A Dictionary of Celtic Saints - Elizabeth Rees - E-Book

A Dictionary of Celtic Saints E-Book

Elizabeth Rees



Throughout the Celtic world, in Britain, Ireland and France, the early Christian saints left a profound legacy to the history and culture of Northern Europe. This is the first ever dictionary of Celtic saints and is fully illustrated with photographs of where each saint lived and worked, ranging from ruined monasteries to holy wells, and from caves to Roman and Celtic forts. The reader is therefore drawn into the beautiful world which these men and women inhabited, while also being able to trace the history and legend surrounding these early British Christians. Easy to use, with an Introduction and maps to pinpoint the sites described in the text, A Dictionary of Celtic Saints will appeal to anyone interested in history, landscape or spirituality. Based on sound scholarship, it will also be helpful to students of civilisation and culture.

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Title Page



The Saints


Further Reading




This is, so far as I know, the first dictionary of over 100 British Celtic saints, illustrated with photographs of places where each one lived and worked. These range from ruined monasteries to holy wells, from caves to Roman and Celtic forts. This is by no means a comprehensive guidebook: there are very many saints whose cult was quite local, since any Christian who was good and had also died might be considered a saint, and so most monks and nuns qualified for this distinction. This book is therefore a taster and, hopefully, an encouragement to explore further. At the end of the book, some maps and an index enable the reader to explore their local area, or wherever they may find themselves on holiday, in order to track down the saints who were there before them.

We know relatively little about the Celtic saints, since their lives were mostly written centuries later and are therefore to be treated with caution. I have attempted to indicate where legend takes over from fact, but this is rather a grey area. I thank Dr Jonathan Wooding of the Centre for the Study of Religion in Celtic Societies at the University of Wales, Lampeter, for his help and advice over the years. Any errors are my own. My final word of thanks is to the Celtic saints who have enticed me to meet them ‘at home’ in the beautiful locations where they chose to live around the shores of Britain.

Elizabeth Rees


In order to look at the Celtic saints, we must first ask: who were the Celts? The ancient civilisation of the Celts flourished for over a thousand years. In the fifth century BC, Greek writers described Celts living in the upper Danube region. The Celts conquered Rome in 386 BC and Delphi in 279 BC. When St Paul wrote to the Galatians in western Turkey, they spoke a Celtic language. The Celts were found in Gaul and Spain, and they moved westwards from France and the Low Countries into Britain, as the Germanic tribes and the Romans expanded their territories on the European mainland.

Celtic society was tribal, with elected chiefs who presided over tribal assemblies. Chiefs were also judges and commanded the army in time of war. Druids were professional teachers and priests, trained in tribal law and administration; monks later took over much of their work. Bards were storytellers, poets and minstrels. Druids and bards appear to have become Christian priests and monks. The Celts easily absorbed Christianity: they already believed in immortality and in the sacredness of creation. It has become a cliché to say that the Celts worshipped a triune god, but we still acknowledge this fact, although the Christian concept of the Trinity consisting of Father, Son and Spirit was new to these people.

How did Christianity reach the Celts of Western Europe and the British Isles? Christianity entered Britain through traders and travellers, through the Roman occupation and through Christians emigrating from Gaul. There were periodic persecutions: we hear of Alban being martyred in the third century, and of two Christian soldiers named Julius and Aaron executed at Caerleon in south-east Wales. St Alban was venerated throughout medieval times. In St Albans cathedral one can see the watching chamber that monks built in about 1400 in order to pray to their patron saint and also, perhaps, to keep an eye on pilgrims making their offerings at Alban’s shrine, built 100 years earlier (see colour plate 1).

In 313 the converted emperor Constantine gave Christians freedom to worship. A scattering of church foundations, lead cisterns for baptism and collections of Communion vessels found across Britain suggest that Christianity spread easily in later Roman times. By then there were bishops in the provincial capitals of York, London, Cirencester and Lincoln; they are recorded attending Church Councils in Gaul, Italy and Bulgaria. Small churches have been excavated that were built for soldiers in forts along Hadrian’s Wall, and a possible fourth-century church was found in the Roman town of Silchester, 5 miles south of Reading (see colour plate 2).

In the English countryside, a number of villas became house churches, as we can tell from their wall paintings and mosaics, which depict Christian themes. Nine miles south-east of Cheltenham in Gloucestershire, Chedworth Roman villa is situated at the head of the sheltered valley of the River Coln. It was occupied in the fourth century and its owners became Christian at some point. The villa’s source of water is a spring which flows through a nymphaeum, or shrine to the local water spirit, where it is contained in an octagonal pool surrounded by paving slabs (see colour plate 3). An apsed shrine containing a small pagan altar was built over it. Three of the slabs which surrounded the pool have the chi-rho (the first letters of the name Christ in Greek) and other Christian symbols carved on them, so by then the pool was probably used to immerse candidates for baptism. Christianity may have been a passing phase, however, for later owners turned the slabs over and used them for other purposes.

Baptism might also take place in the villa’s living rooms. Excavations at the Roman villa of Bradford-on-Avon in Wiltshire in 2003 revealed that a fifth-century Romano-British landowner converted the chief reception room of his stately home into an apsed chapel with a baptismal font. He might have been the local priest, or indeed Bradford’s bishop, since baptism was conducted by bishops at this time. This was a lavishly designed double villa dating from the mid third century, but, after the withdrawal of the Romans from Britain and the subsequent economic decline, money was becoming scarce and the villa’s owner built a rather simple baptistery on top of the fine mosaic floor of the reception room. It consisted of a stone font surrounded by a low circular dry-stone wall (see colour plate 4), which stood a metre high; it was built while the villa was still roofed. The baptistery’s crude, unplastered finish contrasts poorly with the elaborate mosaic on which it stands. Within the circular enclosure a font made of stone, lead or even wood was probably set into the floor. A shallow pit acted as a soak-away or drain. The font would be large enough to allow the candidate to stand knee-deep in water, while the bishop poured water over his head. This post-Roman baptistery within a villa is unique in Britain, but there are parallels in fifth-century Gaul and Italy: there is a similar baptistery at Rennes in eastern Brittany.

In contrast to the humble baptistery, the fine earlier mosaic on which it stands is reminiscent of those found in Tunisia, North Africa. Its imagery recalls Christian themes, which suggests that the space may have initially been designed as a Christian chapel. The baptistery remained in use from about AD 450 until perhaps as late as 650, when St Aldhelm (d. 709) is thought to have established the small church that can be seen today, on a separate site above the river. The villa is set in Church Field, a name which may recall its earlier use; it is now a playing field in the grounds of St Laurence School.

When the Romans withdrew in the first decade of the fifth century, life continued in Britain’s rural communities, and a villa was sometimes the nucleus of a later village, as the name implies. Romano-British Christian families appear to have kept their faith alive. The autobiographical Confession of St Patrick describes a family from north or west Britain in late Roman times. Patrick tells us that his father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest.

Many of the early British Christians whom we call the Celtic saints were monks and nuns. This form of life originated in the eastern churches of Syria, Palestine and Egypt, where men and women began to move out of the cities into the desert in order to search for God in solitude. Pilgrims from Europe returned home with stories of how they lived, and soon western men and women began to try out the monastic life for themselves. In the fourth century, Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria wrote a Life of the Egyptian hermit, Antony. This was widely circulated, and Antony’s pattern of life became a model for early monks and nuns. A medieval statue which may depict Antony of Egypt can be seen to the right of the altar in the late medieval church at Padstow on the north Cornish coast. He is bearded and holds a staff and a hand bell, with which to summon people to pray (see colour plate 5). The statue was probably preserved from an earlier church on the site; if it does not depict Antony, it represents the Celtic monk Petroc, to whom the church was dedicated.

The word ‘monk’ comes from the Greek term monachos which means ‘one who is alone’. Monks lived in caves or huts, often grouped around a more experienced leader. Bishop Martin of Tours (c. 316–97) was the best known of the early western figures who pursued the monastic life. His friend and biographer, Sulpicius Severus, portrayed him as a western Antony. Martin preached widely throughout the surrounding countryside, and is likely to have provided an important model for others in the western Church. Sulpicius Severus describes how the bishop lived in a wooden cell, surrounded by about 80 disciples, who dug out caves or lived in wooden huts, and shared all their possessions. The monasteries of Gaul developed a strong intellectual tradition, and from AD 400 their influence spread to Ireland and Wales.

The Christian tradition of living in caves dates back to the time of the Desert Mothers and Fathers of the Near East. They took literally the words of the Letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament, which describes God’s holy ones living in the same manner: ‘They were too good for the world and they went out to live in deserts and mountains, and in caves and ravines’ (Hebrews 11.38). Around the British coast and its islands there are caves which were used by Celtic saints. In particular, the soft sandstone around the Fife coast created caves in a number of locations, which early Christians used as chapels and as living quarters.

The Gaelic word for cave is uaimh (pronounced ‘weem’); place names containing this element normally refer to caves in which early Christian hermits lived. The caves of East Wemyss are on the north shore of the Firth of Forth, 5 miles north-east of Kirkcaldy; these red sandstone caves have been inhabited for 6000 years (see colour plate 6). There were nine caves here, of which five survive. Three of them contain the largest collection of Bronze Age, Iron Age and early Christian rock carvings in Britain. Unfortunately, vandalism, coal-mining and erosion of the soft sandstone have blocked access to many of the carvings and destroyed others. St Fillan’s cave at Pittenweem in Fife (see colour plate 7) has two chambers, with a freshwater pool fed by condensation in the left chamber, providing drinking water for its occupant. The altar in the chamber to the right is modern.

The caves of Caiplie are near the small town of Anstruther on the northern shore of the Firth of Forth, 18 miles east of Glenrothes. One can reach the caves by turning off the A917 just west of Anstruther, to the tiny settlement of Barnsmuir, beside the shore. Half an hour’s walk along the shore to the south-east, in the direction of Anstruther, leads to Caiplie. The two caves look across the open sea, and were used by monks and hermits from early Christian times until the sixteenth century (see colour plates 8 & 9). The monks enlarged the caves, and on the walls of the larger one, named ‘Chapel Cave’, they carved small crosses some time between 800 and 1000.

In Celtic kingdoms, pastoral care was tribal: parishes had not yet evolved. Many Celtic saints were high-born members of their tribe. They might be sent to a nearby monastery for a good education; later they commanded their people’s respect as they spoke about their faith. At the monastery of St Maolcethair (see colour plate 10) at Kilmalkedar on the Dingle peninsula in south-west Ireland, a stone on which the alphabet is inscribed was probably intended to teach literacy to students. Priests and bishops were married. They often lived in monasteries, alongside monks and nuns who chose to remain celibate in order to remain free to pray and preach. Craftsmen and their families also lived around a monastic compound, as can be seen in a model of Bede’s eighth-century monastery at Jarrow, built above the River Don, 5 miles east of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and only 2 miles from the sea (see colour plate 11).

The soil might be turned with a foot plough – these were used in the Scottish Highlands until the 1940s. In Celtic times, their wooden sides were roughened by the addition of large pebbles. A replica of a Celtic pebble-board plough can be seen at Whithorn Heritage Centre, Galloway, in south-west Scotland (see colour plate 12). Abbot Adomnán’s Life of Columba describes the white horse which pulled a cart containing the leather milk churns to the monastic compound; the horse is likely to have resembled the stocky white ponies one can see on Iona today (see colour plate 13). Fish traps set around the island’s shores may not have been so very different from the creels still found on Traighmòr (‘The Great Strand’), east of the Plain of the Monks, in south-east Iona (see colour plate 14).

Many Celtic monks, particularly in Ireland, became ‘pilgrims for Christ’, and left home in search of a solitary place that God would show them, somewhere unknown, where they could be alone with God. Many set sail in light, hide-covered boats, drifting with the wind and currents until they reached their new location. These men and women were not primarily missionaries, but when they settled in a new place, they had a profound impact on local people. Monks and nuns spread and flourished in the Celtic kingdoms of Ireland, Scotland and Northumbria, Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany.

While some monks established communities, others remained as hermits. A typical hermitage can be seen at St Govan’s Head on the Pembrokeshire coast; St Govan’s tiny oratory is wedged in a narrow cleft halfway down the cliff, and is reached by 52 steps (see colour plate 15). It may date from the eleventh century, but its foundations are probably much earlier. The building consists of a simple nave with a stone altar, benches, a piscina to contain water, a shelf and a well in the floor, adjoining the north wall, whose water is said to cure eye diseases, skin complaints and rheumatism. The chapel’s arched roof with its stone vault is typical of early medieval churches in Pembrokeshire, and probably dates from the thirteenth century. There is a second well, now dry, in a stone well house on the shore below the chapel. According to legend, Govan may have been Gobham, an early Irish monk, who is said to have hidden here from pirates based on Lundy Island, and was buried near the chapel. The site is on a cliff a mile south of Bosherston and 7 miles south of Pembroke, on the south Welsh coast. (To find the chapel, drive past St Govan’s Inn, Bosherston. Continue along the Range Road to St Govan’s. It is closed when there is firing on the range. Park at the top of the cliffs. The chapel is soon visible down the cliff path.)

Other hermits chose inland sites, such as Roche Rocks in mid Cornwall, 5 miles north of St Austell; roche is French for ‘rock’. These are a group of granite tors rising to a height of 30m, south of the village. On top of the largest, reached by iron ladders, is a chapel of St Michael, with a priest’s room below, licensed in 1409 (see colour plate 16). Hermits lived here in medieval times, and there is a local tradition of a leper living in a cell on the Rock. Similarly, there was a tradition of two hermits living on Glastonbury Tor in Somerset (see colour plate 17), where excavation revealed hermits’ cells from both Celtic and Saxon times; the early hermits may have been associated with a monastery at nearby Street, across the River Brue. In the foreground of the photo is the so-called holy thorn on Wearyall Hill; it was axed by vandals in 2011.

Celtic monks were often high-born; they might be the second son of the local chieftain. His first son would rule after him and his second son might become a holy man, who could read and write and pray. Chieftains sometimes gave a missionary monk part of their fort as a safe place to stay; since Celtic society was tribal, a chieftain’s co-operation was essential. A chieftain often had more than one fort, since no region could sustain his hungry warriors for long. Many forts were quite impregnable, such as Tintagel, on a headland high above the Cornish cliffs (see colour plate 18).

At first, monks preached at pagan holy places. St Patrick’s Chair, in a field in the parish of Marown, near the centre of the southern half of the Isle of Man, is thought to be an early Christian preaching station – a site where the gospel was proclaimed before churches were established (see colour plate 19). Its three slabs are set in a cairn of stones, which may originally have formed a pre-Christian dolmen. At some time between 400 and 700, simple crosses were carved on two of the slabs. The site acquired its name much later, since dedications to saints on the Isle of Man are Norse or medieval.

Early churches were built of unmortared stone. The small church named Gallarus Oratory on the Dingle peninsula, overlooking Smerwick Harbour in Kerry, Ireland, is a fine example of this (see colour plates 20 & 21). It is the only complete early medieval chapel on the Irish mainland and its shape has been compared with that of an upturned boat. A banked wall demarcates the monastery in which it stood and an inner wall separates the remains of the monks’ huts from the oratory. The building perhaps dates from the eighth century and is made from local gritstone. The little church is constructed with unmortared stones, each layer set further inwards to form a curved roof. Its nine ridge stones are still intact. Often a corbelled roof of this design collapses in the middle, its weakest point, unless its masons are exceptionally skilled. Such chapels are almost all found in Kerry. The oratory has a low doorway at its western end, with two large lintel stones and a wooden or leather door hung from the pair of projecting stones inside the chapel. At its eastern end, a small circular window splays inwards to shed morning light on the missal for the priest to celebrate the Eucharist.

In wealthy monasteries, beautiful vessels were created to use when celebrating the Eucharist; therefore metal workers were held in high regard. At Clonmacnoise, an altar is spread with replicas of the few elaborate vessels which have survived from early times, including two chalices, a wine strainer and a pattern, or dish, for the bread. Behind an illuminated missal is a small house-shaped shrine containing relics, or bones of a saint; to the left is a bronze bell (see colour plate 22). Sadly, most of these beautiful objects were destroyed by fire, floods, battles, Vikings or during the Reformation. Celtic Christianity and culture was extinguished in lowland Britain by the Saxons and the Normans, but in some of the more remote regions, such as the Scottish Highlands, Celtic monks survived throughout medieval times until the Reformation.

Some of the saints described in this book may not have existed; the name of St Bega, for example, may simply derive from a bracelet (or beag), which was revered for its healing properties at St Bees in Cumbria. Several churches are dedicated to Bega, including that of Bassenthwaite, beautifully situated at the foot of Mount Skiddaw, beside Bassenthwaite Lake (see colour plate 23). Other popular saints were honoured in medieval times far from the locations where they are known to have worked. For example, Patterdale, at the southern end of Ullswater in Cumbria, means ‘Patrick’s Dale’. According to medieval legend, Patrick was shipwrecked on Duddon Sands, north of Barrow-in-Furness, and made his way to Ullswater, where he baptised at St Patrick’s well (see colour plate 24). It is easy to imagine how such local stories arose. The well is beside the A592 near the boat landings at Glenridding; the heavily restored medieval church is a mile to the south. Most, though not all, dedications to Patrick and Brigit on the British mainland are likely to date from late medieval times.

In the nineteenth century, Alexander Carmichael collected poems and prayers sung by farming and fishing communities in the Scottish Highlands and islands which preserve elements of Celtic theology and thought. Beautiful prayers to accompany such everyday activities as lighting the peat fire and herding the cattle are found in Carmichael’s Carmina Gaedelica.



The ninth abbot of Iona, Adomnán (624–704) was born in his father’s homeland of Donegal, and came from the royal family of the northern Uí Néill. He first trained as a monk under Columba’s nephew, Ernán, and became abbot of Iona in 679 at the age of 55. In his early years as abbot, a bishop from Gaul named Arculf visited Iona when he was shipwrecked off the British coast on his way home from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Adomnán welcomed him and wrote a book about the holy places, using information from Arculf and other sources. Adomnán presented a copy of his book to the King of Northumbria; Bede drew upon this guidebook, which became widely used throughout Europe.

In 688 Adomnán went to the monastery of Jarrow in Northumbria, where he spent at least a year, and would have met Bede. In the four years after his return to Iona from Northumbria, Adomnán worked on his Life of Columba. In 692 he went back to Ireland, where he challenged his former friend, King Finnachta, over an annual payment of cattle tribute. Adomnán cursed King Finnachta, who died three years later. As the ruler of Columba’s monasteries in northern Ireland, Adomnán returned in 697 to take part in the synod of Birr. He proposed a law to exempt women, children and clergy from taking part in warfare; his new law also applied in Scotland. Penalties for transgressing it were to be paid to the Columban monasteries.

Adomnán was responsible for the oversight of all the Columban foundations and travelled extensively. On the Scottish west coast, he is honoured on North Uist in the Outer Hebrides, and a chapel was dedicated to him on the Isle of Bute, at Kildavanan. Adomnán spent time among the Picts, east of the Grampian Mountains; he maintained a good relationship with the Pictish royal house and is commemorated throughout Pictish lands, especially in Aberdeenshire, Banff and Forfar.

In his old age, Adomnán is said to have worked among the Picts in Glen Lyon, one of the Highland routes leading eastwards towards Loch Tay. Beside the River Lyon, near the Bridge of Balgie, is Milton Eonan (‘Mill town of Adomnán’). The nineteenth-century church at Innerwick, on the other side of the bridge, contains a Celtic hand bell, known as the Benrudh Bell; it is said to have belonged to Adomnán. It was lost for 200 years in the churchyard and then recovered. Eight miles to the east, where the valley broadens, the church of Dull is dedicated to him. There was a famous monastery here, possibly founded from Iona; it remained a centre of learning for many centuries. Closer to Innerwick is a small hill named Camusvrachan, traditionally the place where, when plague struck, Adomnán prayed with the people and sent them up to their summer shielings, away from the polluted river; the plague then ceased. Adomnán returned to Iona, and died shortly after his final visit to Ireland.

Wheel-headed cross, Old Kirk Lonan, Isle of Man.

In Ireland and Scotland, Adomnán’s name was shortened to ‘Onan’, and Old Kirk Lonan in Onchan parish on the Isle of Man is a medieval dedication to Adomnán. In the churchyard an impressive wheel-headed cross stands in its socket stone, probably in its original position; it is decorated entirely with interlacing, knots and plaitwork. It stands 1.5m high and measures 1m across; it dates from the ninth or tenth century.


Aidan of Lindisfarne (d. 651) was largely responsible for introducing Christianity to Northumbria; our chief source of information about him is Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Writing in about 731, Bede was able to draw on the knowledge of elderly monks in his community when he describes Aidan’s work. Bede tells us how he arrived from Iona at the king’s request to convert his subjects:

When King Oswald asked for a Scottish bishop to preach the gospel to himself and his people, first another man was sent, an austere man who was unsuccessful. The English people ignored him, so he returned home, and reported to the assembled council that he had been unable to do any good among the people to whom he was sent to preach. They were uncivilised, stubborn and barbarous. (Bede, bk 3, ch. 5)

The monks gathered on Iona, discussed what to do, and an Irishman named Aidan suggested that the previous missionary bishop might have been too severe. The community therefore decided to consecrate Aidan as bishop and sent him to Northumbria instead.

Aidan arrived with 12 companions in 635. Bede describes Aidan with affection and admiration. He did not approve of the Irish bishop’s method of calculating Easter, but he praised his love of prayer and study, his gentleness and humility, and his care for the sick and the poor. Bede’s unusually lavish words may have been intended as a reproof for the lax bishops of his own time. He relates:

When [Aidan] arrived, at his request the king gave him the island of Lindisfarne for his bishop’s seat. Here the tide ebbs and flows twice a day, so the place is surrounded by the sea and becomes an island. Again twice a day, the shore becomes dry and is joined to the land … The bishop was not skilled at speaking English, and when he preached the gospel, it was most delightful to see the king himself interpreting God’s word to his commanders and ministers, for he had learnt to speak fluent Gaelic during his lengthy exile. (Bede, bk 3, ch. 3)

Oswald had spent his youth on Iona, when his uncle seized the throne in 616. King Oswald lived in a fortress on a rocky outcrop at Bamburgh, 15 miles south-east of the present town of Berwick-upon-Tweed. From Bamburgh, Aidan’s island monastery of Lindisfarne was just visible, 6 miles up the coast. Oswald ruled for only eight years; at the age of 38 he was killed in battle by the pagan King Penda of Mercia.

Lindisfarne priory ruins.

Bede tells us how Bishop Aidan lived: he preferred to travel on foot rather than on horseback, and engaged people in conversation. If they were pagan, he taught them about Christianity; if they were believers, he encouraged them. Aidan spent each Lent on the Farne Islands, about 2 miles offshore, for 40 days of solitude. He was on Farne when King Penda ravaged Northumbria and reached the royal stronghold at Bamburgh. His soldiers set fire to the fortress, and Aidan, seeing the flames from his cell on Farne, prayed until the wind changed direction and the flames engulfed Penda’s troops, who were forced to retreat. Among Aidan’s friends and followers were a number of women, including Oswald’s half-sister, Princess Ebbe, who became a nun at the double monastery for both men and women at Coldingham. Another of Aidan’s friends was Hilda, who became abbess at Whitby, where her double monastery became a centre of learning and the arts. Aidan became ill and died in his church at Bamburgh. He had been bishop of Northumbria for 16 years.

Little survives on Lindisfarne from Aidan’s day: the monastery was destroyed by Vikings in 793 and the monks left the island a generation later, dismantling their wooden church and taking its timbers with them. The surviving priory ruins date from the twelfth century. The nearby parish church of St Mary may stand on the site of a second Anglo-Saxon one. South-west of the priory is a rocky islet which Cuthbert used as a retreat. At low tide it is 10 minutes’ walk from the priory, but at high tide it is cut off from the mainland. There are remains of a medieval chapel on the island; its ruined walls are covered with pink thrift and yellow birdsfoot trefoil in summer. At its east end, a tall wooden cross marks the site of the altar. More fragmentary stones may be the remains of Cuthbert’s hermitage.


Asaph was the grandson of Pabo Post Pryden, King of north Britain. He is known largely through a late Life of Kentigern, whose disciple he became as a youth. His dedications are chiefly found in Flintshire, where Llanasa may have been his base. When Kentigern left Wales and returned to Strathclyde in the late sixth century, we are told that he placed Asaph in charge of his monastery of Llanelwy, later named St Asaph. At a time when waterways were as important as roads, Llanelwy was in a key position at the junction of the rivers Elwy and Clwyd; it is near the north Welsh coast and 5 miles south of Rhyl, and was therefore also easily accessible from the sea.

According to Kentigern’s twelfth-century biographer, Jocelyn of Furness, he ‘went through the area, exploring different places, bearing in mind the air quality, the fertility of the soil, the suitability of the fields, pasture and woodland, and the other requirements for a monastic site’. Once the location was chosen, ‘some cleared the ground and levelled it, while others dug the foundations. They chopped down trees, transported them and hammered planks together to build a church following Kentigern’s plan, and made wooden polished furniture, for the British did not yet build in stone.’ In the twelfth century, the Normans made St Asaph the cathedral of a diocese centred upon the kingdom of Powys. The present building dates mainly from the thirteenth century; it is set on the hillside above the river valley.

The church at Llanasa, whose name means ‘church site of Asaph’, is dedicated to saints Asaph and Cyndeyrn; Cyndeyrn is Welsh for Kentigern. The village is in a sheltered valley near the north Welsh coast, 6 miles east of Rhyl. The present double-chambered church was built in the fifteenth century; an asymmetrical bell turret was constructed at this time. In 1540, when the monasteries were dissolved at the Reformation, two fine stained-glass windows were brought to Llanasa church from Basingwerk abbey in Holywell. The window over the altar depicts four saints, including Beuno dressed as a bishop. The saint to his right is Beuno’s niece, Winifred, with a scar round her throat, although she is named, probably incorrectly, as St Catherine. The church also contains the fourteenth-century tombstone of the father of Owain Glyndwr, the last Welsh fighting prince who rose against the English and died in 1416.

Bell turret, Llanasa.


Bega was a legendary seventh-century Irish nun; St Bees on the Cumbrian coast is named after her. Her cult may have arisen from the bracelet preserved until the twelfth century at her shrine in St Bees, that was said to have healing properties. Its Old English name, beag, may have suggested the saint’s name. She may or may not be the nun Begu (d. 660) of Hackness in north Yorkshire who, according to Bede, saw in a vision the death of Hilda, who founded the communities of both Hackness and Whitby. A hymn in a fifteenth-century book of hours in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, describes Bega as an Irish chieftain’s daughter who vowed chastity. She escaped before an arranged marriage and fled across the sea, landing at St Bees, where she founded a convent. There is a church dedicated to Bega beside Lake Bassenthwaite, at the foot of Skiddaw (see colour plate 23), and a church and holy well are named after her at Kilbucho in the Upper Tweed valley. She is also honoured at Dunbar on the coast, east of Edinburgh. Bega is the subject of the novel Credo by Melvyn Bragg, which conveys a lively impression of the society in which the Celtic saints lived and worked.

The Norman priory of St Bees on the Cumbrian coast was founded by monks from the great Benedictine abbey of St Mary’s, York. Norsemen arrived here in the eleventh century and called the settlement Kirkeby Begoc (‘the village near Bega’s church’). The fine west door of St Bees priory is decorated with chevrons and beak-heads of grotesque birds or beasts; it was built in about 1160. Inside, the nave pillars date from around 1220. There is an early Christian cross in the graveyard, opposite the great west door, and inside is the stump of a fine carved cross dating from the tenth or eleventh century. An hour’s walk westward around the cliffs brings one to Smuggler’s Cave in Fleswick Bay. According to legend, this is where Bega took shelter after reaching the Cumbrian coast in her flight from Ireland.

St Bega’s cave, Fleswick Bay.


Beuno is one of the few known Celtic monks who lived and worked in north Wales. His Life survives only in a fourteenth-century translation of a lost Latin original, but some elements in it appear to be genuine. Beuno was born of a noble family in mid Wales in the second half of the sixth century. He was said to have trained for the priesthood in one of the great monasteries of south Wales, and returned to his father’s territory of Powys. According to Beuno’s Life, after his father’s death, a local prince gave Beuno the small settlement of Berriew, 5 miles south-west of present-day Welshpool, as a site for his first monastery. Its name (Aber Rhiw in Welsh) indicates that Berriew grew beside the River Rhiw where it flows into the Severn, near the Roman road to Wroxeter. Beuno’s church is set in a Celtic oval churchyard; it was rebuilt in the nineteenth century.

There is a monolith known as Maen Beuno (‘Beuno’s Stone’), a pointed Bronze Age standing stone in Dyffryn Lane, a mile from Berriew church. This perhaps marked the settlement’s ancient holy place and here, according to tradition, Beuno preached to the people at the beginning of his missionary career. To reach it, drive through Berriew, passing the Red Lion Inn on your right. At the junction with the A483, continue across the main road into Dyffryn Lane (unsigned), past a few houses and a layby. Beuno’s Stone is on the right, beside the hedge.

Beuno’s chest, Clynnog Fawr.

Beuno’s Life