food grade”) used to disinfect food packaging is stabilised.

However, the problematic sulphuric acid has not been used now for many decades, as the production method based on barium peroxide has long been abandoned and the vast quantities of hydrogen peroxide produced today are, essentially, from the area of organic chemistry. Current processes start by storing atmospheric oxygen and, through a decomposition reaction, it is transformed into hydrogen peroxide. Stabilisers are added at a later stage.

The 3% pharmacy solution, for example, contains small amounts of phosphoric acid to stabilise it, which is an approved food additive (E338) found in high concentrations in Coca-Cola. If the solution is diluted down to 1% hydrogen peroxide, the acid will not be detectable on a pH test strip. These 1% solutions can be stored without deteriorating for four to eight weeks in a plastic container kept in a dark place at room temperature.

The higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide solutions (10% and 11%) on the market, normally contain phosphonic acids (phosphonates) of a similar composition. Furthermore, to stabilise higher concentrations up to 35%, small amounts of organic substances (chelating agents) are used that form compounds with metals, e.g., with iron ions, nullifying their effect.

When high percentage solutions are diluted with water, the active stabiliser concentration is reduced, but that also means that the mixtures obtained cannot be preserved for as long as the initial, more concentrated substances.

In any case, stabilisation is only relative, serving to sufficiently protect the reactive substance during its storage. Its function is to stop the release of oxygen, which could cause the bottle to explode. Its reactive capacity outside the bottle can be verified through a simple experiment. If a few millilitres of the pharmacy solution are poured down a drain, the hissing sound emitted as oxygen and water are formed in the decomposition process can instantly be heard. That is because the drainage tube contains several compounds, such as sulphur derivatives and metallic salts, and the stabiliser cannot stop the reaction given the high concentration of said agents.

Practical tips

Making a 1% solution

Mix two parts water (distilled or tap water, provided it doesn’t smell of chlorine) with one part 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Making a 3% solution

Mix six parts water (distilled or tap water, provided it doesn’t smell of chlorine) with three parts 10% hydrogen peroxide.

The 3% solution can also be obtained by diluting one part 30% solution with nine parts water.

Warning about using it as an enema

Using hydrogen peroxide as an enema for intestinal cleansing has sometimes been recommended. In the 1960s, a working group in Leipzig conducted experiments in this area on animals and they found cases of embolisms that could cause fatalities. It is unclear whether or not those results can be directly extrapolated to larger living beings, such as humans. However, to avoid running the risk, concentrations over 1% H2O2 must be avoided at all cost. In general, I advise against such use, as I fail to see any practical advantage.

The problem with a hydrogen peroxide ointment

The 1% to 15% aqueous hydrogen peroxide solutions already work on a very diverse range of infections (bacterial, fungal, or viral) through topical application and they stimulate blood flow. As the solutions only contain a small proportion of peroxide, their properties depend on the water content, which is why evaporation on the skin similar to that of water can be seen.

In the 1960s, the working groups of F. Hauschild and R. Ludewig in Leipzig demonstrated that hydrogen peroxide penetrates the upper layer of the skin extremely quickly without breaking down, and only then, due to the catalase enzyme, does it separate into very active atomic oxygen and water. The oxygen can continue to be detected for 24 hours and, for example, it appears as a white blemish on the skin when a 10% solution is applied. These observations show that the solution can be used without problem with cellulose and it continues to work.

However, there is a plethora of questions on how to produce a hydrogen peroxide ointment. Many people have complained that these questions have been met with a dismissive attitude in pharmacies; comments range from “it’s impossible” to “it’s too expensive”, and, at best, mere disinterest is shown. Of course, the lack of knowledge and the fear of failure both play a part in this, as the decomposition of the substance is well known. I have seen for myself the production problem. On one occasion, I saw a pharmacist in Switzerland attempting to produce an ointment of this kind. Due to the oxygen released during the breakdown process, the metal tube used expanded like a small balloon.

Apparently, it is only possible to produce an ointment if a small amount of ingredients is used, which, must also be resistant to oxidation and cannot contain catalysts that set off decomposition. Therefore, as a basis for an ointment, conventional mixtures of oil in water or water in oil, which are distinguished by their distinct fat content and inclusion of several substances that can decompose, are directly excluded.

Around twenty years ago, while testing different bases for an ointment, I discovered that only hydrogels guarantee stable and effective mixtures. In the process, a solid gelling agent is used that transforms the hydrogen peroxide solution, through mixing and stirring, into a gel. The results obtained are different depending on the amount of gelling agent used, ranging from ointments of high fluidity to others with a consistency of a cloudy, transparent pudding.

There are different kinds of gelling agents, but they must not contain organic substances, like gelatine, due to their breakdown capacity. The most suitable are those derived from synthetically modified natural cellulose, such as Klucel products, which relate, on a chemical level, to conventional wallpaper paste and are completely harmless. The different Klucel products coagulate in different ways and, therefore, both the amount to use and the thickness vary. In my own experiments, I found that Klucel H was particularly favourable. Hydrogen peroxide solutions of concentrations between 1% and 15% coagulate at room temperature within a few minutes when solid Klucel H is added in portions and stirred with a plastic spatula. Contrary to the beliefs of pharmacists, anyone can easily produce these hydrogels.

All these gels are easy to apply and they dry completely on the skin, while the gelling agent residue washes off easily with water. They are particularly recommended for small wounds.

The differences compared to aqueous solutions are that the gel does not run during application, the evaporation process is slower and the active ingredient can work for longer if a good layer of gel is applied.

Practical tips

Making a fluid gel

Mix 1.5 g of Klucel H in a plastic household container with 100 ml of 3% oxygen peroxide, and stir with a plastic spatula.

Making dense gel

Mix 5 g of Klucel H with 200 ml of 10% oxygen peroxide to obtain a dense gel. Using 6 g of Klucel H achieves a consistency more like that of a pudding.

Urea-hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can transform into an interesting solid substance that remains stable in dry conditions and has many uses. In 1906, using 30% hydrogen peroxide and a cold and concentrated urea solution, the company Merck began manufacturing a solid substance that, after filtering, was carefully dried at room temperature. It also dissolved easily in water.

In the company’s preliminary tests on inhibiting pathogenic bacteria, it was discovered that the product in a solution was much more effective than 30% hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol) alone. This substance is known as urea-hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide-urea and carbamide peroxide, among others.

Under the name urea-hydrogen peroxide, it is generally commercially available (e.g., from Carl Roth) in 1 g tablets without other additives. As such, the product is easy to dose and use. Also available are some very expensive mixtures originating from the veterinary field. These tablets do not solely comprise the substance and, despite their extensive watering down, they are still effective.

As mentioned in the introduction, urea-hydrogen peroxide in the form of an ointment was used to great success by the German forces during World War I to treat wounds. It helped to effectively reduce the number of tetanus cases, while also eliminating other infections and horrible smells, as well as significantly speeding up recovery time.

It is a low-toxicity product, like pure hydrogen peroxide, and a non-allergen. It is often used in industry, in denture cleaners and, in high doses, as a teeth whitener at dental clinics. It is also used as an easy-to-apply bleach at hair salons.

Commercial tablets do not contain any additional stabilisers, given that the urea acts as such, and they dissolve quickly and easily in water. The two substances form an adduct, in other words, they are directly joined by a reversible bond and, after dissolution, they return to their original state.

The high effectiveness of the solutions compared with pure hydrogen peroxide is explained by the potentiation, as both substances have a pharmacological effect. The urea distends the layers of the skin and encourages reabsorption of the active ingredients. As such, it is currently used as an auxiliary ingredient in ointments. If used in a high dosage, urea has exfoliating properties that are put to use in mixtures to treat calluses. Other effects, such as moisturising the skin, find good use in cosmetic mixtures.

Since the mid-1960s, urea-hydrogen peroxide had been on the market under the trade name Elawox, a powder based on potato starch (see the original information leaflet in the appendix). In a humid environment, the mixture released 10% hydrogen peroxide and not only did it have an excellent effect on bacterial, fungal and viral infections, but it also stimulated blood flow and enhanced the healing of wounds. Despite its effectiveness and the fact that it did not cause allergies or give rise to resistances, Elawox disappeared from the market without justification in 2008 during a restructuring process of the company Leipziger Arzneimittelwerk.

In addition to the useful powder product, there are other potential urea-hydrogen peroxide substances. For example, by mixing Klucel H with the urea compound in similar amounts to those of the hydrogen peroxide solution, hydrogels can be formed for dermatological use. To make a gel of this kind, go back to the instructions given in the previous chapter.

New therapeutic possibilities can also be attained by using the urea-hydrogen peroxide with organic solvents (alcohols). In this case, however, certain particularities arise that do not appear in aqueous solutions.

In essence, the volatile isopropanol can be used, which, diluted down to 70%, is the basis of many disinfectant products. The oily and non-volatile glycerine can also be used, which is often added to moisturising creams and soaps.

The urea-hydrogen peroxide solutions in both alcohols have unique properties and they remain in the same condition for years. As with the powder, they contain the pure, non-broken-down substance with no added water. As such, the urea and the hydrogen peroxide do not appear until they come into contact with damp skin. Furthermore, the alcohols may inhibit the catalase that causes the decomposition and the mixtures have a particularly long-lasting effect.

As isopropanol evaporates on the skin, the final concentration is much higher with the original solution. Therefore, the isopropanol solution is ideal for minor skin wounds, for example, on staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, but also for fungal diseases and pathogenic viral infections, such as herpes simplex. The same applies to the glycerine solution, which, additionally, is easier to apply and is not volatile, while having a longer-lasting effect. It can also be washed off easily with water. However, as regards both solutions, attention must be paid, as with the aqueous mixtures, to their capacity to bleach coloured materials.

The glycerine solution and its history, perfectly illustrate the resilience of some treatments in the field of medicine that have long been known to contain toxic substances. For example, mercury chromate –which combines in one molecule both hazardous mercury and chromate, poisonous to the kidneys–, was still used in France to treat wounds up until a few years ago. That was despite the fact that in 1946 it had been published that the glycerine solution was much more effective in treating wounds than chromate and other substances.