William Clayton's Journal - William Clayton - E-Book

William Clayton's Journal E-Book

William Clayton

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William Clayton's Journal, A Daily Record of the Journey of these Original Company of “Mormon” Pioneers from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake, is an early look into the early Church of Latter Day Saints. Clayton was a Church leader, and served as a scribe to Joseph Smith.

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A Daily Record of the Journey of these Original Company of “Mormon” Pioneers from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake

William Clayton


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Copyright © 2016 by William Clayton

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William Clayton’s Journal


Editor’s Note

William Clayton’s Journal.




A Daily Record of the Journey of these Original

Company of “Mormon” Pioneers from

Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Valley

of the Great Salt Lake



WILLIAM CLAYTON WAS ONE OF the remarkable characters of early Utah history. Born in the county of Lancashire, England, July 17, 1814, he was educated in one of the schools of his native town, and grew to manhood with a love for books and nature. An early convert of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he conducted one of the first companies from England to Nauvoo, and there became one of the trusted secretaries of the Prophet Joseph Smith. With the exodus from Nauvoo, he was Clerk of the Camp of Israel, and when the Mormon pioneers left Winter Quarters in April, 1847, he was appointed by Brigham Young one of the historians of that noted company. His journal of that memorable expedition over the plains is one of the most valuable diaries we have of that early period of western history. He kept careful account of the distances traveled each day, and his writings are full of descriptions of the country over which they traveled. He has noted the topography, the fauna and flora of the trail; and his descriptions of the activities of the company indicate a well trained intellect in social study. His language is simple and direct, and his care in keeping each day’s distance and important facts of the journey show order and method.

His hymn, “Come, come, ye Saints” takes its place as one of the most beautiful hymns of western history, for it is full of joyfulness, and expresses an optimism and faith Winter Quarters, November 28, 1847. The remainder of his brothers and sisters survived the persecutions of mobs and the early privations of the Church and came to the valley of the Great Salt Lake with the pioneers of Utah.

William Clayton first heard the Gospel preached in England by Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde. With his wife, Ruth Moon Clayton, whom he married in England, October 9, 1836, he listened to the teachings of these missionaries, but he was not easy to convert. His wife received the Gospel first, and many evenings had to be spent before William Clayton became a believer in “Mormonism.” He was ordained a Priest December 25, 1837, and a High Priest, April 1, 1838, at which time he was appointed with Willard Richards, Counselor to Joseph Fielding who presided over the Church in Europe.

September 8, 1840, he left England in the packet ship NorthAmerica, arriving in New York, October 11, 1840, and in Nauvoo November 24, 1840. In this city, he became a trusted friend of the founders of the Church, so much so that on February 10, 1842, he was appointed secretary to Joseph Smith the Prophet. October 7, 1842, he became Temple Recorder and Recorder of Revelations. In 1842, he became Treasurer of the City of Nauvoo. These appointments are indicative of the zeal with which William Clayton served the Church throughout his life.

What of the personal characteristics of our subject? As will appear from his portrait on the frontispiece, William Clayton did not tend to frivolity or mirth but rather to seriousness and earnestness. Yet he was witty and had a keen sense of humor. In the home he was not demonstrative; although he had great love for his home and family and provided well for their comfort. He was methodical, always sitting in his own arm chair, having a certain place at the table and otherwise showing his love for order, which he believed the first law of heaven. His person was clean and tidy; his hands small and dimpled. He wore very little jewelry but what little he had was the best money could buy. He would not carry a watch that was not accurate, and his clothing was made from the best material. His children remember him best in black velvet coat and grey trousers and, in cold weather, a broad-cloth cloak in place of overcoat.

The man-timber in William Clayton came from sturdy trees. His character was above all littleness. He believed that what was good for him was good for all men, and that the measurement of our lives was based upon our daily conduct towards each other. To him that was God’s standard. He believed in perfect equity in the adjustment of the affairs of life. Had he loved money, he could probably have had it because of his education, and executive ability. But he cared little for material gain, centering his zeal in the pursuit of honor and right.

William Clayton was honest and nothing to him could justify an untruth. He deplored waste or extravagance, yet he never withheld from a neighbor in distress, or from the widow or orphan. Many are those who knew his generosity. When his harvest was gathered, bushels of grain and fruit found place among those of scanty store. And many pairs of shoes and much warm clothing were given to comfort the needy. Nor was the homeless forgotten, but the orphan was given a home and joy by his own fireside.

His religion was deeply rooted and nurtured by association with and testimony of an eye witness to the living God. His love for Joseph Smith was love seldom shown in man for man. Few men possessed stronger faith and courage. These qualities alone could inspire a man under heart-rendering circumstances, to write such hymns of faith and comfort as “Come, come, ye Saints,” and “The Resurrection Day.”

The record of William Clayton in Utah kept pace with that of previous years. His home was open always to his friends who loved to gather there for social hours. Civic welfare always interested him. He was a musician and played in the pioneer orchestra and that of the Salt Lake Theatre. He was a lover of community features and took part in dramatic functions.

He was treasurer of Zion’s Cooperative Mercantile Institution, Recorder of Marks and Brands, Receiver of Weights and Measures, and was Territorial Auditor. His love for education prompted many sacrifices and he tried hard to give his children the essentials of good schooling.

He had a strong will, although a tender conscience. Cowardice had no place in him. Truly he could say, “My heart is fixed. I know in whom I trust.” Joseph Smith believed that they should meet and associate in the Celestial Kingdom of God as they had here.

William Clayton died December 4, 1879, in Salt Lake City. Services were held in the Seventeenth Ward Chapel at which his own funeral hymn was sung. He left a large posterity.

Victoria C. McCune,

Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 1921



THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM CLAYTON have in recent years formed themselves into an organization known as the “Clayton Family Association.” This book is offered to the public by the Association with the thought that a document of such faithful description and fine spirit would be welcomed by all people who might be interested either in the Pioneer Period of Western History or more particularly in the exodus of the “Mormon” people from Missouri to the valley of the Great Salt Lake. It is difficult to understand why the “Journal” was not published years ago and it seems to require somewhat of an apology that this interesting record should have remained so long unknown and be now brought out with considerable haste. In the effort to have it ready for distribution to the members of the Clayton Family Association on the anniversary of the birth of their forefather on July 17th, there has been a sacrifice of care and deliberation in the preparation of this first edition which is hoped the reader will overlook upon consideration of the facts. This lack of time and care will show itself more in the text than in any other particular. Much of the proof reading was done by the undersigned on board train between Salt Lake and California. To say the least, such surroundings are not conducive to the most finished work. It is hoped that this circumstance will also make the reader more tolerant when encountering mistakes in the text, obviously the result of hasty proof reading. At a later date a second edition will do better justice to the author of the “Journal” and will show more consideration for the fine taste of the reader.


Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 1921.




SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1846. At the office all day packing public goods, evening at Farr’s writing out a letter of instruction to trustees.

MONDAY, 9TH. At the office packing. At 3:30 the temple was seen on fire. Women carrying water.

TUESDAY, 10TH. At the temple packing, also Wednesday 11th.

THURSDAY, 12TH. At home preparing to move.

FRIDAY, 13TH. Sent four loads of goods over the river. Loading and packing.

SATURDAY, 14TH. Packing and seeking letters.

SUNDAY, 15TH. Riding around to get teams and things together. Sent two teams over the river.

MONDAY, 16TH. Still loading teams, also Tuesday 17th.

WEDNESDAY, 18TH. Got about ready to go over the river. Evening President Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, J. M. Grant and some of the pioneers came to hurry us over. N. K. Whitney also came in. We conversed together some. They state the brethren have made a perfect waste of food and property in the camp.

THURSDAY, 19TH: This morning the ground is covered with snow. It is so windy they cannot cross the river. Continued to snow all day. Evening went to Elder Babbit’s to supper with Elder Kimball. President Young was there, Backenstos, J. M. Grant and some others.

FRIDAY, 20TH. The weather is very cold and windy.

Impossible to cross the river. Spent the day running after things to get ready, fixing wagons and chopping fire wood.

FRIDAY, 27TH. We have spent the past week waiting for crossing over the river. It has been hard frost and much snow. This morning I concluded to start over the river and began early to send my teams. About noon I crossed with my family and then rested the teams and soon after went on to the camp where we arrived a little before four o’clock. Bishop Whitney concluded to stay at the river until morning because some of his teams could not get over. When we got to the camp we were received with joy and formed in the company of the band. The weather is still very cold especially during the night. The distance from Nauvoo to this place is called seven and a half miles.

SATURDAY, 28TH. A. M. arranging my tents, etc. At twelve was sent for to council and about two the band was requested to go and meet bishop Whitney and his teams. We went and met him five miles from the camp. We played some time and then returned to the camp. President Young, Heber C. Kimball, P. P. Pratt, Orson Pratt and others accompanied us. At night played with the band.

SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1846. A. M. preparing to march to the next encampment. At ten a lecture was given by Elder Kimball and about one the company proceeded to the next camp about four and a half miles, where we arrived in good season.

MONDAY, 2ND. Started this morning for another camp about eight miles where we arrived about five P. M., the roads being somewhat hilly and muddy. The band played at night. During the day the artillery company broke into our ranks several times and broke a number of our wagon boxes. At night they complained of us at headquarters, but after hearing our story the matter stood about right.

TUESDAY, 3RD. Proceeded on our journey through Farmington about eight miles to a place where bishop Miller was encamped and arrived in good season. The band played at night.

WEDNESDAY, 4TH. This morning we concluded to stay a day and fix up some wagons which were broken. A number of the citizens from Farmington came to the camp and gave a very pressing invitation for the band to go to Farmington and play some. Accordingly about three o’clock, the band started and arrived at Farmington about 4:30 p. m. We played at the principal hotel and then went to the school house and played till nearly dark. The house was filled with men and women, the leading people of the place. We then returned to the hotel where they had provided us with a good supper. They also gave us $5 in money. Kay sang a number of songs. At eight o’clock we returned and when we left they gave us three cheers. When we arrived at the camp we met thirty of the guard just starting out to meet us. The President felt uneasy at our staying so long and was sending the men to protect us.

THURSDAY, 5TH. Proceeded on our journey. Crossed the Des Moines river at Bonaparte and afterwards had a very bad road up the bluff for several miles which detained us until late in the afternoon. We stopped awhile to feed the band teams inasmuch as they had none this morning. We then started and went to the next camping ground, making the day’s journey about sixteen miles.

SATURDAY, 7TH. Proceeded about eight miles to a camp ground near to a Dr. Elberts where the band camped. President Young was behind and when he arrived he went on about eight miles farther. The band went to work splitting rails for corn and made before dark, about 130. In the evening Dr. Elbert and some others came to hear the band play. Kay sang some songs which pleased them.

SUNDAY, 8TH. Waited for orders from headquarters. Many of the citizens came to hear the band play and gave us a very pressing invitation to go to Keosaugua and give a concert. About noon word came that we should follow on to the camp. We immediately struck tents and started and we arrived at the main camp about five o’clock. Some of the citizens from Keosaugua followed us waiting for an answer whether we would give a concert as soon as we arrived at the camp. I asked the President whether the band should go to Keasaugua to give a concert. He advised us to go and I immediately sent out the appointment and then we pitched our tents forming a line on the road opposite to the President’s company.

MONDAY, 9TH. Spent the day chiefly preparing for the concert and attending on my family.

TUESDAY, 10TH. The weather still continues fine. Spent the morning preparing for the concert and about one o’clock p. m. started in company with the brass band for Keosaugua. I rode in Elder Kimball’s wagon with William Kimball, J. Smithies and Wm. Pitt. The distance from the camp to Keosaugua is about ten miles, the camp being at a place called Richardson’s point. We arrived at Keosaugua about three o’clock and being requested we went through the town and played some. One of the grocery keepers invited us to play him a tune which we did. He then invited us in and offered to treat us to anything he had. We each took a little and then the next grocery keeper sent an invitation for us to play him a tune. We did so and he also gave us anything he had. A beer keeper next sent word that he did not want us to slight him and we went and played him a tune and then took some of his cake and beer. We then marched up to the Des Moines hotel near the court-house where we had ordered supper and after eating we went to the court-house to prepare for the concert. At seven o’clock the house was crowded and we commenced, playing and singing till about 9:30. The audience seemed highly pleased and gave loud applause. About the close one of the citizens got up and said it was the wish of many that we should repeat the concert the following evening and he took a vote of all who wished us to go again. The vote was unanimous. We made nearly $25.00 clear of all expenses. We started back for the camp soon after ten and arrived about one o’clock all well and pleased.

WEDNESDAY, 11TH. In the morning I reported to President Young our success and the request of the citizens of Keosaugua and he advised us to go again. We accordingly started about eleven o’clock. I again rode with William Kimball, Horace Whitney and James Smithies. When we arrived we were welcomed again with the same kind feelings as yesterday. Pitt had a severe chill all the way and when we got there it commenced raining and made it very unpleasant. The house was again filled but we only made $20.00 besides all expenses. We learned that there is a party of socialists there and they and the priests are much opposed to each other. We also learned that a man named McCully was in jail close by under sentence to be hung on the 4th of April for murdering a man and a child. I did not feel so well at the concert as on the night previous on several accounts. We started back between eleven and twelve and got to the camp about three o’clock.

THURSDAY, 12TH. The band moved to better ground about one quarter of a mile farther. The heavy rains had made it very muddy and unpleasant, all our bedding and things being wet.

FRIDAY, 13TH. Went hunting.

SATURDAY, 14TH. Wrote a letter to Diantha.

SUNDAY, 15TH. In camp all day.

MONDAY, 16TH. Some of the citizens of Keosaugua came again to request us to give another concert. We agreed to go tomorrow evening.

TUESDAY, 17TH. Started for Keosugua with Pitt, Hutchinson, Kay, Smithies and Egan. I took my music box and china to try and sell them. We arrived in good season and soon learned that the priests had been hard at work preventing the sectarians from coming to the concert, saying that it was an infidel move consequently there were not many present. We had far the best concert which lasted till nine o’clock. We then went over to the hotel, took supper and played for a private party till about three o’clock. We only cleared from both, about $7.00 over expenses but were well treated.

WEDNESDAY, 18TH. It rained last night and this morning again and we almost concluded to go to Fairfield, but finally determined to return to camp. We visited with a Mr. Bridgman who treated us very kindly. Bought about eight bushels of beans and some articles for President Young and then returned to camp. It rained some again today. We got back about five o’clock. After dark Dr. Elbert came to see my china and said if I would take it over tomorrow he would buy it.

THURSDAY, 19TH. Went to ask council whether I should go to sell my china. Saw Heber who advised me to go. A few of us started and soon met President Young who said we had better go back and go with the camp who were then starting on their way. We accordingly turned back our horses and struck tents in a hurry. At twelve o’clock we started on our journey. After traveling about six or seven miles we had to go up a very bad bluff which took us till five o’clock. President Young’s company went ahead of us and camped three miles from the bluff. Some of our teams gave out and we only went about a mile from the bluff and camped in a little point of timber a little from the road. Our teams were very tired.

SATURDAY, 21ST. We started early in the morning and soon came up with the main body of the camp. I rode ahead about three miles to hunt my cow. We did not have her last night being with the main camp. We traveled nine or ten miles and then rested our teams. We started again and traveled three miles farther where we found the President and Heber camped on the brink of a long bluff. We concluded to go to the other bank which we did and camped in a good place. In the evening the band went and played for the President and Heber and then went to a farmer’s house at the owner’s request about three quarters of a mile from camp to play for his family. He promised to give us some honey if we would play for him. We played about an hour and then left but neither saw nor heard anything of the honey. We learned afterwards, however, that Hutchinson had a pail under his cloak and got it full of honey after the rest had left the house and kept it to himself, very slyly.

SUNDAY, 22ND. Started again and soon came to the Shariton bottoms which is a very low land for about four miles. The road was bad and it took us sometime to cross. While on the bottom Root and Davis came again. Root had asked permission of President Young to go back to his family some days ago but it seems things did not go to suit him and he followed his team again. It took sometime to go up the bluff. We had to let the teams down into the Shariton river by ropes and also helped them up again by the same means. Our company got over in good season but we concluded to camp after getting up the bluff as it would take till night for the whole to get up. I spent the day helping the teams till I was so sore and tired I could scarcely walk.

MONDAY, 23RD. In with Brigham, Heber, and others. We found that Miller’s company had gone still farther about eight miles instead of waiting till we overtook them so that we could organize. I wrote a letter to them saying if they did not wait or return to organize, the camp would organize without and they be disfellowshiped. We concluded to stay at this place a few days to buy corn to last to Grand river but we found corn scarce and 26c a bushel, the farmers having advanced on account of a disposition to speculate.

TUESDAY, 24TH and WEDNESDAY, 25TH. At the camp writing, etc. It rained considerably.

THURSDAY, 26TH. Evening in council. Wrote a long letter to be sent to Emmet’s company by John Butler and James W. Cummings. This morning wrote another letter to P. P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, George Miller telling them they must wait for us or come back to organize. The letters were sent by Smithies. He met them on the way and about noon P. P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, John Kay and G. Miller came into camp and at 1.00 P. M. the council met. The brethren plead that the charges in the letters were unjust. They had not striven to keep out of the way but had done all for the best. The whole camp accordingly was organized, A. P. Rockwood over 1st 50; Stephen Markham, 2nd 50; Young, 3rd 50; Howard E. Kimball, 4th 50; Charles C. Rich, 5th 50; Charles Crisman, 6th 50. Each fifty had also appointed a contracting commissary for the purpose of contracting for work and grain as follows: Henry Sherwood 1st 50; David H. Kimball 2nd; Wm. H. Edwards 3rd; Peter Haws 4th; Joseph Worthen 5th; Samuel Gully 6th. It was understood that I continue to preside over the band and in the absence of Brother Haws over the whole fifty. After this there was appointed for each fifty a distributing commissary to distribute feed in camp as follows: Charles Kennedy for 1st 50; J. M. Grant 2nd 50; Nathan Tanner 3rd 50; Orson B. Adams 4th 50; James Allred 5th 50; Isaac Allred 6th 50. The brethren then gave the following instructions for the whole camp with orders that same be observed hereafter, viz. No man to set fire to prairies. No man to shoot off a gun in camp without orders. No man to go hunting unless he is sent and all to keep guns, swords and pistols out of sight. There was then appointed a clerk for each fifty as follows: John D. Lee Young, 1st 50; John Pack 2nd 50; Lorenzo Snow 3rd 50; Geo. H.

Hales 4th 50; John Oakley 5th 50; A. Lathrop 6th 50. The council then adjourned to meet at Shariton Ford camp on Monday at 10 A. M. We then returned to our camp where we arrived just at dark.

SATURDAY, 28TH. In camp making out forms for clerks of 50’s and also copied letter to James Emmet.

SUNDAY, 29TH. Making forms for clerks of 50’s and felt quite unwell all day with bad cold.

MONDAY, 30TH. Met with the council. The guard and pioneers were divided and distributed amongst the several companies of 50’s. It was also agreed that company No. 4 should go on to the next camp tomorrow and the remainder of the day following. Jackson Redding sold one of Keller’s horses for one yoke of oxen, leaving me as bad off for teams as before.

TUESDAY, 31ST. It was concluded we could not get ready to move until tomorrow. O. P. Rockwell arrived with the mail. I received a letter from Diantha and father. President Young received one from the trustees, one from Matlock and one from E. Pratt which I read in council. I was ordered to write an answer to the trustees’ and Matlock’s letter, but being late I left it till morning when I was quite unwell. I got two new teamsters, Levi Kendall and Swap.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1ST. President Young also sent me two yoke of oxen, wagon, and Brother Jones, the owner, to assist me. We divided the load out of the spare wagons putting a yoke of oxen to each and about 11:00 o’clock started on our journey. Mother was very sick, and could not bear to ride. She walked all the way. I felt very unwell myself, having much pain in my limbs. The roads were bad, but we arrived in camp about 2:00 o’clock and got on good ground. After getting our tents fixed, fires made, etc., I went to wrestling, jumping etc., to try to get well. I over-exerted myself without any symptons of perspiration and was so sick after I had to go to bed.

THURSDAY. 2ND. I was very sick all day and unable to write the letters or meet with the council. O. P. Rockwell started back to Nauvoo with letters. One of the Brother Hales arrived to say to his brother who drives team for Pitt that his family is very sick and wants him to go back but we cannot spare the team and he says it is no use for him to go back without it. At night I wrote again to Diantha and sent it by Brother Hale who returns tomorrow.

FRIDAY, 3RD. This morning it was decided to start early so as to get over the bad roads and also travel about fifteen miles. We had to send a wagon and team to fetch the eight bushels of corn which some of the band earned by playing last night. We started, however, about eight o’clock. The roads were very bad and when we had traveled about three miles it began to thunder and rain. The clouds gathered fast and it soon showed signs for heavy rain the whole day. We reached Bishop Whitney’s camp about noon and rested our teams while the rest came up. We then started again in the heavy rain and bad roads and traveled about three miles to Bishop Miller’s camp. We had a very bad bluff to rise and had to double teams to get up. On the top I met Heber camped. He selected a camping ground for us and advised us to go no farther. President Young has gone on six or seven miles. It was about 5:00 o’clock before all our teams got up and it rained heavily all the time. Mother walked all day again in the rain. I was very sick myself and unable to do anything. Yesterday the portion of the guard detailed to our company joined in with us, being Orvil M. Allen and eight men. They reported themselves destitute of everything and said they had lived a week on corn meal gruel, Stout and Hunter having made them serve as their body guard and used them very hard. I dealt out some of my own flour and bacon to them, determined to comfort them some if I could and not being willing to see anyone in our company suffer while I have anything left. It Continued to rain all night very hard.

SATURDAY, 4TH. This morning all our clothing, beds and bed clothing were drenched and it has continued to rain all day. I have been sick again all day especially towards night. I was so distressed with pain it seemed as though I could not live. I went to bed and put a bag of hot salt on my chest which seemed to give me some ease but I suffered much through the night, and it continued to rain until after midnight. We put an extra cover on our sleeping wagon, which kept out the rain.

We have only slept in the wagon three nights but have slept under a tent on the wet ground. Haw’s company are now formed with us, making our 50 nearly complete. A number of the company feel unwell on account of the rain and wet.

SUNDAY, 5TH. This morning I feel a little better and the day is fine and pleasant. I have spent the day writing in this journal, having written from memory all since the date of March 9th. Some of the dates may not be correct but the matters recorded are true. It is now 1:00 o’clock P. M. There is a meeting at Elder Kimball’s camp but I am sent here in this wagon to fetch up this record. My health is somewhat better for which I feel thankful. Elder Kimball says we had better not attempt to move tomorrow. We can get corn within ten miles from here and he will help us to means. We have now to lay in corn to last till we get to Grand River about fifty miles farther, there being no farms on the road. On Friday evening I appointed Charles Terry captain of my ten and Henry A. Terry clerk and my brother James to attend on my family agreeable with the orders of the President that I may be able to spend my time writing for the council and camp and attend councils. Elder Kimball instructed the captains of tens to call their companies together at 4:00 o’clock. Agreeable with this, the band assembled in front of my tent and administered the sacrament. Wm. F. Cahoon and Charles A. Terry officiated. I spoke about three quarters of an hour on various subjects touching on our journey and the policy we ought to use, etc. After I had done Elder Haws spoke on some subjects and the meeting adjourned. The captains then went over to Elder Kimball’s camp about sending for corn. We concluded to send four teams for our 50, Captain Egan and Haws then went through the camp to see if they could obtain some money. Haws obtained $31.45 and Egan $9.00. I sent $14.00 by Egan for some. Wrote to Diantha.

MONDAY, 6TH. It has rained again the last night and continued to rain all day very heavily. The camp is very disagreeable and muddy. I spent the day reading. About 5:00 o’clock the clouds began to break and it looks more likely for being fair. In the evening Elder Kimball came over and the band met opposite Hutchinson’s wagon and played some. After that the quadrille band met in my tent and played on the violins. All the time we were playing the lightning occasionally broke forth from the northwest and at 8:00 o’clock we dispersed just as the storm approached. Before I got to my tent the wind arrived and soon blew a perfect gale with heavy rain, hail, lightning and thunder. It continued for an hour and then abated some. All the tents in our company except mine and Pack’s were blown down. The rain beat through the wagon covers and drenched the families and effects. It was the most severe storm we have experienced and with such wind it seems impossible to preserve our little clothing and provisions from being spoiled. But in the midst of all, the camp seems cheerful and happy and there are but few sick.

TUESDAY,7TH. This morning it is fair but cold and windy. The ground is frozen stiff and considerable ice. Many of the tents are still lying flat and everything around shows that the storm was very severe. A number of the band have no meat and some no flour nor in fact scarcely any provisions and several have had little,—only what I have given them out of the stock I laid in for my family. I have this morning given the guard the bag of flour Miller left and a piece of pork and also a piece to Redding. The day continued fine but roads almost impassable. Evening the band played some.

WEDNESDAY, 8TH. This morning the ground was hard again. But the weather looks more for rain. I went out with Captain Cahoon and President Haws to look out a better camp ground and we concluded to move on a little farther west about a quarter of a mile. It took the company all day to move, it being almost impossible to move the loads even with tripling teams. About five o’clock Egan and the teams came back with fifty-seven bushels of corn. He had to give 21c a bushel for nearly all of it. Elder Kimball came over soon after to see if he could not get some of it. While we were talking President Pratt and his company arrived and reported that their teams have had no corn since yesterday morning neither could they get any. Heber-remarked that he would say no more about us letting him have any although we had only enough to feed five ears a feed every three days, and a journey of about fifty miles before we can get any more with bad roads. We let Parley have one load. Heber came with me to our camp and handed me a letter from President Young requesting us all to go on which I read to the company. I felt very unwell again and went to bed early.

THURSDAY, 9TH. This morning we concluded to pursue our journey, President Kimball and his company started out about seven o’clock. President Pratt started out with his company. Our company waited for the latter to start in its place till after eight o’clock and then we went on. The roads were very bad indeed. About noon it commenced raining heavily which made the roads still worse. We had calculated to go about eight miles to timber but after toiling till about four o’clock and having traveled only about five miles and our teams being entirely worn down we turned out of the road to a little branch of water to camp. Several of my teams stuck and we had to work till dark to get part of them to camp and two wagons we were compelled to leave over night. Quite a number were obliged to stay back on the prairie and Charles Hale did not come more than a quarter of a mile from where we started this morning. Elder Kimball has camped one and a half miles farther on the open prairie and many of his teams are yet behind. P. P. Pratt’s company are here with us as well as George Miller’s company except those behind on the prairie. It continued to rain very heavily until night. We could not make a fire and had little for supper, our provisions being in one of the wagons back. This is the most severe time we have had but yet the camp seems in good spirits.

FRIDAY, 10TH. The weather is yet very wet and gloomy. I spent the morning talking to Margaret. At seven o’clock a gale struck up and blew our tents over. We then concluded to move a few rods lower out of the wind. Before we got moved the wind moved to the west and it grew very cold. Our teams are gone back to fetch some of the wagons left last night. It rains and blows very badly and is very severe on our women and teams. Margaret and Lidia are out all the time and continually wetting both feet and all over. We expect Robert Burton’s, one of Peck’s, Peart’s and my wagons in to-night. One of mine was fetched early in the morning. Our teams fare hard with wet and cold, having very little corn.

SATURDAY, 11TH. This morning rode with Egan to help to get Brother Peart’s wagon out of the slough. It took five yoke of oxen and twelve men to draw it out. The roads are yet very bad but it is fair and very cold. We sent twelve yoke of oxen to bring up Peck’s and Charles Hale’s wagon. They got in late at night.

SUNDAY, 12TH. This morning before I got up, P. P. Pratt called and said that President Young wants the council to meet at Heber’s camp at ten o’clock. I started out with Captain Egan on foot and arrived in season. Had some conversation with Ellen Sanders Kimball and then went to council. It was decided to change our route and take a more northern one to avoid the settlements. We will go to Grand River and there enclose a space of land about two miles square and put up some twenty log houses for a resting place for the companies. A company starts out in a day or two to seek out the location amongst whom are the President, Heber and others of the twelve. A company will also be sent west to Judge Miller’s to go to work for feed, etc. After council I took dinner with Heber, the President being with us. I then wrote a letter to the trustees and returned with Captain Egan to our camp and soon after went to bed. The day has been fine but cold.

MONDAY, 13TH. Finished my letter to Diantha and then went over to Peck’s blacksmith shop. We had concluded not to leave till morning. While there a message arrived saying that Haws has sent eight yoke of cattle to help us on. We then concluded to start forthwith, being noon. But although we had so many extra teams, we had to leave three wagons in camp over night. Four of my folks walked all the way but still it was hard for me to get along. Keller had to stay back over night. I arrived at Locust Creek, being about four miles journey, about six o’clock and sent the cattle back for Peck and Steven Hales but they did not return till morning. In the evening the band played some. James broke his wagon tongue. We camped a little north of President Heber’s camp.

TUESDAY, 14TH. The weather is again very fine. Because some of the wagons did not come, Egan and I concluded to go and meet them and not start farther until tomorrow. We met the teams close by and then took a northern course a hunting. We saw only squirrels and I got five of them. About noon we returned and found the camp mostly gone. Orders had come from the President for the whole to move to his camp today. Charles Terry and Henry were gone a hunting which detained me till about three o’clock. James and I then started with the four wagons. They overtook us when we had got about one half mile. We found the road very bad and had to double teams, our horses being so badly worn down. Charles Terry broke a wagon tongue.

WEDNESDAY, 15TH. Last night I got up to watch, there being no guard. The cattle and horses breaking into the tents and wagons. I tarried up then called S. Hales and Kimball. This morning Ellen Kimball came to me and wishes me much joy. She said Diantha has a son. I told her I was afraid it was not so, but she said Brother Pond had received a letter. I went over to Pond’s and he read that she had a fine fat boy on the 30th ult., but she was very sick with ague and mumps. Truly I feel to rejoice at this intelligence but feel sorry to hear of her sickness. Spent the day chiefly reading. In the afternoon President Young came over and found some fault about our wagons, etc. In the evening the band played and after we dismissed the following persons retired to my tent to have a social christening, viz. William Pitt, Hutchinson, Smithies, Kay, Egan, Duzett, Redding, William Cahoon, James Clayton and Charles A. Terry and myself. We had a very pleasant time playing and singing until about twelve o’clock and drank health to my son. We named him William Adriel Benoni Clayton. The weather has been fine but rains a little tonight. Henry Terry’s horses are missing and have been hunted today but not found. This morning I composed a new song—“All is well.” I feel to thank my heavenly father for my boy and pray that he will spare and preserve his life and that of his mother and so order it so that we may soon meet again. O Lord bless thine handmaid and fill her with thy spirit, make her healthy that her life may be prolonged and that we may live upon the earth and honor the cause of truth. In the evening I asked the President if he would not suffer me to send for Diantha. He consented and said we would send when we got to Grand River.

THURSDAY, 16TH. This morning prepared to proceed on our journey but a span of horses in our company in care of Henry Terry being missing we concluded not to start. I sent out three men to hunt them. Soon after they were brought into camp by another person. I then sent Henry Terry to hunt for the men but it was after two o’clock before they returned. We fed a little corn and then started. The company is far ahead of us. We traveled very slowly our teams were so weak. However, we soon came into sight of the camp but it was six o’clock before we got there, having traveled about seven miles. The camp was formed on a beautiful prairie, President Young’s camp being on a little eminence. President Kimball’s about three quarters of a mile north of his and ours about a quarter of a mile east. There is some little grass for our cattle here, but little. We sent those of our company about a mile southeast and had a guard over them through the night. President Haws, Captains Egan and Kay and Jackson Redding went out a hunting. George Hale’s cattle were so worn down that they could not get along and when within about a mile of camp about fifteen of the brethren went to help. They took a rope and fixed it on the wagon, loosed the cattle and brought it in themselves, singing all the way. At night the band played and then I retired to bed.

FRIDAY, I7TH. This morning very fine. Some of the camp started very early on the way. I was ready about eight o’clock but was detained on account of Captain Haws, Egan and others having gone hunting. I left Margaret to drive my team and sent them on and I drove the cattle on foot. We formed our encampment on a high dry place.

SUNDAY, 19TH. While the rest are gone to meeting I turned to unpacking and took an inventory of church property. It took till about four o’clock to get through. Daniel Spencer’s company had arrived about five o’clock. Porter Rockwell and Edwin Cutler arrived with the mail. Received a letter from Diantha confirming the birth of my son, also a letter from A. W. Babbit on some business. Went to see the President to show him the inventory but could not find him. About dark he sent for me and I went again but he was gone and I did not see him. My mare got in a mud hole last night and is very badly strained. Evening went to council and read many letters and wrote one to Elder Hyde.

MONDAY, 20TH. At nine o’clock went to council. Had to read some letters and several pieces from papers. A report was read of all those who are able to fit themselves for the mountains. A law was made on motion of President Young that any person who interrupts the council hereafter by talking or otherwise, shall be deprived the privilege of the council till the council see proper to admit him. The public teams being brought together, the bishops took a list of them to be disposed of at Grand River. After council I went to work to assort the articles to be sold, etc. Wrote to Diantha.

TUESDAY, 21ST. This morning the main body of the camp are gone, but I am obliged to tarry and pack up the public goods again and re-load my wagons. I weighed most of our loads and it took until night to get through. Charles Terry’s horse and one of mine are unable to drag any.

WEDNESDAY, 22ND. I had intended to start early this morning but our horses were away which detained us till nearly nine o’clock. About that time we started and traveled slowly about four and a half miles. We then stopped at 11:30 and thought we would rest our teams and get them cooled off. The sun was very warm and they sweat considerably. Word came that O. P. Rockwell was on his way and would call for letters. We intended to wait until he came. I wrote a short letter to A. W. Babbit and one to father but Porter failed to call, and at two o’clock we started again. We traveled until about three o’clock when we passed Orson Pratt who had concluded to stay a piece east of where the camp had tarried last night. He said all the grass was eaten up for several miles around. We concluded to go beyond the timber where the main camp stayed last night but tried to find grass for our teams. We started onward. At the creek watered our teams and rested awhile. We then went on about a mile and a half and found good grass and much of it. We at once concluded to tarry there. We had put a little wood into our wagons to cook with. We arrived on the ground about six o’clock and then got the best camp ground we have had for some time.

Three of our teams were behind when we arrived. Horlick got in about a half an hour after us and then afterwards Swap and Jones arrived at 7:30 o’clock. We are all comfortable but very tired, having traveled about ten miles. My wife Ruth walked all the way and myself also. The rest walked by turns. We have seen many rattlesnakes today. The weather is very fine.

THURSDAY, 23RD. This last night has been very stormy with heavy thunder, hail, rain and wind. The thunder and lightning was very loud and the rain fell in torrents. The weather continues cold and cloudy with some fine showers. There appears some heavy rain in the east and north. Grass looks green and the cattle have filled themselves well. We started about ten o’clock and soon found that last night’s rain had made the roads much worse. After traveling about four miles we stopped to graze our teams, being one o’clock. While resting Elders Taylor and Orson Pratt passed on horseback. At three o’clock we started again and about four came to the President’s camp. He was just returning from an exploring tour to find out better roads. His camp was on the east of a piece of timber. He gave orders to move to the other side of the timber about a mile from where he then was. We concluded to move on and finally camped on the next ridge southwest of his. Our teams are tired and there is not much grass. A number of the horses have been bitten by rattlesnakes and one is dead. There are a great number of these snakes on these prairies. The President says the road to the next timber is all ridges and hollows and will be hard on teams. We got camped about 5:30 p. m., and before we got fixed a thunder storm came on with heavy rain but it was soon over and the evening afterwards was fine.

FRIDAY, 24TH. This morning the President’s company made a bridge over a creek and started again on their journey. Four of my horses were missing and I sent men to hunt them and went myself. They were found about ten o’clock. We tarried until about twelve to rest and then started. We went about two miles and stayed until four o’clock to graze our teams and then went on again and about six o’clock got to timber. I went to hunt a camping spot with Egan. We saw some women who told us Grand River was only a mile ahead and that the other companies were required to go down there. We started and soon arrived at the main body of the camp. We formed on the south side of the camp. The ground here is rich, timber good, and the prospects good for heavy crops. Here we calculated to tarry a while, fence in a piece of land and those who are not prepared to go through to tarry and raise crops. Wild onions grow in abundance. The weather has been fine today. Evening those of the band who are here went to Bishop Miller’s tent and played for the President and a Mr. Bryant who lives about thirty miles from here. Pitt, George, Charles and Steven Hales and William F. Cahoon are way back as yet as well as Heber’s company.

SATURDAY, 25TH. This morning started by daybreak fishing. About 7:30 the President sent for me. I came back but he was gone. President Haws is regulating the company to watch our teams and also go to making rails etc. The morning is fine. About nine o’clock Kendall one of my teamsters, brought one of the horses he drives into camp which had been bitten by a rattlesnake. His nose had begun to swell badly. We got some spirits of turpentine and bathed the wound, washed his face in salt and water and gave him some snakes master root boiled in milk. He yet seems very sick. Our men have made a pen for the cattle at night. I feel quite unwell today. Spent the day chiefly reading. Evening Kennedy came to look at our horse and says they have given sufficient of the master root to kill four well horses. The horse looks very sick and is already scarcely able to stand. The band played a few tunes at night. About nine o’clock it rained somewhat and continued to shower through the night. Pitt arrived in camp this afternoon.

SUNDAY, 26TH. The first news I heard this morning was that the horse was dead. This is a very unlucky circumstance for me for I am already very deficient in teams. Moreover, three of my teams leave me here, viz. Horlick, Chas. A. Terry and Jones with their wagons and teams. I shall then have about quarter teams enough to draw the loads. I have about three thousand pounds of church property besides my own goods. I see little chance of my moving from here at present. The morning was wet but it cleared off and continued so all day. I spent the day reading and writing while the rest went to meeting. Evening was sent for to go to council. Read a letter from O. Hyde stating that they had had an offer of two hundred thousand dollars for the temple. He writes of hard times in Nauvoo. The council selected one hundred men to make rails, forty-eight to build houses; twelve to dig wells; ten to build a bridge and the rest to go to farming.

Steven Markham, C. C. Rich, L. C. Wilson, James Pace to oversee the rail cutting. Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, P. P. Pratt and Geo. A. Smith the house building. A. P. Rockwood to boss bridge building. President Young to boss him and the whole camp and Jacob Peart to boss well digging. The council decided to wait until morning to decide relative to selling the temple. After we adjourned I went into my wagon. I wrote a long letter to Diantha. It was about ten o’clock when I got through.

MONDAY, 27TH. Rained all day. At 6:00 a. m., went to meeting. The men were divided out to work and commenced operations and had to quit on account of rain. After breakfast went to council, when it was voted to sell the temple, signifying as to the reason, it will be more likely to be preserved. It is as lawful to sell it to help the poor saints as to sell our inheritance. We do it because we are compelled to do it. I was ordered to write an answer to Elder Hyde’s letter which I did, saying finally, if the temple was sold, $25,000 must be sent for the benefit of the camp. The balance to be left at the disposal of elder Hyde, Woodruff and the trustees and to be appropriated to help away those who have labored hard to build the temple and the faithful poor of the saints. Spent the balance of the day packing up china and crockery to be sent by Egan.

TUESDAY, 28TH. Weather very wet. Moved up on higher ground. Spent the morning unpacking chests for files and supplies. Afternoon unloading wagon to send a trading. The weather very wet until night.

President Young called over and said we had better not send Egan until the weather settles. The quadrille band have gone to give concerts in the Platte. They had to draw their wagons across the river by ropes the water was so high.

WEDNESDAY, 29TH. It still continues to rain and the ground is getting quite soft and muddy. Spent the day setting men to fixing yokes and bows. Walked out about a mile to the bluff west of us. It ceased raining about eleven o’clock and continued fair through the day.

THURSDAY, 30TH. Unpacking and re-packing chests all the day. It continues to rain more or less and the weather looks bad. Ruth is quite unwell.

FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1846. This month brings the damp wet weather. Chas. Shumway and George Langley start for George Herring this morning being instructed to bring him on to Council Bluffs. Spent the day preparing for Egan to start trading. He has gone with Jackson Redding and has taken $288.00 of church property besides two span of horses and harness and near $60.00 of mine. Afternoon packing chests, etc. The weather finer and fairer.

SATURDAY, 2ND. The day is fine. Preparing some for Horlick’s return to Nauvoo on Monday. Wrote to Diantha. Selling shoes.

SUNDAY, 3RD. The morning fair, windy and cloudy, southeast wind. Spent the morning making a list of all the company who have made their reports, also fixing tents. At ten o’clock went to meeting. O. Spencer talked a while and was followed by President Young who exhorted the camp to diligence in getting in crops for that will be our salvation the next winter. He said no company should start from here until the south field was made and some houses built. It commenced raining as the meeting closed and about three o’clock a thunder storm came on which lasted till near five o’clock. I spent the afternoon reading. Soon after five it cleared off some and the sun shone again. While at supper President Young called and stated that he wished that I should go to council with him. I started and the council met opposite his tent. It was decided that his fifty build the bridge tomorrow and all the rest to make rails and also that Sherwood and Orson Pratt go about twenty-five or thirty miles southwest to seek out another section.

MONDAY, 4TH. Finished my letter to Diantha and sent it by John Richards. Horlick has concluded to tarry till my wagons are fixed. I spent the day examining my flour and crackers and helping to fix the tent as considerable of my crackers and flour are damaged on account of having poor wagons. I dreamed last night that I saw Diantha and her babe. Her babe was dressed in white and appeared to be lying down with its eyes closed. She was bent over it apparently in sorrow. When I went to her she flew to me earnestly but the babe seemed to be kept still and asleep, and I awoke. This dream has troubled me considerably. Evening met the clerks of 50’s in my tent and instructed them how to make their reports, etc.

TUESDAY, 5TH. The weather very fine. I spent the day preparing to enter the reports on the record. Went over to J. D. Lee’s and learned that some of the clerks had been to the President and told him that I had ordered that they should include in their reports each wife a man has. I did not do any such thing, only requested each name should be in full according to the order of a previous council. The President said it did not matter about the names being in full but I think in after days it will prove it does. Dr. Richards thinks as I do. The President, I understand, appeared quite angry. Many of the band are entirely destitute of provisions and my flour is so nearly down I have concluded to eat biscuit. I have given the band considerable of my biscuit already. At nine o’clock fixing my wagons. Expected a storm which soon afterwards commenced, raining and thundering very hard. Raining most of the night.

WEDNESDAY, 6TH. Writing in the camp record. In the afternoon a storm arose emitting very violent wind, thunder, lightning, rain and hail. Many tents blew over. One of mine blew over and most of our articles were wet and some nearly spoiled. I have been informed that Esther Kay has been offering bitter complaints because they do not fare as well as some others. The hint was thrown at Margaret and she understood that it was for me. I have today let Miss Kay a pair of shoes and took down a large bag of biscuits and divided it amongst those who are needy. I have all the time let them have flour, sugar, bacon and other things as I had them and to hear of dissatisfaction because I will not let them have the last I have grieves me. I have given to the band as near as I can estimate, twelve hundred pounds of flour, about four or five hundred pounds of bacon besides much of other things. Towards evening it did not rain so much but continued hard after we went to bed. The wind was very severe, almost as bad as I ever saw it for about a half an hour.