Think, Segment, Brand, Market and Success - International Management School - E-Book

Think, Segment, Brand, Market and Success E-Book

International Management School

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Turning your great idea into reality always feels like the most difficult step in getting your start-up off the ground - until you realize that nobody beyond your family and close friends knows about your amazing product or service. This difficult lesson evades many aspiring entrepreneurs: The success of your startup is limited by the number of potential customers who know about it. Ideally, you'll market your startup well before you're open for business. And you need to spread the word quickly to gain customers. Remember that: "Short-term wins absolutely exist, but instead of spending time and money searching for them, early-stage companies should formulate repeatable, scalable marketing techniques." In other words, your core marketing strategy shouldn't be swinging for the fences and trying desperately to create a viral video. Rather, you should be focusing on the following basics to increase exposure in a sustainable way: define your brand, reach your audience and craft a SEO strategy. You'll find a great insight about Time Management: Time Management is about living your best life. It's about having time to focus on your essential tasks, skills and passions. It's about streamlining your practices and business tasks into systems that you can manage yourself quite quickly and efficiently. Be ready to analyse your market segment, reach your customers, market and sell your product. Make your start-up a successful project!

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Be True to Yourself

Benefits of Branding

How to Sell With Branding

Personal Branding for Success

Ten Branding Musts

Using Your Logo Efficiently



Video Marketing

Social Marketing



Selling a Digital Product Online

Creating and Selling an App

Making Money From YouTube


Brand Awareness

Getting Started on Instagram


Market segmentation for successful marketing

The central role ofmarket segmentation

Segmentation process

TEMPLATE: Business Plan for a Start-up Business


Methodological note

History and evolution of textile industry

Market segmentation

Market environment and stakeholders

Case study: Athos smart clothing for athletes


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Think, Segment, Brand, Market

and Success!



Study the Start-up process from Scratch.

Learn about Branding, Digital Marketing and Time Management.







By International Management School





Turning your great idea into reality always feels like the most difficult step in getting your startup off the ground -- until you realize that nobody beyond your family and close friends knows about your amazing product or service. This difficult lesson evades many aspiring entrepreneurs: The success of your startup is limited by the number of potential customers who know about it. About half of all startups fail after five years, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. To avoid that outcome, you have to grow your customer base.

Ideally, you’ll market your startup well before you’re open for business. Building a brand takes time and care, and it’s much easier to construct a thoughtful strategy when you’re not haemorrhaging money on rent, payroll, utilities and other overhead costs. In reality, however, your new business is likely strapped for cash. What's more, the launch date has come sooner than you expected. And you need to spread the word quickly to gain customers.

In the race to take your product to market, you may find it enticing to focus on the quick wins instead of the need to build a foundation for long-term success. According to his post on the blog, Roy Morejon, president and co-founder of digital marketing agency Enventys Partners wrote, “Short-term wins absolutely exist, but instead of spending time and money searching for them, early-stage companies should formulate repeatable, scalable marketing techniques.”

In other words, your core marketing strategy shouldn’t be swinging for the fences and trying desperately to create a viral video. Rather, you should be focusing on the following basics to increase exposure in a sustainable way.


1. Define your brand.

Because you’re starting with a clean slate, now is the perfect time to find your voice and establish what your brand is all about. Your brand should reflect your company values and do so in a way that relates to customers personally and makes them want to be associated with you.

Resist the urge to imitate competitors that you perceive as successful. They started out just like you, so you should focus on differentiating your business instead of assimilating it to the industry. Ultimately, your branding will be one of the main reasons consumers choose your product over a competitor’s.


2. Reach your audience in smart ways.

To really connect with people, you’ll need to meet them where they spend their time. Identify those hangout spots, whether they’re online or IRL (in real life) and place your messaging there.

Offer valuable content to individuals in your audience, and identify influencers who can help spread the word about your brand.

That’s why many brands utilize their reach to amplify messaging to millennial and Gen Z audiences. Find out how to leverage unique influencers for your own business, and you’ll be surprised by the effects.


3. Craft an SEO strategy.

After clearly defining your target audience, figure out what keywords they’re searching for. Your keyword list will help direct traffic to your site’s landing page, your blog and your social media pages, all of which should all be highly relevant to your brand. While it’s nice to win traffic from highly competitive keywords, instead start by targeting keywords with low competition and lots of traffic.

Define your idea of a successful campaign, whether that be in terms of newsletter signups, white paper downloads or product purchases; and measure your efforts against that monthly benchmark.

Marketing a startup is tough -- you’re operating with a limited budget, and you can’t always bring in experts to help. If you strategize for the long term, you’ll have a much better chance of being successful. Start with these tips, and put them into practice before you launch. If you put in the marketing spadework beforehand, you’ll be able to enjoy the reward of watching your business grow.





A Matter of Senses

Think of your brand in terms of what the customer gains when it is viewed by each of his or her five senses-hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling and touching. In a nutshell your brand is the result of everything your prospects senses can pick up on about you.

It's the image you present at all times. From the company's logo and color scheme all the way to the manner in which your employees dress. Think of what your colors portray. Are they giving the message you want to give?

It's what your prospects hear from and about you. From what they hear about you in the media to how your customer service team handles incoming complaints. Are former customers likely to speak kindly about you? Are you and your employees pleasant when you speak?

It's the feeling your prospect gets in all their dealings with you. From their satisfied or unsatisfied interaction with you to the relationship building activities you carry out. Do customers and prospective customers feel they can trust you? Do they feel your honesty?

It's the pleasant or unpleasant scents that get associated with you covering everywhere from the scent of your product or facility, to even your employees. Do customers get a scent of cleanliness?

And lastly it's also the tastes that get associated with you. From the taste of your product (if it's a product meant to be tasted) to the quality of coffee or tea you serve.

Your brand encompasses everything about you. Hence you can see why it's important to always put your best foot forward. Bottom line, branding is essential to establishing your identity in the marketplace and consistency is the key to effective doing that. Take time to examine with your senses what message you are giving your customers.





An Online Presence

Branding, as a whole, is essential for any serious business because a company's brand is what distinguishes it from its competitors. In today's computer age, it is necessary for most businesses to have an online presence to stay competitive. An effective internet branding, just like its offline counterpart, helps bring awareness to your unique business offering and drive customer demand.


While Internet branding offers huge opportunities for business, in order for it to be effective one needs to attract and engage its customers. This isn't easy on the internet. Branding is not as easy as putting up a website and adding your company logo and slogan. Your internet branding strategy should make your online brand noticeable and apparent.


Branding utilizes hi-tech tools to create an online presence for your business. Graphics and animation, a compelling web copy, and overall website design that reflect your company are some of the important elements that will bring your online brand alive. An attractive website that helps customers easily and quickly find the information they need is the key to getting customer interaction and eventually, business. Your branding plan should include good design elements and ease of use to create an effective overall impression.


A strong online image will make the difference between a customer who buys from you online or switches to your competitors. Remember, that online customers can just leave your site and go to your competitors at the click of a mouse. A lot depends on the impression they get from your site. Branding seeks to convey an immediate unique message about your business to your target clients.


As you can see, there are many requirements for a successful branding strategy. Hiring a branding specialist might be helpful to give you focus on your efforts in creating an online presence that will become a valuable asset to your business.


Be True to Yourself

If your online marketing material stimulates an image in your mind that is just not you, likely you've been trying to model your approach after someone else or you've been using work produced by someone else without giving them the benefit of knowing you, learning your approach, sharing your ideas and interjecting your personality into the material.

So, what's the solution?

The solution to this dilemma is to be yourself and let your personality show through in your online marketing materials.

If you are writing a blog entry in the midst of a snowstorm and it is "a bit nippy outside" don't hesitate to say so. When you let your personality shine your image will be your own, not one you have crafted that will change from day to day depending upon what you have read most recently.

There's lots of talk about branding in regard to online marketing. The basic principles of branding are to decide on the image you wish to portray and what message you want to drive home.

While some people could write a book on how to brand your business, there are really only a handful of factors to consider - your image, your purpose and your message. The purpose of a brand is to craft something that will stick in the minds of people and help them to remember your business.

Creating and building a strong brand does not have to compromise your personality. The only real decision is whether you want to be casual or professional. In the world of online marketing, retaining your personality and your identity will go far in branding your business. You'll be much happier with the long-term effects of your online marketing if you don't try to be someone you are not. Be yourself and have fun.

Become an Expert at Something

Establishing yourself as an expert in your field will help you gain both recognition and respect. Luckily, that recognition and respect transfers directly to your company. If people trust that you truly know what you are talking about, they will feel good about investing in your product.


A website is the best place to start. Build a professional looking site with sound and informative content and you'll have a source of expert information to direct customers to. Remember that it is okay to give away some of your precious knowledge free of charge. Offer the customer something useful up front and they will label you as a legitimate source to go to for whatever your company may offer.


Article marketing is an especially effective method to achieve that expert status because it gives you the ability to distribute a small number of articles to a huge number of content-rich sites. The more places your name pops up, the more people will be exposed to your site and product.

Another way to show your expertise is through online forums and blogs. This is a bit more casual than article writing. It allows you to remain in the first person and talk candidly with interested web surfers. The conversational tone used in such settings will put many potential customers at ease.


Not only will they view you as an expert, they'll also feel connected to you as a real human being. Also, such places give customers the opportunity to ask questions and give you the opportunity to back up your product in the face of criticism.

Find the right places to gain recognition. Put yourself out there and command respect through that exposure. Highlight your achievements and successes. Branding yourself as an expert is all about getting other people to recognize something about you that you already know.

Benefits of Branding

Your business needs to create a positive image in the minds of consumers. Contrary to what most people believe, branding isn't just a logo. Your businesses purpose, focus, and image all combine to create your brand. Why should you make this effort? Below are a few benefits:


*You are remembered. It's hard to remember a company with a generic name. You may not be able to distinguish their purpose and business focus. And why would you call a company if you couldn't tell what they did? Branding your business ensures consumers will know what you're about.

*You gain customer loyalty. The fact is, people build close bonds with brand identities. Consumers want quality products they can trust. So, your business should have an identity that your customers can cling to. If your company delivers great products and services and has a great brand identity, people will remember you. In addition, they will often refer you to friends and family.


You become well known. You want the people who have not done business with you to still know who you are and what you do. If they see your ads on billboards, hear them on radio, see them on television, or any other media, they will know your brand identity. And when the time comes that they need your product or service, your company will be the first to come to mind.


Consumers pay for image. We are a very brand aware society. People commonly associate brand names with quality and may only buy certain brands for that reason. If people only want one brand of a particular product, they are willing to pay a higher price. Having a great brand will make your company have a superior image and cause consumers forget about the competition.

Five Benefits of Personal Branding

Personal Branding is about honing your skills, narrowing your focus, and getting clear on what you're passionate about.

Branding is not just about you being better than your competition. It's about getting your prospects to choose you as the ONLY solution to their problem.

Here are five great benefits of creating a strong personal brand:

*One of the greatest benefits to you of having a strong brand is that it creates a sense of individuality and "separateness" in the marketplace so that your clients are able to easily differentiate your company from your competitors.

*The goal of personal branding is to be known for who you are as a person and what you stand for. Your brand is a reflection of who you are, your opinions, values, and beliefs that are visibly expressed by what you say and do, and how you do it.

*The branding process allows you to take control of your identity and influence the perception others will have about you and the services you offer.

*A strong personal brand will enable you to effortlessly attract clients and opportunities. You will position yourself in the mind of your marketplace as THE service provider of choice to dominate your market and command higher fees - work less and make more!

*Establish yourself as an expert and become a celebrity in your area of specialty. Gain name recognition in your area of expertise where it counts the most - in your customer's mind. Make a lasting impression and be super-rewarded for your individuality.

Trust, respect, and admiration will follow when your name and message are embedded repeatedly into the consciousness of your target market. You will be perceived as an expert the more you are visible to your target audience. Your brand will propel you to the top in your marketplace.


Have You Been Branded?


The personal brand you project affects others' decisions as to your intelligence, character and ability, and determines whether or not they want to do business with you. The way you dress (and act) has a remarkable impact on the people you meet professionally and socially. This greatly affects how they treat you.

Humans think with their eyes. A UCLA study proves that 85% of all decisions are made with our eyes. That's right: the visual you have has the most impact

If your personal brand is not professional and congruent, attractive and attracting you will be passed over - guaranteed. To be competitive, to have a greater influence on others, to attract more business and be more successful it's essential that you develop a well-thought-out personal brand.