The Electric Automobile (Illustrated) - C.E. Woods - E-Book

The Electric Automobile (Illustrated) E-Book

C. E. Woods

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The Electric Automobile: Its Construction, Care, and Operation is one of the first books written about electric cars, first published in 1900. The many original illustrations are included.

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Your chapter “CHAPTER I” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:COST OF HORSE VEHICLECost of Stanhope $500.00Cost of horse 250.00Cost of harness 100.00Total $850.00 COST OF ELECTRIC VEHICLEOne Stanhope $2000.00Your chapter “CHAPTER I” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:ELECTRIC VEHICLEper annumCurrent, $18.00 per month $216.00Rent, 8.00 “ “ 96.00Total for maximum work $312.0020 % depreciation 400.00Making a total cost of $712.00 SAME MILEAGE BY HORSE VEHICLEper annum3 Horses per month, $75 each $ 900.00Depreciation, 20% 170.00Or a total of $1070.00Your chapter “CHAPTER III” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:Willard, Woods, Willard, WoodsYour chapter “CHAPTER III” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:AMPERE HOUR CAPACITY WHEN DISCHARGED IN 3, 4, 5 OR 6 HOURSYour chapter “CHAPTER III” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:TABLE FOR FULL CHARGING IN 45 MINUTESYour chapter “CHAPTER III” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:TABLE FOR FULL CHARGING IN 3 HOURSYour chapter “CHAPTER III” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:EIGHT HOUR CHARGING TABLEYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE IDR. CHURCH’S STEAM ROAD VEHICLE, 1834Your chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE IIOLD ENGLISH STEAM MOTOR AND COACH, ABOUT 1815Your chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE IIISQUIRE STEAM CARRIAGE, 1833Your chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE IVELECTRIC STANHOPEYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE VELECTRIC ROAD WAGONYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE VIELECTRIC VICTORIAYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE VIIBATTERY CELL. 40 BATTERIES IN TRAYS.Your chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE VIIIBATTERY CELL. 40 BATTERIES IN TRAYS.Your chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE IXELECTRIC MOTOR, ASSEMBLEDYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XELECTRIC MOTOR DISASSEMBLEDYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XIELECTRIC MOTOR, CONSTRUCTIONAL VIEWYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XIIYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XIIIYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XIVCONTROLLER SHOWING CONTACTSYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XVYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XVIYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XVIIYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XVIIIYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XIXYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XXYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XXIELECTRIC DELIVERY WAGONYour chapter “PLATES” contains a table. Table formatting doesn’t display correctly on many devices, so we advise replacing your tables. If this table is simple and has only a few columns, we recommend rewriting it as a list. If your table is more complex, then take a screenshot and include an image of the table instead. The first row of your problematic table is:PLATE XXIIELECTRIC TRUCK



Its Construction, Care, and Operation

C.E. Woods


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Copyright © 2016 by C.E. Woods

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Electric Automobile



C. E. WOODS, E.E., M.E.



THE MANY INQUIRIES, BOTH PERSONAL and written, made of the writer as to the operation, use and possibilities of the electric automobile have led him to write the following book on the subject; and as these inquiries have come very largely from people who are neither engineers nor mechanics, but are interested in the purchase and use of automobiles, the book has been written in a language as void as possible of technical nomenclature, although for lack of words to express some things, he has been obliged to use phrases commonly employed by technical and engineering fraternities. But the book is not meant in any sense as a technical or engineering work.

The effort has not been to produce a scientific treatise on the subject, nor even an elaborate composition, but to set forth in plain and unembellished English the facts and conditions surrounding the question in hand so that those interested in the subject might learn the elementary conditions and thereby purchase an electric automobile with some discrimination, and give it intelligent care and skillful operation. The writer trusts that the work will be received by the public in the spirit in which it has been written.

C. E. W.

The Electric Automobile




THE BASIC VALUE OF ANY proposition is its commercial aspect, and naturally the first query of inventor, capitalist and layman is: “What conditions exist that will make a market for automobiles or create a desire in the public mind for their use?” Some will say progression, the spirit of which surrounds us everywhere; others say, expediency and the desire for saving minutes and even seconds; others, again, their convenience and readiness for instant use; all of which are true but do not in a broad sense answer the question, but create another as to what has made all these things desirable on the part of the public as things necessary to its comfort and welfare.

The answer to this broader inquiry is that other means of transportation than by animal power, as by bicycle, trolley and train, have paved the way for the horseless vehicle; and so much is this so that, without reference to its novelty, the demand is now seriously of a business nature in both the commercial and domestic world, and especially as a means of conveyance for the public at large, by cab, cabriolet and coupé.

At one time, the horse furnished the power used in all the manufactures of the world, and no greater honor could have been awarded him than to adopt his muscular efforts as the standard of measurement when the steam engine was invented. It certainly was with no disparagement of the horse that the steam engine was everywhere preferred for furnishing power for factory use. The reasons for this are too numerous to give, and if enough could not be found, the horse himself would cheerfully furnish any number that might be lacking. The horse has done his best for man. He has tugged and pulled everything from canal boats to street cars until, from time to time, relief by some mechanical means has eased his work; and no matter where the displacement has occurred, it has been at once evident beyond the chance of argument that such mechanical device, no matter how crude or imperfect it may have been, rendered a far superior service and at an immense saving in cost. What board of directors of a street railway company would to-day recommend building a street railway system to be equipped with horse power? They would simply be considered unsafe men to guide the affairs of any company.

When we review all that has been done by mechanical devices toward the displacement of animal power, it is very hard to refrain from drawing a conclusion that the horse must go; that is, speaking in the broad sense of the word. Mechanically propelled vehicles for all purposes are here. This applies to our railroads, our street cars, our steamships and every means of conveyance for which a vehicle is needed, as well as to the automobile, which is the last in the list to be grasped by inventive genius as a means for mechanical conveyance on our streets and boulevards.

“Last in the list” is wrong. It is more like a case in which first is last and last is first. Few observers seem to know that the magnificent schemes of transportation embodied in our present railroad systems had their origin in the horseless or motor carriage, but such is the fact nevertheless. An illustration of this is given in Plate II, which shows the beginning of mechanical transportation —the combination of the Locomotive and Coach in its first conception and a type of vehicle made in 1833 known as the Squire Steam Carriage, a four-wheeled vehicle which carried its passengers in front and its propelling power behind. The separation between the motive power and the passenger vehicle has been preserved down to the present day in railroads.

Another very interesting motor vehicle, illustrated in Plate I, was described in the Mechanic’s Magazine, of January 1, 1834. This vehicle was designed and built by a Dr. Church in England, and was also propelled by steam. It was intended to carry forty to fifty passengers.

It is stated beyond all question that to a Frenchman by the name of Nicholas Joseph Cugnot belongs the honor of constructing the first mechanically propelled vehicle ever used. It was propelled by steam and was built and run by him between the years 1763 and 1769, so that we are safe in saying that the advent of the horseless vehicle was at that period. These vehicles were first intended to operate in roadways, but the crude and cumbersome condition of their mechanical appliances, the heavy losses by friction in their working parts, and their inefficiency as a whole compelled inventors to seek some means of increasing the working capacity.

The first discovery was that a good roadbed was necessary; and also, as the appearance of the vehicles was a great disturbance in the streets to both residents and horses, an isolated road was necessary for them to operate upon. To improve these conditions so as to lend successful operation to the early inventions, roads were built, at first with tracks made of timber and called rails with the word “road” affixed, a name that has held from that day to this. By this, inventive genius grasped the horseless carriage or motor vehicle as one of its very first propositions in mechanical transportation, and has only taken it up again in its original form when the necessary refinement of mechanical conceptions and the construction of roads and streets have made it practicable to do so.