The Council of Europe French-English legal dictionary - Frank H.S. Bridge - E-Book

The Council of Europe French-English legal dictionary E-Book

Frank H.S. Bridge



Designed to provide useful and authentic translations, this dictionary is an incomparable reference work containing some 11 000 entries, clearly set out and easy to consult.

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F. H. S. Bridge


The Council of Europe


Legal Dictionary





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This dictionary has been compiled as a manual to assist translators who are not familiar with legal terminology and others who have no time to consult more authoritative sources. It has no pretensions to completeness and many of the renderings are tentative or apply only in certain contexts. The English terms are those currently or formerly used in English law; French terms refer to the French legal system unless otherwise indicated – as Belgian (“Belg”), Canadian (“Can”), Luxembourg (“Lux”) or Swiss (“Sw”).

I should like to thank those colleagues who have come to discuss points of interest and in particular Martin Weston, who has not only supplied me with lists of suggested renderings, most of which I have adopted, but has also revised, copy-edited and proof-read the entire text for publication. I am also indebted to my son Steven, without whose encouragement and assistance the computer typescript would never have seen the light of day.

Frank Bridge

April 1994


BAIL – lease; tenancy.

• CHEPTEL – bail à cheptel – lease of livestock.

• COLONAT PARTIAIRE – bail à colonat partiaire – lease on the basis of a division of produce and losses between tenant and landlord.

• COMMERCIAL – bail commercial – business tenancy.

• CONSTRUCTION – bail à construction – long building lease (18-70 years) conferring a right in rem on the lessee.

• DOMAINE CONGÉABLE – bail à domaine congéable – short-term agricultural tenancy in which the tenant retains ownership of (or is entitled to compensation for) his erections, plantations and crops and also has a right of pre-emption.

• FERME – bail à ferme – 9-year renewable agricultural tenancy.

• HABITATION – bail à usage d’habitation – residential tenancy.

• NATURE – bail en nature – tenancy in which the rent is paid in kind.

• NOURRITURE – bail à nourriture – contract to supply board and lodging for life.

• RENTE – bail à rente – rentcharge.

• RURAL – bail rural – agricultural tenancy.

• TRIBUNAL paritaire de baux ruraux – agricultural land tribunal.

BAILLEUR – landlord; lessor; hirer.

• FONDS – bailleur de fonds – person providing finance; money-lender.


• COMPTE – balance des comptes en mouvement et en soldes – turnover and balances of the accounts.

BALLOTTAGE – situation where none of the parties has obtained sufficient votes to be elected in the first round of an election.

• SCRUTIN de ballottage – second ballot.


• RUPTURE de ban – offence of returning to French territory (committed by a person who has been banished); also applies to persons under order not to live in a specific region.

BANDITISME – aggravated theft; aggravated larceny.

BANQUEROUTE – (negligent or fraudulent) bankruptcy.

• FRAUDULEUX – banqueroute frauduleuse – fraudulent bankruptcy

• SIMPLE – banqueroute simple – (negligent) bankruptcy

BANS – notice of an intended marriage posted on the notice-board of a mayor’s office.


• IMPÔT – barème de l’impôt sur les salaires – salary-tax tables; (Schedule E) income-tax tables.


• PLAIDER à la barre – address the court.

BARREAU – bar.

BARREMENT – crossing of a cheque.


• IMPOSITION – base d’imposition – taxable (rateable) value; value for tax purposes; basis of assessment.

• LÉGAL – manque de base légale – (judgment based on) faulty or insufficient reasons (ground for appeal to the Court of Cassation).

• TEXTES de base – relevant texts (documents); basic provisions.

BÂTONNIER – chairman of the bar.


• DISCUSSION – bénéfice de discussion – surety’s right to require execution to be directed against the principal debtor before the creditor levies execution on the surety.

• DISTRIBUÉ – bénéfice non distribué – profit retained.

• DIVISION – bénéfice de division – surety’s right to obtain a court order that the proceedings be directed against all the sureties.

• DOUTE – au bénéfice du doute – for lack of evidence.

• ÉMOLUMENT – bénéfice d’émolument – limitation of a spouse’s liability for the community debts to his or her share of the community assets.

• IMPÔT – bénéfice avant impôts – profit before tax; pre-tax profit.

• INVENTAIRE – bénéfice d’inventaire – limitation of the heir’s liability for the debts of the estate to the amount of the net assets he actually receives.

BÉNÉFICIAIRE – beneficiary.

• PROMESSE – bénéficiaire d’une promesse – promisee.


• DE – bénéficier de – be entitled to.


• TRANSPORTÉ bénévole – person given a free lift.

• USAGER bénévole – person using something free of charge.

BIEN – anything which may form the object of rights; property; goods; land; asset.

• COMMUN – bien commun – asset forming part of the community (of marital property).

• COMMUNAL – biens communaux – common land; common (belonging to all the inhabitants of a district).

• CONSOMMABLE – biens consommables – consumable articles or goods.

• CONSOMPTIBLE – biens consomptibles – consumable goods.

• CORPOREL – biens corporels – corporeal movables; goods; chattels.

• DÉFAUT – acte de défaut de biens (Sw) – bailiff’s certificate that the execution debtor has no goods to seize; return of nulla bona.

• DÉTERMINÉ – biens déterminés – specific goods; specific property.

• DOTAL – biens dotaux – property settled on the wife by the marriage contract which is inalienable and cannot be taken in execution.

• DROIT des biens – law of property.

• FAMILLE – bien de famille – reserved family property (not liable to attachment or capable of being mortgaged); hereditary farm; long-standing family property; homestead.

• IDENTIFIABLE – biens identifiables – traceable property, ie which has not been converted into an unidentifiable form,

• IMMOBILIER – biens immobiliers – immovable property; real estate.

• INCORPOREL – biens incorporels – incorporeal (intangible) movables.

• INDIVIS – biens indivis – property held in common; co-property; property in undivided shares.

• INSAISISSABLE – biens insaisissables – property not subject to attachment.

• JUGÉ – le bien-jugé – the correctness (of a judgment etc).

• JURIDIQUE – biens juridiques – legally protected interests; interests.

• MAÎTRE – bien sans mantre – res nullius; ownerless (unclaimed) goods.

• MÉNAGE – biens du ménage – matrimonial property.

• MOBILIER – biens mobiliers – movable property; movables; personalty.

• PARAPHERNAL – biens paraphernaux – separate property of the wife under the dotal system of marital property (abolished in France with respect to future marriages as from 1965) which does not form part of her settled property (biens dotaux).

• PRODUCTION – biens de production – capital goods.

• PROPRE – biens propres – spouse’s separate property.

• RÉSERVÉ – biens réservés – wife’s property deriving from the exercise of a trade or profession: although part of the community, they are administered and may in principle be disposed of by the wife.

• SUCCESSORAL – biens successoraux – a deceased’s assets, estate, etc.

• VACANT – biens vacants et sans mantre – ownerless realty which becomes property of the state.


• CONTRAT de bienfaisance – contract without consideration.

BIEN-FONDÉ – merits; substance; lawfulness.

• ÉTABLIR le bien-fonde de – make out (substantiate) (a claim); support (an appeal etc).

• PRONONCER – se prononcer sur le bien-fonde de ses allégations – give a decision on the merits of his allegations.

• RECONNANTRE le bien-fonde de la demande – allow the application.


• PROCÈS – le bien-jugé du procès – the correctness of the decision.

BILAN – balance sheet.

• ÉTABLIR – le bilan s’établit à – the balance sheet totalled.


• ORDRE – billet à ordre – promissory note.

• PORTEUR – billet au porteur – bearer bill.

BIS – in numbering in French legislation leave untranslated and italicise; (otherwise) A.

BLÂME – reprimand.


• TRAITÉ des Blanches – white slave trade.

BLANC-SEING – document signed in blank.

BLANCHISSAGE – laundering (of illegal profits, proceeds of crime, etc).


• IMPRUDENCE – blessures par imprudence – negligent injury.

• INVOLONTAIRE – blessures involontaires – unintentional injuries.


• CONTRÔLE – bloc de contrôle – controlling shareholding (interest).

BLOCAGE – freezing (provisional measure).

• CRÉDIT – blocage de crédits – blocking (freezing) of appropriations.

BLOQUER – freeze.

• LISTE bloquée – a list to be accepted or rejected in toto (in a vote).


• ACHAT – bon d’achat – (pay in the form of a) voucher entitling the holder to purchase goods in his employer’s shop.

• CAISSE – bon de caisse – fixed-deposit receipt (a negotiable instrument).

• COMMANDE – bon de commande – order form.

• FOI – bonne foi – good faith; honest dealing in legal transactions; erroneous but not negligent belief in the existence of a fact, right or rule of law.

• IMPÔT – bon d’impôt – tax-payment certificate; tax-reserve certificate.

• JOUISSANCE – bon de jouissance – certificate giving a right to share in profits or on liquidation or to subscribe for shares; participation certificate (not identical with a bon de participation).

• MŒURS – bonnes mœurs – accepted moral standards; morality.

• PARTICIPATION – bon de participation – participation certificate giving a right to share in profits or on liquidation or to subscribe for shares (not identical with a bon de jouissance).

• PÈRE DE FAMILLE – bon père de famille – reasonable, prudent man; careful, diligent owner.

•• JOUIR en bon père de famille – (obligation imposed on a tenant or hirer) to use rented etc property without damaging it, ie to keep the premises in good condition, fair wear and tear excepted.

• RAISON – bonnes et sérieuses raisons – well-founded reasons.

• TRÉSOR – bon du Trésor – Treasury bond.


• LIQUIDATION – boni de liquidation – surplus on a winding-up.


• PRIME – bonification de la prime – return of the premium.

BONUS-MALUS – motor-insurance clause varying the premium in accordance with the number of accidents.


• IMPÔT – bordereau d’impôt – tax assessment.

BORNAGE – fixing and marking boundaries.


• VENTE à la boule de neige – sale at a discount on condition that the purchaser introduces other purchasers; snowball selling.


• DÉLAI – à bref délai – speedily; promptly.

BREVET – patent; instrument drawn by solicitor (notaire) of which the original is handed to the parties.

• ADDITION – brevet d’addition – patent of addition.

• AGENT – agent de brevets – patent agent.

• INVENTION – brevet d’invention – patent.

• PROCÉDÉ – brevet de procédé – process patent.

• VIOLATION de brevet – infringement of a patent.

BRIGADIER – (police) constable.

• CHEF – brigadier chef – (police) sergeant.


• CLÔTURE – bris de clôture – illegal breaking and entry of closed premises; breach of close; breaking a close.


• ANNEXE – budget annexe – subsidiary budget.

• DÉPENSE – budget des dépenses – expenditure budget.

• PROJET de budget – estimates.

• RECETTE – budget des recettes – revenue (income, receipts) budget.

• RECTIFIÉ – budget rectifié