The Reflection-method - Looking into the mirror - Christa Kössner - E-Book

The Reflection-method - Looking into the mirror E-Book

Christa Kössner

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Die Spiegelgesetz-Methode bietet Selbsterkenntnis und Lebenshilfe, die nichts kostet, die schnell und konkret umsetzbar, einfach und an jedem Ort anwendbar ist

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Christa Kössner

Looking into the mirror: The Reflection Method

A practical guide to freedom



The ideas, recommendations and methods of treatment presented in this book are not thought to replace any professional medical or therapeutical treatment. Any use of the suggestions made in this book is exclusively at the reader`s own discretion.

The author, publishing house, consultants, distributors, dealers, as well as anyone connected to this book cannot be hold liable nor responsible for possible effects, which may result directly or indirectly from the information given in this book.

Translation from German:

Mag. Katharina Withalm, edited by Kim Chan

Title of the German original edition:

Die Spiegelgesetz-Methode

ISBN 978-3-7095-0044-6

Christa Kössner • Looking into the mirror: The Reflection Method

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2004 by Ennsthaler, Steyr

Ennsthaler Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co KG, 4400 Steyr, Austria

Cover picture: ©Maryna Patzen/

E-Book-Production: Ronald Ganglmayer,

Table of contents




1. Cause and Effect

2. What is a reflection?



Pure chance - Coincidence

Strokes of fate




Car (Automobile)

Living space

3. Emotions and Feelings

4. The four step method

5. Finding God




More books available in English by Ennsthaler


At the last workshop I held on the Law of Reflection, a participant rose spontaneously saying “Christa, this means total release, this is deliverance....”. Some nodded silently, smiling, others agreed with Monika’s statement, using their own words. I was happy. I had succeeded in convincing others of the effectiveness of the Law of Reflection. I have believed in simplicity since I was young. I value independence, autonomy and everything uncomplicated – this is why the Reflection Method seems to me, in several ways, to be the best method to get to know MYSELF. The reflection in the events happening in my life, as well as, the reflection in the person opposite me, not only reveal my own joy for life, my own sense of humour and the most wonderful feelings I bear, but in some aspects, they also show the unkind manner in which I treat myself. I am fully aware that God offers me the choice in how I deal with that. Whether I want to continue suffering from my own negativity or whether I decide to deliver myself... to free myself! At this very moment, I am deciphering the unpleasant incidents in my life, tracing them back to the one wrong thought which caused them, I claim Gods gift to me: Full conscious awareness, that it is me who is continually creating not only the pleasant, but also the unpleasant facts in my life.

Applying the Law of Reflection brings immediate self-awareness to the actual situation.I free myself instantly from being the victim.I am able to CHOOSE – instead of being subjected to behavioural patterns leading to unhappiness.It offers the simplest way of finding the gift for me which is hiding in each and every person or situation.I understand that I am the creator of everything happening in my life.I will find God.Applying the Law of Reflection is free of charge, quickly done, applicable everywhere and doesn’t require help from the outside.

By now, it has been two years since I began holding workshops at home and abroad. Everything started with a phone call I received from Munich. A woman who had read my book “Schlüssel zum Glücklich-Sein: Das Spiegelgesetz”, invited me to come to Innsbruck the following weekend to hold a seminar – so I obliged. Meanwhile, with all the workshops I have held, a certain basic structure consisting of four main steps has crystallised. I will turn to this later. A wordplay also easily emerged in the middle of one of the seminars; it serves as a certain type of “click” to help accept your own negative qualities.

It is a wonderful exercise to do, when around friends, in order to playfully face you being unkind to yourself.

Indeed, I had actually planned on writing a different book. Walking to my garden today, I suddenly felt inspired to write this very book. I have received a lot of phone calls from people who simply need a push from me in order to discover the truth: that it is themselves they see reflected in their husbands, in a know-it-all pharmacy assistant or in a vicious neighbour. The unpleasant reflection in the mirror is not up to the mirror itself. Or do you , actually, expect the mirror in your parlour to smile back at you when YOU grumpily look into it? Please don’t take this literally. By “looking grumpy” I am referring to you being consciously unaware of yourself. Maybe deep INSIDE of you, you are put out again and again, due to a wrong belief or due to the conviction that to be happy and free means to be egoistic. You may possibly be maintaining a frame of mind which is constantly telling you that you aren’t worth a fortune or anything for that matter. A (sad, dull, troubled, angered...etc. ) look on your face simply states the result of sad, dull, troubled, angry...thoughts! If repeated constantly, a thought turns into a conviction. This is exactly what we do – in fact we go on like this until our suffering, which is simply created by our own negative attitude, becomes more than we can cope with. Sometime, after having a bad experience way back in our childhood or even in a former life, a negative conclusion settled in our attitude of mind ... which we forgot about over the course of the years. Still, this does not in any way diminish its effectiveness. With every conscious AND unconscious thought we perform a mental act of creation, causing and presenting us with the corresponding facts. We can only find ourselves involved in situations reflecting OUR own beliefs. We only get in touch with people reconfirming OUR own paradigms. The greatness and fascination of this revelation leaves me full of gratitude each and every day. All I ever see is ME – no matter where I look.

May this booklet offer the crucial, loving click for you, shaking you awake from your dream. Others are not to be blamed for making your life hard. It is you, yourself. There are so many misconceptions to be found in our attitude of mind that the world no longer seems to be a paradise. The root of all troubles lies WITHIN MYSELF. MY own negativity takes on a shape. MY own wrong belief. MY own wrong attitude is creating unpleasantness in my life. If I am to experience something else, it is ME who has to extract the root of the problem – the prime negative reason – within MYSELF. Several methods to unravel it exist; some take years and require a lot of effort, pain and financial loss. However, the Reflection Method only takes a few minutes, maybe an hour, it’s free of charge and instantly releases you from any form of dependence. You are then free to choose to live your life happily and to embrace yourself whole-heartedly. Do you wish to live a life full of joy and to become a happy person? If so, please be aware of the necessity to transform your hapless ideas, yourself. It IS possible. It is even, indeed, possible at this very instant.

I wish you the courage and determination to turn your view a 180° degrees: onto yourself. I wish you cheerfulness and a good sense of humour from now on, when you start to decipher the reflections in your life. I wish you power and, success and bliss – from the bottom of my heart.

Christa Kössner

1. Cause and Effect

Many books have been written on the Law of Cause and Effect. I hardly know anyone who shakes his head when I ask: ”Have you already heard about cause and effect?” Yes, we are familiar with this law. But, are we really aware of it, functioning in our lives? Do we really accept that each of our thoughts will come true once their time has come? Of course, a difference in quality exists between a brief idea, crossing our minds and a thought full of emotion we repeat day after day. If cause is weak and faint so is its effect. Well – all of us know what it means to cause something. When we think, we help ourselves to the omnipresent creative energy of the universe. We get it moving through our mental activity, as if we would throw a stone into the clear water of a mountain-lake and watch the waves expand. If it is only a tiny little pebble the surface of the water will quickly be as smooth as glass again. But, were we to throw a larger rock, we would have to prepare ourselves for a thing or two.

Thus the cause of each event in my life is a thought of MINE. The effect is shown in the appropriate incident. My life is a constant reflection of my thoughts, my beliefs and my convictions. Isn’t it wonderfully releasing to accept the truth, that it is ME, who shapes my life? I am the creator of my life. Because God grants me the same power as he grants himself. I am allowed to get creative energy moving through my thoughts and beliefs and I am allowed to create facts. When I talk about this during my workshops people normally nod, maybe somewhat shyly or with their heads down – as, unfortunately, so many people still think it is a virtue to remain the victim of their own creations, or the other way round: Only some accept the most valuable gift we’ve received from God. The power to live our lives, in a way that we are completely happy. In “A Course in Miracles” it says: “The only reason for you to be in this world is to be happy. That is the only thing you are asked for.”

So, if there are circumstances in your life, you are not happy with, please turn your view a 180° degrees onto yourself. The cause of the circumstance with which you are confronted, at the moment, is to be found WITHIN YOURSELF – and nowhere else. Certain thoughts that are producing all of the unpleasant people and situations, reign your attitude of mind. What you experience is simply the result of YOUR negativity, which you are not consciously aware of. Life is reflecting your attitude of mind for just one reason: so you will become aware. If, for example, it is your belief that men are good for nothing ...this belief will manifest itself. “Good-for –nothing”-men will be the only kind you will ever meet. If you are convinced that money is dirty ... life will reflect your conviction ... you will always be short of money. If you are unforgiving and carry your thoughts of irreconcilability with you ... your attitude of mind might materialise itself as a stiff neck or as a partner accusing you day after day of something you did to him 20 years ago. Please don’t be deceived, stay with YOURSELF. What you will meet outside, really is INSIDE of YOU. And if you want to see and experience something different outside, than you can’t avoid removing the cause from within YOURSELF. Remember: YOUR own thought is always the cause. The effect is always shown accordingly, as a fact, a certain state of life, a coincidence or a stroke of fate.