Fuck for Your Rights - Sumo do Caju - E-Book

Fuck for Your Rights E-Book

Sumo do Caju



It's the hottest time of year in Brazil and Galaxy Films still doesn't have an air conditioner, except for one in the manager's office. Day after day, the workers are left dripping in sweat. On top of the oppressive heat, the bosses have refused to give union authorized raises, due to low funds. The workers begin to meet in secret. The protagonist, an accounting intern, finds himself thrust into the center of the drama, lured by the sexy and confrontational, Luísa. Together, they hatch a plan to expose the lies the workers are being told. After looking into the company's finances, the intern discovers that the bosses have taken raises for themselves. Gasp! The workers propose a protest by stripping in the office, having an orgy, but is it only a joke or...? Drama unfolds on the hottest day of the year. Investors make a visit at midday and the workers are denied their usual lunch break. An employee faints in the oppressive heat and one-by-one, the workers take their clothes off to the horror of the bosses. Protest! In the end, will they demands be met?

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Sumo do Caju

Artcover: Eva Slovak


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

September 5th

Hard to believe it’s only been a week since I started working at Galaxy Films. I’ve been really excited these last days, but this afternoon, something clicked.

After seven days of rain and clouds, I could see the sun for the first time from the office. And it was a nightmare: it was the hottest day of the year since March.

It was like a sauna – and not in a good way. My desk sits directly next to a window, but there aren’t any curtains, so the sun is not only blinding, but also basically boils me for three hours. Everybody in the office was angry because despite all the complaining, Walter and Patricia, the bosses, didn’t seem to care. They spent the whole day in their office… the only place in the building with an air conditioner.

I’m finally beginning to understand everybody’s roles in the company. About twenty people in total. As a trainee, I answer to Clóvis, who’s the head of the Financial Department. He has two assistants, Rubia and Sandra. Also, there’s the Post Production department, where four people work (it’s insane that they don’t have air conditioners, all the heat could significantly damage their computers). Three people work in Legal Affairs and two at Facilities, besides Raul, a Company Manager, and, of course, Nina, who is the bosses’ secretary. There is no HR Department, and basically Clóvis deals with everything HR related.

One last department really caught my attention: Project Management. They’re the ones who start all the projects for TV and film, make contacts with financiers and sponsors and basically connect all the other areas in the company. João, he’s the manager and he has two assistants and a trainee.

It was the first day when everybody was present. One of João’s assistants just came back from vacation: Luísa. She seems nice and all the people looked happy to see her, despite the insanely hot weather. The bosses, however, ignored her completely, which I thought was pretty weird. Well, let’s see what happens in the coming days…

September 13th

Today, I understood why the bosses don’t seem to like Luísa.

Walter and Patricia called a meeting and it looked really interesting, at first. We formed a great circle with our chairs. Then, Walter started explaining how Galaxy Films is more of a family than it is a company. He pointed to a group of people that have been working for more than five years and said everybody could learn from them.