The Network Factor - Stefano Calicchio - E-Book

The Network Factor E-Book

Stefano Calicchio

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What is the network factor? How does it affect people's quality of life? What are the hidden rules that allow you to use networks to your advantage?

We all live in multiple networks, but few people stop to think about how they work. In this book, I will explain how to enrich your networks in a constant and continuous way, thus providing you with the resources you need to recognise and increase your opportunities and achieve your goals.  In particular, we will discover together the rules on which building and developing a strong network is based. This is exactly the system of principles and strategies that are often completely ignored by most people because they are highly counterintuitive. This guide takes you by the hand and takes you on a step-by-step journey in which you will discover how to turn on the switch of your networks, how to learn the basics of personal networking and how to become more influential. You will discover the scientific rules for harnessing the power of networks in relationships, how to foster the development of your financial network and how to generate multiple career opportunities. Finally, the last chapter of the book will address the impact of networking on personal health and well-being.

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Stefano Calicchio


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Table of contents


1. How to turn on the network switch

How to turn on the Network switch

The globalisation of networks

Using 'the list

Case History: the 2003 blackout of the electricity network

Learning the skills of the future

How to control a network

Towards collective intelligence

The network effect of the SETI programme

The baptism of the network

From theory to practice: discovering the networks around you

The first axiom of networks

2. Learning the basics of Networking

Understanding the basic elements

Who knows the president?

Operating principles of the network

We are what we connect to

Case History: the enneagram tool

The irregularity of networks

The second axiom of networks

Self-assessment test on the Network Factor

3. How to develop your network

Why develop the Network

Remove passwords from your networks

Case History: the Small World project

The Link Building Strategy

From handshake to social climbing

The secret of weak contacts

The third axiom of networks

4. How to harness the power of networking in relationships

The network's field of excellence

Synchronise your relationships

The case does not exist

Taking the leap

Case History: the phenomenon of Co-housing

Overcoming shyness

Improving your emotional intelligence

Learning social rules

Case History: the story of Leonard Zelig

How to create quantum leaps in personal relationships

First steps to apply the Network Factor in relationships

5. How to set up your financial network

The importance of the Network Factor for money management

How to generate financial wealth through networks

Discovering one's own financial networks

A practical exercise to discover your financial networks

How to leverage financial networks

Case History: Venture Capitalists

How to innovate to break free from the barriers of mother nodes

How to find your business angels

Using the network factor in your financial situation

6. How to use the network to get ahead

Is a career really a question of work ability?

Case History: The man who never eats alone

Making a career: quantity and quality of your contacts

How to analyse your network in the work environment

Focus on the network

Building relational bridges with colleagues

Case History: the history of presidents

How to structure one's social competence

Successfully exploiting the Network Factor in the workplace

7. How to turn the network into your own well-being

The influence of the Network Factor on one's state of well-being

The Network Factor and its psychosomatic impact

Analysing the relationship between networks and one's own well-being

Case History: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Our body as a large network

Case History: the story of 23andme

Final implications of the Network Factor in personal well-being


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Copyright information

Author: Stefano Calicchio

Copyright: © Standard License - All rights reserved


Welcome to the world's first book on how to develop the "Network Factor". I began to understand the importance of networks and the influence they have on our lives many years ago, when I was doing my first research on viral marketing and the spreading properties of viral ideas.

The idea of networks as universally recognised systems was not yet as widespread as it is today. The Internet was just beginning to attract media attention with the new economy, which would soon turn out to be a speculative bubble. In those days, many believed that the network would be an ephemeral game dedicated exclusively to computer enthusiasts.

But despite these prejudices about computer networks, people were beginning to become increasingly aware of the presence of networks and their influence in their daily lives. After all, each of us unknowingly exploits an incredible number of networks in our modern lives. From the electricity grid to the car and rail transport network to the web and social networks.

Although at the time of my early research my focus was on modelling and developing an easily and universally usable strategy for spreading ideas in a viral way, it was clear to me early on that the principles and rules about the epidemic spread of memes within specific social structures could be the basis of a bigger insight or design. Simply put, what works well in marketing and advertising could work just as well for other areas of life.

My first efforts resulted in a book, first published in Italy and then in the main Anglo-Saxon countries, which was cited as a reference text in a number of theses and academic publications. This was an encouraging result, which made me realise immediately that I was on the right track. People are very aware of the potential of networks to enrich their lifestyle, but there is no real instruction booklet enabling them to take full advantage of these new opportunities.

After many years of study and documentation, I have now finally managed to decode the broader picture that had unfolded to me during my early analysis of viral marketing phenomena. I synthesised these new discoveries through a principle that could easily gather and simplify the best strategies for controlling and managing networks. Thus the Network Factor was born.

In the course of my independent research, I have always been struck by the way in which an individual's network can completely change his or her very existence. Human beings base their lives on social relationships, yet there are still very few technologies and theories that can universally explain how networks are formed and how they can be exploited to one's personal advantage.

The most interesting thing about this is that nobody seems to really notice this enormous potential. Just like the law of gravity before Newton's famous apple, the Network Factor is a social and material mechanism in which everyone is embedded, but of which most people are completely unaware.

Einstein understood and explained this when he said that our way of thinking creates problems that the same level of thinking cannot solve. So, if you really want your decisions to have more potential within your life, you have to make a lateral leap in your line of thinking, reconsidering your whole existence also in terms of networks and social networks.

How many times have we heard phrases like 'that person was less prepared than the others, but he had the right knowledge to secure the promotion' or 'his new business was extraordinarily successful, but it was all too easy with the partners backing him on everything'.

What is truly incredible is not that these types of people succeed so easily, but that most observers find something to be amazed about. All you have to do is open your eyes and take a fresh look and you will realise that these people have a discriminating element on their side that is as sensible as it is useful: the Network Factor.

This brings us to the fundamental idea that permeates this manual: to succeed in today's society, you need to develop your networking skills. It does not matter what your real goal is: to get a promotion, to open a company, to volunteer, to develop a new political movement... the fundamental skill needed to succeed in all these is to be able to build and constantly nurture your social, economic, work, health, and so on network.

Let's take a practical example. Have you ever heard or used the expression: 'money is not a problem'? When you have a good business idea, money is never an issue, because anyone will be happy to lend their money to an activity that generates copious and continuous profits over time. So how come there are so many people with good ideas but without the practical inspiration to build them?

When a person cannot find enough money to realise a business idea, the real problem is not a lack of money, but rather a lack of network.

Sometimes a large sum of money at the start can be completely irrelevant, whereas the right advice is crucial. People with a poor network find it difficult to realise their goals, whether in the financial or business sector.

Over the next few pages, I will explain how to enrich your networks in a constant and continuous way, thus ensuring that you have the resources you need to make the most of your life in all its aspects. In particular, we will discover together the rules on which the construction and development of a solid network is based. This is exactly that system of principles and strategies that are often completely (and tragically) ignored by most people because they are highly counterintuitive.

It will be an exciting and unique journey that will give you a new awareness of your network and skills that you are unlikely to develop on your own. If you are ready to gain a new awareness of how to interact with the networks around you, you just need to turn the page and start reading.

1. How to turn on the network switch

How to turn on the Network switch

Complex systems are one of the wonders of our world. Think of something so complex that it can only be grasped as a whole, and you get a pretty good idea of why people struggle to gain a clear understanding of what is going on around them. Only a few are able to grasp what is behind the general view of things (knowledge is power, said Bacon).

The interesting thing is that those few are the ones who usually develop an enormous possibility to intervene in the external reality and at the same time have real possibilities to achieve ambitious goals.

The world today is as articulated as it is self-organised. Everything seems to flow with the utmost ineluctability in an apparently harmonious way, but without any apparent order or precise design. An (apparently manageable) chaos seems to dominate all human existence.

Sometimes, as chance would have it, someone comes up with a new idea, as unexpectedly as suddenly, and a new perspective appears that only yesterday seemed so trivial and yet so elusive. Gravity, light and relativity are good examples of this.

But what are the implications for each of us? The interesting side of the question is that some people seem to have the ability to intuit universal rules and principles before others have managed to formalise them.

More importantly, these great anticipators understand how to use the hidden rules to their advantage, radically changing their position within the context in which they operate. If you have managed to grasp this, you have had a small taste of what this guide will do for you. What has just been described is exactly what happens when you turn on the network switch in your life.

Of course, not everything can happen automatically and spontaneously. Learning how to make the best use of your networks can take years of experience, but you will be able to speed up the natural learning curve enormously, thanks to the advice and suggestions I will offer on these pages.

After all, the Network Factor naturally influences the life of any individual. We simply tend to remember those who have achieved the most. Take, for example, the biographies of many people in history books. Analyse their knowledge bases or social networks and you will discover that they became what they were thanks to those close to them.

So, people who are particularly effective in achieving their goals obtain results also because they sense the existence of a set of rules that characterised their networks. A system that would certainly allow them to emerge, because whenever there is a person who emerges there is an element that cannot be overlooked: their network of relationships.