What Happens When Women Shave Their Faces? - Celine Claire - E-Book

What Happens When Women Shave Their Faces? E-Book

Céline Claire

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  • Herausgeber: Tektime
  • Kategorie: Lebensstil
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

This ebook explains the pros and cons of facial shaving for women, good shaving practices and methods, tools used for shaving, shaving must-haves, the outcomes of shaving, and facial shaving alternatives

Something to cheer about!
Almost every woman has facial hair. Most women today are open about the benefits of shaving their faces.

Through facial shaving, terminal and vellus hair can be removed off women’s’ faces.
In a world that discourages any hint of facial hair in women, having it can be psychologically distressing, which is why some women, especially those with polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes hirsutism, already resort to shaving their faces.
Besides shaving, there are several kinds of hair removal, which can help in case you are not so in to shaving.

Read this book for more details.

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Book Title: What happens when women shave their faces?

Author Name: Celine Claire

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Almost every woman has facial hair. Most women today are open about the benefits of shaving their faces. There are two types of facial hair in women such as terminal hair and vellus hair. Vellus hair is the near-invisible peach fuzz, which covers much of your body and face. Its work is to regulate temperature and evaporate sweat.

Vellus hair is very fine and translucent. Suppose you scrutinize your face, especially in bright sunlight. In that case, you may ably see vellus hair on your cheeks, forehead, neck, chin, sideburn area, upper and lower lips.

Terminal hair is thicker and darker. Some women grow terminal hair along their chins, necks, sideburns, upper and lower lips.

Through facial shaving, terminal and vellus hair can be removed off women’s’ faces.

In a world that discourages any hint of facial hair in women, having it can be psychologically distressing, which is why some women, especially those with polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes hirsutism, already resort to shaving their faces.

The use of oral contraceptives to lower androgen production can help, and creams such as Vaniqa reduce the rate of hair regrowth. Lasers (excluding IPL, which isn't anywhere close to practical) are ideal for permanent hair removal and can be more effective than shaving.

Skin tone also makes a difference in how much facial hair is visible. Asian hair is larger in diameter than afro or Caucasian hair, and it's also more resilient since it has more cuticle layers. This makes it stronger and thicker. Asian hair also has a faster regrowth rate, and the myth that shaving it makes it grow back thicker and quicker persists among South Asians. (It really doesn't, as it just gets blunter at its ends, making it look like that anyway.)

Shaving doesn't in any way affect the keratin cells that create the actual hair. Asian women shade less hair from their bodies than other races, which might make any hirsutism more pronounced.

Chapter one: Shaving

Shaving is basically the most well-known hair removal method and, which you can easily rely on and DIY at home. All you require is a razor, some shaving cream if you can access it, an aftershave cream, and you are good to go.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) advises using a razor with a sharp blade and lightly gliding it over your skin to avoid cuts. If you want, you can use an electric blade.

How long do shaving results last?

They can last for only one year.

What are the cons and pros of shaving your face if you are a woman?

Suppose your skin is clear and can handle exfoliation. In that case, there are many pros and cons you can experience from facial shaving. The following are the pros and cons of shaving facial hair;


Besides removing facial hair, facial shaving is used as a mechanical/physical exfoliator to eliminate dead skin cells. This can be an advantage to some women and a disadvantage to others.

Shaving facial hair removes debris, hair, excess oil, and dead skin cells, leaving your skin brightened. This helps your make-up go on to your skin your facial skin smoothly and last longer.

It contributes to higher self-confidence. Some women are self-conscious about facial hair. Suppose you feel more confident and better about your appearance after shaving. In that case, there is more reason for you to do some constant facial shaves.

Shaving your facial hair is convenient. You just need to find an ideal space and then do the job.


Sensitive skin or skin, which has red, irritated patches may react poorly to shaving.

The ingrown hairs challenge. Shaving off vellus hairs will not cause ingrown hairs, although shaving terminal hair can cause these painful bumps to erupt.

Facial shaving increases the risk of nicks and cuts that may bleed and sting. It can also lead to razor burns on your face.