Kabbalah For Dummies - Arthur Kurzweil - E-Book

Kabbalah For Dummies E-Book

Arthur Kurzweil

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See how ancient Jewish mystical traditions and rituals can transform your life Kabbalah For Dummies presents a balanced perspective of Kabbalah as an "umbrella" for a complex assemblage of mystical Jewish teachings and codification techniques. Kabbalah For Dummies also shows how Kabbalah simultaneously presents an approach to the study of text, the performance of ritual and the experience of worship, as well as how the reader can apply its teaching to everyday life.

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Kabbalah For Dummies®

by Arthur Kurzweil

Kabbalah For Dummies®

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About the Author

A direct descendant of Rabbi Chaim Yosef Gottlieb (1790–1867), Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz (1555–1630), and Rabbi Moses Isserles (1530–1572), three revered rabbis and teachers of Kabbalah, Arthur Kurzweil frequently teaches the Talmud and introductory classes on Kabbalah to groups of adults in synagogues and other Jewish gatherings across America. He also currently serves as publisher at Parabola magazine.

Arthur is the author of On the Road with Rabbi Steinsaltz: 25 Years of Pre-Dawn Car Trips, Mind-Blowing Encounters, and Inspiring Conversations with a Man of Wisdom (Jossey-Bass). He’s also the author of the best-selling classic From Generation to Generation: How to Trace Your Jewish Genealogy and Family History (Jossey-Bass), co-editor of The Hadassah Jewish Family Book of Health and Wellness (Jossey-Bass), and editor of Best Jewish Writing 2003 (Jossey-Bass). He has also written My Generations: A Course in Jewish Family History (Behrman House), which is used in synagogue schools throughout the United States.

Arthur is the recipient of the Distinguished Humanitarian Award from the Melton Center for Jewish Studies at The Ohio State University for his unique contributions to the field of Jewish education. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies for his trailblazing work in the field of Jewish genealogy.

A member of the Society of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Magicians, Arthur frequently performs his one-man show “Searching for God in a Magic Shop,” in which he blends the performance of magic tricks with a serious discussion of Jewish theological ideas.

Visit Arthur’s Web site at www.arthurkurzweil.com.


To my parents, Saul and Evelyn Kurzweil,

Who in partnership with God brought me into this world, and who taught me the holy process of curiosity, (“There are three partners in man” [Talmud, Niddah 31a])

To my children, Moshe, Miriam, and Malya,

Who study and live the wisdom of Kabbalah, who have made me the wealthiest man in this world, and who are my greatest blessings. (“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” [The Five Books of Moses, Bamidbar 6:24])

To my soul mate, Bobby,

My partner in all the worlds. (“In how many days did the Holy One create the world?” “Six.” “And what has God been doing since then?” “Making matches, assigning this man to that woman, and this woman to that man.” [Midrash, Genesis Rabbah 68:4])

To my extraordinary Teacher,

Who nourishes me with Wisdom. When God wills it, may this wisdom usher me gently into the World to Come. (“But your teacher who taught you wisdom . . .” [Talmud, Bava Metzia, 33a])

Author’s Acknowledgments

Each morning I engage in a spiritual practice known for centuries to students of Kabbalah. This practice is simply the recitation of a brief prayer expressing gratitude to God, at the moment of my first conscious thoughts, for continuing to sustain my soul. I am always grateful for opportunities to express my gratitude.

I want to thank:

Chrissy Guthrie, my project editor: Thank you for your encouragement, patience, warmth, and, most of all, your guidance. You made this book better with every suggestion.

Elizabeth Rea, my copy editor: You’re proof, once again, that the unsung hero of book publishing is the copy editor, who takes a manuscript and vastly improves it.

Michael Lewis, my acquisitions editor: You encouraged me and believed in me from the very beginning. Thank you.

Alan Rinzler, my friend, mentor, and colleague: You suggested me for this project. For that, and for so much more, I will always be grateful.

Simcha Prombaum: Your friendship, your support, your insights, your guidance, and your words of Torah all nourish me and feel like gifts from Above.

Goldie Milgram: You’re such a gifted teacher; I admire your talents and your profound empathy for your students. Thank you for your help with this book.

Alan Zoldan: Your inspired creativity is always so impressive. Thanks for your suggestions and for your encouragement.

Gary Eisenberg, Richard Carlow, Ed Rothfarb, Marc Felix, Rick Blum, and Robin Bauer: When I add up the years that each of you has been my friend, it comes to over 200 years of love, spiritual explorations, mutual support, and countless blessings.

Mrs. Turnwall, Mrs. Combs, Miss Umanoff, Mrs. Custer, Mr. Joseph Kenneth Puglisi, Mr Stanley G. Heisey, Mr. Louis Krauss, Alida Roochvarg, Mr. David Christman, Dr.Robert Sobel, and Mr Irving Adelman: You were all beacons of light for my life, and I will remember you forever.

Rabbi Chaim Yosef Gottlieb (1790–1867), Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz (1555–1630), and Rabbi Moses Isserles (1530–1572): I have the great honor and also the awesome responsibility of being, in each case, your direct descendant. I have prayed to receive your blessings on this book, with the hope that it will be a successful part of my ongoing desire to share our inheritance with others.

My children, Malya, Miriam and Moshe: We discuss the profound ideas of Kabbalah with each other all the time. Fortunate and blessed is the father who can engage in the study of Torah with his children.

My brother, Ken Kurzweil: I’m more secure knowing that you’re always there to help me with a computer problem. And special thanks for studying the great spiritual Jewish poets — B. Dylan and L. Cohen — with me.

Ruth Rothwax: Thank you for your love and for the many ways you have helped me.

My parents, Saul and Evelyn Kurzweil: Thank you for studying the Torah of life with me. Since my earliest years we’ve been discussing the great eternal questions together. Thank you for being my most important role models. I am grateful to be your son.

Bobby Dor, love of my life: You helped me with your insights, with our countless conversations about spiritual matters, with your suggestions, with your profound love, and with a delicious feta cheese and tomato omelet whenever I wanted one.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who keeps us alive, sustains us, and permits us to reach this season.

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, Ram Dass, the Bobover Rebbe, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and Elie Wiesel: How fortunate and blessed I have been to be in your presence, to sit at your feet, and to drink up your words of Torah.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

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About This Book

Conventions Used in This Book

What You’re Not to Read

Foolish Assumptions

How This Book Is Organized

Icons Used in This Book

Where to Go from Here

Part I : So, What’s the Big Secret? Unmasking Kabbalah

Chapter 1: What Is Kabbalah?

Getting to Know Kabbalah, “The Received Tradition”

Hey, What Are the Big Ideas?

A Constant Search for God

Who Can Study Kabbalah?

Different Approaches to the Study of Kabbalah

Picking a Kabbalah that Works for You

Chapter 2: Magic, Mishegas, and Other Things that Kabbalah Isn’t

Setting the Record Straight

Trying to Figure Out Who’s Legit and Who’s Not

Chapter 3: Looking Back: A Brief History of Kabbalah

Kabbalists in the Bible

Kabbalah in the Rabbinic Period

Thriving in Spain in the 13th Century

Coming of Age in the Mystical City of Tzfat

The Bigger You Are, The Harder You Fall: The Shabbatai Tzvi Affair

The Great Revival: Hasidism

Kabbalah Today

Part II : Cutting to the Core of Kabbalah

Chapter 4: The Link between Heaven and Earth: Kabbalah’s Own Top-Ten Countdown

Seeing below the World’s Surface

The Ten Fundamental Forces that Sustain the World

Ways to Look at the Tree of Life

Pulling the Strings of Existence: The Work of the Kabbalist

Chapter 5: Everything (Even a Traffic Jam) Is for the Best

How Can Everything Possibly Be for the Best?

Getting the Words Right: Gam Zu L’Tovah

Don’t Confuse Acceptance with Passivity

Training Oneself to See Like a Kabbalist

Picking up the Pieces: In the Beginning a Vessel Was Shattered

Figuring Out Individual Divine Assignments

Chapter 6: Our Bodies Don’t Have Souls; Our Souls Have Bodies

A Spark of God in Everyone

Getting to the Soul of the Matter

Descent for the Sake of Ascension — That’s Life

Introducing the Four Worlds of Kabbalah

Going Up? The Soul’s Journey of Five Levels

Chapter 7: Like Déjà Vu All Over Again: Reincarnation in Kabbalah

What Is Reincarnation?

Birth and Death (Also known as Homecoming and Graduation)

Understanding the Significance of Reincarnation to Kabbalah

Chapter 8: Instant Karma’s Gonna Get You

Everything Has Meaning — Everything

Angels: The Kabbalistic Key to Karma

Suffering Hurts but Isn’t Random: The Kabbalistic View

Part III : Livin’ La Vida Kabbalah

Chapter 9: Living One Day at a Time

Three Daily Tasks of the Kabbalist

Waking Up

Getting Washed and Dressed

Offering Prayers and Meditation

Grabbing a Bite

Repairing the World

Bed Sheets and Balance Sheets: Ending the Day

Chapter 10: Living One Week at a Time

The End of the Week Is also the Beginning

Keeping Your Eye on the Sabbath

Preparing to Receive the Gift of the Sabbath

Greeting the Sabbath the Kabbalistic Way

Transforming the Shabbat Dinner Table into a Holy Altar

Observing and Enjoying the Sabbath

Saying Goodbye to the Sabbath: A Fond and Fragrant Farewell

Gearing Up for the Sabbath All Over Again

Chapter 11: A Year in the Life of a Kabbalist

Ringing in the New Year without a Noisemaker

Ten Days in the Early Fall for Introspection and Turning

The Day of “At-One-Ment”

Acknowledging with Joy That Life Is Temporary

Meditating on Light for Eight Days

Seeing God in Everything

Liberating Oneself from Narrowness

A 49-day Kabbalistic Meditation on the Ascent to God

Receiving God’s Teachings Constantly

Mourning the Loss of Wholeness

Celebrating Birthdays Kabbalisticly

Chapter 12: A Kabbalist’s Life Cycle

Beginning with a Bang: Birth

Coming of Age Kabbalistically

Kabbalistic Marriage

Death and Dying in Kabbalah

Part IV : Fine-tuning the Essential Skills of the Kabbalist

Chapter 13: Discovering the Kabbalistic Books that Really Matter

The Essential Kabbalah Library

Other Classic Books Worth Adding to the Collection

Don’t Forget a Few Hasidic Books

Chapter 14: Hitting the Books — and Kissing Them: Studying Like a Kabbalist

When Kabbalists Hit the Books, They Really Hit Them!

Understanding the Importance of Study in Kabbalah

Where and When Do I Begin?

Can I Study Kabbalah in English? (You Already Are!)

When the Student is Ready: Finding a Good Teacher

Pairing with a Study Buddy

Studying Ancient Scripture: The Torah

Discussing Life’s Issues with the Sages: The Talmud

Chapter 15: Praying Like a Kabbalist

An Overview of Prayer in the Life of a Kabbalist

How to Imagine an Unimaginable God While Praying

Addressing God Directly

Speaking Most Public Prayer in the Plural

Inner Attitude Is What Counts

The Kabbalist’s Prayer Book

A Kabbalist’s Daily Prayer Routine

Chapter 16: Knowing the Unknowable God

Understanding that You Can’t Understand is the First Step Toward Understanding

What Kabbalists Know about God, Even Though They Know Nothing about God

Developing a Personal Relationship with an Unfathomable God (Yes, It Can Be Done)

Calling God by Name (Even Though God’s Nameless)

Part V : The Part of Tens

Chapter 17: (Almost) Ten Myths about Studying Kabbalah

You Have to Be a Man

You Have to Be Married

You Have to Be an Orthodox Jew

You Have to at Least Be Jewish

You Have to Be Over 40

You Have to Buy Expensive Books in Hebrew

You Have to Follow a Dress Code

You Have to Know Hebrew

Chapter 18: Ten Great Kabbalists in History



Rabbi Akiva

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

Rabbi Isaac Luria, the Holy Ari

The Shelah HaKodesh, Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz

Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov

The Vilna Gaon

Rabbi Adin Steinstaltz

What? How Could You Have Left Out . . .

Chapter 19: Ten Places that Kabbalists Visit



Meron, Israel

Holy Gravesites in the Holy Land

Holy Gravesites in Europe

A Holy Gravesite in the United States

The Mikvah

The Synagogue

The Bedroom

Here and Now

Part VI : Appendixes

Appendix A: Books and Authors You’ll Thank Me for Recommending

The Books of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

The Thirteen Petalled Rose by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

The Way of Splendor: Jewish Mysticism and Modern Psychology by Edward Hoffman

The Books of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

Souls on Fire by Elie Wiesel

91⁄2 Mystics: The Kabbala Today by Rabbi Herbert Weiner

Kabbalah: Selections from Classic Kabbalistic Works by Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Finkel

The Artscroll Prayer Book

Mishneh Torah: Yesodei HaTorah by the Rambam

The Fundamentals of Jewish Mysticism by Rabbi Leonard Glotzer

Appendix B: Patriarchs, Swindlers, Prophets, and Sinners: Meet 100 Torah Characters

Appendix C: A Glossary of Everything Kabbalah


Kabbalah is the theology of the Jewish people; it is the way Judaism understands God and the relationship between God and the world. For Kabbalists, all the laws, customs, practices, holidays, and rituals of Judaism are best understood in light of the Kabbalistic teachings about God and of what it is that God wants from humans.

Over the centuries, Kabbalah has become more and more systematized. Brilliant Jewish sages have explored, developed, and refined Jewish theology to the point at which, in the last six centuries, Kabbalah has become a distinct system of ideas, beliefs, technical terminology, and values with its own history, great personalities, controversies, and vocabulary. But Kabbalah, which means “the received tradition,” has always been an integral part of Jewish religious and spiritual life.

Like other studies of divinity and spirituality, Kabbalah deals with ultimate questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? What for? Why?

About This Book

Kabbalah is often thought to be a secret study occupying the minds of elite students throughout the ages. But the “secrets” of Kabbalah aren’t the typical kind in which information is revealed to the few.

There are two kinds of secrets:

Secrets that are kept from the public: When revealed, these secrets are recognized for what they are: clever illusions that, once revealed, can never fool again. Whatever “mysteries” the illusions once held disappear.

Real secrets that are available for all to see: When real secrets are explored, they become deeper and more profound. They become richer and give birth to even greater secrets while their revelations illuminate the world. Such are the so-called “secrets” of Kabbalah.

My goal in writing this book is to help set the record straight and to inform the general public about what Kabbalah is — and also what Kabbalah isn’t.

In recent years Kabbalah has become a pop culture phenomenon, a development that’s resulted in the spread of tremendous inaccuracies and misinformation about the subject. This book is for those who are curious about the subject as well as for those who sincerely want to begin to grasp some of the profound teachings of Kabbalah and to integrate Kabbalistic wisdom into their daily lives.

Unfortunately, some books represent Kabbalah as a New Age, mystical practice dealing with amulets, obscure forms of meditation, superstition, and occult practices. Some books on Kabbalah separate Kabbalah from Judaism, misinforming well-meaning students and encouraging them to think of Kabbalah as a general philosophy of life rather than as a spiritual practice inextricably integrated into Jewish law, ritual, prayer, and study.

Kabbalah For Dummies explains in plain English both the major abstract ideas of Kabbalah as well as the Kabbalistic practices that are part of daily Jewish life. Although the study of Kabbalah can be a major commitment that influences a practitioner’s entire life, a person can pick up on many profound approaches to life just by considering the ideas and perspectives of Kabbalah.

Conventions Used in This Book

Because Kabbalah is a complex and often controversial topic, I had to establish a few conventions while writing to keep things as fair and simple as possible. As you’re reading Kabbalah For Dummies, please keep in mind my conventions regarding the following:

References to God: Kabbalistic notions about God include the fundamental belief that the Almighty doesn’t have a gender, so whenever possible, I refrain from referring to God using masculine pronouns. However, the primary language of Judaism, Hebrew, doesn’t have a neutral gender, so most Hebrew nouns are masculine. In addition, although there’s a female term that indicates God’s indwelling presence in the world, the male forms of God’s names have their own spiritual significance (Kabbalistic tradition has many names for God, as I explain in Chapter 16). In Jewish prayers, for example, God is referred to as “He.” This isn’t sexism; God is neither He nor She, so please don’t be offended when God is referred to as “He.”

The word “Kabbalist”: Throughout this book I refer to things that Kabbalists do or believe. In reality, none of the great (or even not-so-great) Kabbalists ever referred to themselves as Kabbalists. All the great Kabbalists throughout history have been Jews, more specifically traditional, observant Jews. In today’s terms, they’d probably be called Orthodox Jews.

I use the term “Kabbalist” through this book to refer to those people, great sages, or everyday people like me who integrate into their lives the beautiful Jewish practices and profound ideas that are part of Jewish tradition and have explicit connection to Jewish theological — and therefore Kabbalistic — ideas.

A great sage is referred to as a Kabbalist because he wrote about or taught the theology of Judaism and was specifically interested in using the vocabulary and essential ideas contained in the theological, esoteric explorations of Judaism. Even today, teachers who are considered masters of Kabbalah aren’t generally known as Kabbalists; instead, the term mekubal (meh-koo-bahl) indicates that a certain teacher is a qualified teacher of Kabbalah and is known for his or her Kabbalistic teachings.

Hasidism: In recent centuries, there have been two streams of Kabbalah study.

• One is represented by the great rabbi born in the year 1720 known as Rabbi Elijah (also known as the Vilna Gaon). He saw Kabbalah as a subject reserved for study only by the best students.

• The other is represented by the great rabbi born around the same time, in 1698, known as Rabbi Israel (also known as the Baal Shem Tov). The thrust of his teaching was to bring the wisdom and practice of Kabbalah to the average person, not just to the elite scholar. This effort is called Hasidism.

In this book, many of the sages that I quote and many of the Kabbalistic practices that I address come from Hasidism, which is basically the effort during the last few centuries within Judaism to bring Kabbalah to the masses. Because Kabbalah For Dummies is an effort to explain Kabbalah to as many people as possible, it’s filled with teachings from Hasidism, which is Kabbalah for everyone.

Dates: I don’t use the abbreviations BC and AD to indicate dates in this book because these designations measure time in relation to Christian history. Rather, I use BCE, which means “Before the Common Era” and CE, which means “Common Era.” For example, the year that Columbus discovered America would be indicated as 1492 CE.

Gender equality: Religious groups throughout history have defined participatory roles for men and women in a number of ways. Throughout this book, I’ve tried to approach subjects from a starting point that assumes that both men and woman can participate in all Jewish rituals. However, it’s important to note that the Kabbalistic tradition isn’t gender neutral; it maintains that men and women are spiritually different. When men and women honor and celebrate these differences through practices and roles unique to each gender, they fully realize the deeper spiritual dimension of their lives and the unique contributions to the world that emanate from these different spiritual places.

Pronunciation of Hebrew words: Many Hebrew words and phrases appear throughout this book, and because not everyone’s familiar with the language, I’ve offered pronunciation help. The syllable that has the accent is always in italics. But you should be aware that there are two ways to pronounce many Hebrew words:

• Ashkenazic: This is the Eastern European pronunciation that’s used in most Orthodox synagogues. An example is Shabbos (shah-bus; Sabbath), with the accent on the first syllable.

• Sephardic: This is the modern Israeli pronunciation that’s used in most liberal synagogues in the United States. An example is Shabbat (shah-baht; Sabbath), with the accent on the second syllable.

As you can see from the examples, not only are the pronunciations of the sounds different, but the accented syllable is also different. It isn’t unusual for someone today to bounce back and forth between pronunciations. In the traditional Jewish world I’ve live in for the past 25 years, pronunciation of Hebrew words is generally Ashkenazic. But the modern Israeli pronunciation also has a great influence, and some of my pronunciations reflect this. For example, I sometimes find myself saying both “Shabbos” and “Shabbat” on the Sabbath, sometimes within mere moments of each other. In this book, I mostly use the transliteration and pronunciation commonly used in Israel, but sometimes, especially if it has become common usage, I give the Ashkenazic pronunciation.

By the way, another example of varied pronunciation is the word “Kabbalah.” The Ashkenazic pronunciation is kuh-bah-lah, whereas the modern Israeli pronunciation is kah-bah-lah.

What You’re Not to Read

If you have the time and inclination to read this book from cover to cover, by all means, get to it! However, if you’re only looking for the most helpful, most essential facts and explanations, you can skip the sidebars, which appear in shaded gray boxes throughout this book. They’re interesting (I hope!) anecdotes and pieces of information that supplement the text but aren’t essential for an understanding of the topics being explored.

Foolish Assumptions

When writing this book, I had to make some assumptions about you, dear reader. First off, I don’t assume that you’re Jewish, nor do I assume that you want to be. And although Kabbalah is just as much a spiritual practice as a spiritual theory, I don’t assume that you want to engage in each and every practice.

Following are some additional assumptions I’ve made. If you fit into any of these categories, this book is for you:

You’ve heard about Kabbalah and are curious about it, perhaps because some showbiz personality has said that he or she is studying it or because it was a part of your general education but you don’t have a firm grasp of what it’s all about.

You want to know more about Kabbalah, whether you’re religious or not.

You know little or nothing about Jewish religious practice, which is really the framework of Kabbalah.

Like so many people, you’ve tried to understand what life is all about, and you’ve heard that Kabbalah has its own approach to the big, eternal questions of life.

You’ve heard about some things that the media claims are part of Kabbalah (like wearing a red string around your wrist or drinking Kabbalah water), and you want to know if there’s any truth or authentic basis to these things.

You’re a spiritual seeker, and you’ve heard that Kabbalah is a spiritual approach to life.

You know people who are “into Kabbalah” and you want to understand them better.

You may or may not be Jewish, but you’re curious about Jews who call themselves Hasidic, which means they live a religious lifestyle based on the principles and practices of Kabbalah.

You’ve been told that Kabbalah is a secret tradition, and you want to know what the secret is all about.

You’re Jewish but feel that the Judaism you know is lacking in spirituality — and you’ve been led to believe that Kabbalah is the spiritual path (and sometimes even called the soul) of Judaism.

How This Book Is Organized

I organized this book so that you can skip around easily. In order to help you get in, get the information you need, and get out without reading cover to cover, I divided the book into parts that give you one piece of the Kabbalah picture at a time.

Part I: So, What’s the Big Secret? Unmasking Kabbalah

This part provides you with the basics. First, you get an overview of the entire subject, in particular its major ideas and concepts. Because Kabbalah has evolved over the centuries and is populated by many key teachers throughout the ages, a history of Kabbalah is a must. Although I’ve taken great pains to avoid technical language, Kabbalah, like every field of study, has its own unique terms and vocabulary. This part introduces these terms with clear explanations. And because so much misinformation floats around about Kabbalah, I explore and explain what Kabbalah isn’t.

Part II: Cutting to the Core of Kabbalah

Every worldview, philosophy, and religion has assumptions, and Kabbalah is no exception. This part presents what I would say are the two major assumptions at the heart of Kabbalah: The world is in need of repair, and the human soul is eternal. These two assumptions also have a connection to each other: The work of the human soul is to use its body to repair the world. This part explores how Kabbalists participate in repairing the world as well as the nature and journey of the human soul.

Part III: Livin’ La Vida Kabbalah

This part puts the theory of Kabbalah into practice. Kabbalah isn’t just an abstract philosophy, and it isn’t just a system of ideas. Kabbalah is a way of life. There are things Kabbalists do every day, every week, every year, and throughout their lives, from birth to death. These acts and others give expression to the profound and eternal ideas taught by the great sages of Kabbalah. The chapters in this part cover the major activities, celebrations, and rituals that make up the life of a Kabbalist.

Part IV: Fine-tuning the Essential Skills of the Kabbalist

In this part, I define and explore the two almost-constant activities of Kabbalists: study and prayer. Both activities are expressions of one’s relationship to God; the study of the holy books of Kabbalah and the recitation of daily prayers define the ongoing conversation that Kabbalists have with God. This part concludes with an in-depth look at the Kabbalistic view of God, known to Kabbalists as the Infinite One.

Part V: The Part of Tens

Every For Dummies book has a Part of Tens. This part consists of interesting lists people, places, and myths related to Kabbalah. With so much misinformation floating around about Kabbalah, I take on the ten biggest myths circulating in books and in the media. I move on to well-known Kabbalists throughout the ages, of which the cream of the crop are easily identifiable. Even though the well-known artist, Madonna, whose work I enjoy and admire, doesn’t belong in such a list, she’s the first person who comes to mind for many people who know little about Kabbalah, so I discuss her in this part. And because there are many places around the globe of particular interest to Kabbalists, this part contains an enlightening Kabbalistic travelogue. I wrap up this collection of lists with my top recommendations of Kabbalistic books and authors.

Part VI: Appendixes

Here I’ve included a few more handy items that didn’t really fit elsewhere in the book but are important just the same. Appendix A is a list of books and authors related to Kabbalah, Appendix B is a breakdown of the important characters in the Torah, and Appendix C is a convenient glossary of all things Kabbalah.

Icons Used in This Book

All For Dummies books feature icons (little pictures that grab your attention) in the margins to serve you well. Think of them as road signs pointing to different kinds of information in the chapters.

Kabbalistic ideas are often well-documented in holy books, but an essential transmission of Kabbalah moves from teacher to student. This icon alerts you to specific teachings that I’ve received from my Kabbalah teachers and that I want to share with you.

This icon alerts to you concepts, terms, and ideas that are of particular importance. Keep the points marked with this icon in mind, and you can’t go wrong.

This icon points out helpful information that you can use to put Kabbalah to practice into your daily life. It also points out a good way to understand a particular concept.

This icon highlights pitfalls or misconceptions about Kabbalah. Be sure to read this information!

This icon highlights instances in which I quote directly from classic Kabbalistic sources. These sources are English translations of insights and observations made by some of the greatest sages in Jewish and, therefore, Kabbalistic history.

Where to Go from Here

The classic books of Kabbalah don’t begin at the beginning; throughout the ages, students of Kabbalah have jumped into a holy book at any point and started swimming through it. In fact, when studying a book of Kabbalah, it often isn’t until the second time around that the reader begins to really understand the depths of the text. Often, concepts build upon each other, and it isn’t until a student grasps a certain idea that he or she can start building ideas upon ideas.

Kabbalah For Dummies works in a similar way — it doesn’t necessarily begin at the beginning. Like Kabbalists throughout history, why not just jump in wherever you want to begin? Although I’ve tried to provide a useful introduction to the entire subject in Chapter 1, you can just look through the table of contents and pick out something of special interest. For example, if you’ve studied Eastern religions, you know that reincarnation is a fundamental notion, and so you may be interested in the Kabbalistic take on the topic in Chapter 7.

Bob Dylan once wrote the lyric that he doesn’t want to learn something that he has to “unlearn.” Unfortunately, many false notions and half truths about Kabbalah circulate these days, so you may want to first clean the slate and “unlearn” what you’ve heard by turning to Chapter 2, which tells you what Kabbalah isn’t. And you may want to supplement that information with Chapter 17’s take on myths about studying Kabbalah.

But wherever you begin, get ready to enter a profound worldview that has inspired and sustained countless spiritual seekers since time immemorial.

Part I

So, What’s the Big Secret? Unmasking Kabbalah

In this part . . .

Sometimes it’s essential to find out what a topic isn’t before finding out what it is. Without a doubt, a lot of misconceptions are floating around about Kabbalah; some have been misleading people for centuries, and others have popped up more recently. To help you start to really understand Kabbalah and what makes Kabbalists tick, this part lets you get some fundamentals under your belt, look back at the history of Kabbalah, and sweep away some of the big myths that are just downright distracting.

Chapter 1

What Is Kabbalah?

In This Chapter

Understanding Kabbalah as a part of Judaism

Delving into some of the major Kabbalistic ideas

Explaining the rules of Kabbalah study

Choosing among different Kabbalah movements

Kabbalah is the part of Judaism that deals with the understanding of God, Creation, the relationship between God and God’s Creation, and the nature and way of the soul. Kabbalah is concerned with questions of good and evil, death and the afterlife, and the spiritual aspects of existence. It’s often described as but it goes far beyond the mystical aspects of Judaism. Kabbalah is central to Jewish belief and its spiritual practices.

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