Ladies Weight Loss Programme - Parvesh Handa - E-Book

Ladies Weight Loss Programme E-Book

Parvesh Handa

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How to lose weight and maintain it through life

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LadiesWeight LossProgramme

Parvesh Handa

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Lovingly dedicated to

Respected Guru Dev

Dr. Pt. Manmohan Shastri Ji

of Babyal, Ambala Cantt.

for his constant Gifts of Light, Life, Inspirations


Divine True Love

A few words about this book

If you want to slim down and stay attractive and healthy — then this is the book for you.

It is a programme that will guide you gently into a new way of eating that does not unbalance your body This book describes how you may control ageing and keep your body fit with the help of various techniques: simple movements, yoga, massage, exercise and gymnastics, and latest medical facts on diet and nutrition, without unpleasant side effects.

Exercise is a vital ingredient of life. It helps you to lay firm ground to build a beautiful slim and trim body. Various weight loss exercises for the whole body have been discussed in detail in this book. Besides, it teaches a style of eating and learning to select low-calorie foods. It suggests many ways in which day-to-day eating habits may be modified in the pursuit of slimness and good health.

Pregnancy and menopause are important phases in a woman’s life when a lot of care has to be taken to keep the body healthy, youthful and slim. The last chapters contain effective exercises designed to make pregnancy more comfortable, labour and childbirth less painful, and sex life enjoyable with the help of prenatal and post-natal exercise programs illustrated with photographs. Special post-natal exercises and food regimens have been designed to help you get back in shape gradually after childbirth.

—Parvesh Handa


1. Routine Slimming Programme for Beginn ers

2. Programme to Treat Obesity

3. Programme to Fight Watery Overweight

4. Programme to Beat Cellulite

5. Essential Supplements for Fat Burning Programme

6. Recommended Dietary Allowance Programme and Slimming

7. Massage Programme for Slimming

8. Weight Loss Exercise Programme

9. Yoga Programme for Weight Loss

10. Diet Programme for Weight Loss

11. Diet and Nutrition Programme

12. Programme for Pregnancy and Post-natal Body Care


Routine Slimming Programme for Beginners

Tips for beginners

Exercises should be done in open air, or in a well-ventilated room.

Wear clothes of lightest description — shorts, for preference.

Concentration when exercising is very important. Close the eyes and visualise the particular, affected muscle or set of muscles you intend to treat. Do not allow the mind to wander during exercise.

You need complete relaxation after exercising.

Breathing must be through the nose — on no account should the mouth be used for breathing.

All exercise movements must be performed slowly and without jerks.

Muscle exercise is important. Particular muscle or set of muscles should be contracted with vigour for a second or two. The process may be repeated until the muscles become slightly tired. Remember, fatigue must be avoided.

The best time for exercise is early in the morning before taking a bath.

Do not exercise within an hour of a meal.

Give the muscles rest for a day in the week.

Exercise with the feeling and intention that the body shall benefit.

The ideal form of diet should consist of five parts carbohydrates, one part each of albumin (meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, peas, beans, etc) and fat (butter, oil, egg-yolk, nuts, etc.). Eat plenty of raw fresh fruit and vegetables in the form of salads.

Cook foods preferably in a fireproof glass casserole so as to conserve the vitamins.

Fresh food should be preferred to canned, frozen and preserved foods. Use brown sugar instead of white. Don’t eat polished rice. Potatoes should be boiled, baked or roasted in their skins.

Cod-liver oil is beneficial for growing children involved in regular practice of exercising.

Drink a glass of plain cold water after exercise in the morning and about six to eight glasses during the day.

Eat either an apple or an orange, or begin breakfast with raw fresh fruit after having a glass of water in the morning.

Wear light, breathable underclothing in winter and summer.

Avoid tight-fitting clothes or tight-fitting shoes. Do not overload yourself with heavy clothing.

Take bath after exercise and before breakfast.

A cold shower bath is beneficial. Warm bath should be taken once a week before going to bed.

Sun bathing should not be indulged in by those of a nervous temperament or by those suspected to have had tuberculosis, without consulting a doctor. The exposure to sun should not be for more than ten minutes in the beginning. Gradually, increase the duration.

Tips to fight overweight

What makes people overweight?

Overeating is the sole cause for overweight. In other words, total caloric intake exceeds total caloric needs.

How does a glandular disorder cause overweight?

Glandular disorders very rarely cause overweight. The majority of obese people are overweight because they eat more food than they need.

What are the harmful effects of taking a very large quantity of thyroid extract in an attempt to reduce weight?

If excessive quantity of thyroid extract is taken, the metabolic rate may increase beyond normal limits, and the patient may develop a condition similar to hyperthyroidism, which may lead to heart damage.

Should injections be taken for weight reduction?

Some doctors administer injections to help patients reduce weight. These medications usually consist of diuretic drugs and their results are only temporary because they cause water loss rather than loss of weight due to a decrease in fat tissue. There is no permanent weight loss from its use. There is no harmful effect of injections in case of temporary medication. However, if the treatment is continued for a longer period, this may seriously alter the chemical body reactions.

What is the permanent treatment to lose weight?

There are a few medicines to reduce appetite temporarily enabling the patient to take less food, but their effect is seldom long lasting.

What are the medicines to lose appetite?

Most of the drugs belong to the amphetamine group such as Benzedrine, Dexedrine, etc. They often make people less hungry. There are also certain cellulose products that are bulk producers and are supposed to give the patient the sensation that his/her stomach is full. Amphetamines are habit-forming medicines and should be avoided.

Is the effect of these medicines harmful?

Both amphetamines and cellulose products can be very harmful and their use should be limited.

What is the role of physical exercise in weight loss?

Exercise plays an important role in weight loss. Short, irregular spurts of activity are ineffective, but regular supervised exercise will definitely produce weight loss.

What is the best way to lose weight?

To eat proper, balanced, medically approved, low-caloric diet.

Should all obese people lose weight?

Seek advice of a doctor. Many people suffering from ulcers or other intestinal upsets should lose weight gradually under close medical supervision.

Is obesity hereditary?

Obesity is often influenced by environment. A child who grows up in a family of heavy eaters is likely to become a heavy eater himself and therefore, will tend to become obese.

Why certain people in the habit of eating huge quantity of food tend to remain thin?

These people may appear to eat tremendously, but actually they eat foods of low caloric value. Also, they are seen to be physically active and burn up more calories.

Sometimes, there are people who eat large quantity of food but lose weight on account of suffering from diabetes and hyperthyroidism.

Why some people fail to lose weight even when they diet strenuously?

Studies reveal that some people do not diet as carefully or take sufficiently low amount of caloric intake as required. It has been found that it is extremely rare for a patient to adhere to a prescribed diet, and usually he fails to lose weight.

Will all overweight people who diet properly lose weight?

Yes, provided their caloric intake is less than their caloric need. If the diet is of low caloric value, it causes weight loss. If the diet is unbalanced, it may cause serious vitamin or protein deficiencies.

Why do women often put on weight at menopause

There is lesser calorie need in women when they grow older. They need a hundred fewer calories a day for each ten years they advance beyond middle age.

What is the relationship between the length of life span and obesity

Longevity is decreased in direct proportion to the degree of obesity.

Is there any relationship between emotional state of a person and his/her weight

Emotionally upset people usually remain under tension, resulting in sometimes overeating and many times under-eating.

What is the relationship between being overweight and coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is seen more among obese people and in those who eat high-fat diet.

What is cholesterol

It is fatty substance found in certain foods and also in blood. The cholesterol level varies in different people. The body produces its own cholesterol.

What type of fatty foods should be avoided

Animal fats, because vegetable fats do not seem to cause much harm. Prefer a diet that is composed of two-third part fruit, vegetables, cereals and whole grains. Only one-third of your calories should come from meat and dairy products. Cut the fat. Three principal important dietary factors have an impact on blood cholesterol levels. Saturated fat elevates blood cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fat lowers blood cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol contributes to elevate blood cholesterol to a lesser degree than saturated fat. Saturated fat comprises of meat, butter, cheese and hydrogenated oil. Wherever possible, replace these items with fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products and polyunsaturated oils such as corn, safflower and soya bean.

What is the role of exercise to decrease the level of cholesterol in bloodi

Exercise decreases the build up of cholesterol blockage inside arteries. Exercise increases the body’s ability to clear fat from the blood after meals. Take garlic and onions. Raw garlic can reduce harmful blood fats. Cut back on coffee. Smoking, too, increases cholesterol levels in blood. Tobacco smoking has a tendency to cut one’s appetite. It is seen many who stop smoking will reach out for a sweet instead of a cigarette and ultimately start gaining weight.

Should people who are dieting strenuously take vitamin supplements

They should, if they are on an unbalanced weight-reducing diet. However, a well-balanced, weight-reducing diet will not require the addition of vitamins.

Why do some people become constipated while they are on a weight-reducing diet

This occasionally happens because the total mass of food intake reduces. Seek medical advice in order to aid bowel evacuation.

Should children as well as adults go on low-calorie diets to lose weight

It is very important for children to maintain normal weight. If children develop poor eating habits and become obese in childhood, it will be much more difficult for them to stay thin when they mature.

Will it harm the body if there is loss in weight too quickly

It will be very harmful for health.

What are the harmful effects on obese people as compared to thin people

Obese people tend to get high blood pressure and diabetes more often. They develop tumours and cancers more frequently as compared to thin people.

Should salt be restricted in weight-reducing diets?

Salt restriction permits a greater loss of fluid and therefore, a greater weight loss. This, however, is a temporary loss.

Does drinking of alcoholic beverages tend to produce obesity?

An average drink contains about a hundred calories and also serves to stimulate appetite.

How it is possible to carry out spot reducing?

All of the advertisements offering losing weight in certain areas of the body are fallacious. There is no efficient method of taking off weight in a particular area of the anatomy.

What are the common causes for being underweight?

These include chronic infections or diseases (such as tuberculosis, kidney ailments and liver disorder, etc.), glandular imbalance (such as excess activity of thyroid gland or malfunctioning of pituitary gland), neurotic manifestations (lack of taste for eating), poor eating habits associated with an irregular lifestyle, excess physical activities and too little sleep.

Do emotions play any part in causing underweight?

People under great emotional strain may eat less and lose weight.

What is the best way to gain weight?

Eat more calories than used. Foods containing higher calories are cream, eggs, carbohydrates, butter, etc. Develop a habit of taking four to five meals a day instead of the usual three. If being underweight has a psychological cause, attempt to eliminate it.

Do vitamin pills help increase weight?

Not if the vitamin intake in the diet is normal.

What are the medications that can aid one to eat more?

There are stimulants that may increase the appetite, but their effectiveness is not very satisfactory.

What type of diet should I choose to become thini

Eating too little will not make you thin. Ignore all the fad diets and very low-cal diets; these will make you fat and miserable. Don’t skip meals — the optimum diet plan is five regular, small meals a day. Make a habit to eat at short intervals in the day and keep dinner as a light snack. Low fat and high fibre is the only way to go. Try to eat foods which derive no more than 20% of their calories from fat. Remember that one gram of fat equals nine calories. You need to follow the healthy eating pyramid guidelines, which recommends that the largest part of your diet (say between 30-45%) should come from whole grains like cereals, brown bread, rice and pasta. Vegetables should form 15-25% of your daily intake, followed by fruits (10-15%). Dairy products and meats should not increase more than 10% each in your diet. Added fats, oils and sweets should not be more than 5%.

What is the best weight-reducing plañí

Slow weight loss is the best. The biggest problem with traditional weight loss diets is the nutritional deficiency which undermines your immune system, promotes diseases and also makes you fat. If your diet lacks vitamins and minerals, your body will want to eat more to make up for the deficiency.

Why do diets make us fat?

Our body has its own set point — a weight at which the body happily settles. Put on weight and it responds by burning energy faster. Lose weight and it burns calories more slowly in an effort to hang on to the set point. Reduce your daily calories level only a little, not more than 20%. The only way not to trigger your body’s defence of its set point is to lose about Vi kg to 1 kg a week. When you start that reduction, cut those calories from fat.

What is the fastest way to burn fat?

Strenuous swimming burns four times more calories than strenuous running. Stick to the more energetic form crawl. Sauna bath (steam bath) is equally important to lose weight. 15 minutes of sitting in a sauna equals to 2 km. of running. Consistency is the key to successful fat-burning, so it is essential to choose activities that you enjoy and that fit in with your lifestyle. If aerobic classes leave you cold, choose a form of exercise that suits you — it might be power walking, playing tennis or half-an-hour on a stair-climber. If you intend to join a gym, choose one that is within walking distance of your residence.

What is the difference between hunger and appetite?

Hunger is the body’s requirement for food and is influenced by physical needs. Appetite is the desire to eat. That is why one feels hungry on spotting his favourite pastry despite a full stomach. It is because the pastry activates one’s appetite. So, controlling appetite will help control obesity.

What is the secret of quick weight loss?

Maintain discipline and regular meal timings. Skipping breakfast and eating cheese sandwiches or oily ‘chana-bhatura’, followed by heavy lunch with frequent cups of tea and coffee, a few drinks to unwind in the evening, and scrumptious dinner of curry and rice is definitely going to make you bulky and disfigured. Here are few important tips to fight obesity:

Eat more raw fruits and vegetables.

Say ‘no’ to sugar. The body can derive all the sugar it needs from the balanced, nutritious food you eat. The extra sugar does nothing but encourage obesity.

A regular exercise helps lose weight. The benefits of exercising include: an increase in stamina, stabilised appetite, increased metabolism, improvement in blood circulation and haemoglobin levels.

Eat small, frequent meals.

Does a woman become fatter with increasing age or after giving birth to children?

As a woman ages above 30, her low levels of activity and hormonal changes cause to lose lean muscle mass. That slows her metabolic rate, so it burns food less efficiently. On exercising, we burn lesser because of lean muscle mass. A study reveals that childbearing results in permanent weight gain. According to information, after the pregnancies, women gain 2-3 kg — the more the children, the greater the gain. However, during pregnancy women on average gain 13 kg — 3 kg of which is the baby, the rest being fluid, placenta (a tube feeding the baby in womb) and fat stored to produce milk. Breastfeeding is one of the ways to regain the pre-pregnancy figure because it helps use up the stored fat of pregnancy.

Do the sexes gain weight differently?

Women tend to gain weight usually around their hips and thighs, whereas men put it on around their stomachs. However, according to a study, hormonal changes during menopause tend to cause a shift of weight from hips to the belly. Men whose waists are more than 100 cm and women who measure more than 90 cm should take it as a warning sign. It is seen, women in all age groups diet more than men — between 20-40% more.

What are the dangers of being overweight?

That depends on how fat you are. The real danger is obesity when you are 20% above the ideal body weight. The risks due to obesity include suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, indigestion, heart disease, gall bladder diseases and some forms of cancer.

What to do if one regains lost weight?

90% of dieters usually regain their weight. Remember, diet alone won’t do because it depletes the lean muscle that is so effective in burning fat. Exercise alone may not do it either because it reduces fat, not extra weight. However, diet along with exercise may help control obesity to some extent.

What is the role of exercise and anti-cellulite cream in fighting obesity?

Exercise burns calories, increases metabolism and replaces fat with muscle. But exercise as much as it takes to make you feel good. Body firming and contouring creams and gels help to make skin