Peter Mühlen - You will be the first to learn of my passing. - Heinz Michael Vilsmeier (EN) - E-Book

Peter Mühlen - You will be the first to learn of my passing. E-Book

Heinz Michael Vilsmeier (EN)



Peter Mühlen, a multifaceted personality in the German media scene, gave an interview at his home in Haar, near Munich, on August 1, 2012. Due to a severe health crisis the night before, Mühlen was unable to speak and initially had his partner, Sissy Engl, answer the posed questions. Peter Mühlen handed me several lines indicating that he intended to end his life. The interviewee, who had a versatile career as a radio host, actor, director, and music critic, was known for his meticulous documentation of his life and experiences. He had a significant impact on Munich's cultural scene and played a crucial role in reviving Erich Wolfgang Korngold's opera "Die tote Stadt" in Germany. Mühlen became known in the 1960s through his radio show 'Peter Mühlens Plattenkiste' on Bayerischer Rundfunk. He was also a co-founder of the private radio station "Neue Welle Bayern – Antenne München" and taught at the 'Mandolin Motions Einstein Show-Academy,' a project he started with Engl. Mühlen's life was limited by a severe illness that took his voice in March 2012, which is why he eventually answered my interview questions in writing. He passed away on September 15, 2012, and was honored at his funeral with Paul McCartney's 'Give Peace a Chance,' highlighting his deep connections to both cultural history and personal expression.

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Heinz Michael Vilsmeier

in conversation with

Peter Mühlen

You will be the first to learn of my passing.



HAMCHA art integration

Heinz Michael Vilsmeier

Spiegelbrunn 11

D-84130 Dingolfing

© Copyright by Heinz Michael Vilsmeier, 2012

First English-language edition:

© Copyright by Heinz Michael Vilsmeier, 2024

Photos: © Copyright by Heinz Michael Vilsmeier, 2012

Photo collection of Peter Mühlen, used with permission.

Print: epubli – a service of neopubli GmbH, Berlin

[email protected]

In memoriam Peter Mühlen

At the end of a long conversation with Sissy Engl, the partner of Peter Mühlen, she agreed to arrange an interview with him. This was to take place on August 1, 2012, at their shared house in Haar, near Munich.

Since Peter Mühlen had gone through a severe crisis the night before this meeting, he had asked Sissy Engl to answer my questions ("Sissy knows so much about me that she could write a book about me!"). For this purpose, he had given her a photo album that she was supposed to go through with me. – Only as the conversation was drawing to a close after several hours, did Peter Mühlen enter the room with the words: "Ask any questions you like, and I will try to answer them."

Figure 1 Peter Mühlen at his last interview

Since he could not speak due to a stoma, he wrote his answers on a piece of paper. Peter Mühlen handed me a few lines that indicated he wanted to end his life. He gave me his written biography and a list of his works. I was allowed to photograph his collection of photos. Peter Mühlen was a person who had meticulously documented all the events he faced throughout his life. The documents handed to me testify to his great need to record everything in order to preserve it from being forgotten as much as possible.

There are terms that are firmly linked with individuals in cultural memory and have received a new, or at least expanded, meaning through these individuals. In the 60s and 70s, the word 'Plattenkiste' (record box) did not simply refer to a dusty box of vinyl products but was primarily associated with Peter Mühlen and his show 'Peter Mühlens Plattenkiste'. This show was broadcast weekly by Bayerischer Rundfunk from 1962 to 1966 and paved the way for many people into popular music and influenced their listening habits.

Peter Mühlen not only hosted shows; he also wrote scripts extensively for radio, television, and theater productions. With one of these scripts, he facilitated the rediscovery in Germany of the opera "Die tote Stadt" by Erich Wolfgang Korngold, who was driven from Vienna to the USA by the Nazis. Peter Mühlen was very proud of this, as he was a big fan of the film music composer Korngold. This led to a long and deep friendship with Korngold's son.

Music expert Peter Mühlen was also active outside of Bayerischer Rundfunk, for example as a disc jockey at the Sollner Alm. There, he welcomed everyone who was well-known in the show business of the old Federal Republic of Germany. Peter Mühlen was not only a host but also an actor, voice actor, director, playwright, composer, music critic, and showmaster. The multi-talented individual participated in more than 200 theater productions and also directed plays himself. Nevertheless, broadcasting never completely let him go: in 1984, Peter Mühlen was a co-founder and the leading music editor of the first private radio station in Bavaria, "Neue Welle Bayern – Antenne München," known today as "Radio Charivari."

Together with his life partner Sissy Engl, Peter Mühlen founded the 'Mandolin Motions Einstein Show Academy' in 1980, where he taught phonetics and acting for many years. Peter Mühlen composed, wrote, sang, and spoke — until a serious illness took his voice in March 2012. Therefore, Peter Mühlen answered my questions in writing. When I left, it had already become late. Peter Mühlen passed away on September 15, 2012; we never saw each other again. At his funeral, 'Give Peace a Chance' by Paul McCartney was played — that was when I realized I had met a kindred spirit.

Sissy knows so much about me ...

HMV: Sissy Engl, I have come to you today to conduct the agreed interview with your husband. I see that Peter Mühlen is not present; is he currently not ready for an interview?

Sissy Engl on Peter Mühlen: No, he cannot, he is sleeping!

HMV: He has withdrawn and we...

Sissy Engl on Peter Mühlen: ...he would be ready. But he can't. He's sleeping, he can't get up – he would fall over.

HMV: So his condition is such that he cannot give an interview right now...

Sissy Engl on Peter Mühlen: He said that he can't do it now.

HMV: Then we hope that he will soon feel better. – You suggested that we go through the documents he has prepared together, that I direct my questions to you and you respond on behalf of Peter Mühlen.

Figure 2 Sissy Engl speaks for Peter Mühlen.

Sissy Engl for Peter Mühlen: Yes. – What kind of answers should I give now, or should we go through the album first, or...?

HMV: In my research, I came across biographical details about Peter Mühlen. It was mentioned that he was born in 1939...

Sissy Engl for Peter Mühlen: 33!

HMV: 1933?

Sissy Engl for Peter Mühlen: Artists are legally allowed to take off 5 years or even more [laughs]... Martha Graham made herself 17 years younger, throughout her whole life, even on her marriage certificate! And she was world-famous, Martha Graham. She was at the White House, with all the presidents. Gregory Peck, all the big people were there with her. When she got married, her husband was curious to see what date she would put on the marriage certificate since she had always made herself 17 years younger, her whole life. It is legal for artists to make themselves younger and Peter Mühlen thus... One was never really supposed to talk about his age! He just turned the 3 into a 9. So I knew it, but I’ve never in my life opened my mouth when anyone asked me. I would say: "Ask him yourself, I don’t know." – Now it’s so that he suddenly wants to tell it. Why, I’m not sure. Now, suddenly, he wants to play old.

HMV: When in 1933 was he born?

Sissy Engl for Peter Mühlen: On October 4, he is a Libra.

HMV: Where was he born?

Sissy Engl for Peter Mühlen: In Munich. He's the son of an Asam, a descendant of the famous Asam brothers. Yes, that's his famous father.

HMV: How did he come by the name Mühlen?